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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. The bar is a Kenyaati bar and patrons are Kenyaatiga. So nothing to do with Soomaalida.
  2. Ethiopia wont touch u if u line up and submit to them, you will live in peace!!! The only time the ethios will terrorise you is when you stand up to them and try to get your freedom back. In the course of mankind's history, it always happened, that foreigners invaded other people's lands. Nothing new and it is not something Xabashada invented. But the local, occupied people have a choice: You either fight back and liberate your land and people or you completely submit into submission; a weak, broken people, both morally and physically. But if you can allow yourself to submit to Xabashada as your overlord, why can't you allow yourself to submit to another Soomaali. Yaa ogaado tol beelayee, ba'ayee ayaa la soo shirtagi lahayd if tomorrow another "enemy" Soomaali clan ku duulo your supposed clan land, no? You can't stand submitting yourself to another Soomaali kale because of qabiil iyo waxaas, laakiin Xabashi ureyso u nacamleyneysaa because you fear them that much. Is that so?
  3. @MajorEChirchir It’s a mission failed, Major. Forget the gory details of war & try ballet instead for more suitable career. War is for Men!
  4. When I was reading meeshaan now, I don't know why I remembered this, but here it is. Google sued by former Formula One head Mosley over sex party searches Former Formula One racing head Max Mosley is suing Google to get information he doesn’t like off user searches. The 71-year-old has been fighting for his privacy ever since a British tabloid published a story and video in 2008 featuring Mosley in a German prison camp-themed private sex party. First, Mosley went after the newspaper that broke the story. Since then, he has escalated his attacks against media, culminating in two dozen lawsuits involving Google in Europe and, potentially, California. If successful, the lawsuit could have far-reaching consequences. “Search engines are not publishers and cannot be held responsible for everything on the web,” Padraig Reidy, of Britain’s Index on Censorship, told the Guardian. “If they are held responsible, it would fundamentally alter the web from the free space that has changed the way we live, ultimately rendering the web unsearchable.” Imagine if people who rioted in Vancouver after the Canucks lost the Stanley Cup or G20 protesters had been able to remove all traces of themselves from online search results, said Queen’s University communications professor Sidneyeve Matrix. “Clearly we’ve all got digital dirt that we’d like to sweep under the carpet,” said Matrix. The images and video footage at the heart of the issue showed Mosley interacting with five sex workers dressed up as German prison guards, one of whom had been fitted with a hidden camera. The News of the World, which first published the story, was closed down by owner Rupert Murdoch earlier this year, when the world found out the tabloid had tapped the phones of many prominent Britons. But this was not before Mosley had won a suit against the paper for defamation and invasion of privacy in 2008. A British court ordered The News of the World to pay the accuser £60,000 in damages, as well as cover his legal expenses. Mosley objected to the orgy being described as a Nazi prison camp sex party. He insisted it was a German prison camp sex party. Mosley’s father, Oswald, was the longtime leader of the Fascist party in England, and was a supporter of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. As a young man, Mosley had considered running for office as a Conservative, but his family background was too much of a liability. In January of this year, Mosley went to the European Court of Human Rights to demand the U.K. press offer “prior notice” of news stories involving celebrities and public figures. This would provide these people with time to get a court injunction to stop a story from getting published. In May, the European court turned down Mosley’s plea, ruling that such a move would severely limit freedom of speech. This did not end the car-racing enthusiast’s privacy crusade. Mosley recently appeared at the Leveson Inquiry on ethics in the British press. There, he revealed he has lawsuits pending, “in 22 or 23 countries at the moment.” He described this as “an ongoing process.” Mosley objects to Google not voluntarily taking down images he doesn’t like. “They say we’re not obliged to police the web and we don’t want to police the web, so we have brought proceedings against them in France and Germany where the jurisprudence is favourable. We’re also considering bringing proceedings against them in California,” Mosley told the inquiry. “If somebody were to stop the search engines producing the material, the actual sites don’t really matter because without a search engine, nobody will find it, it would be just a few friends of the person who posts it,” he added. Google is still the 800-pound search gorilla, Matrix noted. “If you get it removed from Google, you solve 90 per cent of the reputational problem because that’s the go-to site for searching,” said Matrix. A Google spokesperson responded with a statement used before when people have demanded that material be taken off the web: “Google’s search results reflect the information available on billions of web pages on the Internet. We don’t, and can’t, control what others post online, but when we’re told that a specific page is illegal under a court order, then we move quickly to remove it from our search results.” Toronto Star
  5. Carafaat;769092 wrote: Allah ha u naxariisto. They were so young, ambitious, inexperienced and ignorant. And Somali's were so blinded and foolish to follow them leading to internal collapse of the weak fundaments of the governing system. Xaaka hadleysaa. Taariiqda anagoo wali nool maaba rabtaa inaa horteena ku badashid.
  6. Prof. Samatar oo rajo ka muujiyay mustaqbalka Soomaaliya, kuna baaqay in la iscafiyo Hogaamiyayaasha xisbiga Soomaaliyeed ee Hiil Qaran oo shir maanta ku qabtay Hotelka Laico Regency ee magaalada Nairobi ayaa ka hadlay safar ay dhawaan ku tageen magaalada Muqdisho iyo sida xal loogu heli karo dhibaatada Soomaaliya. Proffesor Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar oo kamid ah hogaamiyayaasha xisbiga Hiil Qaran ayaa ka sheekeeyay waxay ku soo arkeen magaalada Muqdisho, isagoo ku tilmaamay burburka ka muuqda Muqdisho inay u ekeetay magaalo lagu dhuftay hubka Nuclearka. “Waxaan tagay 58 wadan oo dunida ku yaalla oo ay kamid yihiin magaalooyinka Heroshima iyo Nekesaki ee waddanka Japan oo lagu dhuftay Nuclear, balse muuqaalka Muqdisho ayaa igala naxdin badnaa, 90% way burburtay magaaladu waxay u ekayd magaalo lagu dhuftay Nuclear”. Ayuu yiri Samatar oo jeediyay khudbo qiiro galisay dadkii halkaas joogay. “Wadadii Maka Al-mukarrama ee ahayd halbawlaha caasimada, way burburtay, hogag ayay isu badashay, shacabkana dac darro ayaa ka muuqatay”. Ayuu sii raacshay intii uu ka sheekaynayay baaxada burburka gaaray Muqdisho. Prof. Samatar ayaa dhanka kale rajo ka muujiyay mustaqbalka Soomaaliya, isagoo xusay inuu Muqdisho ku soo arkay dhalinyaro Soomaaliyeed oo jecel inay wax qabsadaan, balse ay haysato hogaan la’aani. “Jaamacada ayaan khudbad ka jeediyay boqolaal ayaa isugu timid, taasi waxay ku tusaysaa inay dadka rajadoodii ayan dhiman”. Ayuu yiri. Cabdulaahi Faarax oo isna kamid ah xisbiga Hiil Qaran ayaa safarkoodii ku sheegay inay ku tageen qaybo kamid ah magaalada Muqdisho iyo xeryaha ay ku jiraan dadka barakacayaasha ah, oo uu sheegay inay haysato xaalad nololeed oo aad u adag. Xamdi Cabdulle oo kamid ah hogaamiyayaasha ururka ayaa iyaduna ka hadashay doorka haweenka Soomaaliyeed ay ciyaareen xilligii burburka oo ay ku tilmaantay inay jihad u galeen sidii ay u badbaadin lahaayeen nolosha qoysaskooda. “Haweenku waa kuwa lacagta ugu badan dibadaha kasoo dira, waa kuwa dalka qoysaska jooga u shaqeeya, saasoo ay tahayna doorkooda laguma xaq dhowro oo waxay la kulmaan tacadiyo raggoodiina waa kuwo iska qayilaya”. Ayay tiri Xamdi. Xamdi ayaa haweenka Soomaaliyeed ku tilmaantay inay yihiin hooyooyinka ugu kartida badan ee mar walba kasoo saara dalka iyo qoysaskoodaba marxaladaha adag. Gudoomiye ku xigeenka baarlamaanka Kenya Faarax Macallim oo goobtaasi ka hadlay ayaa sheegay inuu taageeri doono ururka Hiil Qaran walow uu tilmaamay in ururo badan oo uu taageero la garab istaagay ay ku guul darraysteen arrimaha Soomaaliya. Faarax Macallim ayaa ka codsaday Soomaalida inay dalkooda u soo jeestaan ayna wax ka qabsadaan. “Muslinka indhaha duubtay ee dalalka kale ka yimid ee Soomaaliya Alshabaab ay keentay ma dan baa ugu jirta Shacabka Soomaaliyeed? Soomaalida waxaan u sheegayaa muslinka dhulku isuguma jiro nin walba waddankiisa ayuu leeyahay, sucuudiga xataa oo baytkii barakaysnaa ku yaal fiiso ayaa lagaa rabaa, marka Soomaaliyay isku tashada”. Ayuu yiri Faarax oo aad ay ugu sacabiyeen dadkii halkaasi isugu yimid. Kulankii ay qabteen xisbiga Hiil Qaran oo ay sidoo kale isugu yimaadeen masuuliyiin kala duwan iyo taageerayaasha xisbiga ayaa ugu dambayntii lagu soo afmeeray fariimo ay dirayeen hogaamiyayaasha xisbiga oo sheegay in Hiil Qaran uusan taageero ka helin cidna ayna ku tiirsanyihiin oo kaliya lacagaha ay iska aruuriyaan xubnihiisa. Waxayna ugu baaqeen Soomaalida inay garab istaagaan xisbiga ama ay abuuraan qorshayaal kale oo dadka iyo dalka lagu badbaadinayo, iyagoo xalka Soomaaliya sheegay inuu ku jiro Soomaalida oo gacmaha is qabsata lagana shaqeeyo sidii dib loogu yagleeli lahaa is jacaylkii Soomaalida ka dhaxayn jiray. Guuld Hiilqaran
  7. 10). Cali Xasan (Bartuura) 11). Yaasiin Xaaji Cismaan 12). Xaaji Max'ed Xuseen Xaamuud 13). C/qaadir Sh. Saqaawadiin
  8. Ever wondered who is who of halyeeydaan. Yes, you have heard of their names and had seen their pictures, but could you match their names to their respective pictures. Here they are. 1). Max'ed Faarax Hilowle (Farinaajo) 2). Max'ed C/llahi Xayeesi 3). Sayid Nuur Xirsi 4). Max'ed Cismaan Baarbe 5). Max'ed Cali nuur 6). Huudoow Macalin C/llaahi Saalax 7). Dheere Xaaji Dheere 8). Daahir Xaaji Cismaan (Dhagaweyne) 9). Cismaan Geedi Raage
  9. Sawirkaas jidka la suray waa sawiradii ofishaalka ahaa ee Golaha Sare ee Kacaanka. Shabakadaan ayaa laga soo qaatay. Muuse Rabiile Good, Eebba ha u raxmadee. Magaciisa waa maqli jiray, aad iyo aad.
  10. Waxaan yaabkooda maka daashid miyaa. Kamoon, Yaabane. Ka qalee walaalaheena.
  11. Meeshee candhuufta marisay taloow intee waaye. Faraheeda leefeysaa, hoosna candhuuf marineysaa inteenan gishan kahor. Waaba lasii qooysanaa. Qoftaan mutacalimad weynaatay waaye.
  12. Dadka qaarkood cuqdadooda heerkaan hoos lagu sawiray ayee mareysaa maanta. Cuqdad weyn qof ee gishay wax sahlan ma'aha. Qof Soomaali ah ayaa waxaan waqti ku qasaariye, isku aadiyayna yaaba isdhahaayo.
  13. Su'aala horta kala dhig dhig. Maxaa rabtaa ogaatid, meel aad degtid? Intee rabtaa inaa degtid? Islii maku jirta mise you don't intend to live there. Flat noocee rabtaa, mid qalabeysan mise mid adiga alaabta dhiganeysid? Su'aalahaaga soo kala dhig dhig horta.
  14. Cabdi Kuuskaa aan kasi jiray xoogahoo wuu dheeraa see waaye. Back in Nayroobi in early to mid '90s daris ku ahayn another Cabdi Kuus. He was a great cooker. Taloow intuu ku dambeeye.
  15. Waxee u egtahay arrinta went like this, if this thread waxa ku qoran runtahay. This is how it went in the last two months: Kiinyaatiga: Awxabashoow, maxaa u diidantahay Asaaniya aan aniga wato? Xabashi: Kuukaayoow, waxba ma ogidee shib iska dheh. Kiinyaati: Maxaan ogeyn oo aad Soomaalida iiga badisaa, waligaaba Shifta ma arkinee. Xabashi: Soomaalida iyo qabiiladooda waan kaa aqaanaa, waana kaaga garaad dheerahay ilaa iyo 500 sano isnaqaanaa dadkaan. Mida koowaad haddaa Asaaniya adiga sameysatay, oo xad beenaadkaaga ku ilaalsaneysid, yaa ka masuul ah jabhadaan ONLF inay meeshaas xarun ka sameystaan maadaama ilma'adeeradooda adiga awood siineysid. Kiinyaati: Ma intaasaa waxaa ka cabsi qabtid. Marka cabsidaada xal waa loo heli karaa, waana laga gaari karaa. Xabashi: Xal see heysaa. Kiinyaati: Dadkaan ilma'adeeradooda anigee jeebka igu jiraan, laba laba ayaan ugu diri karaa jabhadaas oo waala soo fariisan karaa meel alle meeshaa dooneysid. Xabashi: Ma saasaa, ma hubtaa. Kiinyaati: Aad iyo aad. Waliba aad u sahlantahay, ee dhib ama wax kale aad walwal ka qabtid miyaa jira? Xabashi: Maya, maya, kuwaas haddaa kursi soo fariisisid, oo laaluush ku bixino, waxey damacsanyihiina aan iloowsiino, wax walba waa bash bash markaas. Kiinyaati: Marka haye aniga iga war sug. Cunugeyga Asaaniya aan watana mar dambe yuunan shaki kaa galin. Xabashi: Haye, waa taa.
  16. Tana wey la socotaa, kama dambeysee.
  17. 'Wiya, wiya' lee lagu haayaa, xee ahayd. Xamaraawiya, Muqdishaawiya. Kumaba haboona, waaba maraxaawiya.
  18. Som@li;768003 wrote: I think the reason is to do with the few possitve developments recently in SOMALIA, plus a vast country, untapped, unexplored, and some see opportunity hthere. IT is not only Turkey, Uk, but CHINA, US, India, and more coming soon Turkiga dano gaar oo muuqdo kama laha Soomaaliya, haddee ka leedahayna waa hore soo faragishan lahayd. But, no. Reer Galbeedkaan dantoona maba qarsadaan, Soomaali iyo Soomaaliyaba axsaan ay u falaayaana maleh, dantooda u koow, laba iyo sadex ahba. Not Turkiga. Mida koowaad waa dal Muslim ah. Mida labaad sidee Soomaalida Turkiga ugu soo gurmadeen dal waligooda ugu soo gurmaday maleh, iyagoo dantooda meesha keenin. Goobo waxbarasho ayee dhiseen, maalgiliyeen; isbitaalo ayee dhiseen, dhisi doonaana; bukaamo dalka wax looga qaban waaye dalkooda u qaadeen; ardey fara badan ayee deeq waxbarasho wada siiyeen; gargaar aan la tirin karin soo direen; dhaqaatiir soo direen; safaaradooda fureen; garoonka Aaden Cadde inay dayactiraan rabaan; duulimaad isku xira Istanbuul iyo Xamar bilaabi rabaan; mucaawino aan la xisaabi karin soo direen; ra'iisul wasaarahooda iyo wafdigii ebid ugu badnaa Xamar soo gaaro Xamar tagay. And you are still 'suspicious.' Waa inaa u abaalgudnaa, haddaa awoodnina haddadaan waa inaa afka ugu abaal naqnaa. That is the least we can do, far from being suspicious. A sincere mahadnaq nagu leeyihiin Reer Turkiga. Mahadsanid Reer Turkigoow.
  19. Hardcore la yahay when it comes to qabiilkiisa, but diintiisa dhaqsaba waa laga baxay. Maxee ahayd maahmaahdii? Haa, fiqi tolkiisa kama jano tago. Only in this case, there is no fiqi. If diinta lagu dhaqmo is for 'middle ages,' then the qabyaalad qurun aad ku dhagantahay is from Xaawo's and Aaden's era, nothing to do with waayadaan cusub.
  20. Cambuulo iyo bun;767897 wrote: Somalina dhismahaas neh xafadee ku taal? jaalana maxee uu tahi dambi waaye beh inee caadaan ahaatee eheed meesha xamar cadey bilaash looma bixinee Waa qeyb ka mid ah dowlad la'aanta. Dowlad la'aanta ayaa keentay. Waagii dowladda jirtay waajib ayee ahayd in guryaha iyo aqalada darbiyadooda banaanka muuqdo dhamaantood nuuryo la wada mariyo ama rinji cad. Taas ayaana Xamar sii qurxooneysiin jirtay. Midabkaan sarta ka muuqato camal indhaha dadka ka qabanaayo Xamar looguma tala galin, perhaps Cuba iyo meelahaas.
  21. Old Yurub is crumbling. Soon, they might not even be on top 15. Only Jarmalka ugu roon.
  22. CHANCES OF SUCCESS FOR TURKEY’S EFFORTS : Turkey has not been among the players in the Somali game in the recent past, and as such, many have been surprised by the swift action in which Ankara tries to show the world, which is dragging its feet for over two decades without giving even a nominal hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel, that Somalia indeed has friends who are on their side. Soon after he visited Mogadishu, the Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyib Erdogan, took the Somali case to the United Nations General Assembly 66th General Debate. He said in a major speech to the world leaders: “Last month in Somalia, for instance, I witnessed in person how the UN and the international community remained helpless against the pressing problems of today. It is impossible for me to put into words the poverty and suffering I have seen in Somalia”. He said his country has “collected a donation of about 300 million USD within the last two months. Furthermore, the amount of our humanitarian assistance surpassed the level of 30 million USD until now.” “We also organized an emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Istanbul and the amount of pledges made on this occasion exceeded 350 million USD”, he said. The way Turkey is acting in Somalia, with such high speed, no doubt surpassed what most of the people would have imagined, whether it is just a humanitarian gesture or politically motivated to show the world its strength as a regional power vying to have, as Turkish Deputy Prime Minister, Bulent Arinc, was quoted as saying “a bigger say in international affairs.” It is my conviction that Turkish intention to help Somalia, which is in dire need of a true and selfless counterpart, to help come out of the abyss of despair, is, no doubt, an honest and genuine initiative which merits the unconditional support of any Somali who has his/her country at heart. Unlike most of the so-called brotherly or friendly countries who offered their assistance through channels, which Somalis have no say or able to control, Turkey chose to be directly involved in the implementation of its projects for the rehabilitation of Somalia’s devastated hospitals, schools, roads etc. “We are making every effort to carry out infrastructure investments that will enable Somalia to stand on its feet. We are also working unrelentingly to help provide an environment of political stability and peace conducive to sustainable development”, the Prime Minister or Turkey, Erdogan told the world leaders at the UN 66th General Debate. “By re-opening of our Embassy in Mogadishu, we have also showed the world that claims of security challenges cannot be an excuse for delaying assistance”, Erdogan said. During the last 20 years or so, emphasis was laid on processes of “Peace and reconciliation” while reconstruction, education or jobs for the youth etc. have rarely been mentioned. Nearly 20 conferences were held and all ended in failure. All of a sudden, Turkey emerges with such a gigantic multi-faceted program of assistance to Somalia covering the restoration or, in some cases, the reconstruction of medical centers, schools and repairing of the roads damaged during the civil war, deserves to be welcomed. The Turkish program is not a military intervention. It is a civilian intervention aimed, as the Prime Minister Erdogan told the UN, “Along with emergency humanitarian aid, Turkey is also determined to help build the Infrastructure facilities that will enable this country to stand on its feet.” But to avoid failure it must be taken into consideration also that Somalia needs not only building of “infrastructure facilities” but more importantly it is necessary to generate employment for the youth, who, since the collapse of the dt in 1991, have known nothing but killing and looting to earn a living. Same also applies to the situation of the pirates in the Somali Sea, whose rights to fish in their own territorial waters has been usurped by foreign and powerful fleets. So, being the first of its kind to be implemented in Somalia, for the last 20 years, the authorities in charge of the Turkish Plan for Somalia’s reconstruction should also consider generating jobs for skilled and unskilled Somalis, to help them earn their living as normal and law-abiding citizens, who otherwise would be attracted by the job of militia or piracy offers which are so abundant in the Somali market. In today’s Somalia, jobs and peace are inter-related. If the youth in the country are not given any alternative employment to becoming militias of organized groups or even freelancers, the risk of causing the failure of any initiative to be under-taken by national or foreign governments is high. The other aspect that can cause failure of this first ever project undertaken by Turkey in Somalia for more a century or so, is to condone corruption and mismanagement during the implementation of the project by any quarter, so that the dignity of the two peoples are protected and to see a successful end of his historic plan. To build a bridge in a troubled sea is not easy, but, at the same time, as the Prime Minister of Turkey, Erdogan said “security challenges cannot be an excuse for delaying assistance.” Xigasho
  23. Why the sudden interest of Ingiriiska in Soomaaliya? Su'aashaas ma isweydiisay. Well, as they say, history repeats itself. Read this qoraal. ___________________ Somalia: The Turkish Connection It was, for some, a cause for surprise to see the Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his wife Emine, paying a visit to the war-torn country of Somalia, on August 19, 2011, less than two weeks after when, as the government put it, the “Al-Shabab Militias were defeated” and forced out of the capital on August 6, 2011. Erdogan’s visit followed the visit of President Ismail Omar Guelleh, of the sisterly Republic of Djibouti on August 16, 2011. For both the leaders, a visit to Mogadishu has been a courageous step, knowing the fragility of the Somali capital’s security situation, as it was only two weeks after Al-Shabaab militias also said that they were “retreating” from Mogadishu. When all others stayed away, visits of such important leaders were great encouragement and a morale boost for the people of Somalia as well as an expression of solidarity with them. Soon after his visit to Mogadishu, Erdogan took his experience to the United Nations General Assembly’s 66th Session General Debate, where he told the world leaders’ gathering: “This is a shame for the international community, which must stop watching the famine in Somalia unfold “as if it were a movie” and, instead, act with great urgency.” In an article “Tears of Somalia” published by the US Magazine “Foreign Policy” on October 10, 2011, the Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan affirmed his country’s diplomatic and political support with the people of Somalia “with whom,” he said, “we have deep historical relations.” The “historical relations” between Turkey and Somalia mentioned by the Turkish Prime Minister, are indeed “deep” and their roots go back during the rule of Sultan Salim I in 1517 when the Ottoman Empire took over Zeyla and Berbera. To see how deep they were, we have to go back to the historic events of the past. Like today in the 21st century, when the powers watch each other’s movements in the world, 140 years ago, in 1870, the British authorities in Aden, Yemen, were following the activities of the Turks in Somali territories of Berbera and Bulhar. On February 11, 1870, General Russell who was head of the British garrison in Aden that “Turkish man-of-war Khartoum commanded by Mahomed Jemal Pasha had landed troops at Berbera.” The General told his government that “he was about to send Her Majesty’s Ship Sind to the spot to keep a watch on the happenings and to prevent, if possible, the tribe from committing their kingdom to Moslem rule.” In the area, or across the sea, the British established a garrison in Aden, Yemen, in 1839. They saw the Turks, a Muslim power, as a threat to their interest in the Red Sea and the coastal area opposite to Yemen, where they considered an important source of meat supply to their garrison in Aden. At that time, the Turkish claim over Somali territories was clearly emphasised by the Turkish Pasha in a letter referred to by the British resident at Aden, General Russell, who quoted in his report dated 1870 the Pasha as saying: “The ports of Berbera and Bulhar, and surrounding districts, are under the Government of the Sultan, and the people are his subjects; that there can be no cause for taking the country for the Turks, for the Turkish flag, it is known, is over the country; that he found the flag of the Porte with them, and, finally that he visited Berbera and Bulhar at the request of the Somalis to settle their disputes”. General Russell sent, in accordance with British Government Resolution n.1113 dated 7 April 1870, what he called “a confidential native agent” to Berbera: “To watch the action of the Turks, and to frustrate, if possible, the cession of the ports of Berbera and Bulhar to them, as they were, from information on which I placed reliance, about to take these ports under their (Turkish) rule”. Although the British considered Turks as rivals in competition with them in the race for Somali territories, they still admitted what the Turkish authorities have accomplished during their stay in the area. In a memorandum to his government, Major Hunter, who took over the territories after the Turkish Pasha withdrew, reported in 1884 that: “At Berbera the Egyptians [Turks] have done much to improve the port. A light-house has been built, an excellent pier has been run out into the harbour, and water has been brought in from a distance of eight miles, and is distributed all over, what may be called, a new settlement. Two musjids [masjids], besides barracks, a hospital, store-rooms and other public buildings have been constructed of a substantial nature, and would do credit to any administration”. After a century and a half, there are still visible traces of Turkish presence in the area and some of what they have done is used now, in 2011, by the Somalis in Berbera. I am told that the town is still supplied water from the same facilities built by the Turks and one of the mosques built by the Turks in 19th century, known as “Masjid Turkaawi” is still there, well maintained and used for prayers. When I visited Zaila in 1967, I have personally seen an unused wooden building which I was told it belonged to the Turkish Pasha. Although the Turks left on their own and leaving the territories to the British, who made them their Protectorate in 1886, the Somali people’s allegiance remained to the Turks. In February 1919, according to British sources, a number of Somalis from British Protectorate were arrested in Aden, Yemen. After the signing of armistice, these Somalis had come to Aden from Lahej, the headquarters of the Turkish Commander. They were tried by a British Military Court at Aden and were charged with fighting in the war on the side of the Turks in the Aden hinterland. According to the General Officer Commanding, Aden Field Force, “they were tried for being actively in arms against His Majesty, or as an alternative charge, actively assisting the enemy.” Those arrested, who were 146 out of 154, were deported and confined in the jails in the Bombay [india] Presidency. They were distributed into four jails in India. Later on the British decided to send the prisoners back home to former British Somaliland. (6) The fact that these Somalis were arrested and “charged with fighting in the war on the side of the Turks in the Aden hinterland”, means there could also be the possibility that some other Somalis might have lost their lives in support of Turkey in that same war. This shows how deep the connection between the two peoples was back in 19th century. Turkey was not among the nations that were part of the “Scramble for Africa”. They left Somali territories in 19th century on their own without incident or conflict with the Somalis. Therefore there has been no animosity between Somalia and Turkey. Whether it was in connection with the “historical relations” referred to by the Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyib Erdogan, or not, his visit to Mogadishu at this moment of hardship was highly significant and most welcome by the Somali people, who are in dire need of a brother indeed. The visit of the Prime Minister of Turkey to Somalia will surely revive the old connection between the two countries and peoples and the promises he made that his country will under take major reconstruction program, which includes digging wells to improve water supply, building field hospitals, a highway between the Mogadishu airport and the city centre, as well as facilities for waste management to clean up Mogadishu's rubbish-strewn streets are vital for the capital which is devastated by the civil war. He said Housing Development Administration of Turkey (TOKI) will also build houses and schools in the famine-hit country. Following are what the Turkish Government has promised to provide: 1) Emergency assistance: - Food and medical assistance -Technical assistance in food and medical distribution for displaced people - Turkish man-power (doctors & nurses) 2) Long-term developmental Assistance: -Infrastructure development: rehabilitation of schools and Hospitals -Building roads, sewage and sanitary system for Mogadishu. -Improvement of Mogadishu Seaport and Airport - Power supply system for Mogadishu. 3) Technical and Engineering personnel (capacity building) 4) Offering scholarships for Somali students and Educators. 5) Improving trade practices for Somali traders. To confirm what has been announced in Mogadishu during the visit of the Prime Minister of Turkey, Erdogan, the Somali President, Shaikh Sharif Sh. Ahmed, has been invited to Turkey on a two-day visit and met with the Turkish President, Abdullah Gull in Istanbul on October 21, 2011, who re-iterated that Turkey “will send the newly appointed Turkish Ambassador to Mogadishu shortly to oversee projects and carry out instructions and implementations.”
  24. Nin-Yaaban;767946 wrote: Let me ask you this....do you consider a Somali person who doesn't pray x5 a day a Muslim? What's your definition of a Muslim/Gaal? I know so many Somalis here in Minnesota who are just Muslims by name, and do everything that Islam prohibits. Things like drink/smoke/etc. I dunno if there are any Somali-Christians, but i sure do kno there are MANY more non.practicing Somalis who just claim to be Muslim by name. I'd respect a Somali Christian who is upfront about their DIIN (Gaalonimo) than i would someone who claims to be Muslim but never practice. Just my 2 shillings. See camal, xaaji. Wax aan isku mid ahayn ayaa isla barbardhigeysaa. Muslim waa Muslim, hadduu tukaneynin ama soomeynin, asaga iyo Rabigiisa ayee jirtaa laakiin inaa su'aalnimo ka keeno Muslinnimadiisa waa dambi weyn asagoo leh Muslim baan ahay.