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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. He waited and was silent after all these years. When Kiikuuyada left the court, he conveniently and finally issues a short statement.
  2. And a 'learned professor' of theirs pens opinion piece like this. No wonder they had zero chance to begin with. Now it is Yurub's fault.
  3. Kiikuuyada in their local courts meantime: Zoom xaa u geeyey.
  4. What happened to this garyaqaanad sister? Magaceeda Muna Sharmaani ahaa. She was defending our ocean forcefully in 2016.
  5. TOOS U DAAWO TELEFISHINKA QARANKA SOOMAALIYA | Somali National Television - sntv.so SNTV.SO
  6. I am sure Kiikuuyada were shocked a few years ago upon getting to this high court and facing a Soomaali among the judges. Not only among, but the CHIEF judge of them. They might have been thinking and scratching their head what the....
  7. I think he just means a bed. Calool in Somali means stomach. Since the 'c' - 'ayn/ع in Arabic - in Somali does not exist in English, it becomes alool. I don't think there is a word 'alool' per se. I hadn't heard it before.
  8. Since you are a Persian, you reminded me reading One Thousand and One Nights (Alifu Leyl wa Leyla) translated into Somali back in 1991.
  9. Shiriye = meeting facilitator. Comes from the root shir, meaning organized meeting. A male nickname as well. Shir'iye is the pronunciation.
  10. Dalka mustaqbalkiisaba ciyaar ciyaar laga dhigtay. Qoorqoor iyo Laftagareen oo diidan ka qeybgalka shirka xarunta Xalane Ilo wareedyo muhiim ah oo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa Caasimada Online u sheegay in Madaxweynayaasha maamulada Galmudug iyo Koonfur Galbeed ay diidan yihiin shirka la qorsheeyey inuu dhaco magaalada Muqdisho, kaas oo looga hadli doono muranka la xariira doorashada Soomaaliya. Saraakiil ka tirsan dowladda Soomaaliya iyo maamulada Koonfur Galbeed iyo Galmudug ayaa noo sheegay in ilaa hadda ay Qoorqoor iyo Laftagareen ku maqan yihiin dalka Turkiga islamarkaana aysan qorshaha ugu jirin in ay soo baxaan dhowaan si ay uga qeyb galaan shirka muhiimka ah ee looga hadlayo doorashooyinka dalka. “Wali ma go’aansan inaa imaano, haddii ay dhacdana waxaan qaadan doonaa waqti si ay noo sugaan inta aan sugi jirnay Saciid Deni iyo Axmed Madoobe,” ayuu yiri mid ka mid ah saraakiisha ku dhow Qoorqoor. “Inaa muhiim nahay ayaa rabnaa inaa dareensiino beesha caalamka si aan muhiim loogu arkin oo kaliya qofkii wax diida, Deni iyo Axmedna waxaan rabnaa inaa tusino sugitaanka dhibka ay leedahay maadaama aan waligeen annaga sugi jirnay,” ayuu yiri. Cabdicasiis Xasan Maxamed iyo Axmed Cabdi Kaariye ayaa muddo ka badan 10 maalmood waxay ku sugan yihiin dalka Turkiga iyadoo ay xusid mudantahay in ay ahaayeen madaxda ugu horreysa ee iska xaadiriya goobaha lagu qabanayo shirarka doorashada Soomaaliya. Qoorqoor iyo Laftagareen ayaa sidoo kale qorshaha uu yahay in xitaa marka ay yimaadaan Muqdisho ay dalbadaan in shirka uu ka dhaco Villa Somalia, oo aysan dooneyn inay uga qeyb galaan Xalane.
  11. Soomaali words are usually pronounced as it is written. So yareey is yar'eey. Yareey means the little one (female). Male version is yaroow. It is usually a nickname given to the younger one of relatives who share a same name. Like two Mohamed boys who are cousins and might live in same houshold, the younger one might be called Mohamed Yaroow or Yare. It is also a nickname given to short people. By the way, may I suggest to use this thread for all your inquiries, instead of starting a new one each.
  12. Waa runtaa. This was my first thinking as well. Kiikuuyada apparently thought it was a slam dunk after that traitor C/raxmaan C/shakuur signed it 11 years ago. They cannot believe a rising Soomaaliya can defeat them big.
  13. Haddaa dhimaneyso dhareerka waala iska duwaa hore loo dhahay. Kiikuuyada cannot admit inay tuugnimo ku joogaan meesha, garna laga leeyahay.
  14. The rumour was and still is that Kiikuuyada received a considerable sum of down payment from dowladda Norway, contingent Norwegian companies having exclusive access to this part of the sea. Should Kiikuuyo fail, there is a penalty and need to pay back to Norway. Norway behind the scenes were supporting Kiikuuyada in this issue.
  15. Mataan means twin in Somali language. It is usually a nickname that gains more traction than the given birth. Usually given to one of the twin children. There is also Raage (raageh), given to a child whose birth and labour have taken quite sometime to arrive.
  16. Galbeedi, why do you always have the need to explain to neo-qabiilists? Dadkaan are completely blinded by qabiil and waxba ma arkaan ka ahayn their little dusty tuulo and who is their horjooge. Nothing else ay arkaan. It is not Farmaajo kaliya they are against. Farmaajo is just the latest boogeyman. They were also vehemently against Xasan Sheekh (which they used to disparage by calling him 'Qoslaaye') and Shariifka before him. They cannot stand a strong, united Soomaaliya rising. They think that itself is a threat against their little dusty tuulooyin's future.
  17. This reminds me wasiirkii maaliyada u dambeeyey ee dowladii Kacaanka, Maxamed Sheekh Cismaan. Wiil kibir badan ayuu dhalay, Xamarna caan ka ahaa until he did some unspeakable actions with no consequences. His name was Maykal. Weak dudes with little power always think the world is under their feet. Waa badownimo lagu daray kibir tii ugu weyneyd.
  18. Yes, you can write Duniyo or Duniya. Saying it aloud, it is usually pronounced as Duniyo.
  19. Maamulka gobolka Banaadir oo ku dhawaaqay in ganaax iyo ciqaab lagu rididoono qofkii aan soo xiran afxir Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir ayaa ku dhawaaqay ciqaab dhan $ 5 oo lagu ganaaxi doono cidii aan xiran wajiga gashiga (facemask) looga hortagayo faafitaanka Cudurka Covid-19. Afhayeenka gobolka Banaadir Salaax Dheere, ayaa sheegay shacabka gobolka Banaadir in la faray marka ay guryahooda kasoo baxayaan in ay soo xirtaan afxir, haddii kalena ay la kulmi doonaan ganaax ama ciqaab. Go’aankaan ayaa kasoo baxay kulan degdeg ah oo ay isugu yimaadeen masuuliyiinta sare ee maamulka gobolka Banaadir, iyadoo laga tashanayay sidii looga hortagi lahaa khatarta sii kordhaysa ee COVID19. Maamulka gobolka Banaadir wuxuu sheegay xarumaha ganacsiga in la ganaaxi doono haddii ay oggolaadaan in cid aan xirnayn Facemask uu soo galo xarumahooda. Tallaabadan ganaaxa ah ama ciqaabta ah ayuu maamulka gobolka Banaadir u arkaa in ay tahay tallaabo dhaqan gali karta, maadaama ay dadweynuhu ka dhega adaygeen wacyi galintii dowladdu ay waday. Xigasho
  20. No mask, $5 fine, Banaadir administration says Banaadir Regional Administration has announced a $5 penalty for those who fail to wear face masks as the city battles with the COVID19 menace. The BRA said Wednesday wearing of face masks was now compulsory and those are who fail to adhere to the rule will be fined. Somalia has recorded continual increases in COVID19 cases as the second wave ravages the population. As of March 10, a total of 326 people had succumbed to the disease according to official records from the ministry of health. There are fears the toll could be much higher since not all cases are captured by the health ministry. Mogadishu has since recorded upwards of 4700 cases since the first case of the disease was recorded a year ago. Somalia is yet to receive the COVID19 vaccines but is part of the WHO Covax program to distribute the vaccine to developing countries.
  21. Islii business community mourn death of their chairman from COVID-19 The chairman of the Eastleigh Business Association in Nairobi Ibrahim Hussein better known as Ibraahim Dheere, passed away on Tuesday after testing positive for Covid-19. The Eastleigh Business District Association described him as a ‘pioneer educationist, peacemaker and trusted leader.’ Leaders of the association who spoke to HOL described Hussein as a passionate leader who was instrumental in supporting the education sector especially in the Northeastern Counties of Mandera, Garissa and Wajir. Chairman Ibraahim Dheere was buried next to his very close friend, a former Garissa Senator Yusuf Haji who passed on late last month. Several dignitaries and government officials attended the funeral of the deceased leader. The Eastleigh business community is one of the most vibrant business associations in Kenya and contributes over 35% of Nairobi County’s revenue which is also a significant percentage of the country’s revenue, according to the association's website. Xigasho
  22. Covid have killed three xildhibaanno and Cali Mahdi in the last few days alone. Alloow ummadaada adoonka ah ka badbaadi cudurkaan safmareenka ah.