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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Like Xabashi inaynan joogin Hargeysa iyo Waqooyi Galbeed maanta? Not only are they there, but worse are almost worshipped. Reer Afmaay don't only live Bakool iyo Baay. Actually almost two and half times more people live in Shabeellaha Hoose than Bakool. Haba sheegin Gedo iyo Jubbooyinka.
  2. Xasan Socdaal iyo Mahad Salaad inay Masaarida u qabtaan Baraawe iyo Marko rabaan. They wanted this back in 2022, few months after his (s)election and when visiting Qaahira. Marka iyo Baraawe uma dhawo dhul Xabashi, let alone Soomaali Galbeed. Hobyo kaga dhaw haddee run sheegayaan. But waxee rabaan Xabashada Baydhabo joogto ku weeraraan. Xabashi Hiiraanba wey joogtaa ee mey Masaarida u geeyaan. Xasan qabyaaladiisa iyo jeebkiisa wax dhaafsan maba arko. Soomaalida uu maanta isku keeni lahaa sii kala fogeynaayaa iyo kala shaki ku abuurayaa. Laftagareen hore u diiday and I don't think he will ever accept. Even if he did, Reer Koonfur Galbeed maaba aqbalaayo.
  3. Hunger, Terrorism and the Threat of War: Somalia’s Year of Crises Terrorism, hunger and devastating floods have roiled the Horn of Africa nation. Now, it faces an even bigger challenge: the prospect of war with a neighbor, Ethiopia. A 10-year defense and economic deal with Turkey to protect its seacoast and bolster its naval force. An agreement with the United States to construct five military bases for over $100 million. An enhanced defense cooperation accord with Uganda to boost the fight against the terrorist group Al Shabab. The three security pacts signed by Somalia in recent days underscore the increasing perils the Horn of Africa nation faces both internally and externally. Internally, the nation confronts the persistent threat of Al Shabab, the Qaeda affiliate that has remained resilient even as the departure date for African Union peacekeeping forces — whose offensives helped put the group on the back foot — looms in December. Equally worrisome, tensions are growing between Somalia and its western neighbor, Ethiopia, over Somalia’s coastline — the longest in mainland Africa — threatening to set off a new conflict in a vital global shipping route in an increasingly volatile region. Somalia faces “a pivotal year,” said Omar S. Mahmood, the senior Eastern Africa analyst for the International Crisis Group. “A number of critical timelines linked to both domestic politics and security are coinciding, and the way these are handled will determine the country’s trajectory.” The latest challenges for Somalia and how they are resolved will likely shape the presidency — and legacy — of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. Since taking office in May 2022, Mr. Mohamud has continued to improve stability in Somalia, a nation of 18 million people that has been decimated by decades of civil war, hunger and terrorism. His administration has secured billions of dollars in debt relief, convinced the U.N. Security Council to lift a decades-long arms embargo and formally joined the East African Community trading bloc. In the Somali capital, Mogadishu, cranes building new apartments tower over the skyline and three-wheeled rickshaws drive bumper to bumper on newly paved roads. Young couples holding hands congregate in parks, restaurants and malls to dine and take selfies, a sign of a gradual progress toward tranquillity in recent years. Long New York Times article.
  4. I have no doubt the wretched secessionists are killing these folks. They are trying what they did in Laascaanood - mysterious assassinations. Waa isla meeshii. Markaas warbaahinta la soo istaagayaan Reer Koonfur ayaa idin dileyso. They have three disgusting objectives for this: Target few highly trained aviation employees, so the Soomaali airspace might be moved to Nayroobi. What a disgusting plan. Mida labaad ee dan ka leeyihiin waa inay bulshada Reer Waqooyi Xamar ku dhaqan been ku aqriyaan, oo Xamar waa la idinka necebyahay camal, kuwii aadi lahaana cabsi lagu beero. Mida sadexaad buun buuninta marka meydadka la geeyo Hargeysa. Marxuumiintaan waa kuwee iyagoo nool ka soo ceyriyeen Hargeysa, markaas ayee hadda crocodile tears baroordiiq been ah meesha ku haayaan.
  5. Maxaa Reer Awdal iska galay reerka wareersan ee Bini Haashim-cum-Oromo Gadhaa-cum-Yahuudi-cum-Queen's Orphans-cum-Irir Samaale?
  6. Laba marxuum isku qaldeysaa - marxuumka hay'adda duulista hawada u shaqenaaye la dhahaaye C/naasir Dahable iyo xildhibaan hore asagana magaciisa ahaa Axmed Cabdi Aadan. Isku toddobaad ayee dhinteen. The one who was alleged to have been using Viagra along with jaad is the latter, the former xildhibaan. The allegation was by qofta uu la joogay habeenkaas. Rabiyaa og sida uu ku dhintay, but asaga dhimashadiisa muran lagama keenin, not from his family or any anyone. C/naasir Dahable asaga allegedly ceejin iyo jir dil lagu dilay.
  7. U.S. mainstream media are severely downplaying this and the few who cover this are calling it 'apparent protest.' Unbelievable.
  8. This should yave heen done weeks ago. Meesha kibir ma yaalo, they think cirka isbaaro dhigan karaan, oo qash qashaad banad ah ka sameyn karaan.
  9. Muuse Muqayil iyo maafiyadiisa inuu ka dambeeyo tan hadda ma cadda miyaa? Shaqaalaha xirfadda leh markee dhameeyaan ayee rabaan inay hay'adda QM la wareegto hawadeena. Shaqaalahaan xirfadda leh waa in meel gooni ah la dajiyaa, ilaalo gooni ahna loo sameeyaa. Sheekada maafiya wey dhaaftay. Dowladdana waa inay Muuse maafiyadiisa ku eedeysaa dilalkooda ka dambeeyaan, no more aamusnaan. Awal qaraxyada ayee ahayd, now openly assassinating folks.
  10. Worse, Muuse Muqayil Hargeysa ayuu ka soo buriyey marxuumkaan geeridiisa lagu xaqtumanaayo. Muuse wanted to get some bribery from ICAO, wey ka diiday. He kicked out these poor employees. Kuwa Garoowe aadeen, kueana Xamar.
  11. And selling part of baddeena and dhulkeena is not a declaration of major provocation? And since when meesha dhul dagaaleed ahayn? Oog ma meel masaajidada la isla fadhiyaa?
  12. Waxaa sheegaaye waa tan. Xasan waa cadowga midnimada iyo wadajirka Soomaaliyeed. I am no fan of Deni macangag - and since he was part of the gang that (s)elected Xasan - laakiin xilligaan ma'aha xilli Soomaali la sii kala fogeeyo. Xasan lataliyaal Mahad Kawaanle and co. ka dhigtay. C/shakuur C/raxmaan ayaaba ka yaabay siyaasadxumadiisa.
  13. He can also ban all flights to Hargeysa until further notice and put Muuse in his place. Xamsihii howl laga sugaayena timo talaalid Turkiga u aaday. He went missing earlier in this month in Turkiga. Laba toddobaad ku maqnaa, timo lagu soo talaalay la yiri. After he came back, koofibaraawe ku qarinaayaa. We will see if it was true.
  14. Xasan daciifnimadiisa mar mar waaka yaabeysaa. Siduu ugu hanjabi jiray, ugu booteen jiray Farmaajo oo shaqsi ahaa uguma hadli karo dalkii iyo baddii oo kis la qaadanaayo. Waa yaab. He really cares only about jeebkiisa. Why doesn't he go to Laascaanood and hold a shir jaraa'id that will let the world know Waqooyiga being part of Soomaaliya and dowladda maamusho. What is this inexplicable jikjileec? Imaaraadka iyo Jabuuti ka cabsanaayaa? Or qabyaaladnimadiisa ayaa ka xoog badisay. The only reason u soo dhaweeyey Firdhiye a few months back waxee ka ahayd inuu Deni iyo asaga isku diro. Now Deni is back, marka Reer Khaatumo ma kala jeclo.
  15. Muuse Muqayil's propaganda. Ninkaan asagaa ka soo buriyey Hargeysa, along with other staff members of ICAO based in northern Soomaaliya, after ICAO refused to pay bribery. Kuwa Garoowe ka shaqeeyaan, ninkaana iyo kuwa kale Xamar loo wareejiyey. I don't think NISA dishay. I really believe Muuse and co. are organizing these murders of Reer Waqooyiga in Xamar. Reer Koonfur inay nacsiyaan rabaan after meel walba ka soo xirmatay.
  16. Meel dunida ka jirto baddeeda xukumaan maamul goboleed kama jirto. Maamul goboleedyadaas Soomaaliya ka tirsanyihiin. Baddana dowlad dhexe u qaabilsan. Iswiserlaan ugu dhow confederation, xadkeeda dowlad dhexe ayaa maamusho. It is not like maamul goboleedyada control badda now either. A little militia doomo yar wato xeebta agjoogo is not a navy. In lala tashto haa waa qabaa, laakiin wax taas dhaafsiisan maya. Meesha confederation ma'aha.
  17. Xasan was the softest madaxweyne secessionists had faced. Xasan really didn't care, Muuse wuu kool koolin jiray. Case in point, not lifting a finger about xasuuqii Laascaanood ee sanadkii hore iyo ka aamusnaanta. Muuse jiljileeca Xasan kibir ayuu ka sii qaaday. Muuse qof macquul lala hadlo ma'aha. Reerkiisaba dhexdooda wadahal lama gali jirin, dagaaladooda sokeeye ka mid ahaa ("anoo wax dili karo...). Intuu Muuse marqaaniste joogo meesha wadahadal waxba ma soo kordhineyso. Plus Reer Khaatumo are gone, Reer Awdal are on the verge of going. Muuse marfishkiisa maxaa lala hadlaa hadduuba awood lahayn. This is not 2014.