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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar
Tareenka dhulka hoostiisa maro (subway) ayaa saarnaa markaa arkay xayeysiintaan dowladda hoose ee Toronto xayeysiineyso oo Afsoomaali ku qoran. Telefoonka ku sawiray. Ee sida loo micneeye maa u micneen lahayd adigoo micneynaayo ereyada Ingiriis ee far Soomaaliga hoosteeda ku qoran.
Waxaan koley haddee jiraan wax saas u badan ma'aha, Reer Galbeedkaana buun buuniska raqiiska ku nacay. Laakiin Afgaantaan ma'ogi wax ayaa si ka ah dhaqamadooda, diinta Islaamkana waxee fareyso ma'ahee wax kale faraan.
Awmaadeey muxuu iskaga meer meerinaayaa dhabta jiri jirtay. Dhabta waxee ahayd kuwaas Barbaarta Jowhar ka taliyo hore ayee u mamnuuceen ciyaaraha banooniga la ciyaaro. Maamulkii hore la badalay ugu wacan inay xaalka isbadalo. Dadka reer Jowhar oo mudo laba sana ah kadib daawaday ciyaarti ugu horeysay oo kubadda cagta ah Ciyaar kubbada cagta ah oo aad u xiiso badnayd ayaa markii ugu horeysey muddo labo sano ah waxaa lagu daawaday galabta garoonka kubbada cagta ee degmada Jowhar. Ciyaartan ayaa waxaa daawashadeeda ka soo qeybglay boqolaal ruux oo ka kala yimid xaafadaha degmada jowhar ay ka kooban tahay. Ciyaarta maanta ayaa waxaa wada ciyaaray labada koox ee ku kala ciyaarayay magacyada Cefa iyo Sahan, ciyaartan ayaa ciyaartoydii labada koox u kala ciyaaraysay dhalinyaro iyagu si dhuumasho ah ku ciyaari jirtey bilihii la soo dhaafay kubbada cagta . Hase ahaatee is afgarad dhex maray maamulka gobolka Sh.dhexe iyo dhalinyarada isboortiga ayaa loo fasaxay in ay kubbada ciyaaraan balse fuliyaan qoddobo dhowr ah oo ay dhalinyaraduna oggolaatay . Ciyaartan ayaa daqiiqadihii la ciyaarayay waxaa ay ku dhamaatay barbaro eber iyo eber ah. Hase yeeshee ciyaartan ayaa waxaa ay ahayd mid xiiso badnayd maadaama dad aan muddo dheer aan is arag ay ku kulmeen garoonka kubbada cagta. Maamulkii gobolka Sh.dhexe ayaa hore uga mamnuucay garoomada kubbada cagta ee Jowhar in lagu ciyaaro waxayna dhalinyaro badan kala kulmi jireen maamulkii hore hanjabaado iyo xarig. Xigasho Dhabta labaad jirto waxee tahay Reer Afgooye ilaa iyo hadda banooni ciyaaraan looma ogola.
Also clove, aka dhagayare, eases pain causes by toothaches.
But there was no Dharkanleey degmo in '79 nooh. Qariirada dib ha loogu noqdo.
Can an Indepenent SSC State survive????
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to MoonLight1's topic in Politics
That too happened in Xamar, back in early 1991, after the immediate fall of dowladii kacaanka. Kuwa militia ka mid ah jabhadii Xamar qabsatay started inay dadka soo qab qabtaan because of qabyaalad qurunkeeda. And they would ask abtirsigooda, laakiin haddee kasii shakiyaan waxee leeyihiin 'kow, laba' tiri. Waxee sugaayaan kii u qaldama. Kow, laba, sadex....sideed, sagaal, toban, kow iyo toban. Maskiinkii 'kow iyo toban' afkiisa kasoo baxo instead of 'toban iyo koow' wadkiisa soo dadajinaayeen, Eebba naf haayee. Waxee aaminsanayeen qofka leh 'kow iyo toban' in gobollada dhexe iyo korkooda ka yimid. Maba oga dad badan ayaa isticmaalo regardless meeshee u dhasheen. Soomaali waxee cuqubada ugu bixi ladahay xasuuqyadaas camal dhiig badan aan waxba galabsan lagu daadiye dhulkeena Soomaaliya. _________________ Xunjuf, kaftan iga tahay waa ogtahay. -
Somali Xalimoos for Blacks, Habesha girls for White
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Abtigiis's topic in General
rantingmrp;769872 wrote: What colour are somalis, yellow? You probably mean ethnic background rather than colour. Economic, national and ethnic politics means it is probably more acceptable (in somalia) for somali women to marry white men or african american muslims or african americans in general (in that order, descending), but where communities rub up against each other (e.g. in Nairobi) or where the situation is dire (e.g. in Kenya's refugee camps, which are choc-full of somali families happy and willing to let their daughters marry anyone who will get them out of those hellholes), intermarriages happen with unremarkable regularity. In some cases it has assumed alarming manifestations for somalis: somali men losing their wives to kenyans in refugee camps, for example (see http://goo.gl/5LZzw ). At any rate, people have been intermarrying for millenia and will continue to do so, regardless of prevailing or perceived social or tribal norms or mores. "Intermarrying for millenia???" What are you on about? These are Soomaalis. Nothing to do with Kenyaati. To you, you might call them "Soomaali-Kenyans," but to us Soomaalida, they are as Soomaali as me and any other Soomaali. We don't make no distinguish between the Soomaali in Gaarisa and the one in Jabuuti. We are all Soomaalis. -
Can an Indepenent SSC State survive????
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to MoonLight1's topic in Politics
Carafaat;770098 wrote: waad arki doonta. Intuunan Xaajiga iyo xuftiisa ku sixin aan ku saxo. Waxa waaye 'waad adhki doontaa.' -
Interviewwith president Ismaciil Cumar geele of Djibouti.
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
She was my second favourite. Her perpetual cute smile when listening to her listeners in her Salaamaha show was ingrained in my mind. As cute as her smile was though, it could never match the nice dimple and easygoing our sister at Horncable had. Of course, I am talking about Nimca Sabriye and her Boggaadin iyo Bariida show. -
Interviewwith president Ismaciil Cumar geele of Djibouti.
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Is Cowke back on Yunifersal? Because of this sensitive dude and his $$, he was sacked because of mere. light jokes made on air about Jabuuti and this sensitive man. Sucks. Cowke was the only person I liked on that channel, especially his special Ciid and New Year shows. And yea, his one-on-one show with fannaaniinta. -
Waxaan maxee tahay, banooni maala ciyaaroyaa oo la qash qashaadaayo. Maalin walba kuraas isla dhacooyaan iyo bakoorado. it will be a matter of days before mid keensado bistoolad, kuna dilo qaarkood. Awalba badow yaa xil u dhiiban jiray, kii aaminsanaana ka badowsan. Badankooda waa badowyaal waxmagarata ah, dowlad guud iyo axdigeeda meel ee ka bilaabato iyo meel ee ku dhamaataba ma yaqaanaan ee maxeeba sharci dajiyaan.
Hiraanonline Dayniile Jidbaale Raxanreeb Somalichannel tv Bbc Voice of amarica xargaga online iyo kuwa kale oo badan. SOL ayaa laga ilooway liiskaan. Mise 'kuwa kale oo badan' ee ku jirtaa miyaa.
Eebba ha u raxmado. Aaden Gabyoow iyo Aaden Kuukaay magacyo aan maqli jiray ahayd back in the days. Taloow Axmed Cumar Jees intuu ku dambeeye. One of the original warlords dagaal'oognimo faraha kala baxay ayuu ahaa Cumar Jees, danta haku kalifto or not.
This site is moderated, so baliis hala isixtiraamo.
Wanted: Herbs And Spices Translated
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Bluelicious's topic in General
Sax, 'parsley' waa kabsarcaleen. Ma'ogi meelee iska soo galaan barbarooni iyo parsley. Peanuts –laws Coconut -Qombe Loos waaye, xaaji. Iyo qumbe. Garamgaram camal u qortay nooh. -
Nice to see you posting brother Daa'uud. I hope wax walba inay qeyryihiin dhankaaga. Everytime I pass Amsterdam's Schiphol airport as a transit, somehow brother Daa'uud suu yahay ayaa isdhahaa, LoL.
NFD, Kikuyu´s and constitutional reform in Kenya
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Carafaat's topic in Politics
The bar is a Kenyaati bar and patrons are Kenyaatiga. So nothing to do with Soomaalida. -
Ethiopia wont touch u if u line up and submit to them, you will live in peace!!! The only time the ethios will terrorise you is when you stand up to them and try to get your freedom back. In the course of mankind's history, it always happened, that foreigners invaded other people's lands. Nothing new and it is not something Xabashada invented. But the local, occupied people have a choice: You either fight back and liberate your land and people or you completely submit into submission; a weak, broken people, both morally and physically. But if you can allow yourself to submit to Xabashada as your overlord, why can't you allow yourself to submit to another Soomaali. Yaa ogaado tol beelayee, ba'ayee ayaa la soo shirtagi lahayd if tomorrow another "enemy" Soomaali clan ku duulo your supposed clan land, no? You can't stand submitting yourself to another Soomaali kale because of qabiil iyo waxaas, laakiin Xabashi ureyso u nacamleyneysaa because you fear them that much. Is that so?
When I was reading meeshaan now, I don't know why I remembered this, but here it is. Google sued by former Formula One head Mosley over sex party searches Former Formula One racing head Max Mosley is suing Google to get information he doesn’t like off user searches. The 71-year-old has been fighting for his privacy ever since a British tabloid published a story and video in 2008 featuring Mosley in a German prison camp-themed private sex party. First, Mosley went after the newspaper that broke the story. Since then, he has escalated his attacks against media, culminating in two dozen lawsuits involving Google in Europe and, potentially, California. If successful, the lawsuit could have far-reaching consequences. “Search engines are not publishers and cannot be held responsible for everything on the web,” Padraig Reidy, of Britain’s Index on Censorship, told the Guardian. “If they are held responsible, it would fundamentally alter the web from the free space that has changed the way we live, ultimately rendering the web unsearchable.” Imagine if people who rioted in Vancouver after the Canucks lost the Stanley Cup or G20 protesters had been able to remove all traces of themselves from online search results, said Queen’s University communications professor Sidneyeve Matrix. “Clearly we’ve all got digital dirt that we’d like to sweep under the carpet,” said Matrix. The images and video footage at the heart of the issue showed Mosley interacting with five sex workers dressed up as German prison guards, one of whom had been fitted with a hidden camera. The News of the World, which first published the story, was closed down by owner Rupert Murdoch earlier this year, when the world found out the tabloid had tapped the phones of many prominent Britons. But this was not before Mosley had won a suit against the paper for defamation and invasion of privacy in 2008. A British court ordered The News of the World to pay the accuser £60,000 in damages, as well as cover his legal expenses. Mosley objected to the orgy being described as a Nazi prison camp sex party. He insisted it was a German prison camp sex party. Mosley’s father, Oswald, was the longtime leader of the Fascist party in England, and was a supporter of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. As a young man, Mosley had considered running for office as a Conservative, but his family background was too much of a liability. In January of this year, Mosley went to the European Court of Human Rights to demand the U.K. press offer “prior notice” of news stories involving celebrities and public figures. This would provide these people with time to get a court injunction to stop a story from getting published. In May, the European court turned down Mosley’s plea, ruling that such a move would severely limit freedom of speech. This did not end the car-racing enthusiast’s privacy crusade. Mosley recently appeared at the Leveson Inquiry on ethics in the British press. There, he revealed he has lawsuits pending, “in 22 or 23 countries at the moment.” He described this as “an ongoing process.” Mosley objects to Google not voluntarily taking down images he doesn’t like. “They say we’re not obliged to police the web and we don’t want to police the web, so we have brought proceedings against them in France and Germany where the jurisprudence is favourable. We’re also considering bringing proceedings against them in California,” Mosley told the inquiry. “If somebody were to stop the search engines producing the material, the actual sites don’t really matter because without a search engine, nobody will find it, it would be just a few friends of the person who posts it,” he added. Google is still the 800-pound search gorilla, Matrix noted. “If you get it removed from Google, you solve 90 per cent of the reputational problem because that’s the go-to site for searching,” said Matrix. A Google spokesperson responded with a statement used before when people have demanded that material be taken off the web: “Google’s search results reflect the information available on billions of web pages on the Internet. We don’t, and can’t, control what others post online, but when we’re told that a specific page is illegal under a court order, then we move quickly to remove it from our search results.” Toronto Star
Carafaat;769092 wrote: Allah ha u naxariisto. They were so young, ambitious, inexperienced and ignorant. And Somali's were so blinded and foolish to follow them leading to internal collapse of the weak fundaments of the governing system. Xaaka hadleysaa. Taariiqda anagoo wali nool maaba rabtaa inaa horteena ku badashid.
Prof. Samatar oo rajo ka muujiyay mustaqbalka Soomaaliya, kuna baaqay in la iscafiyo Hogaamiyayaasha xisbiga Soomaaliyeed ee Hiil Qaran oo shir maanta ku qabtay Hotelka Laico Regency ee magaalada Nairobi ayaa ka hadlay safar ay dhawaan ku tageen magaalada Muqdisho iyo sida xal loogu heli karo dhibaatada Soomaaliya. Proffesor Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar oo kamid ah hogaamiyayaasha xisbiga Hiil Qaran ayaa ka sheekeeyay waxay ku soo arkeen magaalada Muqdisho, isagoo ku tilmaamay burburka ka muuqda Muqdisho inay u ekeetay magaalo lagu dhuftay hubka Nuclearka. “Waxaan tagay 58 wadan oo dunida ku yaalla oo ay kamid yihiin magaalooyinka Heroshima iyo Nekesaki ee waddanka Japan oo lagu dhuftay Nuclear, balse muuqaalka Muqdisho ayaa igala naxdin badnaa, 90% way burburtay magaaladu waxay u ekayd magaalo lagu dhuftay Nuclear”. Ayuu yiri Samatar oo jeediyay khudbo qiiro galisay dadkii halkaas joogay. “Wadadii Maka Al-mukarrama ee ahayd halbawlaha caasimada, way burburtay, hogag ayay isu badashay, shacabkana dac darro ayaa ka muuqatay”. Ayuu sii raacshay intii uu ka sheekaynayay baaxada burburka gaaray Muqdisho. Prof. Samatar ayaa dhanka kale rajo ka muujiyay mustaqbalka Soomaaliya, isagoo xusay inuu Muqdisho ku soo arkay dhalinyaro Soomaaliyeed oo jecel inay wax qabsadaan, balse ay haysato hogaan la’aani. “Jaamacada ayaan khudbad ka jeediyay boqolaal ayaa isugu timid, taasi waxay ku tusaysaa inay dadka rajadoodii ayan dhiman”. Ayuu yiri. Cabdulaahi Faarax oo isna kamid ah xisbiga Hiil Qaran ayaa safarkoodii ku sheegay inay ku tageen qaybo kamid ah magaalada Muqdisho iyo xeryaha ay ku jiraan dadka barakacayaasha ah, oo uu sheegay inay haysato xaalad nololeed oo aad u adag. Xamdi Cabdulle oo kamid ah hogaamiyayaasha ururka ayaa iyaduna ka hadashay doorka haweenka Soomaaliyeed ay ciyaareen xilligii burburka oo ay ku tilmaantay inay jihad u galeen sidii ay u badbaadin lahaayeen nolosha qoysaskooda. “Haweenku waa kuwa lacagta ugu badan dibadaha kasoo dira, waa kuwa dalka qoysaska jooga u shaqeeya, saasoo ay tahayna doorkooda laguma xaq dhowro oo waxay la kulmaan tacadiyo raggoodiina waa kuwo iska qayilaya”. Ayay tiri Xamdi. Xamdi ayaa haweenka Soomaaliyeed ku tilmaantay inay yihiin hooyooyinka ugu kartida badan ee mar walba kasoo saara dalka iyo qoysaskoodaba marxaladaha adag. Gudoomiye ku xigeenka baarlamaanka Kenya Faarax Macallim oo goobtaasi ka hadlay ayaa sheegay inuu taageeri doono ururka Hiil Qaran walow uu tilmaamay in ururo badan oo uu taageero la garab istaagay ay ku guul darraysteen arrimaha Soomaaliya. Faarax Macallim ayaa ka codsaday Soomaalida inay dalkooda u soo jeestaan ayna wax ka qabsadaan. “Muslinka indhaha duubtay ee dalalka kale ka yimid ee Soomaaliya Alshabaab ay keentay ma dan baa ugu jirta Shacabka Soomaaliyeed? Soomaalida waxaan u sheegayaa muslinka dhulku isuguma jiro nin walba waddankiisa ayuu leeyahay, sucuudiga xataa oo baytkii barakaysnaa ku yaal fiiso ayaa lagaa rabaa, marka Soomaaliyay isku tashada”. Ayuu yiri Faarax oo aad ay ugu sacabiyeen dadkii halkaasi isugu yimid. Kulankii ay qabteen xisbiga Hiil Qaran oo ay sidoo kale isugu yimaadeen masuuliyiin kala duwan iyo taageerayaasha xisbiga ayaa ugu dambayntii lagu soo afmeeray fariimo ay dirayeen hogaamiyayaasha xisbiga oo sheegay in Hiil Qaran uusan taageero ka helin cidna ayna ku tiirsanyihiin oo kaliya lacagaha ay iska aruuriyaan xubnihiisa. Waxayna ugu baaqeen Soomaalida inay garab istaagaan xisbiga ama ay abuuraan qorshayaal kale oo dadka iyo dalka lagu badbaadinayo, iyagoo xalka Soomaaliya sheegay inuu ku jiro Soomaalida oo gacmaha is qabsata lagana shaqeeyo sidii dib loogu yagleeli lahaa is jacaylkii Soomaalida ka dhaxayn jiray. Guuld Hiilqaran
10). Cali Xasan (Bartuura) 11). Yaasiin Xaaji Cismaan 12). Xaaji Max'ed Xuseen Xaamuud 13). C/qaadir Sh. Saqaawadiin
Ever wondered who is who of halyeeydaan. Yes, you have heard of their names and had seen their pictures, but could you match their names to their respective pictures. Here they are. 1). Max'ed Faarax Hilowle (Farinaajo) 2). Max'ed C/llahi Xayeesi 3). Sayid Nuur Xirsi 4). Max'ed Cismaan Baarbe 5). Max'ed Cali nuur 6). Huudoow Macalin C/llaahi Saalax 7). Dheere Xaaji Dheere 8). Daahir Xaaji Cismaan (Dhagaweyne) 9). Cismaan Geedi Raage