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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. A nice video to enjoy watching, especially to anyone planning a trip to Muqdisho.
  2. It seems waraaq been ah inay tahay. Haddee waraaq sax tahay, it is too late. The best Awmadoowe can do is iskaga tago meesha sida xirtii ka horeysay asaga ku dhacday.
  3. Beeshiisa kama adkee ee tabar la'aan u geysay. Galgaduud iyo meelahaas uu ka soo jeedo ha u raadiyo xal. Moorgan, Caydiid, Cumar Jees iyo kii kale asaga Dooxada Jubba la maafiya ahaa (Seeraar) hortiisa ayee quusteen.
  4. He is a Tigrey agent, a junior Gabre, who unfortunately learned to speak and read Soomaali language. When his Tigrey masters were in power, he was never the one against their wretched and failed intervention policies. In fact, he advocated those policies. He promotes each and every clan enclave, to be perpetual in conflict. That is why he likes to call them enclaves. He goes berserk when his stooges are removed from leadership (see Cabdi Ileey and Shariif Xasan for example). He never wants a strong Soomaali government (which he calls Muqdisho enclave). It is not Farmaajo he is against nor was Xasan Sheekh. He is against anyone who advocates a strong and independent Soomaali state, a state that protects and has power to protect its sovereignity. He is and was against Abey Axmed's peaceful solutions for conflicts - from day one. He doesn't welcome them. Why, one would ask. It is a simple - Abey removed Tigrey mafia amd agents out of power, from Xabashiland and in Soomaaliya. I hope other SOLers see him what he is.
  5. Golaha wasiirada DF oo ku dhowaaqay go’aan maamul cusub loogu dhisayo Jubaland Golaha Wasiirraada Soomaaliya ayaa taageeray go’aankii Wasaaradda arrimaha Gudaha ee 22-kii bishan Agoosto ay ku caddeysay inaysan oqoonsaneyn natiijooyinkii kasoo baxay doorashooyinkii ka dhacay Jubaland. Qoraal kasoo baxay golaha wasiirada oo maanta ku shiray Muqdisho, ayaa lagu sheegay in doorashooyinkaas “aan loo marin habraaca saxda ah.” Golaha ayaa sidoo kale Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha faray inay Golaha hor keento habraac faahfaahsan oo lagu xallinayo xaaladda Jubbaland, si loo badbaadiyo hay’adaha dowliga ah ee Jubaland, sida lagu sheegay qoraalka golaha. Kulankan oo uu shir guddoominayay ra’iisul Wasaaraha Jamhuuriyadda mudane Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa goluhu waxay uga hadleen xaaladda deegaannada Jubaland, waxaana lagu go’aamiyey in Jubaland loo dhiso maamul cusub. “Waxaa la isla qaatay muhiimmadda ay leedahay in la dhiso maamul dimuqaraadi ah oo ka jawaabi kara rabitaanka dadka reer Jubbaland.” Ayaa lagu yiri qoraalka golaha wasiirada. Ma cadda tallaabada xigta ee ay dowladdu qaadi doonta, hase yeeshee go’aanka ah in la dhiso maamul cusub, iyo in wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha la timaado habraacii lagu dhisi lahaa, ayaa kasii daray xaaladda Jubaland iyo xiriirka xumaaday ee dowladda iyo Axmed Madoobe. Xigasho
  6. And another reason you should have admired and praised the move made by Soomaaliya's government by staying neutral the squabbles between Khaliijka countries. Our Tigrey guest wanted Soomaaliya u buraanburto, u sacabtunto xulufada Sacuudiga iyo Imaaraadka. You are proven wrong once again. Soomaalis are glad Imaaraadka pulled out of Muqdisho and left their base, by their own accord. The soldiers they trained had been causing problems in Muqdisho for years. No more. They were retrained and disbanded as a unit. They would have done what they did in Yemen if they were unchecked for the years to come.
  7. What is the point of this dude seeking political relevancy? Moorgan, Caydiid Yare iyo Cumar Jees meeshee mareen iska mar odey.
  8. I just hope more trees are planted in those mushibiyeeriyo - pavements. Berisamaadkii, each house's/villa's pavement had at least hal geed talaal outside and more inside. It was a municipality planning. Our house had four geed talaal outside and a dozen inside. Those four outside are gone, courtesy of recurring floods and the remaining removed by the contractors who rebuilt the street. They however didn't replant any trees, same as you can see from those rebuilt streets on the pictures above. It is sad.
  9. Dhagaxtuur, see camalna. Kamoon. Soomaalida qaarkood ayaa ku wareeriyey mee ka hadasho dadkeeda iyo dalka ee ka dhalatay. Now she is doing that. And it is the least controversy of all. Kiikuuyada are sabotaging Soomaali infrastructure. This is the fifth time at least since last year they have had attacked Hormuud equipments in Gedo iyo Jubbada Hoose. Tuugii Madoobaa Kismaayo fadhiyo never speaks of this - waligiisa sooma hadal qaadin. Dowladda dhexe can only criticize, tabar ay Kiikuuyada iskaga dhiciso xiligaan lama joogo. So we welcome powerful voices like xildhibaan Ilhaan. It helps and makes Kiikuuyada enraged.
  10. Madaxweyne Farmaajo dad badan dartiisa see ugu qarwaayeen hoosguntiga iska dhigay oona waashay.
  11. Occupation? Caydiid Yariisoow xaaskiisa muxuu ugu soo cararay in 1999? Yes, the one that was captured and released. Fuleynimo lee maahinoo ee dhahaan Reer Xamarka. Fadhi ku dirir iima baxdo marka waxaas adaa kuu daaye, Dalmar Dabeesharaac.
  12. Ila qosol. They think they can fool dowladaha Reer Galbeed by using words that can make them xasaasiyada ku kacdo, sida fatwa. Mar dhowna jihaad ayee dowladda Soomaaliya nagu soo qaatay ayee dhihi doonaan. Dowladda dhexe waa inay mucaaradka Kiinya si hoose ula xiriirta, sida Odinga iyo ururkiisa.
  13. Wuxuu asaga yahay ayuu dadka dhan moodaa yihiin. Projection 101. He is probably in his 30s and is behaving like cunug yar. Hambalyo ayaa leeyahay Mudane Raage. He seems and trained like a true professional. Barbaartii xumeyd deegaano badan ka saaray, kana ilaaliyaa. Ciidamada uu xukumo, like him, are well trained. The results in the past few months speak itself.
  14. Haye Dalmar Awyare, maanta dowladda dhexe u qiratay waxqabadkeeda miyaa? Tell me what are xirta tuugada ah aad taageertid - Fiqi, Qeybtiid, C/shakuur iyo Odowaa - doing than the usual qalalaaso abuurid so they can pocket and continue isbaaro ways in 2019? What business does Fiqi have in Kismaayo? Muxuu u aadi la yahay meesha loogu baahanyahay maamul la'aana ah bilooyin, isqabqabsi weyna ka jiro. He knows he is in irrelevant in those deegaano he claims to represent. This why Xaaf aamusiisay, he had seen the reality. Gobollada Mudug iyo Galgaduud horumar ayee u baahanyihiin. Haddaa kuwa aan kor ku soo xusay ee dhab ka tahay Soomaaliya horumarto deegaanadooda ka bilaabi lahaayeen.
  15. Si fiican ayaa u hadashay, Galbeedi. Qabiilistiyaasha qurunkooda ha dhag jalaqsiin. Soomaaliya mustaqbalkeeda meel wanaagsan ayuu maraayaa. Much better than the elsituation was in 2009. And certainly a lot more improvements than the anarchy days of 1999.
  16. Ah, the Tigrey agent above is reduced whining on SOL and other online portal sites. The Tigrey agent's defence of Madoobe reminds me his desperate pleas when Cabdi Ileey was facing the music. He will defend everyone that is against a Soomaali unity, that is an obstacle to a strong Soomaali state.
  17. Wajaale, heestii Shimaali Axmed Shimaali ku xasuustaa ee saan mee u ekeyd? Goob weyn ayaaba moodaayee. Intee dad kale ku tashanaayaan mee iyaga isqorsheyaan. Maryooleey waligood dad kale lee ku tashadaan. Beesha caalamka, if not dowladda dhexe, if not dowladda goboleedka, if not dowladda goose, if not guddoomiye xaafad, if not...
  18. Sax. In my mother's side of the family, there are sadly many people supporting him because qabiil sickness. He shares sub-sub-sub-clan of my mother and is a distant niece of my ayeeyo. I tell them what I am writing on here - this last warlord standing must be removed along with his Kiikuuyo masters. I don't care if his cousin replaces him as long as the one who replaces him is pro-Soomaaliya and stops illegal dhuxusha trade.
  19. Waa runtaa. This Madoobe dude needs to be removed and made an example of.
  20. This is what I was talking about. Madoobe dude with his Kiikuuyo masters who get a substantial cut in dhuxusha trade (and tragic desertification of our national landmarks in the process). Geeljire like Madoowe has no idea what that entails. His mentality is for living today. He must be removed, by all means. Let his cousins be a so-called madaxweyne ku sheeg in Kismaayo as long as this national tragedy of cutting trees stops. This is bigger than one man.
  21. Kiikuuyo riyadooda hurdo dheer ayee u baahantahay. In the meantime, ha iska riyoodaan.
  22. Axmed Madoobe must be removed. Dhulkii barwaaqada ahaa ee Jubbooyinka ayuu xulufeeye, nabaadguur ka dhigay. His Kiikuuyo masters get a substantial cut from the illegal dhuxusha trade, Barbaarta inkaarta qabtana get a cut too since geedaha laga soo jaray dhulkee heystaan, and the evil buyers are Imaaraadka-based companies to distribute to Khaliijka. Look at those tragic images taken years ago:
  23. Maxamed Shakuul, who the Kiikuuyo is accusing is sent by madaxweyne Farmaajo, was a candidate in the last (s)election as well four years ago. Farmaajo maba joogin meesha. He is also a Canadian citizen, maxee moodaan baasaboorkooda qashinka ah wax weyn tahay.