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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. I don't believe Marka's and Berbera's population numbers.
  2. I am glad to know he is still alive. His parents, however, should get...
  3. Tillamook iyo xirtiisa will not be happy, even if they wanted something like the option that is chosen.
  4. Is he a mucaarad of dowladda dhexe? I am not a Twitter person.
  5. Waraa, what do you mean 'pressing needs of your country...?' Waxaa ismoodaa miyaa Ameerikaano after eating a few slices of apple pie, some hot dogs, a barbecued beef and french fries? Sheekaa noo keentay.
  6. Abiy Axmed baryahaan warbaahinta lagama arko. Hoos ayuu shaqo adag ka wadaa filaa.
  7. Saciid Deni iyo Axmed Madoobe oo ‘lagu qanciyey’ shirka Dhuusamaareeb 3 Wararka laga helayo Garoowe ayaa sheegaya inuu is-bedal ku yimid go’aankii diidamada ee Madaxweynaha Puntland, Siciid Cabdullahi Maxamed (Deni) ee ku aadanaa ka qeyb-galka wejiga saddexaad ee shirka Dhuusamareeb. Siciid Deni ayaa la xaqiijiyey inuu maalmaha soo socdo ku biiri doono shirka Dhuusamareeb 3, kaas oo diirada lagu saarayo xaaladda dalka iyo doorashooyinka. Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa la sheegay inuu cadaadis xoogan kala kulmay xubnaha beesha caalamka, gaar ahaan wakiilka ee QM ee Soomaaliya iyo safiirka Mareykanka. Sidoo kale wararka ayaa intaasi ku daraya in saacadaha soo socda wafdi horudhac u ah Deni ay gaari doonaan magaalada Dhuusamaareeb, kuwaas oo ka qeyb-galaya shirka. Wejiga saddexaad Dhuusamareeb oo si rasmi ah u furmay habeen ka hor ayaa waxaa ka qeyb-galaya Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Madaxweynayaasha maamullada Galmudug, HirShabelle, Koonfur Galbeed iyo guddoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir, ahna duqa Muqdisho. Inta badan shirar gaar-gaar ah oo ay yeesheen madaxdaas ayaa waxaa lagu gorfeeyey caqabadaha hortaagan shirka iyo sida looga gudbi karo, inkastoo illaa iyo hadda aysan isla gaarin wax go’aan ah oo ku aadan xaaladda guud ee dalka ama doorashooyinka soo socda. Waxaa sidoo kale madasha ka maqan Jubbaland, balse waxaa lagu soo warramayaa in Axmed Madoobe uu isna tegayo Dhuusamareeb, kadib markii ay ku qancisay B/Caalamka. Lama oga sida ay wax noqon doonaan iyo natiijada ka soo bixi karta shirkan oo muhiim u ah doorashada 2020/2021-ka, si loo cadeeyo nooca ay noqoneyso, looguna heshiiyo. Soomaaliya ayaa haatan ku jirta marxalad kala guur ah oo aad u adag, waxaana xaaladdu ay ka sii dartay markii la riday xukuumaddii ra’iisul wasaare Xasan Cali Khayre. Xabashi
  8. Waa loo baahnaa. If guddoomiyaasha gobollada do not want magaca madaxweyne laga badalo, then ha loo daayo and dowladda dhexe should have a new name for madaxweynaha dhexe and written in the constitution. Perhaps madaxsare, sareeyesare, madaxweynesare, et cetera.
  9. Of course they still do. Even if the Imaaraadka are sold to some, it will be on condition that it can remotely disabled at anytime by the U.S. makers.
  10. Peace, which is your primary option? Option three is not bad, but not feasible for some, I guess.
  11. International partners encourage participation by all leaders in crucial elections meeting Somalia’s international partners (listed below) welcome the arrival of the Federal Government leadership and that of several Federal Member States in Dhusamareb, on 15 August, to begin their follow-up meeting, as scheduled. They also welcome the commencement of work by the joint technical committee tasked with developing options for a compromise electoral model for consideration by the leaders. The partners strongly encourage Federal Member State leaders who have yet to join the meeting to directly engage with their colleagues now in Dhusamareb to resolve any outstanding issues in order that all may participate. The partners emphasize that the participation of all leaders in this summit is critical to sustain the consensus-building process and produce a broad-based agreement on modalities for the 2020/21 federal elections that satisfy all Somali stakeholders. They remind all leaders of the importance of safeguarding Somalia’s state building progress and honoring previous commitments. In this regard, the partners once again stress that any attempt by a single stakeholder, or a few stakeholders, to impose electoral modalities will lack legitimacy and will not be implementable without the essential support from all other stakeholders. The partners are closely monitoring developments in Dhusamareb and follow up on the actions agreed and stand ready to offer such support as may be requested by all participants to facilitate implementation.
  12. As usual it will be before and tied to the courts until after the elections. Dotard is notorious for abusing the courts, now imagine having the whole Justice Dept. on his command, abetted by a corrupt AG.
  13. Maxaa sidaan camal hiraab walba saf u galnay oo aan heeso wadani ka qaadnay dugsigii Howlwadaag Hoosedhexe.
  14. Why coronavirus spike in Aarhus was not caused by a single event Denmark’s second city Aarhus is emerging as an outbreak area as coronavirus cases in the country begin to creep upwards. But no particular event – or group – can be blamed for the outbreak, according to an expert. Aarhus registered 34 new Covid-19 cases between Wednesday and Thursday, continuing an upward trend in virus spread in the city which outstrips anything seen since the early stages of the epidemic. That follows 104 new cases of coronavirus registered in Aarhus Municipality in the week prior to Wednesday, according to DR. A closer look at data published by national infectious disease institute SSI shows that, between June 1st and July 28th, 61 infections were registered in the municipality, an average of a little over 1 infection per day. The city’s lord mayor Jacob Bundsgaard called for the city’s residents to contribute in the effort to slow down the spread, in a press briefing given on Thursday. “There is not least a need for all of us Aarhus residents – in reality all of Denmark – to step up and find the alertness and attention that we had at the beginning of the crisis,” Bundsgaard said. Various causes are behind the spike in cases in Aarhus, according to Charlotte Hjort, head of department and senior doctor with the Danish Patient Safety Authority. These include a funeral, a golden wedding party, and a number social care students who have been infected. Meanwhile, the Somali community in the city has been disproportionately hit by the outbreak. Three quarters of the infections registered in Aarhus Municipality last week were in people with Somali heritage, according to news agency Ritzau. The city has responded by setting up a mobile testing centre in the Gellerup neighbourhood, which is home to a large number of people from this community. The centre will be in place on Thursday and Friday. Visitors at hospitals across the city will be restricted from Friday, in another measure in response to the outbreak. Restrictions have also been put in place at care homes. High infections amongst people with Somali heritage in Aarhus has resulted in finger-pointing by populist politicians, notably Pia Kjærsgaard, the former leader of the Danish People’s Party and former speaker of parliament, who called for a curfew in areas termed “ghettos” if they have high infection rates. “It’s not being taken seriously (by people with minority heritage),” Kjærsgaard claimed in comments to DR. No evidence for the claim is included in DR’s report. “You can’t orient yourself via the media, because you may not understand what is being said. It won’t do enough to sit and watch foreign TV when you be should finding out what is happening in the country you live in,” Kjærsgaard also said. Aarhus mayor Bundsgaard stressed that no one part of the city or specific event could be singled out over the outbreak. “It is important to underline that the virus is present in all of Aarhus and is not limited to any groups of residents,” he said. “Many different people are infected, even though there are some patterns which we are alert to,” he added. In comments previously given to DR, Hjort said that no one event could be connected to rising Covid-19 cases in Aarhus. “We ask infected people whether they have participated in larger events or family occasions but it is not the case that we can say there has been one big event which everyone was at,” she said. “Some people were at parties and some at university introduction events, but it’s spread out in Aarhus,” the senior medic added. Hjort also rejected speculation that a large crowd celebrating at the end of July, when local football club AGF secured third place in the Danish Superliga, could be to blame. “We have not been able to see that in any case. One person informed us they were at the celebration, but we are not placing much significance on that right now because there’s not an accumulation,” she said. With regard to high infections amongst the Somali community, Hjort said that “there have been various reports about a large funeral, but we don’t know if that’s the reason”. Several other factors may account for the Somali infections, a city council representative said. “Firstly, a lot of people live close to each other and can’t avoid coming into contact with each other, and additionally a lot of people [from the community, ed.] work in high-risk jobs in supermarkets or as bus or taxi drivers and thereby come into contact with a lot of people,” Mahad Yussuf, a Social Democrat, told DR. Xigasho
  15. From what I heard from qaraabada degan Aarhus, the massive spread particularly among Soomaalida were caused by a tacsi in that city a few weeks ago. It was made much worse by those who were found to be positive not telling their fellow Soomaalis they had Covid-19 and kept socializing with them. Xaasid sanaa. The result is what is happening. I guess it is the same thing in other cities as well.
  16. Maxaa ka jira in la fududeeyey weerarkii Elite? Waxaa weli isa soo taraya macluumaadka laga helayo weerarkii xooganaa ee maalin ka hor lagu qaaday hotelka Elite ee magaalada Muqdisho, kaas oo ay fuliyeen dagaalyahano ka tirsan Al-Shabaab oo gudaha u galay hotelkaasi. Janaraal Yuusuf Maxamed Siyaad (Indhacadde) oo xilal kala duwan ka soo qabtay dalka ayaa sheegay in la fududeeyey weerarkaasi, kadib wareysi uu siiyey Shabelle. Indha Cadde ayaa wareysiga lala yeeshay ku sheegay in gaarigii uu ku qarxay afaafka hore ee hotelka iyo raggii saarnaa loo fudeeyey inay tegaan hotelka oo si weyn loo ilaaliyo. Sidoo kale wuxuu tilmaamay in goobta la weeray ay ku yaallaan Koontaroolo dhowr ah oo lagu baaro gaadiidka kala duwan, xittaa kuwa dowladda, isaga oo carabka ku adkeeyey in su fudud aan lagu geli karin halkaasi, islamarkaana ay cadahay in lala shaqeeyey raggaasi. ”Waa loo fududeeyey in gaarigaas uu meesha tego waa lala shaqeeyey si kale oo ku dhici karto maleh, aniga baabuur Cabdi Bile ah oo Nashiike saaran yahay ayaan la socdaa baabuurkeyga ciidan ayaan saaran waa la’ii celiyaa, waana la’iibaaraa ID Card ayaa la’ii weydiiyaa, marka si kale kuma tegi karo gaarigaas in loo fududeeyey uun ayuu ku tegay hotelkaas.’’ ayuu yiri Janaraal Yuusuf Maxamed Siyaad (Indha Cadde). Waxa kale oo uu ka hadlay waxaa soo celiyey weerarada Al-Shabaab ee magaalada Muqdisho,isaga oo sabab uga dhigay in laga gaabiyey culeyskii saarnaa,gaar ahaan dagaalka lagula jiro iyo sidoo kale isla xisaabtan la’aan ka jirta hay’adaha amniga. Ugu dambey wuxuu hoosta ka xariiqay in Al-Shabaab ay awoodaan inay weeraraan goob kasto oo bartilmaameedkooda ah, iyaga oo adeegsanayo wejiyo kala duwan iyo xeelado. Si kastaba ha’aahaatee hadalkan ayaa ku soo beegmaya maalin, kadib weerarkii cuslaa ee lagu ekeeyey hotelka Elite, kaas oo ay ku dhinteen ku dhowaad 20 qof, halka ay ku dhaawacmeen tiro intaasi ka badan oo isugu jiray shacab iyo shaqaale dowladeed intaba. ___________________ One of the few times Indhacadde makes sense.
  17. Axmed Madoobe iyo Deni oo ka war helay dabin siyaasadeed uu u dhigi rabay Qoorqoor Sida ay illo wareedyo lagu kalsoonaan karo u xaqiijiyeen Caasimadda Online, mowqifkii Axmed Cabdi Kaariye Qoorqoor ee ahaa in dalka ay ka dhacdo doorasho dadban oo ay ku mideysnaayeen dhammaan madaxda maamul Goboleedyada ayaa si lama filaan ah isku badalay kadib markii uu heshiis hoose la galay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo. Madaxweyne Qoor Qoor ayaa madaxweynaha Soomaaliya la galay heshiis ah in xilka Ra’isulwasaaraha loo magacaabo shakhsi uu isaga wato taas badalkeena uu Axmed Qoorqoor ballan qaaday inuu madaxda Maamul Goboleedyada ka dhaadhicin doono inuu dalka aado doorasho qof iyo cod ah si taas loo gaarana ay lagama maarmaan tahay in Dowladda hadda jirto la siiyo muddo 2 sano ah. Heshiiska ay gaareen Madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo Madaxweyne Qoorqoor ayaa dhigaya in uu madaxweynaha Galmudug soo gudbiyo liiska shakhsiyaadka uu doonayo in loo magacaabo xilka Ra’isulwasaraha isla markaasna uu madaxweyne Farmaajo ka doorto qofka uu rabo, waxayna xogta sheegeysaa in Qoorqoor uu gudbiyey liiska illaa 5 musharax oo kasoo jeedo Beeshiisa ****. Tan iyo markii uu Qoorqoor heshiiskaan la galay madaxweyne Farmaajo, wuxuu bilaabay dadaal ku aadan inuu ka miro dhaliyo waxyaabihii ku qornaa heshiiska, wuxuuna shirar kala duwan la yeeshay Guddiga Farsamada doorashada oo ay ka maqan yihiin kuwa matalayey Jubbaland iyo Puntland illaa uu Xalay Dhuusamareeb kaga dhawaaqay inuu furan yahay shirkii Maamul Goboleedyada iyo Dowladda Dhexe xilli ay qaadaceen Axmed Madoobe iyo Deni. Madaxweynaha Galmudug oo kaashanayo Dowladda Dhexe ayaa ku guuleystay in madaxweynayaasha Hirshabelle iyo Koonfur Galbeed lagu qanciyo inay taageeraan qorshaha muddo kororsiga ee Dowladda Soomaaliya taas badalkeedana iyagana loo ballan qaaday in la siiyo lacago iyo in Madaxweynaha Hirshabelle laga caawiyo sidii uu mar kale xilka ugu soo laaban lahaa. Axmed Qoorqoor oo taleefoon kula hadlay Madaxweynayaasha Jubbaland iyo Puntland ayaa ku guuldareystay in Axmed Madoobe iyo Deni ay kasoo qeybgalaan shirka Dhuusamareeb3 taas badalkeedan ay soo saareen go’aano culus oo ay ku diideen shirkaas. Illo wareedyo ka tirsan madaxtooyada Puntland ayaa Caasimadda Online u sheegay in Saciid Deni iyo Axmed Madoobe ay fahamsiin yihiin heshiiska ay gaareen Qoorqoor iyo Madaxweyne Farmaajo, shirka Dhuusamareebna uu yahay shirqool siyaasadeed oo la doonayo in loo dhigo, sidaas darteedna aysan marnaba ka qeyb geli doonin shirkaas illaa laga helo Xukuumad heshiiska la galo fuliso iyo in Beesha Caalamka ay marqaati ka noqoto waxyaabaha lagu heshiinayo. Maamul Goboleedyada Hirshabelle, Koonfur Galbeed, Galmudug, Gobolka Banaadir iyo Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa ku heshiiyey in shirka la furo isla markaasna laga soo saaro war murtiyeed iyo is faham ku aadan nooca ay noqon doonto doorashada dalka ka dhici doonto inkastoo uu jiro cadaadis ka imaanayo beesha Caalamka oo u aadan in shirka uu noqdo mid ay ku dhan yihiin dhammaan maamul Goboleedyada. Xigasho
  18. Wasaaradda Caafimaadka iyo Daryeelka Bulshada waxay ku wargalinaysaa bulshada Soomaliyeed in la balaariyay adeeg bixinta Baarista COVID19 ee dalka guud ahaan iyo gaar ahaan magaalada Muqdisho. Halkan ka akhriso Ogeysiiska oo faahfaahsan. Public notice on COVID-19 testing certificate to international travelers departing from Mogadishu airport (AAIA), Please read more from the below notice.