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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. I've had a huge respect for The Guardian and have been reading it since 2000. What a disappointment. Guardian parts ways with longtime cartoonist amid controversy over Netanyahu drawing Bell, a prominent figure at The Guardian for many decades, depicted the Israeli prime minister performing surgery on a figure resembling the Gaza Strip, accompanied by the caption, “Residents of Gaza, get out now.” The imagery referred to a recent ultimatum issued by Netanyahu, urging residents to evacuate the northern region of the Gaza Strip within 24 hours before anticipated Israeli airstrikes. Steve Bell, a veteran cartoonist with a longstanding association with The Guardian, has revealed his departure from the newspaper following the publication of a cartoon featuring Benjamin Netanyahu. The cartoon faced criticism for alleged antisemitic undertones, an accusation Bell refuted. He said that the drawing was inspired by a 1960s illustration by David Levine, who portrayed US President Lyndon B. Johnson with a scar in the shape of Vietnam during the Vietnam War. Bell, a prominent figure at The Guardian for many decades, depicted the Israeli prime minister performing surgery on a figure resembling the Gaza Strip, accompanied by the caption, “Residents of Gaza, get out now.” The imagery referred to a recent ultimatum issued by Netanyahu, urging residents to evacuate the northern region of the Gaza Strip within 24 hours before anticipated Israeli airstrikes. Bell revealed that The Guardian chose not to publish the cartoon, citing concerns about antisemitism. Initially submitted last week with the words “After David Levine” above the artist credit, Bell argued that portraying this subject for The Guardian now would inevitably lead to false accusations of employing “antisemitic tropes.” Critics highlighted similarities in imagery to Shylock, the Jewish moneylender from Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice,” who seeks a “pound of flesh” from someone he is owed. On Sunday, The Guardian confirmed its decision to part ways with Bell, specifying that the cartoonist would remain with the paper until his contract ends in April 2024. The Guardian stated: “The decision has been made to not renew Steve Bell’s contract. Steve Bell’s cartoons have been a significant part of The Guardian for more than 40 years — we express our appreciation and wish him all the best.” Bell has been subject to scrutiny for his drawings in the past. In 2020, he drew Priti Patel, along with Boris Johnson, as a grotesque, overweight bull, sparking outrage and allegations of referencing her Hindu heritage. In the same year, he faced accusations of antisemitism for a drawing depicting Keir Starmer, the current leader of the Labour Party, presenting Jeremy Corbyn’s decapitated head on a platter — an image critics interpreted as a reference to the presentation of John the Baptist’s head to the daughter of King Herod, a Jewish monarch from the Bible. Since the beginning of the conflict between Hamas and Israel on Oct. 7, media organizations, publishers, governments and social media platforms from around the world have been accused of bias in handling the situation. On Sunday, the Frankfurt Book Fair was accused of “shutting down” Palestinian voices, after an awards ceremony due to honor Palestine-born novelist and essayist Adania Shibli was called off due to the war in Israel. On Thursday, French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin announced a systematic ban on pro-Palestinian demonstrations in France amid concerns they could lead to “public order disturbances.” On Sunday, Arab News revealed that Meta’s Instagram has been shadow-banning users and suspending or banning accounts due to their pro-Palestinian content. - Arab News
  2. Qurac, Deni Dhirifle maa noo amaaneysaa? Waaba ninkii baarlamaanka dhexdiisa ka xanaaqay markuu xildhibaan su'aal yar uu jecleysan weydiiyey. Deni aad u xanaaq badanyahay and his politics is very personal - personal against Reer Diyaano, against Farmaajo, against Axmed Madoobe, against Xasan Sheekh, against kuwee shalay Aaranjaan isla ahaayeen, against...
  3. The fake story of beheading babies was disgusting. I never believed for a second. Old dementia-inflicted Biden even cited it during his shir jaraa'id without evidence. His White House were forced to retract. Now it was all lies.
  4. The Colombian madaxweyne is the hero we didn't know we had. Thank you, sir. Colombia condemns 'Israel', vows to send aid to Gaza Colombian President Gustavo Petro denounced the genocide committed by Israeli occupation forces against the people of Gaza and called for a United Nations special session. On Sunday, the President announced his intention to send humanitarian aid from Colombia to Gazans, whom he announced are suffering "under a cruel siege exacerbated by the Israeli aggression." Petro demanded that healthcare workers be protected and stressed that such attacks be condemned by the European Union, stressing the need for the EU to uphold international law. The Colombian President also emphasized the need to protect the minimal "living requirements in Gaza," stressing that the United Nations General Assembly should hold a special session. In response to Petro's pro-Palestine stances, "Israel" decided to stop security exports to Colombia after what they dubbed as "hostile and antisemitic statements" against "Israel" made last week by the President of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, as per the Israeli Foreign Minister. Soon after Colobia's President said that he would not be subject to humiliation. Moreover, he said that his country is ready to cut ties with "Israel" if need be, adding that Colombia does not support genocide. Xigasho
  5. Ladies and gentlemen, the 'only democracy' in Bariga Dhexe:
  6. Haddaa lataliye u ahaan lahaa magaalooyinka Kismaayo, Baydhabo, Dhuusamareeb, Jigjiga iyo Garoowe sii mar dhihi lahaa, just kusii karkariyo secessionists' boiling blood. Socdaalka Isbarashada ugu magac dari lahaa.
  7. Heesta laxankeesa la saaray aad ugu helay. Aqal tiir la'aantii Kaligii ma taagmee Haddeenan istaakuleyn Tabar yeelan meynee Ka tashada cadowuhuu Isku tiirsanaadaa
  8. Xasan Socdaal xujo hor dhigay Firdhiye. Aqoonsi ma rabtaa? Haa haddee tahay, iscaddeey inaanan gobol iyo maamul kale ka tirsaneen. Wuuna iscaddeeyey in order to get dhaqaalaha maamul goboleedyada kale la siiyo. He is immediately awarded and the photo below is from today in Filla Soomaaliya. He is officially recognized. Xasan dantiisa waa inuu Deni ku jabiyo. Kulanka maamul goboleedyada kale waa lagu martiqaadi doonaa sida aan xaqiijinaayo, waana sida Farmaajo ugu soo daray guddoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir ayee noqoneysaa.
  9. Glad to hear this. Sen. Bernie spoke against the Zionist regime on yesterdy as well. Other progressive members of Congress spoke as well, including Rep. Rashiida.
  10. Biden White House condemns Trump’s ‘dangerous’ Israel-Hamas remarks America exists you will never have to. We will always be there by your side.” Trump and Republicans claim Biden bears responsibility for the Hamas attack. But the Biden White House was not alone in criticising Trump’s Wednesday remarks. Ron DeSantis, the Florida governor who is Trump’s closest – if distant – challenger in Republican polling, said: “It is absurd that anyone, much less someone running for president, would choose now to attack our friend and ally, Israel.” Steven Cheung, a spokesperson for Trump, said he “was clearly pointing out how incompetent Biden and his administration were by telegraphing to the terrorists an area that is susceptible to an attack. Smart does not equal good”. But the Israeli communications minister, Shlomo Karhi, said Trump’s comments showed he could not be relied on. - The Guardian
  11. This fake manufactured been hawaas story xataa waxee gaartay odeygii Aqalka Cad fadhiyey aamino. Waa yaab.
  12. Run hala isku sheego, duqa. Haddee dhab ka tahay, kursiga sida hadda yahay ee unwritten rule ayuuto sadex reer leh ma ahaan lahayn. Reer Sool ama Sanaag haddii kursigaas markooda la siin lahaa see hadda dareemayaan ma dareemi lahayn. Haddana hal reer ayaa Garoowe ka qeylinaaya, diidan doorasho cod iyo qof ah maadaama ee aaminsanyihiin waa toogtee ayuutada heli lahaayeen reerkaas.
  13. Propaganda Reer Galbeedka aan sheegaaye shalay xataa dadkii kale la fahmay:
  14. Lady Lindsey's mask is completely off. He is a war hawk neo-con who had never seen meel xabad ka dhacday.
  15. Che, Western media the bombardments la duqeynaayo against Reer Falastiin, the word used is always 'strikes.' However, the home-made missiles Xamaas tuurto oo ku nasiibso ah, it is never strikes, but attacks. Labadaba dusha kore ayee ka soo dhacaayaan, but one is always a strike and the other an attack. They think we don't know their hidden agenda of using these two words repeatedly.
  16. Xasan Socdaal ayaa ku yiri, sida muuqato, ma maamulkaas ka tirsan tihiin mise maamul gooni ah. Iscadeeya po fagaaraha ka sheega ku yiri filaa. Madaxa isku galiyo rabaa. Xasan kulankooda muxuu u qariyey, intaas Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle ka cabsi qabaa.
  17. Not really. Beesha caalamka iyo dowladda dhexe uguma sheekeen karaan maamul gooni madaxbanaan nahnay, haddana ka qeyb qaadanaayo doorasho maamul kale. Marka isma keeneyso. Maanta in Xamar:
  18. One lashing phone call from Aqalka Cad to C/fitaax Siisi and this will unfortunately quickly stop. They have hidden tunnels to deliver essential needs, Eebbe mahadiis, but wouldn't be enough for the whole populace. Situations like this, strong leaders in the ummah would've at least strongly speak. Leaders like Imran Khan from Bakistaan iyo late Maxamed Mursi of Masar. They were toppled due to before exactly crisis like this arise.
  19. Columnists and a newspaper editorial staff in Talabiib ayaa kun jeer ka geesisan madax ku sheega Islaamka sheeganaayo, kuligooda kor laga maamulo. I wish Robert Fisk was alive, asagaa karbaash run ah dhiibi jiray.