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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Kuukaaye mentality waa kaas hee. Tuug la qabtay talo maleh maala dhihi jiray. Kuwa xildhibaanada ah difaacaayo igu daranba. Waa isla tuugo isla og. Aawey wixii u sacabtumaaye tuugadaan meeshaan ku jiray?
  2. Ninkaan Tiiceey maanta Biljam ayaa lagu xiray, asaga iyo saaxiibkiis weynaa Afweyne ee burcadbadeedka hoggaamin jiray, waa sida la yiri. It is on the Guardian website.
  3. Dadka meesha ka muuqdo soo baro horta. Jamaal C/naasir kama muuqdo. Masar was suspended from Jaamacada Carabta for ten years from 1979 for Anwar Saadaad's agreement with Yahuuda. This picture was probably taken between '79 to '81.
  4. RA’IISUL WASAARE SAACID: “Waxaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo dhan ugu baaqayaa midnimo maanta oo ah maalintii Calanka” Ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya, Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay xafiiskiisa Muqdisho ayaa ka hadlay maalinta calanka iyo muhiimada ay u leedahay Soomaaliya. Mudane Saacid ayaa ummada Soomaaliyeed uga hambalyeeyay maalintii ugu horreysay oo calanka Soomaaliyeed laga taagay Soomaaliya oo ay ka soo wareegtay 59-sano taasoo ku beegnayd 12-kii Oktoobar 1954-kii. Isagoo xusay in calanku u yahay astaan muujinaysa halgankii dheeraa ee ummadda Soomaaliyeed ay u soo gashay madax-bannaanideeda. "Maalinta qaaliga ah waxaan ummadda Soomaaliyeed ugu baaqayaa inay la yimaadaan midnimo, walaalnimo iyo in la eego waxa naga dhexeeya ee aan la eegin waxa na qaybiya oo kaliya. Sidoo kale waxaan ugu baaqayaa inaan kor u eegno calankeenna qurxoon oo aan u wada guntano sidaan ku difaaci lahayn qaranimadeena iyo sharafteena,” ayuu yiri ra’iisul wasaare Saacid oo intaas ku daray in calanku uu yahay kan keliya ee Soomaalida kulmiya. Sidoo kale, ra'iisul wasaare Saacid ayaa tilmaamay in hakad dheer ku yimid habsami u socodkii hannaanka dowliga ah iyo horumarkii dalka. Wuxuuna ku sheegay shirkiisa jaraa’id in Soomaalida qarnigan joogta ayka gaabiyeen in ay gutaan waajibka ka saaran qaranka iyo calanka. Isagoo sheegay in 22-kii sano ee lasoo dhaafay uu hoos dhacay. "Caqabadda ugu weyn ee nagu habsatay, welin na haysta waa qabiilka iyo sida qotada dheer ee uu shacabka Soomaaliyeed u kala qaybiyay. Inkastoo waddaniyiintii u soo halgamay qarannimadeena ay si weyn uga digeen khatarta qabiilka, waxaana hubaal ah in kala qayb-sanaan aanan meelna ku gaarayn, haddana wali ummad ahaan kama aynaan gudbin inaan taageero weyn u hayno qabiilka iyo qabyaaladda," ayuu ra’iisul wasaaruhu ku daray hadalkiisa. Ra'iisul wasaaraha ayaa ugu baaqay ummada Soomaaliyeed in loo baahan yahay in laga gudubo qolo-qolada si aan qaran xooggan iyo hal qabiil oo qura u noqono. Wuxuuna intaas ku daray in dhamaan laga wada qayb-qaato sidii loo dhisi lahaa Sooomaaliya oo nabad kuwada noolata dariskeeda iyo caalamka oo dhan, sharcigu u taliyo, horumarna hiigsanaysa. Ugu dambaeyntii wuxuu ra’iisul wasaaruhu ku baaqay in la iska kaashado la dagaalanka Al-shabaab oo uu sheegay inay diiddan yihiin calanka iyo weliba astaanta Soomaaliya isla markaana doonaya inay shacabka madax-farasho ahaan u haystaan. Xigasho
  5. MADAXWEYNAHA SOOMAALIYA: “Calanku waa Astaanta Soomaalida oo dhan mideynaya, waana in shacabku muujiyo isku duubni" Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa hambalyo ku aaddan sannadguuradii 59-aad ee kasoo wareegtay markii ugu horreysay oo calan Soomaaliyeed laga taago ciidda Soomaaliya u diray shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in calanka Soomaaliyeed uu yahay kii dadka oo dhan mideynayay, wuxuuna intaas ku daray in shacabka looga baahan yahay inay is-cafiyaan ayna muujiyaan isku duubni. “Shacabka Soomaaliyeed waxaan ugu hambalyeynayaa 12-ka Oktoobar 1954-kii oo ahayd markii ugu horreysay oo calan Soomaaliyeed laga taago Soomaaliya, waxaana rajeynayaa in sannadka soo socda aan u dabaal-dagno sannad-guuradiisii 60-aad,” ayuu yiri madaxweynaha Soomaaliya. Sidoo kale, madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh ayaa sheegay in calanku uu yahay astaanka Soomaaliya mideynaysay loona baahan yahay in dadka oo dhan ay dhexda u xirtaan sidii loo difaaci lahaa loona ilaalin lahaa. “Dalku wuxuu ku taagan yahay jidkii uu uga bixi lahaa dhibaatooyinkii uu kusoo jiray muddada dheer, waxaana shacabka weydiisanayaa inay muujiyaan isku kalsoonaan iyo isaaminaad,” ayuu yiri madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud. 1954-kii ayaa waxay ahayd markii ugu horreysay oo calan Soomaaliyeed laga taago ciidda Soomaaliya, xilligaas oo ay Soomaaliya gacanta ku hayeen gumeystayaashii reer Yurub. Calanka Soomaaliya oo ka kooban laba midan oo buluug iyo xiddig cad oo shan gees leh ah ayaa waxaa hindisay Allaha u raxmadee Maxamed Cawaale Liibaan oo ka mid ahaa halgamayaashii ururkii dhallinyarada Soomaaliyeed ee SYL. Soomaaliya ayaa lix sano oo maxmiyad ah kaddib waxay sannadkii 1960-kii si rasmi ah uga qaadatay gumeystayaashii Talyaaniga iyo Ingiriiska xorriyad, iyadoo wixii markaas ka dambeeyay ay Soomaaliya ahayd dal xor ah, balse 20-kii sano ee ugu dambeeyay ayay ku jirtay Soomaaliya dagaallo sokeeye. Xigasho
  6. MADAXWEYNAHA SOOMAALIYA: “Calanku waa Astaanta Soomaalida oo dhan mideynaya, waana in shacabku muujiyo isku duubni" Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa hambalyo ku aaddan sannadguuradii 59-aad ee kasoo wareegtay markii ugu horreysay oo calan Soomaaliyeed laga taago ciidda Soomaaliya u diray shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in calanka Soomaaliyeed uu yahay kii dadka oo dhan mideynayay, wuxuuna intaas ku daray in shacabka looga baahan yahay inay is-cafiyaan ayna muujiyaan isku duubni. “Shacabka Soomaaliyeed waxaan ugu hambalyeynayaa 12-ka Oktoobar 1954-kii oo ahayd markii ugu horreysay oo calan Soomaaliyeed laga taago Soomaaliya, waxaana rajeynayaa in sannadka soo socda aan u dabaal-dagno sannad-guuradiisii 60-aad,” ayuu yiri madaxweynaha Soomaaliya. Sidoo kale, madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh ayaa sheegay in calanku uu yahay astaanka Soomaaliya mideynaysay loona baahan yahay in dadka oo dhan ay dhexda u xirtaan sidii loo difaaci lahaa loona ilaalin lahaa. “Dalku wuxuu ku taagan yahay jidkii uu uga bixi lahaa dhibaatooyinkii uu kusoo jiray muddada dheer, waxaana shacabka weydiisanayaa inay muujiyaan isku kalsoonaan iyo isaaminaad,” ayuu yiri madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud. 1954-kii ayaa waxay ahayd markii ugu horreysay oo calan Soomaaliyeed laga taago ciidda Soomaaliya, xilligaas oo ay Soomaaliya gacanta ku hayeen gumeystayaashii reer Yurub. Calanka Soomaaliya oo ka kooban laba midan oo buluug iyo xiddig cad oo shan gees leh ah ayaa waxaa hindisay Allaha u raxmadee Maxamed Cawaale Liibaan oo ka mid ahaa halgamayaashii ururkii dhallinyarada Soomaaliyeed ee SYL. Soomaaliya ayaa lix sano oo maxmiyad ah kaddib waxay sannadkii 1960-kii si rasmi ah uga qaadatay gumeystayaashii Talyaaniga iyo Ingiriiska xorriyad, iyadoo wixii markaas ka dambeeyay ay Soomaaliya ahayd dal xor ah, balse 20-kii sano ee ugu dambeeyay ayay ku jirtay Soomaaliya dagaallo sokeeye. Xigasho
  7. Waa sanadguuradii konton iyo sagaalaad ee calanka. Sanadguuro wacan mar kale. Hambalyo inta jecel Soomaaliweyn iyo Soomaalinimo.
  8. "Let me ask you first and foremost, how on earth did these Alshabaab people apparently have the intelligence and ability to repel a Seal team...?" I hadn't watched CNN since '97, but Christiana Amanpour saan maa u dambeysay, an American lapdog inay noqoto. Waagee Xamar kasoo warin jirtay live back in late '92 and early '93. That was some admirable reporter compared to this American lapdog. Seal team ayeeba ka dhigee dad biro laga sameeye, as though bini'aaden ahayn.
  9. For the Soomaali baasaboor holders, the least restrictive countries, to my knowledge, are Maleysiya, Indoneesiya, Bakistaan iyo Suuriya. Those countries are the most lenient to Soomaali passport holders.
  10. Passports of Arab, Muslim states among the 10 worst in the world The passports of seven Arab or Muslim states are among the 10 worst in the world in terms of free access to other countries, according to a recently published Henley & Partners Visa Restrictions Index. Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Pakistan, Palestine, Eritrea, Nepal, Sudan, Sri lanka and Lebanon, remain in the bottom 10 places of the ranking. This means that the citizens of these countries enjoy the least freedom of international travel, according to the index. The passports of Syria and Libya are ranked as the 12th and the 14th worst in the world respectivley. Some Arab Gulf states enjoy the best freedom of travel among Arab countries, but on a global scale, their freedom still appears very restricted. The United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Bahrain are ranked 56, 57 and 59 respectively in the freedom of travel index. Saudi Arabia, Oman, Tunisia are ranked 64, 65, and 65 respectively. Morocco, Algeria, and Egypt are ranked 75, 79, and 79 respectively. Twitter reaction News about the Arab passports ranking spawned a mixture of jokes and complaints among Arabs on Twitter. “Today I heard the Palestinian passport is the 5th-worst to have in the entire world. I was shocked! We have passports?!?” Twitter user @AmerZahr said in a comment. Abdi Aynte @Aynte, from Somalia, tweeted: “Finally a list that #Somalia doesn’t top: its passport is 3rd worst worldwide.” Many Lebanese users tweeted that their passport was ranked among the 10 worst. @patrickgaley, who identifies himself as a journalist, said the Lebanese passport is also “among the heaviest.” Henley & Partners said in a statement on its website that “almost all countries now require visas from certain non-nationals who wish to enter their territory.” “Visa requirements are also an expression of the relationships between individual nations, and generally reflect the relations and status of a country within the international community of nations,” the statement added. Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom topped the 2013 freedom of travel index with a score of 173. Denmark, Germany, Luxembourg and the United States jointly held the second rank with free access to 172 countries. Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands hold a joint third rank (171) and Canada rose to rank number 4, from rank 6 it occupied last year, of the passports with the most freedom. Alcarabiya
  11. A summarised detailed report of how it unfolded wixii meeshaas ka dhacay on that day by the Guardian. Some excerpts of this report: Confusing and government soldiers killing one another, shooting one another Now with substantial numbers of military or paramilitary personnel on site, the authorities had not yet established a clear command and control structure. With no radio communications between army and police units, KDF soldiers opened fire on what they thought was an armed suspect – but who was in fact one of the commanders of the recce group. The man died, and three police officers and one soldier were wounded in the exchange. After this all units were pulled out of the mall and for the next two hours the operation came to a standstill as heated arguments raged that went all the way to the State House and the office of Uhuru Kenyatta, Kenya’s president. Deliberately demolishing the building That explanation was changed to say that a wire-guided anti-tank shell, an RPG-7, had been fired at one of the support pillars in an attempt to distract a sniper during an operation to rescue survivors from the mall. After the attack several Kenyan army soldiers corroborated this version of events. But a munitions expert cast doubt on it, saying that a weapon of this kind, capable of dislodging the central pillar of the building, would have seriously injured anyone standing up to 20 metres behind it, as well as wounding the person discharging it in a confined space. Moreover, a private security contractor familiar with the operation said that directional explosives used in demolition jobs had likely been deployed to blast a square hole in the roof: "They decided that they were taking too many casualties and would drop the roof on them. There is no way that was an anti-tank munition," he said. Rampant bililiqo by askarta Shopkeepers and store owners returned to find their properties looted. A clothes-shop owner said even his mannequins had been stripped: “They’ve broken everything. All my money is lost over there. All the cash is lost. Everything is shattered over there, laptops gone, everything.” A day later, footage emerged of the inside of Artcaffe showing scores of empty beer and spirit bottles littering the tables and lining the bar, where only Kenyan security forces had any access during the siege. The owners of the second floor Millionaire’s Casino – who had emptied the safe while the siege was still officially underway – returned four days later to discover that while the premises were under government control someone had attempted to shoot their way into the safe. Where are the attackers? The Kenyan government continues to insist that five attackers were killed by its security forces, but has admitted that none of their bodies has been conclusively identified so far.
  12. Kenya's foremost political cartoonist's take on this bililiqo:
  13. Soo jeedin waxaa u dhahay waxee tahay it seems as though you are pointing out, hence recommending. 'Talo' iyo wixii raaco haddee meesha soo galaan waxaa imaaneyso 'advise/advising.' Recommendation iyo advice laba ayee kala yihiin. Kula taliyey = advising La talin = advising Lataliye = adviser
  14. It happens again and again, only the major tragedies making the headlines. This time toban sano kadib to this very month, another masiibo iyo ibtilo. N. B. - If you want to see the original pictures posted in 2003, but aynan ka muuqan on your browser, copy-and-paste each picture's link. Ten years ago in Rome, the funeral of victims who perished in the sea.
  15. Cabaas, doorbid iyo recommendation intee iska galaan. Doorbid ereyga uu isir ahaan ka bilowdo waaba aragtaa, kaasoo ah door. Doorasho iyo doortay labadaanba ereygaas raacaan. Doorbidna wax aad shaqsi ahaantaa u dooratid waaye. Aragti ahaantey ereyga Afsoomaali ahaan ugu dhow recommendation waxaa u maleynaa in uu yahay soo jeedin.
  16. CABDUQAADIR SIIDI OO BEENIYEY INUU YURUB ISKA DHIIBEY OO QAXOOTI NOQDEY Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Sh/Hoose C/Qaadir Maxamed Nuur Siidii ayaa ka hadlay Warar ay Saxaafada Soomaalida baahiyeen oo ku aadanaa in uu iska dhiibay mid kamid ah Dalalka Yurub kadib markii uu ka goostay Wafdigii Dowlada ee ka qeyb galay Shirkii lagu qabtay Dalka Biljimka. C/Qaadir Siidii oo xiligan kusugan Dalka Jarmalka ayaa xusay in ay been abuur tahay in uu baxsaday uuna Yurub iska dhiibay waxa uuna taa badalkeeda sheegay in xiligan uu joogo Dalka Jarmalka uuna u joogo howlo caafimaad. Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Sh/Hoose ayaa xusay in Madaxda Dowlada Federaalka ay fasaxeen kuna wargaliyay in uu howlo caafimaad ka rabo Yurub dhawaana uu kusoo laaban doono Dalka sida uu xusay. C/Qaadir Maxamed Nuur Siidii ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in uu la kulmay Jaaliyadaha Soomaaliyeed ee kasoo jeeda Gobolka Sh/Hoose ee kusugan Dalalka Norwey , Sweden iyo Denmark waxa uuna sheegay in Wararka laga baahiyay ay yihiin kuwa dano siyaasadeed laga leeyahay. Hadalka Gudoomiyaha Gobolka h/Hoose kasoo yeeray ayaa imaanaya xili ay soo baxeen in C/Qaadir Siidii uu ka haray Wafdigii Dowlada ee ka qeyb galay Shirkii ka dhacay Dalka Biljimka taa oo keentay shaki ku aadan halka uu jaan iyo cirib dhigay Siidi. Xigasho
  17. Naxar Nugaaleed;980320 wrote: ^ most of the population speaks both English and Somali and how the heck do wright SMS in Somali Soomaali badankooda Soomaaliya joogo Ingiriis kuuma yaqaanaan, inay gartaana qasab ma'aha. Almiina Carabi iska dheh. Inaa dibadjoog raagay tahay saan lagu garanaa. SMS Afsoomaali waxaa lagu dhahaa fariimaha gaagaaban.
  18. Qof walba meesha fadhiya wuu isla saxsanyahay, mid walba waa 'victim,' oo waa loo gafay ama waa lagu soo duulay ama xaqiisa ayuu ilaalsanaayaa. Mid Soomaalinimo iyo Soomaaliya u fikiro ama u hadlo waa habeenkii xalay tagay waaye. Mar walba waxaa isweydiiyaa Soomaalida shisheeyaha aad iyo aad iskugu dhiibtay, oo hadal kama keenaan dhulkeena la heysto laakiin Soomaaliya laguma heshiin karo. Haddee Xabashi ama mid Kuukaayo ah qabsan lahaa inta ka harsan Soomaaliya, dadkaan camal wey ku qancin lahaayeen. As long as a shisheeye u talinaayo and their rules in place, they would probably be happy, same as it is happening in Soomaali Galbeed iyo NFD and in extension in the xad beenaad towns like Dooloow, Ceelbarde, Feerfeer, Goldogob and Buuhoodle, the towns where Xabashi influence is exercised clearly.
  19. Markaa maalin hore arkay the title of this tragic dhacdo waxaaba igu soo dhacday dhaqankii Reer Galbeedka Soomaaliya geeyeen miyaa aniga oonan waliba sii aqrinin dhacdadaan. Waaba kanaa ninkaan Kanada ka yimid la leeyahay, dhaqankii xumaa kala tagay meeshaan. Rabi ha u raxmado barbaarta yar yar.
  20. Why are recently married women in Western world pressured to take their new husband's name, as though she was a property from one ownership to another? And worse, in this day, she still becomes a Mrs -- Mister's. So, she belongs to the mister. Again, as though she was a property, the way they treated them and still do. Westerners with this kind of subjugating culture cannot and should not tell others how to live. Why did I bring this into this thread? Because Reer Galbeed ayaa buun buuniyo waxaan, qashinkoodana ma arkaan dhaqan ay ka dhigteen.
  21. Qof walba hadduu tuuladiisa dhisto maamusho maxaa ka qaldan. Qasab miyaa in la sameeyo maamulo goboleed. Qof walba tuuladiisa iyo buuladiisa haka adkaado, nabadeeda iyo degnaanshadeeda. Aasaaskii maxaa la iskaga indhatiraa.
  22. Nuunka, since jinka laga uumay dab iyo waxaas, biyo ma cabaan soo weydiiba. And while you are at it, sii warso meeshee 'caalamiinta' ka tagaan markii laga tago ifkaan aan joogno.
  23. Poor lady, Indian or foreign owners will surely blame her and not the looting military/police. I hope there are interior cameras in each store that would have recorded those looting thieves oo meesha inay badbaadiyaan laga sugaaye iyagii bililiqeystay. Kenya mall: 'It's horrific for me' says looted shop owner Irene Anyango, manager of a jewellery shop in Nairobi's Westgate shopping centre, claims that 90% of her stock has gone missing. Speaking to the BBC's Mike Wooldridge, she said that the inside of the mall is now unrecognisable. "It's not the mall you used to see... things are spoiled, glasses are broken, everything is everywhere," she said. BBC
  24. Knowing Kiinyaati mentality, no surprise again. Read on. Westgate shops lose millions of shillings in looting WESTGATE Shopping Mall was heavily looted following last Saturday's attack. Angry shop owners were yesterday asking security agents to explain how their goods were stolen after the terrorists attacked the mall. Many business owners on the first, second and third floors managed to close up their premises during the initial stages of the attack but were surprised to find them broken into and vandalized. “There is a crisis here because the owners of some of the shops that dealt in valuable goods and who have been allowed inside the building have shocked to find that their premises were looted by unknown people. They are demanding to be told what happened and who took their goods,” a security officer told the Star after shop owners visited the mall on Thursday. The Rado watch shop has been swept clean. A jewelery shop lost all its gold, silver and gem stone collection although it had been secured and closed. "It is unfortunate that our premises were looted during the attack. It is dark in the building but all the expensive jewelery and watches on display have been stolen. They took the best and left the few that are not very expensive. I don't think the attackers could have done this because it is obvious that they came specifically to steal. It would be absurd if the people entrusted to protect Kenyans are the ones who stole from our business premises ," one shop owner said. An electronics shop lost all its iPads, iPhones and mobile phones. The casino on the third floor reportedly lost over one million shillings but police are investigating whether employees or security agents involved in the rescue operation stole the money. People who hid in Barclays Bank on the second floor to escape the gunmen allegedly grabbed money from the tills before they ran out. The government is yet to allow the business owners to fully access the building as the exercise to retrieve bodies from the rubble is still continuing. There are unconfirmed reports that televisions and electronic equipment were taken from Nakumatt but it is impossible to verify as the supermarket is now buried under rubble. Some reports also said that the six ATM machines in the mall had also been broken into. The CCTV cameras in Westgate went off on Monday after power to the mall was disconnected during the operation to flush out the attackers. On Tuesday Constable Benson Gachuhi Kihenjo attached to Spring Valley Police station was charged in court after he was allegedly found with a blood stained wallet, credit cards, cheque books and identification documents belonging to victims of the Westgate attack . Meanwhile, people who had abandoned their cars last Saturday were yesterday being allowed them from Nakumatt Ukay and from outside Westgate. Hundreds of other vehicles remain trapped within the premises and many have been burned or damaged during the fighting. City Mortuary attendants and the Chief Government Pathologists Dr Johansen Oduor were called to the scene to assist in the process of retrieving the bodies and reports indicated that 100 body bags had been ordered. Xigasho