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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Safarada Xasan Socdaal ee dalxiiska ah: Imaaraadka - 10/06/2022 Turkiga - 03/07/2022 Eritareeya - 10/07/2022 Kiinya - 15/07/2022 Jabuuti - 16/07/2022 Masar - 24/07/2022 Ugaandha - 08/08/2022 Tansaaniya - 15/08/2022 Kiinya (2nd time) - 12/09/2022 Mareykanka - 15/09/2022 Ingiriiska - 18/09/2022 (rushed back from Mareykanka for the islaantii aaskeeda) Mareykanka (2nd time) - 20/09/2022 (back to Mareykanka for Qaramada Midoobay sessions) Itoobiya - 28/09/2022 Ugaandha (2nd time) - 08/10/2022 Jabuuti (2nd time) - 22/10/2022 Suudaan - 01/11/2022 Aljeeriya - 02/11/2022 Masar (2nd time) - 06/11/2022 Eritareeya (2nd time) - 10/11/2022 Jabuuti (3rd time) - 08/12/2022 Sacuudiga - 09/12/2022 Mareykanka (3rd time) - 12/12/2022 Talyaaniga - 08/02/2023 Imaaraadka (2nd time) - 22/02/2023 Qadar - 04/03/2023 Eritareeya (3rd time) - 13/03/2023 Jabuuti (4th time) - 15/03/2023 Ugaandha (3rd time) - 18/03/2023 Itoobiya (2nd time) - 14/04/2023 Ugaandha (4th time) - 27/04/2023 Qadar (3rd time) - 17/05/2023 Sacuudiga (2nd time) - 18/05/2023 Imaaraadka (3rd known time) - 21/05/2023 Turkiga (2nd time) - 02/06/2023 Jabuuti (5th time) - 11/06/2023 Mareykanka (4th time) - 20/06/2023 Talyaaniga (2nd time) - 23/07/2023 Jabuuti (6th time) - 22/09/2023 Eritareeya (4th time) - 08/10/2023 Biljam - 24/10/2023 Imaaraadka (4th known time) - 30/10/2023 Sacuudiga (3rd time) - 09/11/2023 Burundi (1st time) - 15/11/2023 Ingiriiska (2nd time) - 19/11/2023 Tansaaniya (2nd time) - 23/11/2023 Imaaraadka (5th time) - 30/11/2023 Jabuuti (7th time) - 08/12/2023 Mareykanka (5th time) - 10/12/2023 Ugaandha (5th time) - 15/12/2023 Kuweyd (1st time) - 19/12/2023 Jabuuti (8th official time) - 28/12/2023 Eritareeya (5th time) - 08/01/2024 Ugaandha (6th time) - 17/01/2024 Masar (3rd time) - 19/01/2024 Qadar (4th time) - 22/01/2024 _________________ Updated.
  2. Wuxuu war wareegaba Xasan Socdaal wuxuu ku soo noqday siyaasadii aragtida dheereyd ee dowladii hore dajisay maadaama dalalkii Soomaaliya saaxiibtimada daacadda u ah ogaaday kuwee yihiin.
  3. Don't quote qashinkaan, Maakhiri. Waa qof aad Soomaalida u neceb, used to be a member on here, too, until he was banned years ago. Plus C/ritaax Siisi was talking about the possibilities Soomaaliya's bright future had there not been decades of severe dagaalo sokeeye. Waana runtiisa.
  4. Waraaq uu aqrinaayaa, like a hostage. Mahad Kawaanle karbaashay munaafuqa, wey ku fiicantahay. Si loo sii daayo rabaa.
  5. Safarada Xasan Socdaal ee dalxiiska ah: Imaaraadka - 10/06/2022 Turkiga - 03/07/2022 Eritareeya - 10/07/2022 Kiinya - 15/07/2022 Jabuuti - 16/07/2022 Masar - 24/07/2022 Ugaandha - 08/08/2022 Tansaaniya - 15/08/2022 Kiinya (2nd time) - 12/09/2022 Mareykanka - 15/09/2022 Ingiriiska - 18/09/2022 (rushed back from Mareykanka for the islaantii aaskeeda) Mareykanka (2nd time) - 20/09/2022 (back to Mareykanka for Qaramada Midoobay sessions) Itoobiya - 28/09/2022 Ugaandha (2nd time) - 08/10/2022 Jabuuti (2nd time) - 22/10/2022 Suudaan - 01/11/2022 Aljeeriya - 02/11/2022 Masar (2nd time) - 06/11/2022 Eritareeya (2nd time) - 10/11/2022 Jabuuti (3rd time) - 08/12/2022 Sacuudiga - 09/12/2022 Mareykanka (3rd time) - 12/12/2022 Talyaaniga - 08/02/2023 Imaaraadka (2nd time) - 22/02/2023 Qadar - 04/03/2023 Eritareeya (3rd time) - 13/03/2023 Jabuuti (4th time) - 15/03/2023 Ugaandha (3rd time) - 18/03/2023 Itoobiya (2nd time) - 14/04/2023 Ugaandha (4th time) - 27/04/2023 Qadar (3rd time) - 17/05/2023 Sacuudiga (2nd time) - 18/05/2023 Imaaraadka (3rd known time) - 21/05/2023 Turkiga (2nd time) - 02/06/2023 Jabuuti (5th time) - 11/06/2023 Mareykanka (4th time) - 20/06/2023 Talyaaniga (2nd time) - 23/07/2023 Jabuuti (6th time) - 22/09/2023 Eritareeya (4th time) - 08/10/2023 Biljam - 24/10/2023 Imaaraadka (4th known time) - 30/10/2023 Sacuudiga (3rd time) - 09/11/2023 Burundi (1st time) - 15/11/2023 Ingiriiska (2nd time) - 19/11/2023 Tansaaniya (2nd time) - 23/11/2023 Imaaraadka (5th time) - 30/11/2023 Jabuuti (7th time) - 08/12/2023 Mareykanka (5th time) - 10/12/2023 Ugaandha (5th time) - 15/12/2023 Kuweyd (1st time) - 19/12/2023 Jabuuti (8th official time) - 28/12/2023 Eritareeya (5th time) - 08/01/2024 Ugaandha (6th time) - 17/01/2024 Masar (3rd time) - 19/01/2024 _________________ Updated.
  6. What a projection! You are so, so close seeing yourself on the mirror. For three decades, Muuse Muqayil and secessionist hardcores were doing the same exact outlandish stuff for aqoonsi and each time were expecting a different result, which never comes.
  7. Tan waaka duwantahay tan ICJ ee Koonfur Afrika ku dacweysay. Tan waa ICC. Mexico, Chile refer Israel-Hamas conflict to ICC over potential crimes Mexico and Chile expressed "growing worry" on Thursday over "an escalation of violence" after several months of war between Israel and Hamas in a referral to the International Criminal Court (ICC) over possible crimes. Hamas militants launched a surprise attack in Israel in October, killing 1,200 mostly civilians and seizing 253 hostages, with multiple accounts later emerging of rape and mutilation. The Israeli... offensive on the Hamas-led Gaza Strip has led to increasing international alarm and scrutiny over the deaths of civilians, especially children. Gaza health authorities said on Thursday the war's death toll had risen to 24,620, with many more feared buried under the rubble. In a statement, Mexico's foreign ministry argued that the ICC was the proper forum to establish potential criminal responsibility, "whether committed by agents of the occupying power or the occupied power". "The action by Mexico and Chile is due to growing worry over the latest escalation of violence, particularly against civilian targets," it said. Israel is not a member of the Hague-based court and does not recognize its jurisdiction. But the ICC's prosecutor has stressed his court has jurisdiction over potential war crimes carried out by Hamas militants in Israel and by Israelis in Gaza. Mexico cited "numerous reports from the United Nations that detail many incidents that could constitute crimes under the ICC's jurisdiction". Chile's Foreign Minister Alberto van Klaveren told reporters on Thursday in Santiago that his nation was "interested in supporting the investigation into any possible war crime" wherever they might occur. Mexico said it was closely following the case presented last week before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in which South Africa accused Israel of carrying out genocide in Gaza and demanded that the court order an emergency suspension of Israel's military campaign. Reuters
  8. Haa, that is why I support Xasan Socdaal iskugu waco all maamul goboleed, including Deni. Xataa Garoowe (or even better in Laascaanood) haku qabto shirka, hana ka hor sheego wax walba kala aragti duwanaan jirtay arrin ka daran ayaa timid oo hal meel laga soo jeesto. He has to be sincere. He also needs to go to Laascaanood as well as to Buuhoodle as soon as possible, to show the world that Waqooyi is part of Soomaaliya still and dowladda dhexe controls them. Wax walba optics ayaa mar mar ka awood weyn.
  9. Not really. I don't think Xabashada Baydhabo caadi ugu baxaayaan unless xoog iyo awood loo sheegto. Ciidamo dheeraad ayeeba u soo direen to Gedo iyo Baay, expecting to enshrine their bases. Xasan needs to have a serious talk with Laftagareen, that danta qaran ka sareyso wax walba and inuunan faragelineynin arrimaha KG. Otherwise Lafta will not accept privately Xabashada haka baxaan meesha. Also pro-Xabashi and pro-secessionist Ingiriis have a base there, training KG ciidamo. To this day, I never understood why they chose Baydhabo. But they saw Mareykanka Belidoogle degay, iyagana Baydhabo iska xaadiriyeen without any known agreements. Some suspect uranium agagaarka Buurhakaba ku hoos jirto ayee rabaan. Shariif Xasan ayaa keenay.
  10. Galbeedi, nice to see you. Hope the best for Reer Awdal, dhexda hala dhuuqsado xaalka ma sahlanee. You remind me at the start and founding of halgankii RRA in 1995. Ma sahlaneen and a lot of folks were disillusioned at that time since Caydiid's Salbalaar were more powerful than Muuse's humbled militia are now. But in the end waa lagu guuleystay. Ever since the secessionist colossal humiliation of Goojacadde, Xunjuf kibirkii iyo bootadii wuu ka neefsaday, he sometimes acts like a reasonable - a new phenomena of his two decades on here. Nayroobi sababta aan ugu noqnoqon jiray waa aragtay soo ma'aha. There were times between 2009 to 2017 that I spent at least a part of the calendar year in Nayroobi. Hawadeeda caadi ma'aha.
  11. Safarada Xasan Socdaal ee dalxiiska ah: Imaaraadka - 10/06/2022 Turkiga - 03/07/2022 Eritareeya - 10/07/2022 Kiinya - 15/07/2022 Jabuuti - 16/07/2022 Masar - 24/07/2022 Ugaandha - 08/08/2022 Tansaaniya - 15/08/2022 Kiinya (2nd time) - 12/09/2022 Mareykanka - 15/09/2022 Ingiriiska - 18/09/2022 (rushed back from Mareykanka for the islaantii aaskeeda) Mareykanka (2nd time) - 20/09/2022 (back to Mareykanka for Qaramada Midoobay sessions) Itoobiya - 28/09/2022 Ugaandha (2nd time) - 08/10/2022 Jabuuti (2nd time) - 22/10/2022 Suudaan - 01/11/2022 Aljeeriya - 02/11/2022 Masar (2nd time) - 06/11/2022 Eritareeya (2nd time) - 10/11/2022 Jabuuti (3rd time) - 08/12/2022 Sacuudiga - 09/12/2022 Mareykanka (3rd time) - 12/12/2022 Talyaaniga - 08/02/2023 Imaaraadka (2nd time) - 22/02/2023 Qadar - 04/03/2023 Eritareeya (3rd time) - 13/03/2023 Jabuuti (4th time) - 15/03/2023 Ugaandha (3rd time) - 18/03/2023 Itoobiya (2nd time) - 14/04/2023 Ugaandha (4th time) - 27/04/2023 Qadar (3rd time) - 17/05/2023 Sacuudiga (2nd time) - 18/05/2023 Imaaraadka (3rd known time) - 21/05/2023 Turkiga (2nd time) - 02/06/2023 Jabuuti (5th time) - 11/06/2023 Mareykanka (4th time) - 20/06/2023 Talyaaniga (2nd time) - 23/07/2023 Jabuuti (6th time) - 22/09/2023 Eritareeya (4th time) - 08/10/2023 Biljam - 24/10/2023 Imaaraadka (4th known time) - 30/10/2023 Sacuudiga (3rd time) - 09/11/2023 Burundi (1st time) - 15/11/2023 Ingiriiska (2nd time) - 19/11/2023 Tansaaniya (2nd time) - 23/11/2023 Imaaraadka (5th time) - 30/11/2023 Jabuuti (7th time) - 08/12/2023 Mareykanka (5th time) - 10/12/2023 Ugaandha (5th time) - 15/12/2023 Kuweyd (1st time) - 19/12/2023 Jabuuti (8th official time) - 28/12/2023 Eritareeya (5th time) - 08/01/2024 Ugaandha (6th time) - 17/01/2024 _________________ Updated.
  12. He is Kambaala maalmahaan, another trip that is necessary.
  13. Reer Awdal are cooking something serious in Nayroobi. Some heavyweights ayaa joogo meesha. No wonder Galbeedi waa aamusanyahay. They have Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle on their side now, marka Muuse meesha xoog Xabashi xataa kuma qabsan karo.
  14. Can't they impeach him? Sawirada shirka ka arkaaye asagoo Xasan agfadhiyo and I thought what is this Xabashi foreign minister doing in shirka. Waaba iloobay xoghayaha IGAD ahaa. Asagoo wasiirkooda arrimaha dibadda xasuustay.
  15. Widaay, Laftagareen iyo Xasan Socdaal waa isku dhaceen late last year. Waxaa lan isku ogaa in deegaanada KG laga saaro kuwa afka duuban laakiin roobabkii ayaa baajiyey. Roobabkii markee dhamaadeen, Xasan hub laga sugaaye inuu keeno meesha sida heshiiska ahaa, laakiin waaka caga jiiday oo qorshihii badalay. Wuxuu soo jeediyey in ciidamo badan u dhalan deegaanka keenaayo. Laftagareen waa diiday, awalba kala shaki ka jiree. Hubkaa ku heshiinay keen sida Galmudug u geysay ama nagu kala wad yiri. Xasana waaku adkeystay. Waala kala booday. Xasan wuxuu isku badalay waa soo laabashada uu ka qabay Deni, wuuna soo laabtay. Taas ka quustay, marka lataliyaashiisa Lafta neceb kula taliyey meesha ciidamo badan u geyno Baydhabo oo aan Lafta fursad sahlan ugu saarno. Lafta filinkooda waa ogyahay. Now Lafta wuxuu qorsheynaayaa inuu (s) election qabto soonka ka dib. (S)election waxaa laga filanaaye sanadkaan dhamaadkiisa laakiin wuu soo hormarsiinaayaa. Xasana ma rabo. Lafta Nayroobi joogaa, dhaqaale uu ku qabto xulashada safaaradaha Reer Galbeedka kaga raadinaayaa. Xaalka Xabashada haddaa u soo noqdo, Lafta Xabashada inay u xoojiyaan awoodiisa Baraawe rabaa intee bixin ka hor. Inay isku furaan jidka Baraawe iyo deegaanada kale isku xiro suu ciidamo dheeraad u geysto. Meeshaas dekad ka dhiso rabaa, dhul kala go'sana ma sahlana deked laga dhiso. Iyaga Xabashida waaba rabaan meel bad ah Soomaaliya tagaan, xataa yeynan dekad ka dhisan. Shaqsi ahaanteyda waaka soo horjeedaa aniga Xabashidaas uu ku xiranyahay. Laakiin reer isbaaro ayaa maalin walba soo taagan Baraawe iyo Shabeelaha Hoose 'anagaa leh oo xoreysanay.' Tuhunkaan iyo kala shakiga laga faa'ideysanaayaa. Xasan inuu ka hormariyo arrinka weyn qaranimo u fiican. Laftana sidoo kale.
  16. They just copy-pasted baaqa Jaamacadda Carabta ka soo baxay. Empty words from the usual munaafiqiinta.
  17. Widaay, Soomaaliya hubkii cunaqabateyn ma saarno, so nothing keeps it away inay hal ama laba diyaarad milateri lease ku soo qaataan oo xarunteeda Jabuuti ka dhigtaan and then patrol Waqooyi airspaces. We already have trained pilots sitting in Turkiga. Sidii hore ma'aha xaalka. Ismaaciil ayaa isku dirteen.
  18. When Xunjuf is very quiet, xaalka aad u xunyahay. Perhaps he will pull a vanishing act once again, just after ibtiladii Goojacadde ku qabsatay secessionists. He, like many hardcore secessionists, disappeared four months from online sphere.