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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Horta maxee ku kala tageen Abiyo iyo Eritareeya? Eritareeya caawinteeda ayuu Tigreyga kaga guuleystay and after that suddenly wey kala tageen. Did he ask a port and they refused? I don't think dekad dhaqaalo ee ka dhistaan dalkooda u diidi lahaayeen, which would have made Jabuuti in financial dire straits. He probably insisted a military base.
  2. Oh, how Jeffrey Gettleman have changed and becoming an avowed mouthpiece of Zionists amd downplaying of Palestinian ethnic cleansing. I guess qabiilnimo qaaday, him being a Yahuud.
  3. Musuq iyo Xasan ma kala haraan. Waa baad caadi ah, maafiyadaan dowlad sheeganeysi.
  4. Aalkuluustahaan Gaboobe la baxay Twitteka xaarkiisa ku walaaqo maa wariye moodaa? He posts nothing but aflagaado iyo been against the rest of Soomaalis. Waa qashin sarqaansan.
  5. Waa wareey, Via Eejito aan maqlo goormaa igu dambeysay. My late hooyo u raaci jiray markuu iskoolka xiranyahay oo meeshaas ka soo adeegan jirtay. She seemed like she knew everyone there because every few steps dad ayaa na istaajin jiray, salaan iyo iswareysi. Isbarmuuto qaboobna waaka cabi jirnay. Old growth trees ayaa jidkaas ku taxanaa, wali waa xasuustaa.
  6. It is not in Xamar. Meeshee imaadaan wey iska saaraan Soomaalida kale. In fact here in Toronto, most Soomaalis - of all clans, including Reer Awdal - live and have business in the western part of the city, near the airport. Not Xunjuf's folks. Eastern most boundary of the city isku aruursadeen, as far away from the rest of maryooleey as possible.
  7. Established Democrats are freaked out, their mouthpiece MSNBC hosts, starting from Joe Scarborough in the morning, were incredulous to see 100,000 vote uncommitted against Genocide Joe in Michigan primary. They were in denial and were 'but, but but what about' the Orangecon. The devil you know is better than the pretending hypocrite.
  8. Sidoo kale booqo Guryasamo oo u dhow garoonka Koonis aad sheegtay. Pizza House iyadana soo fiiri. Dolphin korkiisana xeebta Liido ka soo fiirso adigoo casariya cabaayo. Maqaayadda kale Alcaasimaya jidka Maka Almakurama saaran tag iyadana. Maqaayadahaan dhan waa wada cusbaayeen markaa Xamar tagaaye sanadkii 2019.
  9. Galbeedi, maqaayadaan tag. Karmeel la dhahaa, Digfeer agteeda ku taalaa. Alaabtaana soo cun.
  10. Dastuur cusub aanan meel mareynin isku mashquulinaayaa. No leader Soomaaliya ever have had is weaker than Xasan. I can't even call him madaxweyne - waa guddoomiye gobol. Sida Carabaha camal ayaa madaxweyne iska ahaanee aaminsanyahay if you have the new axdiga qaranka. He thinks his mooryaaan militia xoog ku marsiin doono wax walba.
  11. If Muuse Muqayil allows this to happen gleefully, it will one of the most shameful move by any Soomaali ever did. I have no doubt he will try though, unless his tol's leaders forcibly stop him. He thinks Xabashis u aargudi doonaan Sool utter humiliation. Even C/llaahi Yuusuf, while in Adisababa, refused to allow Xabashis capture parts of Mudug by using his SSDF in 1980s. They then jailed him.
  12. Xunjuf won't call it Muuse Muqayi's bunker now since he thinks inay Sool Xabashi u qaban doonaan. He will do niiko for them, which tells you all these years of mocking ciidamadooda Koonfurta joogo was maseer ka haaye inay Waqooyi joogin so he can cheerlead for them.
  13. And George did it again after 18 years.
  14. He is baaaaaaaaack. Way to go, George. ‘This is for Gaza’: George Galloway sweeps to victory in Rochdale byelection Former Labour MP wins almost 40% of vote in contest beset by controversy and dominated by Israel-Gaza war The veteran political agitator George Galloway has declared “a shifting of the tectonic plates” away from Labour after claiming a stunning victory in the Rochdale byelection. Galloway, one of the most divisive politicians in Britain, won almost 40% of the vote in a contest beset by chaos and controversy and dominated by the conflict in Gaza. He took aim at Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak in a victory speech that was interrupted by hecklers after a dramatic count at the Rochdale leisure centre. “Keir Starmer, this is for Gaza,” he said. “You will pay a high price for the role that you have played in enabling, encouraging and covering for the catastrophe presently going on in occupied Gaza, in the Gaza Strip.” Galloway won 12,335 votes – 39.7% of the total – in a much more sweeping victory than anyone had predicted, giving him a 5,697-vote majority. A surprise second place went to David Tully, a local businessman who stood as an independent, saying he would speak up for the town rather than use it as a vehicle for political ambition. Labour, which abandoned its candidate, Azhar Ali, over inflammatory comments he made about Israel, finished in fourth place with just 7.7%, having held a near-10,000 vote majority in the constituency. Ahead of Ali in third was the Conservative candidate, Paul Ellison, who was barely visible on the campaign trail and is understood to have spent some of the period on holiday. Galloway, an ex-Labour MP, has now unseated his former party in three elections and will return to parliament representing a fourth constituency in 37 years. Addressing Starmer from the podium, Galloway said: “This is going to spark a movement, a landslide, a shifting of the tectonic plates, a score of parliamentary constituencies, beginning here in the north-west, in the West Midlands, in London, from Ilford to Bethnal Green and Bow. “Labour is on notice that they have lost the confidence of millions of their voters who loyally and traditionally voted for them generation after generation.” On Friday, the deputy leader of Galloway’s party accused the government and Labour of “effectively facilitating the genocide in Gaza. Former Labour MP Chris Williamson told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “George Galloway is probably the best orator in the world. He’s now got a place in the corridors of power in Westminster, where the government and the official opposition are effectively facilitating the genocide in Gaza.” The Board of Deputies of British Jews said Galloway’s victory marked “a dark day” for the UK’s Jewish community. A spokesperson said: “George Galloway is a demagogue and conspiracy theorist who has brought the politics of division and hate to every place he has ever stood for parliament. “His election is a dark day for the Jewish community in this country and for British politics in general. We believe he should be shunned as a pariah by all parliamentarians.” Ali did not attend the count and the Guardian understands that other Labour campaigners were told to stay away. Despite a campaign dominated by events in the Middle East, Galloway said he hoped to put together a “grand alliance” with Rochdale councillors to work on local issues. Dozens of Galloway supporters had gathered outside the leisure centre shortly after the polls closed, when it quickly became apparent he was set for a decisive victory. Inside the count, however, the mood was less hospitable. A family member of a rival candidate muttered “terrorist sympathiser” while another shouted “woe to Rochdale” after he was declared the winner. Another heckler, who gave her name as Jane Twill, was removed by security after interrupting the victory speech by accusing Galloway of failing to address the climate emergency. Galloway’s team were so confident that they briefed reporters within an hour of the polls closing that he had won “comfortably” and announced plans for a “mass rally” immediately after the declaration at his election headquarters, a former Suzuki showroom. Galloway, on the other hand, was galvanised. The fedora-sporting politician toured Rochdale with a megaphone, calling the byelection “a referendum on Gaza” and a chance to stage a protest against Labour. His team, backed by an army of volunteers from across the country, managed to capture the vote of a significant number of Muslim people, who make up about 30% of the town’s population, with many angry about Labour’s position on Gaza. Guardian
  15. Xamse waa Akhwaan Muslimiin. Hadduunan Reer Falastiin u hiilin yaab ayeeba ahaan lahayd. Xamse wuxuu kala garan la yahay la shaqeyso madaxweynahiisa asagoo han leh laakiin aanan ka soo horjeedin. Xasan Cali Kheyre saas ahaa, asaga iyo madaxweynihiisa kalsooni weyn isku qabeen sadex sabo iyo bar. Saas ee tahay xor ayuu ahaa Xasan Cali Kheyre, dowladiisana asagaa maamulanaaye Not Xamse. Mahad Kawaanle, Bukhaari, Balcad iyo gabadha Xasan meesha iska maamusho. Markii ugu foolxumeyd waxee ahayd markuu Imaaraadka tagay Xamse oo dhaqaalo ciidamada weydiistay. Imaaraadkii ugu jawaabay shan milyan doolar bishii bixinaa dowladaada siinaa. Wuu yaabay, maba loo sheegin oo Xasan, wasiir Tiktok iyo Mahad Kawaanle kala qeybsanaaye lacagtaas. Mooge war la' iska yahay.
  16. Safarada Xasan Socdaal ee dalxiiska ah: Imaaraadka - 10/06/2022 Turkiga - 03/07/2022 Eritareeya - 10/07/2022 Kiinya - 15/07/2022 Jabuuti - 16/07/2022 Masar - 24/07/2022 Ugaandha - 08/08/2022 Tansaaniya - 15/08/2022 Kiinya (2nd time) - 12/09/2022 Mareykanka - 15/09/2022 Ingiriiska - 18/09/2022 (rushed back from Mareykanka for the islaantii aaskeeda) Mareykanka (2nd time) - 20/09/2022 (back to Mareykanka for Qaramada Midoobay sessions) Itoobiya - 28/09/2022 Ugaandha (2nd time) - 08/10/2022 Jabuuti (2nd time) - 22/10/2022 Suudaan - 01/11/2022 Aljeeriya - 02/11/2022 Masar (2nd time) - 06/11/2022 Eritareeya (2nd time) - 10/11/2022 Jabuuti (3rd time) - 08/12/2022 Sacuudiga - 09/12/2022 Mareykanka (3rd time) - 12/12/2022 Talyaaniga - 08/02/2023 Imaaraadka (2nd time) - 22/02/2023 Qadar - 04/03/2023 Eritareeya (3rd time) - 13/03/2023 Jabuuti (4th time) - 15/03/2023 Ugaandha (3rd time) - 18/03/2023 Itoobiya (2nd time) - 14/04/2023 Ugaandha (4th time) - 27/04/2023 Qadar (3rd time) - 17/05/2023 Sacuudiga (2nd time) - 18/05/2023 Imaaraadka (3rd known time) - 21/05/2023 Turkiga (2nd time) - 02/06/2023 Jabuuti (5th time) - 11/06/2023 Mareykanka (4th time) - 20/06/2023 Talyaaniga (2nd time) - 23/07/2023 Jabuuti (6th time) - 22/09/2023 Eritareeya (4th time) - 08/10/2023 Biljam - 24/10/2023 Imaaraadka (4th known time) - 30/10/2023 Sacuudiga (3rd time) - 09/11/2023 Burundi (1st time) - 15/11/2023 Ingiriiska (2nd time) - 19/11/2023 Tansaaniya (2nd time) - 23/11/2023 Imaaraadka (5th time) - 30/11/2023 Jabuuti (7th time) - 08/12/2023 Mareykanka (5th time) - 10/12/2023 Ugaandha (5th time) - 15/12/2023 Kuweyd (1st time) - 19/12/2023 Jabuuti (8th official time) - 28/12/2023 Eritareeya (5th time) - 08/01/2024 Ugaandha (6th time) - 17/01/2024 Masar (3rd time) - 19/01/2024 Qadar (4th time) - 22/01/2024 Talyaaniga (3rd time) - 28/01/2024 Imaaraadka (6th time) - 31/01/2024 Itoobiya (3rd time) - 16/02/2024 Kiinya - (3rd time) - 28/02/2024 Turkiga (3rd time) - 01/03/2024 _________________ Updated.
  17. Xasan iyo salaan aan kula dhaafi waaye wuxuu ka dhacay Turkiga.
  18. Safarada Xasan Socdaal ee dalxiiska ah: Imaaraadka - 10/06/2022 Turkiga - 03/07/2022 Eritareeya - 10/07/2022 Kiinya - 15/07/2022 Jabuuti - 16/07/2022 Masar - 24/07/2022 Ugaandha - 08/08/2022 Tansaaniya - 15/08/2022 Kiinya (2nd time) - 12/09/2022 Mareykanka - 15/09/2022 Ingiriiska - 18/09/2022 (rushed back from Mareykanka for the islaantii aaskeeda) Mareykanka (2nd time) - 20/09/2022 (back to Mareykanka for Qaramada Midoobay sessions) Itoobiya - 28/09/2022 Ugaandha (2nd time) - 08/10/2022 Jabuuti (2nd time) - 22/10/2022 Suudaan - 01/11/2022 Aljeeriya - 02/11/2022 Masar (2nd time) - 06/11/2022 Eritareeya (2nd time) - 10/11/2022 Jabuuti (3rd time) - 08/12/2022 Sacuudiga - 09/12/2022 Mareykanka (3rd time) - 12/12/2022 Talyaaniga - 08/02/2023 Imaaraadka (2nd time) - 22/02/2023 Qadar - 04/03/2023 Eritareeya (3rd time) - 13/03/2023 Jabuuti (4th time) - 15/03/2023 Ugaandha (3rd time) - 18/03/2023 Itoobiya (2nd time) - 14/04/2023 Ugaandha (4th time) - 27/04/2023 Qadar (3rd time) - 17/05/2023 Sacuudiga (2nd time) - 18/05/2023 Imaaraadka (3rd known time) - 21/05/2023 Turkiga (2nd time) - 02/06/2023 Jabuuti (5th time) - 11/06/2023 Mareykanka (4th time) - 20/06/2023 Talyaaniga (2nd time) - 23/07/2023 Jabuuti (6th time) - 22/09/2023 Eritareeya (4th time) - 08/10/2023 Biljam - 24/10/2023 Imaaraadka (4th known time) - 30/10/2023 Sacuudiga (3rd time) - 09/11/2023 Burundi (1st time) - 15/11/2023 Ingiriiska (2nd time) - 19/11/2023 Tansaaniya (2nd time) - 23/11/2023 Imaaraadka (5th time) - 30/11/2023 Jabuuti (7th time) - 08/12/2023 Mareykanka (5th time) - 10/12/2023 Ugaandha (5th time) - 15/12/2023 Kuweyd (1st time) - 19/12/2023 Jabuuti (8th official time) - 28/12/2023 Eritareeya (5th time) - 08/01/2024 Ugaandha (6th time) - 17/01/2024 Masar (3rd time) - 19/01/2024 Qadar (4th time) - 22/01/2024 Talyaaniga (3rd time) - 28/01/2024 Imaaraadka (6th time) - 31/01/2024 Itoobiya (3rd time) - 16/02/2024 Kiinya - (3rd time) - 28/02/2024 _________________ Updated.
  19. Nayroobi iyo mar kale by our mafadhiye madaxweyne. Xasan gives a serious challenge to these frequent flying top YouTube airline reviewers for the mileage points earned.