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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Waa run, kuwa kursi buuxis lagu soo daray. Some qaar ka mid ah reerahooda keensaday maadaama kuwii dhabta ahaa imaan waayeen ama dhulka Barbaarta heysato joogaan. Odey dhaqameedyada awoodee lahaan jireen malaha xiligaan. Dadkee soo xulaana ma u maleynaayi in laga wada yeelaayo, soo badala iyo balaayo ka daba dhici doonto. Ama si kale loo cadaadin doonaa inay doortaan dad loo keenay oo tolkooda ka mid ah. Ama $$ shaqeyneyso qaarkood waa iskaga baahanyihiin shilimaan yar yar jeebkooda ku shubtaan.
  2. Farmaajo jir oo joog waligaa. I am the first to vote for him if I had a chance. I wish his urur Tayo and the Samatar brothers' urur Hiilqaran -- who both have same similar goals that I support aad iyo aad -- should merge. He gave Soomaalida a lot of hope in the brief period of his leadership. Soomaali dhan ayaa taageersanayd, bilaa qabiil. It hadn't been seen anything like it since '60s. Because of him iyo wuxuu qabtay, waa waxa dowladda kumeelgaarka waxee ku socoto today. I missed his visit to Toronto a few weeks ago, but my nephew was there, welcoming him in the name of Soomaali youth of Toronto.
  3. Ar Nuunka ha idin maqlo. Sheekhiisa weynaa maa saan dhulka loogu jiidooyaa. Abkeey abkoow.
  4. nuune;826750 wrote: ^^^ Boorsa noocee ah ayuu ku jiraa, kuwaatro mise Sanyo, abidkey ma maqal mobile la gashanaayo boorso, waaba yaab, mise waa shuqul Canada oo xataa qalin biiraha gashanaayo boorso weyn Shandada keyda ah la iska giliye. Waa shandadihii socon jiray sagaashameydii. 1996 ayaa kasoo gatay Nayroobi waagaa soo dhoofaaye. Waxa ku jiro waana historical stuff, including photos iyo documents. Marka Blackberryga saas loogu daray, just a collectible item camal, though it is one of the newest ones.
  5. Iphone iyo Blackberry both ciyaalka ayaa isticmaalo. I have a Blackberry, but I don't use it. Boorsada ayuu iskaga jiraa.
  6. Heestaan waxaa inoo qaadaayo the best mismatched heesaayaal since kuwaan from 2008. It is a wonderful songs labada, laakiin dad kale ku fiicneyd inay wada qaadaan.
  7. Qofkii Galeyr 'tuug' ugu waco, then Soomaali siyaasiintooda dhan wada tuugo ah, kuwa ka koowga ahna waala wada ogyahay.
  8. Maxamed Siyaad Barre iyo Xuseen Kulmiye Afrax guarding Aabihii gobonnimada. Eebbe ha u wada raxmado kuligooda. Askariga sadexaad amuu Cali Samatar yahay asagana.
  9. Best Ubaxa Kacaanka inta ayaa ka arkeysaa, especially in 3:10 minutes.
  10. The twin sisters who share a HUSBAND (and he’s also married to their cousin) From their brunette hair to their dress sense, twin sisters Vicki and Valerie Darger have a number of things in common. But the 42-year-olds share more than just their looks - they are both married to the same man. The sisters are in a polygamous marriage with Joe, 43, who is also wed to a third woman - their cousin Alina. The Dargers, who are fundamentalist Mormons from Salt Lake City, Utah, live together in a large family home and have 24 children between them. In the eyes of their Fundamentalist Mormon religion, all three women are equally married to Joe. They each have their own bedroom, and Joe alternates between the three rooms each evening. Valerie, who works in the family cleaning business with Alina, 43, said: 'The fact that Joe was married to Vicki didn't bother me at all. I took it as a sign he would be a good husband for me as well. 'As teenagers, Vicki and I liked some of the same guys. I thought it might even be good if we married the same man.' Vicki added: 'I know that some people are uncomfortable at the thought of two sisters sharing a husband. 'But there's a good chance if a husband is compatible with one sister, he'll be well matched with another.' Brave Joe was just 18 when he began dating Vicki and her cousin Alina at the same time and married them in a joint Mormon ceremony in 1990. The following day, Alina became his legal wife when they married again at a ceremony under state law, while Vicki acted as witness. 'Even in our community joint courtships are rare,' said Vicki. 'We knew we were taking on a huge challenge and responsibility. 'The accepted pattern in our culture is for a couple to prove themselves first in a monogamous marriage, before taking on the challenges of a second wife.' Describing their joint dates, Joe said: 'Since Alina and Vicki were close friends and were interested in pursuing me together, the best thing I could do was to nurture that combined friendship. 'I was attracted to both girls and knew that individual relationships would develop in time.' Vicki and Alina had been married to Joe for ten years when they both encouraged him to start pursuing a relationship with Vicki's twin Valerie. Valerie had just gone through a divorce after her marriage to an older man Donald, who had six wives, broke down due to his gambling and abusive treatment. One evening, while Valerie and her five children were staying with the Darger family, she felt a sudden spark of chemistry with Joe. Joe admitted: 'I had a connection with Valerie, but the fact she was Vicki's twin was weird - they both had the same mannerisms. But Vicki opened my mind to it.' Alina added: 'I was excited at the prospect of Val becoming part of our family. I had a genuine love and concern for her and wanted her to be the happiest she could possibly be.' Joe and Valerie married in another Mormon service in their home, with Vicki and Alina standing beside them, and celebrated with a family meal. The Dargers were investigated by state authorities several years ago for their beliefs and attempted to keep their plural marriage secret for many years. But two years ago, they decided to talk about their relationship to raise awareness, and to try to overcome prejudices against their religion and lifestyle. Although polygamy is generally illegal in all 50 states, practitioners are almost never prosecuted unless there is evidence of abuse, statutory rape, welfare fraud, or tax evasion. The three wives and their husband have co-written a book 'Love Times Three', and some of their adult children also contributed to the story. 'We hope that by talking about our way of life, polygamy will step closer to being an accepted lifestyle and the laws that criminalise it might change,' said Joe. Xigashol
  11. Maryo yaraan camal ula jeeday, sida laba go'. See qaawani u dhihi karaa waaba jaahilnimee.
  12. Mukulaalow;825871 wrote: as far as i know Maryooley means lama goodle meaning (laba go'le), labad go'ee cadcadaa oo ay soomaalidii hore qaadan jirtay. lagama wado qaawani ee waa bilcaks. Ee waxaa qoray lee qortay marka waaba isku raacsanahay. Maryo laaweey uluma jeedin 'nakedness' iyo waxaas. Labada go' cad cad oo aan qoray ula jeeday.
  13. Faah faahin dheeri ah ayaa ka soo baxeysa qaraxii galabta ka dhacay magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee xarunta gobolka Galgaduud, iyadoo lagu soo warramayo in xildhibaanno ka tirsan Barlamaanka Soomaaliya ay ku geeriyoodeen. Sida ay ku warramayaan dad goobjooggayaal qaraxa ayaa ka dhacay maqaayad shaaha laga cabo, isla markaana ay ku sugnaayeen dad isugu jira xildhibaanno iyo shacabka magaalada Dhuusamareeb ayadoo goobtaasina uu isku qarxiyey qof naftii halige ah oo qaraxa iskusoo xiray. Inta la xaqiijiyey waxaa goobta ku geeriyooday laba xildhibaan oo ka tirsanaa Barlamaanka Soomaaliya waxaana xildhibaannadaasi ay kala yihiin Xildhibaan Yuusuf Mire Seeraar iyo Xildhibaan C/weli Aw-Maxamuud ayadoo sidoo kalena la xaqiijiyey in goobta dadka ku dhaawacmay uu ku jiro Siyaasiga Axmed C/salaan Xaaji Aadan. Xildhibaan C/qaadir Caddaawe ayaa Radio Muqdisho u sheegay in uu ku sugnaa goobta ay wax ka dhaceen, isla markaana xaaladdu ay tahay mid aan laga sheekeyn Karin, isagoo xusay in jiraan masuuliyiin qaraxa wax ku noqotay, basle illaa iyo iminka aan la xaqiijin Karin. Qaraxan oo ay geysatay malleeshiyaada argagixisad ah ee Al-Qaacidda sida ay ku warramayaan saraakiisha ASWJ ayaa la sheegay in ay la danacsanaayeen goob ay shir ku lahaayeen xidhibaanno, siyaasiyiin iyo qeybaha Bulshad magaalada Dhuusamareeb. Dhinaca kale ciidamamda Ahlu Sunna Waljamaaca ayaa isku gamaaday guud ahaan halka uu qaraxa ka dhacay, iyadoo ay hadda baaritaanno ka wadaan gudaha magaalada, waxaana kacsan jawiga, iyadoo saraakiisha ASWJ ay dadka deegaanka u sheegeen in ay isdajiyaan. Tiisaa soo gishay maanta marxuumka. Rabi ha u raxmado.
  14. Rudy - Maryoleey is another word to describe Somalis. I used to think it meant clothes. Maryooleey means maryo laaweey. In other words, 'without clothes.' It was used by Banaadiri folks to refer to other Soomalida, especially geeljiraha who used to wear laba go' cad cad, mid hoose iyo mid kor. They also used other slang terms, such as lamagoodle (laba go'le) and faradheer.
  15. Support it, Reer Maryooleey. It is a by Pure Camel.
  16. Singapore. Aaah, Singapore. Now that is a true dal dadkooda isyaqaano horumarkooda. Jasiirad yar oo qeyraadba lahayn oo dhul yarna ku filneen ah ayaa heerkaas gaaray. Horta Nuunka ma raacday diyaaradooda. It always receives the best or second best ratings in the last ten years, I think. Also their garoonka diyaaradaha number #1 ayuu helaaye in the last five or six years. You should check it, xaaji.
  17. Heerkaas ma gaarin, mana u dhawin. Dal hormaray ma nihin. Soomaaliya markee sodon sano camal nabad ka jirto or something like that ayaa la qoraa waxaan camal. Not now, not in the near future either. Also it is written by non-Soomaalis, oo Soomaalida waa lagu qasbaayaa. No way.
  18. Somali politicians and intellectuals continue to debate whether the nation needs a unitary, decentralized unitary or a sensible federal system. Decentralized unitary is the idea to go. Each gobol of the pre-1990 18 gobols should have its own governorship, booliis force, but send its representatives to national assembly proportionate to to each gobol's respective population. The national assembly could consist upper and lower sections, either way. Each district in each gobol will also have its own council representatives. It is just a start. Kenya, with a population four times that of Soomaaliya, with tens of competing ethnicity and languages, opted similar option of what I just suggested, instead of federalism.
  19. Barfasoorka waa waxgarad iyo aqoonyahan meel dheerna wax ka arko. Like Galeyr iyo asagaba, aqoonyahano badan kasoo horjeestay, meel fogna wax ka arko. Dad yar dano gaar ah wato with their shisheeye sandulis Soomaalida dhan uguma dhigi karaan waxeenan rabin.