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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. I used to doubt (and I still partially do) that infamous letter attributed to Cigaal, Eebbe ha u raxmadee. I first came across from it back in 2000 online, so I seriously had my doubts. However, the increasing shamelessness and charlatan the wretched secessionists are behaving, I won't be surprised if it was a real letter after all. Some sicko secessionist slime probably gave Cigaal that wrong idea.
  2. Wretched secessionists wax walba ka filo, for nothing is surprising coming from this scum group. So I am not really surprised, especially considering in their desperation and gasping for air, by hiring a useless known Zionist neo-con in Washington; he will undoubtedly milk the little international aid dollars dowladda dhexe gives them. It is him who might have suggested this moronic idea of visiting the Zionist state and in their marqaan stupendous, this wretched group did not realize what they were up to. Waa dad iska marqaansan 24/7, from Muuse Muqayil to the ones in marfishes. They didn't realize the Zionists have a bigger fish to fry - ceaselessly and increasingly lobbying (and failing each time) for an observer seat at Midowga Afrika headquarters. Anyway, here is the latest: Wafti ka socda Somaliland oo ku sugan Isra'iil Wafti ka socda jamhuuriyadda iskeed isku magacowday ee Somaliland ayaa sugan Israel, halkaas oo ay tageen jimcihii, sida uu shaaca ka qaaday weriyaha caanka ah ee reer Isra'iil Edy Cohen. Edy Cohen, ayaa qoraal kooban oo uu bartiisa Twitter-ka ku qoray ayaa ku yiri “War deg deg ah: wafti ka yimid Somaliland ayaa ku sugan Israel”, isaga oo aan bixin wax faah-faahin oo intaas dheer. Sidoo kale, Somaliland ayaan ka hadlin waftigan ku sugan Israel, waxaana xiriir ay la sameysay Caasimada Online dhowr xafiis oo kala duwan, ay dhammaantood ka wada gaabsadeen arrintan. Si kastaba, Isku soo dhowaanshaha Israel iyo Somaliland ma ahan wax ugub ah. Shaqsiga ugu weyn ee maanta u ololeeya madax-banaanida Somaliland waa nin Yahuudi Mareykan ah oo lagu magacaabo Michael Rubin, oo ka mid ah kooxda dalka Maraykanka looga yaqaan Neocon iyo “Israel lobby” ee awooda ku dhexleh xisbiga Jamhuuriga. Michael Rubin, oo hadda ka tirsan machadla [American Enterprise Institute (AEI)], ayaa horey qoraal lagu daabacay warbaahinta The Hill uga hadlay warbixin uu ku weerarayo Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya isagoona ugu baaqayey dowlada Maraykanka inay xooga saarto taageerida Maamulka Somaliland. Qoraalkan oo uu ciwaan uga dhigay [U.S. Africa Policy Cannot Afford to Ignore Somaliland] ayuu ku dooday in ay khaldan tahay siyaasada Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibada ee Maraykanka ee xoojisay xiriirka iyo taageerada Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya ee ka dhisan magaalada Muqdisho oo uu ku tilmaamay “Dowlad aan jirin” oo weli aaminsan “Midnimada Wadanka Soomaaliya”. “Writing in The Hill, I argued that the United States should not channel all aid to Somalia through Mogadishu. To do so encourages corruption which can undermine Somalia’s tenuous recovery and replicates the worst of the UN’s approach to Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. And, yesterday here at AEIdeas, I argued that the United States should not commit itself to a unified Somalia and should consider instead recognizing the de facto separation between Somalia and Somaliland.” Dooda qoraalkiisa ayaa ah in Dowlada Soomaaliya ku fashilantay la dagaalanka Al Shabaab / Al Qacida, balse maamulka Somaliland uu “wax walba ku guuleystay” lana dagaalamay Al Shabaab, isagoo ku baaqay in Maraykanka uu joojiyo taageerada aan dhamaadka lahayn ee Muqdisho, wuxuuna ku baaqay in Maraykanka xafiisyo ka furto Hargeysa. Somaliland iyo Isra'iil Somaliland ayaa horey sidan u maalgelisay siyaasiyiin ajnabi ah oo uga ololeeya dalalka reer Galbeedka mana aha markii u horeysay oo ay hogaamiyayaasha Somaliland raadinta aqoonsiga usii maraan kooxaha ama siyaasiyiinta taageera Israel ee awooda kuleh xisbiyada Maraykanka, hase yeshee siyaasada Arrimaha Dibada ee Maraykanka ee ku aadan Soomaaliya ayaa ah mid aan isbedalin. Waxaa la xasuustaa Warqadii uu Madaxweynihii hore ee Somaliland Maxamed Ibrahim Cigaal uu sanadkii 1995 uu si toos ah ugu diray Raysal wasaarihii Israel ee xiligaasi Yitzhak Rabin. Warqadaasi oo uu Cigaal kaga codsaday Israel taageero iyo Aqoonsi, isagoo ku dooday in Somaliland iyo Israel ay yihiin dad walaalo ah! Cigaal ayaa warqadii uu Israel u diray 1995 uga hadlay cabsida uu ka qabo Islaamka kusii fidaya Bariga Afrika iyo gobalka, waxaana kamid ahaa erayadiisii: “Establishing Strategic Partnership with the State of Israel Today, however, although the West had won the cold war and the threat of communism appears to be vanishing in many parts of the world, we, in the Horn of Africa, are being threatened by a more sinister and pernicious enemy in the form of encroaching Islamic influence.” My government firmly believes that owing to this region’s strategic geopolitical importance as a result of its propinquity to the oil routes and the narrow Bab El-Mandeb entrance, as well as its proximity to the Gulf, the Middle East and the access to the Indian Ocean.” Somaliland’s concern is reinforced by the growing influence of the Saudis and the pro-Islamic Yemen, particularly ever since it had crushed and defeated the South Yemeni’s courageous attempt to forsake or renounce its union with the north. Discovering that Eritrea is not interested [in] to act asan Arab satellite, both Sana’ and Riyadh, as well as Khartoum (not to mention how pariah states like Iran and Libya are meddling into the internal affairs of my country), are now directing their efforts to force Somaliland to forfeit or withdraw its independence with the intention of installing a pro-Islamic Somali state (under a federal Somalia). This will most definitely render the control of both the north and southern coasts of the Red Sea to pro-Islamic regimes, with the exception of Eritrea and the miniature state of Djibouti which has no significance leaving the whole region to become a bed-rock for Islamic influence. In order to surmount such an onerous task my government needs the support and assistance of the State of Israel, not only to defend our nascent state from the menace of pro-Islamist dark forces, but also in terms of relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction of this devastated country. Your Obedient Servant Mohamed Ibrahim Egal President Republic of Somaliland Walow Israel aysan kasoo jawaabin warqadii Cigaal, hadana siyaasiyiinta Somaliland ayaan weli ka daalin baaqyada ay u dirayaan Israel oo ay ku sheegeen “…Walaalaha Somaliland…”, tusaale qoraalkan hoose oo dhamaadkii sanadkii tagay lagu daabacay jariirada Israel ee The Jerusalem Post. Isla Qoraagan kasoo jeeda Somaliland ayaa markale ku xusay qoraalkiisa Warqadii Cigaal hada kahor u diray Israel ee ku muujinayey xiriirka ka dhaxeeysa Israel iyo Somaliland. Macada in ay Somaliland ku guuleysan doonto jaceylka ay u muujineyso Israel ay dhasho Aqoonsi Caalami ah oo uu Maamulka Somaliland helo, balse waxaa hubaal ah in dadaalka Maamulka Hargeysa uusan yareyn. Xigasho
  3. Farmaajo iyo Kheyre oo qorsheynaya inay xaalad deg deg ah geliyaan Muqdisho Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo iyo ra’iisul wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa mar kale xalay kulan ka yeeshay ammaanka faraha ka baxay ee magaalada Muqdisho, oo maalmihii dhowaa ay qaraxyada caadi ka noqdeen. Kulanka ayaa looga hadlay sida wax looga beddeli karo xaaladda magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana waxyaabaha yaabka leh ee la isku soo qaday ka mid ah in magaalada la geliyo xaalad deg deg ah muddo 3 bilood ah, sida ay saraakiil ka tirsan Villa Somalia u xaqiijiyeen Caasimada Online. Tallaabadan ayaa u ogolaaneyso dowladda in ciidamo badan kusoo daabusho magaalada, la xiro dhammaan waddooyinka magaalada, gur-guri loo galo, islamarkaana ugu yaraamn la hakiyo qaraxyada joogtada ah ee magaalada. Qorshahan ayaa la sheegay in madaxweynaha iyo ra’iisul wasaaraha ay mabda’ ahaan isku raaceen hase yeeshee waxaan weli la hayn qaabkii loo fulin lahaa. Waxaa sidoo kale laga cabsi qabaa in baarlamanku ansixinayaan iyo in kale marka madaxweynuhu ku dhowaaqo, maadaama dastuurka dhigayo inay qasab tahay in baarlamanku ansixiyo. Madaxweynaha iyo ra’iisul wasaaraha ayaa lagu warramayaa in ka cabsi qabaan in qorshahan aysan xildhibaanada baarlamanka ogolaan doonin, taasi oo darteed aan weli qorshahan loogu dhowaaqin. Waxaa sidoo kale jirta in beesha caalamka aysan ogolaan doonin qorshahan, taasi oo mar kale isku dhac ka dhex abuuri karta madaxda dowladda iyo beesha caalamka, oo horey ugu kala tagay cayrintii wakiilkii QM ee Soomaaliya, Nicholas Haysom. Madaxda dowladda ayaa la rumeysan yahay ina taageero hoose u raadi doonaan qorshahan ka hor inta aysan ku dhowaaqin, ayada oo laga yaabo inay ka tanaasulaan haddii aysan taageero ku filan u helin. Xigasho _________________ Waa soo dhaweynayaa. Ha lagu soo rogo Muqdisho state of emergency. Kuwa maanta dacaayadeynaayo amaandarrada - ka mid yihiin Mahad Salaad iyo C/raxmaan C/shakuur - iyagaa isla beri qeylin doono, kana soo horjeesan doono. Maantana iyagaa ugu qeylo badan.
  4. Waa runtaa. Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan Muqdisho, cadow badan ayee leedahay, qaarkood Soomaali nala sheeganaayo laakiin niyadda ka baqtiyey, shisheeyana u adeego. Dad qaar waxee ku maal heleen qaska iyo qaxa, marka wey adagtahay inay maamul wanaagsan rabaan haddaan loo xusul duuban meel la iska saarin. Barbaarta kaliya ma'aha waxa wax dilo, qof walba wax garanaayo og taas Yuusuf Garaad just wrote this: Yuusuf Garaad: “Waxaan ogahay in Shabaab kaliya aysan Xamar dad ku dilin Wasiirkii hore ee arimaha dibadda Soomaaliya Yuusuf Garaad Cumar ayaa ka hadlay xaaladaha amaanka ee magaalada Muqdisho iyo dadka ka dambeeya qaraxyadii ugu dambeeyay ee ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho. Yuuruf Garaad Cumar qoraal uu soo dhigay bartiisa Facebook wuxuu kaga hadlay xaaladaha amaan ee magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana uu ku yiri qoraalkiisa:- Qaraxii iigu horreeyay oo ka dhacay meel aan joogo waxay ahayd 2013. Weerarkaas waxaa soo qaaday saddex wiil oo labana ay isqarxisay midna lagala hormaray oo la dilay isaga oo gashan jaakad qarax ku rakiban yahay. Isla markiiba waxaa tuhun la geliyay cidda ka dambeysa weerarka. Xataa shisheeya ayaa ka qeyb qaatay far ku fiiqidda jiho aan ahayn Shabaab. Ilaa markaas waxaan arkayay marka uu qarax dhaco dadka qaar keena tuhun ah in weerarku Shabaab ahayn ee ay ka dambeeyaan dhinacyo kale. Ma ogi xaqiiqadeeda. Mid ayaanse ogahay. Shabaab keliyihi Muqdisho dadka kuma dilo. Baaritaan cilmi ku saleysan ayaa loo baahan yahay in weerar kasta lagu sameeyo waxna laga barto. Xuuraansi ka sokow, Maaddooyinka laga sameeyay qaraxa iyo tabta loo sameeyay waxay wax ka sheegaan cidda sameysay. Xataa waxaa laga ogaan karaa qofka qaraxa sameeyay cidda tababbartay. Goobta la beegsaday, goorta iyo xeesha weerarka iyagana khubaro akhrin taqaan ayaa jirta. Diiwaanka warbixinnada weerarrada Shabaab haddii uu jirana wax baa lagala dhex bixi karaa. Baaritaan iyo dabaggal noocaas ah ama ka sarreeya maaddaama aanan arag cid natiijadiisa ila wadaagta, anigu waxaan weerarrada u sameystay miisaan fudud. Waxaan hubiyaa in weerarka uu fuliyay ama uu qeyb ka yahay qof is qarxiyay. Haddii ay jawaabtu haa tahay, Shabaab oo keliya ayaa haysta dad isu qarxiya, adeegsadana. Xigasho
  5. Xilligaan iyo bililiqo waa ayaandarro. Jidkaas buuraha ah aad ayuu halis u yahay for I remember a tragic accident that happened in that road in late 1980s. Reer xaafadeena ka guureen ayaa ku baaba'ay, dad badan ayaa kaga dhintay. Daris gurigeena ku dhagan ayee ahaayeen. Alle yarxama. Tacsi weyn ayaa xaafadda u taalay maalintaas. One of the survivors was a boy named Khaalid Qaldaan. I think he lives in Boorama now. Aad ayee ugu baaba'een reerkooda. As a young boy, it was the very first time I ever heard the name Sheekh, I think. By the way, meesha aad ayee u qurxoontahay, very touristic and I am glad to see mostly jidka waa sidiisa wali oo burbur baahsan kama muuqdo.
  6. Xataa qaali ku sheega wuu marqaamaa miyaa? Maskiinta Rabi ha u sahlo, jaahil iyo badow haddee qaali kuu noqdaan waxaan camal ka filo.
  7. Talaabo, I also remember the elusive never-coming dream of aqoonsi that was expected to arrive in 1991, in 1996, in 2001, in 2006, in 2011, in 2016, in 2019, in 20... War lee maa wadeynaa. Ilmihii dhashay 1991 waa aabayaal, awoowe ku socdo and some wretched secessionists are still marqaan-dreaming of this in their deep daily marqaamid sessions At least beesha caalamka Soomaaliya oo dhan wey aqoonsantahay and is engaging her government, but Muuse Muqayil iyo xulafadiisa in a dusty mundul yaa aqoonsan?
  8. Beesha Caalamka oo taageertay qorshaha amniga ee dowlada Soomaaliya Qoraal ay si wadajir ah soo saareen maanta Qaramada Midoobay, Midowga Afrika, Midowga Yurub, UK, iyo Mareykanka ayaa lagu sheegay inay soo dhoweynayaan hindisaha uu Ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Kheyre u soo bandhigay saaxiibada ee ah is-beddelada dhinaca amniga iyo qorshaha dowladda Soomaaliya ee ah inay sii waddo hormarinta amniga. “Waxaa na dhiirigeliyey go’aanka dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya ay ku fulineyso is-beddelada lagama maarmaanka ah ee amniga, dhaqaalaha iyo siyaasadda, waxaana hoosta ka xariiqeynaa taageeradeena shaqadan” ayaa lagu yiri qoraalka beesha caalamka. Beesha caalamka ayaa sidoo kale sheegtay in Kheyre ay mar kale kula kulmi doonaan magaalada Washington ee dalka Mareykanka, halkaasi oo bisha April lagu qabanayo Kulanka Soomaaliya ee hay’adaha IMF iyo Bankiga Adduunka. “Waxaan sidoo kale sugaynaa go’aannada muhiimka ah ee ku saabsan sii wadidda taageerada Amisom, oo mas’uuliyadda amniag Soomaaliya ku wareejineysa ciidamada Soomaaliya” ayaa lagu yiri qoraalka. Beesha caalamka ayaa ugu baaqay dalalka daneeya Soomaaliya inay taageeraan oo ay Soomaaliya kala shaqeeyaan sidii dowladda iyo dadka Soomaaliyeed ay ugu guuleysan lahaayeen is-beddelada ay wadaan ayada oo loo marayo wada-hadallo loo dhan yahay. Hadalkan ka soo yeeray Beesha Caalamka ayaa ka dambeeyey kadib kulan uu dhawaan rai’iusl wasaaraha Soomaaliya la yeeshey wakiilada beesha caalamka iyo AMISOM, iyagoo ka wada hadlay,qorshayaasha horumarineed oo ay wado dowladda iyo sidii loo taageeri lahaa. Xigasho
  9. International partners laud reforms in Somalia's security sector MOGADISHU, March 26 (Xinhua) -- The international partners on Tuesday welcomed reforms in Somalia's security sector to help flush out the al-Shabab militant group. The partners from the United Nations, African Union, European Union, Britain, and the United States welcomed the initiative by Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire to brief them on reforms in the security sector and the government's plans to continue to improve security. "We believe the full implementation of these reforms will contribute to stability and prosperity for the Somali people and the wider region," the partners said in a joint statement issued in Mogadishu. They called on the stakeholders to support and coordinate collective efforts to help the government and people of Somalia achieve security, economic and political reforms through an inclusive dialogue process. "We are encouraged by the determination of the Federal Government of Somalia to implement necessary security, economic and political reforms, and we underline our support for this work," they said. The partners said they looked forward to the important decisions in the context of continued support to African Union Mission in Somalia as it transfers security responsibilities to Somali-owned security. The AU mission is supporting the transition through the priority tasks including securing main supply routes, securing key population centers, mentor and assist Somali security forces, both military and police, in close collaboration with UN Assistance Mission in Somalia. Xigasho
  10. Holac ka qaleey. Meesha dabeesha yar u socoto ayuu iska raacaa mar mar. He is a sincere, though, but he needs a firm mabda' when it comes to Soomaaliya midnimadeeda iyo madaxbannaanimadeeda. Gorgorton ma gasho taas and never will.
  11. Rabi ha u raxmado walaasheen yar ee Caasho. Kuwa falkaan argagaxan geystayna caddaalad buuxdala hor keeno ayaa sugeynaa; xataa haddii tii ifka lagu marsiin tii aakhiro ayaa sugeyso koley.
  12. Saalax, why loo karbaashaa dhibanaha? Been ayee sheegtay maa lagu heystaa mise...? If the accused is sentenced, why the victim is also punished see camal. Wax ayaa isdaba marsan.
  13. War Dalmar, aawey bootadaa lahayd baddii ayuu madaxweynaha dhiibay?
  14. Cali Khaliif Galeyr oo afka furtay, Banaankana soo dhigay balamo looga baxay Siyaasiga Cali Khaliif Galeyr marna soo noqday Madaxweynaha Maamulka la magac baxay Khaatuma State ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in looga baxay heshiisyo dhowr ah oo uu la galay Xukuumadii Madaxweynihi Soomaaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilaanyo. Waxa uu sheegay in uu hayo heshiis uu la galay Siilaanyo oo ka tirsan Xisbiga Kulmiye, waxaana uu sheegay in aan weli laheyn cida heshiiskaas fulin laheyd, hayeeshee dhankooda ay diyaar yihiin. Waxa uu hadalkiisa intaasi ku daray in Dastuurka iyo shuruucda lagu tunto ay u baahan tahay cid qaada mas’uuliyadeed,waxaana uu sheegay in loo baahan yahay wadada loo marayo heshiiskaas in la saxo lana fuliyo. Cali Khaliif Galeyr ayaa xilligii uu ahaa Madaxweynaha Maamulka Khaatumo waxaa uu heshiis la galay Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilaanyo, waxaana xilligaas wixii ka dambeeyey uu ahaa mid gala safara kala duwan taas oo keentay in uu meesha ka baxo heshiiskaas. Xigasho
  15. I don't like the dude in Aqalka Cad and his regime's policies, but anything is welcome.
  16. US helps Somali commando force grow from battalion to brigade STUTTGART, Germany — U.S. Africa Command is aiding the buildup of a specialized commando brigade in Somalia that has emerged as a key force in the fight to reclaim territory held by al-Qaida-aligned insurgents. During a visit to Somalia this week by AFRICOM’s Gen. Thomas Waldhauser, talks with the country’s leadership centered on the progress of Somalia’s Danab (Lightning) Advanced Infantry Brigade, a military statement said. “We’ve learned the importance of factoring in cultural and region-specific considerations,” Waldhauser said in the statement. “We work closely with our Somali partners ensuring the composition of specific Danab companies is appropriate for the security sector where they’ll be employed.” When training of Danab commando units began several years ago, planners originally conceived a battalion-sized element. The effort has now expanded with a plan to build a 3,000-troop brigade spread out across six Somalia army sectors, according to AFRICOM. A Danab brigade headquarters operates about 70 miles north of Mogadishu at Camp Baledogle, where the U.S. military is expanding an airfield for operations. AFRICOM declined to detail the current troop level of the Danab forces or a timeline for when the brigade would be at full strength, citing force protection concerns. For AFRICOM, one of the challenges in Somalia — a clan-based society without a history of a functioning central government — is ensuring the security forces it trains are comprised of appropriate clan groups. “For example, it would be unwise to take a force from Jubaland and send them to Puntland to conduct operations as they may be seen as outsiders, which would not maximize effectiveness,” said Maj. Karl Wiest, an AFRICOM spokesman. Because AFRICOM’s Somali partners have prioritized “ensuring the right people are placed in the right sector, the Danab are largely perceived as effective and clan-neutral by the Somali people,” Wiest said. During the past two years, the commandos have fought to retake territory from al-Shabab, a militant group that for more than a decade has vied for control in Somalia. The Danab commandos, along with other parts of the Somali military and an international force known as the African Union Mission in Somalia, “continue to make incursions into territory previously held by al-Shabab,” AFRICOM said. The U.S. says the military effort is part of a broader approach focused on getting the Somali central government to more effectively deliver services, but the strategy faces complications since Somalia consistently ranks as one of the world’s most corrupt countries. Security analysts also have long cautioned that Somali society has a history of resisting outside attempts to impose Western-style order. Al-Shabab also has proven resilient. During the past three years, the U.S. has steadily intensified military operations in the country, with special operations troops serving as combat advisers. Somali forces have recently set up multiple combat outposts in the Lower Juba River Valley — a region that is frequently targeted by U.S. airstrikes — where they pushed Shabab fighters out of former strongholds. AFRICOM said about 1,000 previously displaced families have returned to their homes since 2017 as a result of the offensive. “We have seen incremental progress in Somalia,” Waldhauser said. “Our partners must continue to make progress in order to maintain positive momentum and maintain the hard-earned confidence of the Somali people.” The Pentagon says the U.S. now has about 500 troops in Somalia, where the pace of airstrikes has been escalating. Since 2017, AFRICOM has launched more than 100 airstrikes in Somalia, killing over 800 militants. The U.S. offensive is driven by concerns that if al-Shabab asserts more control in Somalia, the country could become a hub for jihadis and Western interests in the region might be threatened. Also, the AU Mission in Somalia is scheduled to withdraw from the country next year. The AU contingent has been instrumental in keeping al-Shabab at bay, and it is not yet clear whether Somali forces will be able to hold on to battlefield gains of recent years. “Somalia is critical to the security situation and the long-term stability of East Africa,” Waldhauser said. However, the stepped-up military campaign is drawing more scrutiny and calling into question an AFRICOM assertion that no civilians have been killed in any of its airstrikes. On Wednesday, Amnesty International released a report that said AFRICOM’s claims are false and that at least 14 civilians have died in five strikes analyzed by the watchdog group. “Military operations by Somali government, allied militia and foreign troops including (the African Union) and the US military against Al-Shabaab, continue to have a devastating effect on civilians,” Amnesty said in its report. AFRICOM denied the allegations. “It is in the interest of the terrorist group al-Shabaab to untruthfully claim civilian casualties,” AFRICOM said in response to the Amnesty report. “It is also in the interest of al-Shabaab to coerce community members to make untrue claims.” Xigasho
  17. Xataa Eritareeya wax laga raadiyey, thinking Afwerki of all people would help them. Afwerki Soomaaliya iyo dadkeeda mahad gooni ah ayuu u haayaa, if only the prostituting wretched secessionist knew that. They have so far prostituted to Xabashis, to Ingiriis, to Imaaraad, to Kiikuuyo, all neglecting, xataa dib uma soo fiirinayaan. Ileen ceeb looma dhinto.
  18. Kenya-Somalia fail to end border row, now headed to The Hague March 23, 2019 The search for an out-of-court solution for the Kenya-Somalia dispute over their common border has hit a snag, paving the way for a legal battle at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Nairobi is putting together final touches on papers for the case, which will begin in September in The Hague. In 2016, Kenya failed to convince the ICJ that it was not within its jurisdiction to determine the matter. SEISMIC STUDY Some of the submissions Kenya will make in September include the results of an expensive seismic study to prove that the ocean floor of the disputed area includes minerals eroded from rivers in Kenya scattered over 300 nautical miles from the shore. Chinese scientists, in collaboration with local geologists, are compiling data from the study in Beijing. Officials from the State Law Office said the process is complicated and requires expertise not available in Kenya. Nairobi has all along insisted that the boundary is determined by a parallel line to the east set by colonial powers. Somalia, however, says the boundary extends to the southeast as an extension of its land border. If Mogadishu wins the case, a large swathe of Kenya’s land will fall in the hands of Somalia. For its part, Kenya insists that the land is within its continental shelf as defined by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Article 76 of the UNCLOS treaty signed in 1982 says: “The continental margin comprises the submerged prolongation of the land mass of the coastal State, and consists of the seabed and subsoil of the shelf, the slope and the rise.” OIL DEPOSITS Without a political solution in sight, it appears that Nairobi has resorted to piling pressure on Mogadishu even as it prepares for a legal battle. On Thursday, officials at the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) declined to comment on whether the surprise retreat of troops to the border is part of the strategy. On Tuesday, the Nation exclusively reported that Kenyan troops had abandoned their bases in Bursar, Bardera, El Adde, Taraka and Fafadun. Two weeks ago, Somalia’s President Mohamed Farmajo was in Nairobi in an effort to find a diplomatic solution for the crisis, but his meeting with President Uhuru Kenyatta did not yield any any results. In fact, State House remained mum over the results of the meeting while Mr Farmajo’s office issued a statement. The search for an out-of-court solution for the Kenya-Somalia dispute over their common border has hit a snag, paving the way for a legal battle at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Nairobi is putting together final touches on papers for the case, which will begin in September in The Hague. In 2016, Kenya failed to convince the ICJ that it was not within its jurisdiction to determine the matter. “The agenda of the talks included a diplomatic solution and the president has agreed to restore and strengthen ties and co-operation between the two countries based on mutual respect and co-operation in the areas of security, economy, human trafficking and trade,” said Mr Farmaajo. As a solution remains elusive, Nairobi has resorted to doing all it can to force Mogadishu to withdraw its interest in the 142,400-square-kilometre area of ocean that has rich oil deposits. This turn of events is informed by the realisation that Somalia had planned to sell off oil blocks in the area by September. This will be just about the same time when the case starts, which could create more legal and political hurdles. NON-ACTIONABLE A slide show for a presentation made in London by American seismic company Spectrum Geo on behalf of Somalia shows that the results of the auction will be made public on September 19. Under the plan, Somalia has given firms willing to bid up to July 4 to ask any questions regarding their qualification. The companies will then have up to July 11 to enter bids and the government will on August 29 “qualify operators and non-operators”. A study of documents dating back four decades shows the genesis of the matter was in 1979, when President Daniel arap Moi wrote to the UN declaring ownership of the ocean space in dispute. Thirty years later in 2005, Mr Moi’s successor Mwai Kibaki also made a similar pronouncement. Then in 2009 both countries signed a deal that the border would run east along the line of latitude. The agreement was registered at the UN secretariat in June 2009. On October 10, Somalia’s Prime Minister Omar Sharmarke wrote the UN saying the Transitional Federal Parliament had rejected the agreement and requested that it be treated “as non-actionable”. Kenya, however, argues that the deal is an international treaty that is legally binding on the parties. Xigasho
  19. It is not about that. CNN interviewed someone who had an agenda and a Trump supporter to criticize Ilhaan. He is probably a Republican, an uncle tom and a house negro Malcolm X was talking about. CNN should have done the least to have mentioned his support for Trump.
  20. Dowladda dhexe iyo maamulka Waqooyiga ee Soomaaliya wey mideysanyihiin oo Soomaaliya ka wada tirsanyihiin. Haddee hadlaayaana sida maamul goboleedyada loola hadlaaye ayaa loola hadlaa. Midownimo iyo waxaas meesha ma yaalaan. Soomaaliya waa dal mideysan laakiin dagaalo sokeeye ka jiro.
  21. Maakhiri, report this to Young Turks, that CNN is presenting a rare Soomaali Dotard supporter as a legitimate critic of Ilhaan.
  22. Ah, Afwerki, the bogeyman to our Tigrey guest. Everywhere he looks, there has to be Afwerki, even issues between Turkiga and Australia.
  23. 'Aabahooda' Ingiriiska ahaa maa lagu kacay. The little bread crumbs u tuuri jireen maa laga goostay mise jaadkii ayaa yaraaday. That dude looked like qof macquul ah, then he opened his wretched secessionist mouth - same as marqaan-addicted zombies like others.