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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Lafta Xasan aaminay heshiiskooda hoose qarsoon, that he gets two years extension without mucaaradka qeylaeodooda lagu soo furin and he will in turn keep mum. Xulashada markee bilaabato la arki doonaa runta soo bixi doonto, since they already kala boodeen marar badan regarding ciidamada iyo xaalka Shabeellaha Hoose.
  2. Hanjabaad by Mahad Qalaaye's, jago balanqaad, laaluush saa'id (ciidamadii mushaarkooda laba ilaa sadex bilood lama siin, instead la siiyey lacagtaas tuugadaan xildhibaanada sheeganaayo), plus tirada la sheegay kama badno 240 xildhibaan melahaas, xataa kuwa Aqalka Sare lagu daro. Kooran la'aan ayaa dhicinlahayd laakiin Aqal Sare kooramka lagu buixsanaa. Yaab.
  3. Intuu ka shaqeynaa xeer qaran ku sheegaan? And no one even addressed why would this new so-called constitution implemented immediately and not the next term. Maamul goboleedyada are biding their time until their (s)elections in coming months. After they coronate themselves, expect a real mucaarad.
  4. World Bank oo yaaban. Tan iyo 2022 ayee sugooyaan this audit.
  5. There won't be a vote on Arbacada (today already in Xamar). Xasan now, after pressure, wants last minute changes - not a madaxweyne ku xigeen but a ra'iisul wasaare he can dismiss anytime he likes, and not from the baarlamaanka's confidence vote. He is also allowing three-xisbi limit, instead of two. He really thinks dastuuurka/xeerka qaran belongs to him and can change as he sees fit. Stealing too much public lands and facing no consequences ayuu ku kibray. Dastuurka is now to Xasan what was the badda Soomaaliya was to Abiy's - god xun that leads to a colossal failure isgaliyeen, thinking inay wax walba xoog ku marsiin karaan.
  6. Waxba yuunan calaacalin Deni. Asagaa Xasan noo keenay in order to please Imaaraadka. If he hadn't given his 65+ seats to Xasan in third round, we wouldn't have this thread today. He could have given these votes to Kheyre, who he could have had a much influence or Shariifka even. Laakiin Imaaraadka ku qasbay to force xildhibaanada taageeraaye to give their votes to Xasan. Haka saarto.
  7. Aqalka Sare kuwa ku jiro ku buuxsanayaaa. Baarlamaankii dhan waxaa laga dhigay hal aqal - Golaha Shacabka. Aqalka Sare waala iska tuuray. Cabdi Xaashi is sick and have been out for weeks, Kuxigeenkiisa meesha u fadhiyo, who is close to Xasan. Aaden Madoobe meesha iskaga xaar xaaraayo. Actually the other day Muuse Suudi, a member of Aqalka Sare, was telling Aaden Madoobe 'you are not my guddoomiye' after he was admonished. Baarlamaankii dhan xeerarkiisa la jabinaayaa iskaba dhaaf dastuur. As important document as a dastuur should have two votes from the two chambers. Xasan Socdaalna saas ma rabo, deg deg ku boobsiiyio rabaa. Meeshuu gaaro aragaane.
  8. Ciil badanaa. Two billion Muslims watching this day in and out humiliations and violations.
  9. All doorasho in maamul goboleed will be controlled by wasaaradda areimaha gudaha. Xulasho is selection, while doorasho is election. Soomaaliya xulasho lee ka dhacdo, not doorasho.
  10. It is not 'some' changes. It is a complete new dastuur against the 1960 one, xataa Kacaankii saan ma sameyn. Maanta waxaaba laga doodayaa yaa Soomaali ah, afka Soomaaliga muxuu yahay iyo Soomaalida Shaafici miyaa iyo wax aanan loo joogin. Xasan Socdaal wants to extend his corrupt dowlad ku sheeg. Some sections of this new xeerka qaranka too would take effect immediately. Xasan's tenure might start after the passing and will have two more years. It also says future xulashada/doorashooyinka maamul goboleedyada will be organized and controlled by wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha.
  11. Since the murderous onslaught against Palestinians in Palestine, 'Daacish' has started attacking - and claiming - nations and countries sympathetic to Palestinian cause: Turkiga, Iiraan and now Ruushka. They have no power to carry out these. In both Iiraan and Ruushka attacks, Mareykanka was immediately already claiming 'Daacish' carried out the attacks. Don't forget they also carry out attacks against Afghanis. Is there any doubt this group is funded by the West now? They have never, ever attacked Zionist regime right next to their door, even in their peak days in power a decade ago.
  12. Two dozen of the recent signatories of the Baaq from 72 xildhibaano are from Koonfur Galbeed, the most from any maamul goboleed. It led by Cali Saciid Fiqi from Baraawe, the former ambassador to Midowga Yurub. From my estimation, around 55-60 out of 77 xildhibaano from KG are against it. Xasan is promising the rest for kuraas wasiir of upcoming shuffling. Waa beentiisa. He is promising many xildhibaanno from every region kuraas wasiir, wasiirka arrimaha dibada iyo amniga being most enticing and oft promised ones. Kuwa badan ayaa run moodo.
  13. Aaden Madoobe, sida Xasan, lacag iyo maaleysi u daran, duruuf ku soo koree. Hadaf iyo mowqif malaha and doesn't care if this passes or not. Xasan paid him millions and gave cushy positions to his family members. Xataa Shariif Sh. Axmed ee isku urur siyaasad ahaayeen 15 sano ayuu iska tuuray, baarlamaanka xataa hadaljeedintiisa ku qalqaliyey. Laftagareen waa ambivalent, too, since he had a deal with Xasan, laakiin is now against it using his closest xildhibaanno among the known 80 xilhibaanno ka soo horjeedo dastuurkaan cusub.
  14. The elephant in the room in 2007 ayaa iska indhatireysaa. That elephant was the late Xaabsade. Laascaanood jeebka ayee ugu jirtay and was for sale for the highest bidder. Marba dhinaca uu aado la aadeysay. Intuu marba dhinac kuwa jinkiisa ah aadi lahaa inuu maamul gooni ah iska dhisto u dhaantay, the way Ximan and Xeeb, Dhuusamareeb's Ahlusunna iyo Galmudug started.
  15. Hay'adaan, this so-called 'Tayodhowr,' waxaa maamulkeeda maamulo kuwa Xasan Socdaal xiriir hoose leeyihiin, including mid uu sodog u yahay. Wiilkiisa ayaa qabo gabadha, guddiga maamulo ayeena ka mid tahay.
  16. Shame on Guddoomiye Aaden Madoobe oo aamusisay lacag, xataa kursiga uu ku fadhiyo awood beelaayo ma kala jecla. Xamse asagana haba sheegin waa laheyste jagada uu joogo baabinaayo.
  17. Waa markii lixaad, 6th time since bishii toddobaad ee sanadkii 2022. Waa socdaalo every three months and a week on average. I don't even visit relatives in my city of Toronto that many times in that time frame.
  18. Safarada Xasan Socdaal ee dalxiiska ah: Imaaraadka - 10/06/2022 Turkiga - 03/07/2022 Eritareeya - 10/07/2022 Kiinya - 15/07/2022 Jabuuti - 16/07/2022 Masar - 24/07/2022 Ugaandha - 08/08/2022 Tansaaniya - 15/08/2022 Kiinya (2nd time) - 12/09/2022 Mareykanka - 15/09/2022 Ingiriiska - 18/09/2022 (rushed back from Mareykanka for the islaantii aaskeeda) Mareykanka (2nd time) - 20/09/2022 (back to Mareykanka for Qaramada Midoobay sessions) Itoobiya - 28/09/2022 Ugaandha (2nd time) - 08/10/2022 Jabuuti (2nd time) - 22/10/2022 Suudaan - 01/11/2022 Aljeeriya - 02/11/2022 Masar (2nd time) - 06/11/2022 Eritareeya (2nd time) - 10/11/2022 Jabuuti (3rd time) - 08/12/2022 Sacuudiga - 09/12/2022 Mareykanka (3rd time) - 12/12/2022 Talyaaniga - 08/02/2023 Imaaraadka (2nd time) - 22/02/2023 Qadar - 04/03/2023 Eritareeya (3rd time) - 13/03/2023 Jabuuti (4th time) - 15/03/2023 Ugaandha (3rd time) - 18/03/2023 Itoobiya (2nd time) - 14/04/2023 Ugaandha (4th time) - 27/04/2023 Qadar (3rd time) - 17/05/2023 Sacuudiga (2nd time) - 18/05/2023 Imaaraadka (3rd known time) - 21/05/2023 Turkiga (2nd time) - 02/06/2023 Jabuuti (5th time) - 11/06/2023 Mareykanka (4th time) - 20/06/2023 Talyaaniga (2nd time) - 23/07/2023 Jabuuti (6th time) - 22/09/2023 Eritareeya (4th time) - 08/10/2023 Biljam - 24/10/2023 Imaaraadka (4th known time) - 30/10/2023 Sacuudiga (3rd time) - 09/11/2023 Burundi (1st time) - 15/11/2023 Ingiriiska (2nd time) - 19/11/2023 Tansaaniya (2nd time) - 23/11/2023 Imaaraadka (5th time) - 30/11/2023 Jabuuti (7th time) - 08/12/2023 Mareykanka (5th time) - 10/12/2023 Ugaandha (5th time) - 15/12/2023 Kuweyd (1st time) - 19/12/2023 Jabuuti (8th official time) - 28/12/2023 Eritareeya (5th time) - 08/01/2024 Ugaandha (6th time) - 17/01/2024 Masar (3rd time) - 19/01/2024 Qadar (4th time) - 22/01/2024 Talyaaniga (3rd time) - 28/01/2024 Imaaraadka (6th time) - 31/01/2024 Itoobiya (3rd time) - 16/02/2024 Kiinya - (3rd time) - 28/02/2024 Turkiga (3rd time) - 01/03/2024 Eritareeya (6th time) - 17/03/2024 ________________ Updated.
  19. Waa wareey, I remember when Cabdi Qeybdiid was arrested by Swedish authorities in Goteborg almost two decades ago right here on SOL. Maantana waaba qofka ugu hadal wanaagsan regarding this needless constitutional changes.
  20. Xunjuf is desperately trying to keep this topic alive and hoping poor Xabashi promises from two and half months ago to come true. War waa laga gudbay and nothing is coming ee samir iyo iimaan Rabi hakaa siiyo this MOU. Waa dhintay and waana la duugay, qalaas.
  21. The Malaysian prime minister putting this ultra hypocrite Jarmal nijaas in his place.