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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Sorry Saalax, but your community can be bought time and again. Muuse knows it. Caarre was bought out and exiled by him. The militia in the mountains, who had an upper hand against a wounded amd weak Muuse, were bought with little cash on last year. Tolkaaga need an orator with principles like Caynaanshe, the social media commentator. Marka don't be too hopeful.
  2. I noticed and observed the dire cultist mentality of both Qanon followers and diehard Waqooyi secessionists. - Both act and behave like cultists by believing incoming fairy tales - aqoonsi/ictiraaf and 'the storm.' - Both cultist in-groups have an uncanny obsession about not leaving the dead alone - Qanon followers about dead celebrities and politicians that they still believe are living among the populace. In secessionists' case, lafa soo qufid, regardless who the lafo belonged to, could be from last century. - Grifting leaders. The top leaders of both groups do not in fact believe what they spew from their pulpit, just to grift from the clueless and live large by selling never coming dreams. If the prediction does bot materialize, they move the goal posts to another date. How many times did secessionists declared the elusive aqoonsi coming on specific dates, the last being a week ago? Qanon has the re-installation of Orangecon as a president again in Joe Biden's term. - Both groups cannot hold long conversations with someone unless the conversation veers and steers to back to their obsession - secession and Qanon beliefs. - Both cultist groups will cut off their families and friends who question their cult obsession and beliefs. - Both groups post their cult beliefs online regardless the subject at hand. They just troll post and spam, thinking they are rational.
  3. This is what the self-proclaimed 'paper of record' New York Times published recently by their prominent columnist, Friedman: "Iran is to geopolitics what a recently discovered species of parasitoid wasp is to nature. What does this parasitoid wasp do? According to Science Daily, the wasp “injects its eggs into live caterpillars, and the baby wasp larvae slowly eat the caterpillar from the inside out, bursting out once they have eaten their fill.” Is there a better description of Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq today? They are the caterpillars. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is the wasp. The Houthis, Hezbollah, Hamas and Kataib Hezbollah are the eggs that hatch inside the host — Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq — and eat it from the inside out." He never however compares Zionists and American fund-daddy a bug.
  4. Kana saan u hadlaayaa asagoo gardaran. Xasan Socdaalna ereyo jiljileecan iyo walaaloow la baryootaamayaa. Abiy saan uma hadleen hadduu qof adag, baryootan yar, dhoolacadeys heynin joogi lahaa Fillada.
  5. Parklands Hindida ayaa dhufeys adag ugu jiray. Iyagaa ku badnaa meeshaas. Westlands iyo meelaha kale loogu tagay, laakiin Parklands aad ugu badanyihiin. Soomaalida xaafadihii exclusive ahaan jiray ee Kileleshwa iyo Karen ayeeba joogaan.
  6. Muxuu saan ugu jilicsanyahay, u kalsooni la yahay. War ninkaan intuu ku soo koray? Madaxweyne ka baahi badan Soomaaliya sooma marin, haddana ka kalsooni yar. Ismaba hubo, mar walba ereyo jilicsan madax u qalmin ku hadlaa. Awal shisheeye u sujuudaa kagu xamanaaye wax ka jiro. Hadda saan Xabasha ugu haro rabaa oo uu fursad kale siiyo. Why is he not doing everything Muuse Muqayil meesha kaga tuuro, siyaasad ahaan iyo dhaqaalo ahaan? Why is he not empowering Reer Awdal iyo Sool. Does he think Xabashada inay saan ku hareyso?
  7. Secessionist desperation re-posting a year old video. This clip is from Abriil, 2023. Keep mourning hard.
  8. Once again, Xasan Socdaal disappears in Imaaraadka, the fourrh known time at least. Waa yaab. He has been in Imaaraadka since 31/01/2024.
  9. Once again Xasan Socdaal disappears markuu Imaaraadka tago, reportedly for briefing his Imaaraad handles and for medical treatments. Mar walba uu tago saan ayaa dhacdo, maalmo ayaa la waayaa juuq iyo jiiqdiisa.
  10. The real time hypocrisy of an American politician - one even who pretended to be a progressive - is unparalleled twist tonguing.
  11. Ya secessionist, regardless how much of the little begged aid money the secessionists are paying basement-dwellers from the West for lobbying, this is done and finished. You can cope all you want with useless articles by secessionists with fake Anglo names trying to fool traumatized marqaanville population. Or you - as the rest of the secessionists did - can disappear from online just like after the historical humiliation at Goojacadde. Soomaali online sphere was diehard secessionist-free from 25/08/2023 to 31/12/2023 - four wonderful months.
  12. This is a coordinated attack against our sister by far right, racist figures. No way we should contribute further for this. I will close this thread.
  13. His tolka 'advisers' waa kuwaan hoos ka muuqdo oo diyaarad raacideeda iyo dalal kale wareegooda dalxiis u arko. Sawirka waa waa magaalada Roome toddobaadkaan.
  14. If you ask him who was Maxamuud Xarbi, a prominent ultra-Soomaaliweyn leader that led the struggles of Jabuuti gobonnimo from Xamar, he night draw a blank face. Dugsiga Maxamuud Xarbi ayaa ilaa iyo hadda Xamar ku yaalo. Secessionist wax walba Soomaali dan u ah waaka soo horjeedaan, including their own dan. Reer Soomaali Galbeed saan uma dhaqmaan, Reer NFD saan ma'aha, Reer Jabuuti haba sheegin - it is only them with beyond the pale extreme cuqdad. Yaabkooda iyo yaabkiisa. Haddee Soomaali rabin, ha iska guuraan, let them live among with cirfiidka iyo jaajuumka, anaga iyo dhulkeena amaan hana siiyaan.
  15. Fact check: What Rep. Ilhan Omar actually said in viral speech Minnesota U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar is facing scrutiny and criticism from Republicans based on a flawed translation of a speech she made at a gathering to commemorate recent elections in Somalia. Republicans led by U.S. Rep. Tom Emmer, also from Minnesota, have criticized an alleged translation of a speech to a room full of Somali supporters in Minneapolis last weekend, with Emmer calling it "anti-American" in a post on X. Omar said the translation accompanying a video of the speech that went viral on the social media site formerly called Twitter was "slanted," and "completely off." The speech was held at an event at the Hyatt Hotel in downtown Minneapolis on Jan. 27 to celebrate the recent election in the region of Somalia known as Puntland. Omar's comments turned to a recent port deal between landlocked Ethiopia and the breakaway republic Somaliland that's left the entire Horn of Africa on edge. In the wake of the port deal between the northern region of Somalia and Ethiopia, Omar said in the speech that she's fielded calls from concerned people who want the United States government to intervene in hopes of nullifying the 50-year agreement. Omar's office pointed to a more accurate translation of her speech posted online. A Star Tribune reporter who speaks Somali listened to the speech and reviewed the transcript, and found it matched Omar's actual comments. It said: "My answer was the U.S. government will do what we tell the U.S. government to do. We as Somalis should have that confidence in ourselves. We live in this country. We pay taxes in this country. It's a country where one of your own sits in Congress. As long as I'm in Congress no one will take Somalia's sea. And the United States will not support other people to rob us. Rest assured Minnesotans. The woman you sent to Congress is aware of you and has the same interest as you." The translation now under dispute characterized Omar's comments this way: "The U.S. government will only do what Somalians in the U.S. tell them to do. They will do what we want and nothing else. They must follow our orders and that is how we will safeguard the interest of Somalia ... together we will protect the interests of Somalia." Emmer, other Minnesota Republicans, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and other GOP leaders have called for Omar's resignation. On Wednesday, Emmer requested an Ethics Committee investigation into her comments based on a claim made in coverage of the speech by some local and national outlets contending that Omar pledged her allegiance first to Somalia when she allegedly said she will protect their interests in Congress. Emmer's office did not immediately respond to a request for a copy of the ethics complaint. Omar provided a prepared statement Tuesday that said she rejects the attempt to question her character and her loyalty to America, her home. "The attacks being lobbed against me are not only completely false, they are rooted in xenophobia and Islamophobia. This is a manufactured controversy based on an inaccurate translation taken entirely out of context," Omar said. "I'm no stranger to these types of misinformation campaigns targeting Muslim elected officials." The congresswoman said she supports a unified Somalia, which aligns with longstanding U.S. policy favoring a one-Somalia approach. At the event, Omar said that "As long as I'm in Congress no one will take Somalia's sea and the United States will not support other people to rob us." The video was originally circulated by Ambassador Rhoda J Elmi, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Republic of Somaliland on X. The ambassador was critical of Omar's comments, calling her language divisive and unbecoming. Minneapolis Star Tribune
  16. Dadkaan cabsan, daroogeysa oo marqaansan meelaha sida eeyaha camal ha ugu ciyaan ee waxba haka soo qaadan.
  17. Safarada Xasan Socdaal ee dalxiiska ah: Imaaraadka - 10/06/2022 Turkiga - 03/07/2022 Eritareeya - 10/07/2022 Kiinya - 15/07/2022 Jabuuti - 16/07/2022 Masar - 24/07/2022 Ugaandha - 08/08/2022 Tansaaniya - 15/08/2022 Kiinya (2nd time) - 12/09/2022 Mareykanka - 15/09/2022 Ingiriiska - 18/09/2022 (rushed back from Mareykanka for the islaantii aaskeeda) Mareykanka (2nd time) - 20/09/2022 (back to Mareykanka for Qaramada Midoobay sessions) Itoobiya - 28/09/2022 Ugaandha (2nd time) - 08/10/2022 Jabuuti (2nd time) - 22/10/2022 Suudaan - 01/11/2022 Aljeeriya - 02/11/2022 Masar (2nd time) - 06/11/2022 Eritareeya (2nd time) - 10/11/2022 Jabuuti (3rd time) - 08/12/2022 Sacuudiga - 09/12/2022 Mareykanka (3rd time) - 12/12/2022 Talyaaniga - 08/02/2023 Imaaraadka (2nd time) - 22/02/2023 Qadar - 04/03/2023 Eritareeya (3rd time) - 13/03/2023 Jabuuti (4th time) - 15/03/2023 Ugaandha (3rd time) - 18/03/2023 Itoobiya (2nd time) - 14/04/2023 Ugaandha (4th time) - 27/04/2023 Qadar (3rd time) - 17/05/2023 Sacuudiga (2nd time) - 18/05/2023 Imaaraadka (3rd known time) - 21/05/2023 Turkiga (2nd time) - 02/06/2023 Jabuuti (5th time) - 11/06/2023 Mareykanka (4th time) - 20/06/2023 Talyaaniga (2nd time) - 23/07/2023 Jabuuti (6th time) - 22/09/2023 Eritareeya (4th time) - 08/10/2023 Biljam - 24/10/2023 Imaaraadka (4th known time) - 30/10/2023 Sacuudiga (3rd time) - 09/11/2023 Burundi (1st time) - 15/11/2023 Ingiriiska (2nd time) - 19/11/2023 Tansaaniya (2nd time) - 23/11/2023 Imaaraadka (5th time) - 30/11/2023 Jabuuti (7th time) - 08/12/2023 Mareykanka (5th time) - 10/12/2023 Ugaandha (5th time) - 15/12/2023 Kuweyd (1st time) - 19/12/2023 Jabuuti (8th official time) - 28/12/2023 Eritareeya (5th time) - 08/01/2024 Ugaandha (6th time) - 17/01/2024 Masar (3rd time) - 19/01/2024 Qadar (4th time) - 22/01/2024 Talyaaniga (3rd time) - 28/01/2024 Imaaraadka (6th time) - 31/01/2024 _________________ Updated.
  18. Imaaraadka, here comes Xasanoow. Intee laga soo buusi doonaa markaan.