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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. DF oo Ka Shiraysa Xayiraad Ay Ku Soo Rogto Kenya Iyo Itoobiya Oo Laga Helay Coronavirus Mareeyaha hay’adda duulista rayidka Soomaaliya Axmed Macallin oo la hadlay laanta afka Soomaaliga ee VOA ayaa waxa uu sheegay in dowladda federaalka ah ay ka shirayso sidii xayiraad dhinaca duulimaadyada ah loogu soo rogi lahaa dowladaha deriska nala ah ee Kenya iyo Itoobiya oo iyagu laga helay kiisaskii ugu horeeyay ee xanuunka Coronavirus. “Si joogta ah ayaan isha ugu heynaa, waxaan saacado ka hor la wadaageynay civil aviationka Kenya iyo kan Itoobiya, waddanka haddii hal kiis ama labo kiis laga helo ma ahan micnaheedu ma ahan in anagu aan xayiraadda is kala soo boodno, laakiin waxaan fiirinaynaa xadiga uu ku socdo kororka cudurkaasi, haddii uu xaddi sare ku socdo Notaamka aan diyuuradaha kula hadalno ayaa kordhinaynaa waddankaasina listiga ayaan ku darnaa, marka berri ayaan shir ka leenahay arrintaasi” ayuu yiri mareeyaha hay’adda duulista rayidka Soomaaliya Axmed Macallin. Dhanka kale maareeyaha ayaa sheegay in Nootaamka ay diyaaradaha kula hadlaan ay la wadaagi doonaan in aysan soo qaadi Karin dadka taransitka ah islamarkaana wax ka yar 14 maalmood ka soo maqnaa dalalka ay xayiraadda saareen ee uu sida ba’an u saameeyay cudurka Coronavirus. “24-kii saac ee la soo dhaafay Nootaamkii wax baan ka badalnay in daadkaas naftirkooda meel aan taransit point ahayn duyuuraddu ka soo qaadi Karin hadduu passapoorkiisa exist-ka ku dhegsan uu muujinaayo in 14 berri muddo ka yar uu moogyahay waddamada ay xayiraaddu saran tahay” ayuu hadalkiisa sii raaciyay maareeyaha. Hadalka maareeyaha ayaa waxa uu ku soo aadaya xilli kiisaskii ugu horeeyay laga helay dalalka Kenya iyo Itoobiya oo deris la ah Soomaaliya. Xigasho
  2. If it was up to me, it should have been stopped its importation last year or last decade. However, now the banning is needed more than ever for security and safety reasons of the country and citizens. I hope the following news is credible. DF oo go’aan ka gaartay sida laga yeelayo qaadka ka yimaada Kenya Kulamo saacadihii la soo dhaafay ay yeesheen mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan xukuumadda Soomaaliya ayna goob joog ahaayeen madaxda Qaranka ayaa lagu go’aamiyay in lagu dhawaaqo joojinta qaadka iyo guud ahaan duulimaadyada ka yimaada Kenya. Xog ay heshay Caasimada Online ayaa sheegaysa in inta laga hubinayo in qaadka uu keeni karo xanuunka Coronavirus, maadama gacmaha lagu soo jaro baakadano ku jirin, la joojinayo dhammaan keenista qaadka. Waxaa sidoo kale la qorshaynayaa in la hakiyo agabyada kale ee ka yimaada Kenya iyo guud ahaan duulimaadka dalkaas iyo Soomaaliya. Xildhibaan Cali Jowhar oo ah Guddomiayah Guddiga Arimaha Bulshada ee Golaha Shacabka ayaa sheegay in maalinta berri ah ay qaban doonaan shir ayna dowladda Xukuumadda Soomaaliya ugu baaqayaan joojinta qaadka. Sidoo kale Xildhibaanka ayaa sheegay in kulan dhacay la isku afgartay joojinta arrintaan islamarkaana go’aanka lagu dhawaaqi doono wixii ka dambeeya maalinta berri ah. Shaqsiyaad badan ayaa dowladda Soomaaliya ka dalbaday in la joojiyo qaadka oo halis ku ah Somalia, sidoo kalane sababi kara cduurka adduunka saameeyay ee Coronavirus maadaama aan la hubin inuu gudbin karo iyo in kale. Kenya ayaa shalay shaacisay in laba qof oo hor leh dalkaas laga helay Coronavirus, laba maalin kadib markii ay shaacisay kiiskii ugu horreeyey. Dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa dhowaan mamnuucday dadka ka imanaya afar dal oo ka mid ah kuwa uu sida ba’an ugu faafayo cudurka Coronavirus inay soo galaan dalka. Qoraal kasoo baxay Hay’adda Duulista Rayidka Iyo Saadaasha Hawada Soomaaliya, oo ku taariikheysan 10-ka March ayaa lagu mamnuucay inay dalka Soomaaliya soo galaan dadka ka imanaya dalalka Shiinaha, Talyaaniga, Korea-da Koonfureed iyo Iran. Xigasho
  3. And Jarmalka isn't? Soomaaliya farmashiyo walba tabeelaheeda iyo calaamadii ku sawirnaan jirtay ma xasuusatid miyaa, shirkadda daawooyinka weyn Bayer oo xaruntooda ah Jarmalka. Dotard is childishly trying to score against Midowga Yurub since he currently does not have a good relationship with the leaders of Jarmalka iyo Faransiiska.
  4. Ninkaan xilligiisa ayaaba gabo gabo ah marka ha iska waramo inta meesha loogu imaanaayo. Tolkiisa qof kan dhaamo, Kiikuuyana horusocon inay keensadaan ayaa u dhaantay.
  5. Gooni, gacan ayaa kuu taagay how you lower yourself into the lowest ebb of boosaneero where this rat creature scavenges on. Maxaa iskugu wasaqeysaa with this qurun, widaayoow?
  6. Horta ma istaagi karaa ninkaan? Too much ugali, methinks. And where the heck is his 'neck'?
  7. Wareysiga lala yeeshay the founder. Mar Kale Midnimo on Facebook Watch M.FACEBOOK.COM Halkan ka dhageyso, wareysi ku saabsan ururka 'Mar kale Midnimo', oo maanta ay BBC Soomaali la yeelatay Maxamed...
  8. Their Facebook page: Mar Kale Midnimo - Home | Facebook M.FACEBOOK.COM Mar Kale Midnimo. 1.8K likes. Political Organization
  9. There is no need for mar kale since Soomaaliya ay tahay dal dhisan oo jira, aana kala tagi karin. However, I welcome this, dad badan ayaa riyadii xumeyd ka soo toosooyo. “Waxaan markale dooneynaa in Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland ay midoobaan” Koox aqoonyahanno ah oo intooda badan ka soo jeeda Jamhuuriyadda iskeed ugu dhawaaqday madaxbannaanida ee Somaliland ayaa sheegay inay doonayaan inay dib u midoobaan Muqdisho iyo Hargeysa. Bayaan uu dhaqdhaqaasi ka soo saaray magaalada London ayey ku sheegeen in ujeedkoodu yahay feker iyo aragti abuur midnimo ku salaysan. Waxayna sheegeen in xubno badan oo ka tirsan dhaqdhaqaaqooda ay ka shaqeeyaan magaalooyin badan oo Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya ah. Baaqa ayay sheegeen in ujeekiisu yahay sidii la isugu soo dhaweyn lahaa, loona xoojin lahaa wadahadallada ummadda Soomaalida iyo sidii loo heli lahaa midnimo macno leh oo waxtar dhinac walba u leh. "Sodon sanadood sida iminka Soomaalidu ahayd, gaar ahaan labada gobol laguma sii jiri karo, oo umadnimadu kuma sii jiri karto marka la eego dhibaatooyinkii waaweynaa ee dhacay iyo kuwa iminka labada dhinacba gudahooda ka jira iyo isbedallada waaweyn ee gobolka Geeska Afrika ka dhacaya oo u baahan in la helo jiho cusub oo ka duwan wixii sodonkii sano ee u dambeeyay lagu jiray," ayuu yiri Maxamed Baashe Xaaji Xasan, xiriiriyaha dhaqdhaqaaqa Mar Kale Midnimo oo BBC-da la hadlay. Wuxuu intaa raaciyay in xukuumadaha ay culeys ku saari doonaan, doorkooduna uu yahay feker iyo aragti abuur cusub oo ku saabsan midnimada labada dhinac. Waxaa kale oo uu Baashe sheegay in xubna kamid ah ay ku sugan yihiin gudaha Somaliland, gaar ahaan, Hargeysa iyo Burco degaannada kale iyo dibedda, waxaana uu yiri "si qarsoodi ah ayaanu gudaha uga shaqeynaa." Qorshahoodu ayuu sheegay in uu ahaa inay ku kulmaan gudaha Mgaalaada Hargeysa, balse aysan taas suurtagal ahayn, maadaama aanan laga oggoleyn doodda ay wadaan. Hase yeeshee hadalka kasoo yeeray ururkaas ayaa waxaa ku gacan seyray Somaliland oo sheegtay in taasi aysan shaqeyneyn. Read on
  10. Waaw, tuugsi badanaa ninkaan marqaanka ka soo kacay. Gaalkaas cad - the ergeyga Midowga Yurub ee Soomaaliya - muxuu u keeni karaa. I guess kistii yareyd la masuqmaasuqi jiray ayaa soo dhamaatay. And by the way, how many times within months does this ergey visit secessionist headquarters from Xamar? Is he trying to dabagal lacagtee bixiyaan meeshee ku baxdo? This must be 4th or 5th time since the beginning of the year.
  11. Ethiopia to develop new port in Sudan Ethiopia is to complete the formal possessing of acquiring land at Sudan to develop its own port. In different occasions the two countries agreed to develop a port in Sudan that will be an optional sea outlet for land locked Ethiopia. After Abiy Ahmed come to the premiership the two countries have strengthened the idea of developing a facility at Port Sudan, a major sea port town in Sudan. In the latest dialogue, Addis Wog, organized by Office of the Prime Minister on the logistics sector Matios Enser (PhD), lecturer at Addis Ababa University, said that the country should develop its own port in the region. On the discussion held on Friday March 6, he recommended Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Services Enterprise (ESLSE) to develop ports in the region as seeing the experience of others like DP World. “When the country normalize relations with Eritrea, the Ethiopian Freight Forwarding and Shipping Agents submitted a document for the PM to consider developing ports in a joint manner with Eritrean government,” he told Capital. “Expressing interest is not enough, action is required since it is a serious issue for the country,” he added. He further said that there are alternatives in the region that the government will really consider. Dagmawit Moges, Minister of Transport, told Capital that owning a port is part of the Ten Years National Logistics Strategy issued few months ago. “We are interested to develop ports and it is one of the interventions in the logistics strategy,” she says adding “but it should be determined by the deal with countries.” Regarding securing the plot at Sudan she confirmed for Capital that the issue would be one of the areas that will be discussed in the latest meeting with the delegation led by her counterpart from Sudan this week. A delegation that was led by Dagmawit paid a visit to Sudan and port facilities in the country early this year. Sources said that the current Sudanese delegation visit is the follow up of Ethiopian delegation visit. Mekonnen Abera, Director General of the Ethiopian Maritime Affairs Authority (EMAA), told Capital that finalizing the ownership of the plot in Sudan will be done in the near future. He said that the two countries have already agreed to give the plot for the port development, while the remaining process will be finalized in the coming few months. “I will write a letter for our embassy in Sudan to finalize the process in the near future and I hope the case will be done soon and the embassy will receive the plot,” he added. He added that ESLSE will be the mandated body to develop the port facility in Sudan. Roba Megersa, CEO of ESLSE, told Capital that the plot securing process will be developed in the current year but the development might not start soon. “Developing the area might commence in the coming year,” he added. Some sort of consignment is coming via Sudan Port currently and Ethiopia also export limited amount of oilseed products through Port Sudan. Ethiopia’s major port outlet is Djibouti, which enabled to develop the facility significantly compared with others in the regions. Ethiopia has also interest to get stake in Djibouti and the two countries agreed to swap shares on mega facilities in their countries. Ethiopia also took a 19 percent share on the new development of Berbera Port but it was reported this week that the project is fully suspended. Ethiopia has also interest to work with Kenya and Eritrea in developing port facilities. Xigasho
  12. And Xabashidii la caabudi jiray, la isku qori jiray have officially left, too. Secessionists being used and discarded like an old condom - just another time and nothing new. Itoobiya oo ‘hakisay maal-gashigii’ dekedda Berbera una wareegtay deked kale Dowladda Itoobiya ayaa lagu soo warramayaa inay joojisay maalgashigii ay ku laheyd dekedda magaalada Berbera ee Somaliland, sida uu qoray wargeyska Capital ee ka soo baxa Magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta dalkaasi. Wargeyska ayaa daabacay in todobaadkii la soo dhaafay xukuumadda Addis Ababa ay hakisay 19% saamiga maalgashigii ay ku laheyd dhismaha iyo ballaarinta dekeddaasi. Sidoo kale warbixinta wargeyska ayaa waxaa lagu sheegay in Itoobiya ay dooneyso in deked kale ay ka sameysato dalka Suudaan. “Itoobiay waxay saami ah 19% ka qaadatay horumarinta dekedda Berbera, laakiin waxa toddobaadkan la soo weriyay in mashruuca si buuxda loo joojiyay.” ayuu yiri wargeysku. Illaa iyi hadda si rasmi ah dowladda Itoobiya ugama hadlin arrinta dekedda Berbera, balse wuxuu wargeyska Capitaal wareystay wasiirka gaadiidka Dagmawit Moges oo faah faahin ka bixisay qorshaha ay ka leeyihiin dekedda ay ka sameysanayaan dalka Suudaan. Sidoo kale ma jiro weli wax war ah oo ka soo baxay dhinaca maamulka Somaliland oo ku aadan warbixinta wargeyskaasi. Arrintaan ayaa ku soo beegmeysa, iyadoo dhowaan dalka Imaaraadka Carabta uu ka laabtay qorshihii uu saldhigga milatari uga dhisanayey magaalada Berbere ee Somaliland. Xigasho
  13. That is what I want to know. Why would a dear sister associate with these tuugo.
  14. We have to use Abiy Axmed. Soomaaliya is not currently that strong. We will use him as long as it benefits us. Remember, he could have continued the destructive Sanaawi policies of iskudirida Soomaalida and periodically humiliating Soomaalis by inviting them to that infamous yellow chair in Adisababa. So far, Abiy Axmed has not openly interferred and intervened in siyaasadda Soomaaliya against dowladda dhexe. He had not invited madax ku sheeg maamul goboleed without dowladda dhexe permission. Sanadkii 1991 ayaa fursad na dhaaftay markuu Sanaawi qabsaday; he too was initially openly supportive a unity government of Soomaaliya until 1996. We hope we do not repeat that lost opportunity again.
  15. By the way, does anyone know halka dumar sawirka kula muuqato tuugada waa weyn?
  16. Dowladda dhexe is proven correct by this revealed email between those corrupt individuals.
  17. Here, what I had written is openly validated by those corrupt individuals themselves. Rashiid Cabdi and Matt Bryden have always been anti-Soomaaliya progress, using bogus organizations, one time as Crisis Group and now Sahan.
  18. Tuugadii oo shaatiga badalatay, with same qaacinimo ways. Who is who of failed, corrupt tuugo in another soon to fail isbaheysi. Gaandhi, Gaas, Shariif, Shariif II, Xasan, Fiqi, Cosoble. Marna Nayroobi ku shira, marna Dubeey, marna Istanbuul - Soomaali idin aamineyso ma jirto.
  19. What are the reasons given? Were they surprised and blindsided by the participation of their leaders in Reer Unugaaleh's Grand Shir? I don't think so. Wax kale ayaa jiro; perhaps dowladda dhexe is cooking something and they smelled the aroma.
  20. I guess the West did indeed cut the funds for these Kiikuuyo mercenaries. Read on. Kenya to start talks on KDF exit from Somalia Kenya is expected in the coming days to start negotiating its troops exit plans from the African Union Mission in Somalia (Amisom), the Nation has learnt. The talks to be led by Ministry of Defence CS Monica Juma are part of the anticipated Amisom withdrawal by 2021, the year in which the peacekeeping and enforcement mission is expected to close down its operations in Somalia. The negotiations aim to end about eight years of Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) incursion in Somalia in which the presence of forces potentially reduced possible terrorist attacks as well as exposed Kenyans to varied reasons behind terrorism. KDF crossed into Somalia on the night of October 16, 2011. The objective of invading Somalia was to destroy and degrade Al-Shabaab, topple its leadership and prevent prospects of terrorist attacks locally. Kenya shares a 684km-long border with Somalia which has remained porous with Improvised Explosive Device (IED) attacks and a string of terrorist attacks affecting communities living along the border as well as within the capital Nairobi. Although there was a succession of quick military victories by KDF in Somalia, the operation has not managed to shield Kenya from attacks by Al-Shabaab. The negotiations come at a time when fights between Federal Government of Somalia forces and various regional government troops have risked drawing back the gains made against the terrorists. On Monday, Somalia was fighting itself after its national forces ambushed Jubbaland regional troops allied to a fugitive minister, Mr Abdirashid Janaan, near the Kenyan border with Somalia. Fighting broke out between special troops of the Somali National Army (SNA) deployed to Gedo region to guard the border and Jubbaland forces loyal to Mr Janaan, who reportedly fled prison in Mogadishu with the help of some officials in President Farmajo’s government. The fighting in Gedo is fuelled by inter-clan fighting between Maheran sub-clans allied to Somali President Mohamed Farmajo and the Maheran clans in the larger Gedo region. “The incident being referred to happened today afternoon (Monday) in Bulla Hawa in Somalia which borders Kenya’s Mandera Town. We wish to reassure Kenyans that our security teams are on high alert to avert any attempt by militants in Gedo region straying into the country,” Mr Charles Owino, the National Police spokesman, said in a statement. Experts say the move could potentially aid Al-Shabaab in spreading terror. The fight broke out a day after 11 Kenyan lawmakers secretly travelled to Somalia and met President Farmajo. As part of exit preparations, KDF is currently deploying a Battle Group which will facilitate the anticipated withdrawal of troops under the Somali Transition Plan aimed at the gradual transition of security responsibilities to Somalia’s security institutions. The ongoing rotation of KDF troops between Amisom 8 and Amisom 9 Battle Groups under the command of Brigadier Dickson Rono will be the major undertaking for KDF in Somalia this year. The Somali Transition Plan follows the development of a Concept of Operations (CONOPs) 2018-2021 that provides for an effective outline for the implementation of the Somali Transition Plan. This CONOPs provides guidelines as it marks the final phase of AMISOM and eventual exit from Somalia. The withdrawal timelines come at a time when Chief of Defence Forces General Samson Mwathethe is expected to be exiting the military after initiating widespread reforms in improving the welfare of KDF troops. The reforms range from the modernisation of KDF operational and technological warfare capacity as well as establishing a welfare Directorate with an ambitious welfare programs to cater for the psychosocial and physical well-being of wounded soldiers and their families. The Board One meeting which decides on the promotions and appointments of KDF leadership is set to meet anytime from this month to consider promotions within the senior-most military ranks. The meeting of Board One is followed by a defence council meeting which may either extend the tenure of the current General or replace him. Read more
  21. Where is Seeraar horta? Kismaayo muu iska fadhiyaa?
  22. Is this man a Reer Sool? Could this be a new tactic by the newly merged two groups from Buuhoodle and Sool in a Khaatumo 2.0?