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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Marqaanle, first nothing is eternity except Eebbaheena. Secondly, marqaankaaga Kiikuuyo jaadka ah iska sii wado.
  2. Kii Riyaale ahaa maamul goboleedkiisa meeqo sano ku darsaday? Kii kale Siilaanyo asagana meeqo sano ahayd ku darsashada maamulka Waqooyi Galbeed? Kuwa baarlamaan goboleedka Hargeysa fadhiyo meeqo sano ayee meesha fadhiyaan bilaa xulasho? 16 sano?
  3. Tolka waa kacsanyihiin. Muuse Muqayil marqaankiisa wareersan masaakiinta ku xad gudbaayo hadda mee ogaadeen.
  4. Saalax, yaa waaye qoftaan shalay Facebook qabsatay? Reer Waqooyi inay tahay u maleynaa. Muna Aadan - hanbalyo farmajo | Facebook M.FACEBOOK.COM hanbalyo farmajo
  5. Daneystiyaal shisheeye kalkaal u ah lagu qasaaray. Ciidamada qaranka ayee rabaan inay iska horkeenaan. Midowga musharixiinta '' Waxaan si adag uga soo horjeednaa muddo korarsiga aan sharciga aheyn Qoraal ka soo baxay Midowga Musharixiinta ayaa lagu qaadacay muddo korarsigii labada Sano ee Golaha Shacabku u sameeyay maalintii shalay dowladda hadda jirta, iyaga oo ku tilmaamay labo sano oo loo diyaargaroobayo doorasho qof iyo cod ah. Midowga musharixiinta ayaa dalbaday in meel looga soo wada jeesto wax ay ku tilmaameen kaligii talisnimada dalka lagu burburinayo. Beesha caalamka ayeey sidoo kale ugu baaqeen in ay tillaabo ka qaaddo shakhsiyaadka halista ku ah deganaanshaha iyo xasilloonada Soomaaliya. Hoos ka akhriso Qoraalka ka soo baxay midowga Musharixiinta. Xigasho
  6. A PRAGMATIC TERM EXTENSION IN SOMALIA The decision to extend the term of Somali Federal Institutions by two years brings to an end political uncertainty that plagued the nation due to disagreement to validate the 17 September electoral model. The Somali Parliament enacted the electoral law which had to be abrogated to return to indirect elections demanded by Puntland and Jubaland as precondition to join electoral talks. The Parliament endorsed the indirect elections spurned by Jubaland and Puntland. Successive talks have failed to produce an agreement to conduct elections in line with the 17 September electoral model and Baidoa Recommendations. What should the reaction of the International Community to the extension be? Since some stakeholders look up to the International Community as an arbiter in Somali politics, Somalia’s International Partners must not resort to any language that calls the sovereignty of Somalia into question. A decision by the Federal Government based on the national interest should never be likened to a unilateral and destabilising political act. The Somali Federal Parliament cannot stand by while reluctance to endorse the electoral model is a key feature of the failed electoral talks. The decision to extend the term of the executive and the bicameral house is commendable. It is a precedent that will deter any plans to plunge the country into political uncertainty that can undo all that has been has been achieved since Somalia adopted a federal system sixteen years ago. The Federal Government of Somalia must put in place a plan to prepare Somalia for one person, one vote elections within two years, as the Speaker of the Parliament Mohamed Mursal said today. It will be unwise to question the legitimacy of the Somali Federal Parliament and its pragmatic and levelheaded decision. Puntland Post SRCS Building #2 Gureeye Road Garowe, Puntland, Somalia
  7. James Swan: Hoggaamiyayaasha Soomaalidu waa in bisha Ramadaan uga faaidaystaan dib u heshiisiin iyo midnimo Ergeyga Gaarka ah ee Xoghayaha-Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Soomaaliya, James Swan, ayaa hambalyo diiran u diray dhammaan dadka Soomaaliyeed maadaama ay bilaabatay Bisha Barakeysan ee Ramadaan. Ergayga Qaramada Midoobay ayaa sheegay dadka Soomaaliyeed in ay bishaan uga faa’idaystaan wadajirka, dulqaadka, iscafinta iyo dib u heshiisiinta, taas oo sidoo kale uu sheegay inuu rajeyneyno in hoggaamiyeyaasha Soomaalida ku hagidoonto midnimo. Bisha Ramadaan ayaa dhalatay, iyadoo hoggaamiyayaasha Soomaalidu ay si xooggan isugu khilaafsan yihiin doorashada, waxaana khilaafka sii huriyay kadib markii shalay barlamaanka Soomaaliya uu meel mariyay sharci oggolaanaya in guddiga doorashada ee hoggaamiso Xaliimo Yarey la siiyo labo sano oo ay ku dalka ku gaarsiiyaan doorasho xor ah. Beesha caalamka weli kama hadlin go’aanka barlamaanka Soomaaliya, Balse waxay horey hoosta uga xarriiqeen in aysan taageeridoonin wax aan ka ahayn heshiiskii doorashada ee la gaaray 17 ka September.
  8. Golaha Shacabka BJFS oo ku dhawaaqay Mooshinka sharciga gaarka ah ee... M.FACEBOOK.COM Golaha Shacabka BJFS oo ku dhawaaqay Mooshinka sharciga gaarka ah ee jaheynta Doorashooyinka.
  9. Kiikuuyo bootlicker diinlaawe atheist ah maxaa ka sugeysaa. If iyo aakhiraba waaku qasaaray, dhaladii xun markuu soo cabo meeshaan iskeenaa with its restless lost soul.
  10. Dal calooshood u shaqeystiyaal ka buuxo Soomaaliya. Laakiin calankooda waa dhacooyaa.
  11. I have had so much respect for ra'iisul wasaare Kheyre. I still do, though maafiyo xun ku xirtay.
  12. Su'aalo adag ayuu ka jawaabay Mudane Qoorqoor.
  13. Baarlamaanka is open. Hal tuug dhar ciidan qabo oo shisheeye soo laaluushay uma istaagaayo baarlamaanka qaranka. Wararkii ugu dambeeyey ee kulanka xildhibaanada baarlamanka Soomaaliya Xildhibaano kooban oo ka tirsan golaha shacabka baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa ku sugan xarunta Villa Hargeysa, kuwaas oo gaaray goor sii horreysay, halka kuwa kalena ay sheegeen in ciidan Boolis ah ay ka celiyeen jidadka. Kulanka ayaan illaa iyo hadda furmin, sida ay soo sheegayaan wariyeyaal haatan ku sugan xarunta baarlamaanka oo soo tabinaya kulanka maanta oo ah mid xasaasi ah. Wararka ayaa sidoo kale sheegaya in baaris lagu sameeyey xarunta Villa Hargeysa oo uu ka dhacayo kulanka, kadib shaki la sheegay inuu ka dhashay dhanka amniga. Sida uu qorshuhu yahay ajandaha kulanka maanta ee baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa ah ka doodista mooshin ku saabsan arrimaha doorashooyinka iyo is mari-waaga ka taagan. Sidoo kale siyaasiyiin iyo xildhibaano ka tirsan kuwa mucaaradka ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in ujeedka laga leeyahay kulanka maanta uu yahay in la sameeyo muddo korrsi horleh. Arrimahan ayaa yimid, kadib markii taliyaha Booliska gobolka Banaadir Saadaq Joon uu ku dhowaaqay inuu joojiyey kulankii baarlamaanjka, saacado kadibna laga qaaday xilka. Lama oga waxa kasoo bixi doono kulanka baarlamaanka oo ku soo aadayo, xilli xasaasi ah oo lagu kala tegay wadahadaladii ka socday Teendhada Afisyoone ee magaalada Muqdisho. Soomaaliya ayaa ku jirto haatan xaalad adag oo kala guur ah, taas oo ka dhalatay khilaafka hareeyey doorashooyinka dalka ee sanadkan 2021-ka.
  14. Taliyaha ciidanka booliiska Soomaaliya oo xilkii ka qaaday taliyihii ciidanka booliiska gobolka Banaadir Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliya Gen Cabdi Xasan Maxamed Xijaar, ayaa goor dhowayd xilkii ka qaaday Taliyihii Booliska Gobolka Banaadir Saadaq Cumar Xasan (Saadaq John). Waxaa xilka Taliyaha Booliska Gobolka Banaadir loo magaacabay Gaashaanle Dhexe Farxaan Maxamed Aadan (Farxaan Qaroole) oo loo dallacsiiyey Derejada Gaashaanle Sare. Farxaan Qaroole waxa uu ahaa taliyaha booliiska Haramcad. Xil ka qaadista taliye Saaqaq John ayaa ku timid kadib markii uu awood ciidan ku joojiyay kulankii uu maanta yeelan lahaa barlamaanka oo ka dooddi lahaa mooshin ku saabsan doorashada. Saadaq John wuxuu sheegay in ay barlamaanka ka hor istaageen in ay kulan yeeshaan, balse, saraakiil ka tirsan ciiddanka booliiska ayaa sheegay in barlamaanku shaqadiisu caadi u wato.
  15. I am guessing his bribed money by foreigners was pre-paid. Otherwise, qasaaro qasaaro dhashay. I also hope he is thoroughly investigated and put into his place.
  16. Oh, he is already gone! Waw, that was fast. Banaadir police chief Sadak John fired shortly after ‘directing’ parliament to end business Somali Police Commissioner Gen. Abdi Hassan Mohamed Hijar has fired Banaadir Regional police chief Sadak Omar Hassan shortly after issuing controversial orders warning parliament against conducting further business. General Hijar said in a statement posted on state news agency SONNA Sadak John had been relieved on his duties. "I have today fired the Banadir Regional Police Commander Gen. Sadiq Omar. I have also appointed Colonel Farhan Mohamud Aden as the Benadir Regional Police Commander." The Haram'ad paramilitary unit commander Col. Farhan Mohamed Aden, aka Farhan Qaroole, now replaces Sadiq John. The city police chief's dismissal came barely half an hour after he made a public statement 'ordering' MPs to stay away from 'until a new parliament is elected.' Xigasho
  17. After obviously being paid by foreign agents, this so-called 'taliye' thinks he is above the law and can dictate to the baarlamaanka qaranka as he wishes and sees. Mooryåånimo meesha la soo shirtagay. Awalba kuwii argagixisada afka duubnaa ayuu xiriiri hoose la lahaa.
  18. Putting the so-called Beesha Caalamka into their place by dowladda dhexe. Who do they think Soomaalida xalaasha are like? Like the servile, stooge prisoner Uusbuur and his minions?
  19. Booliiska Somaliland oo xabsiga dhigay Sabaax Cabdi Ibraahim oo katirsan xisbiga Waddani Booliiska Somaliland, ayaa xabsiga u taxaabay Sabaax Cabdi Ibraahim (xaaska siyaasi Buubaa) oo ah xubin katirsan xisbiga Waddani, sababta xadhigeeda ayaa loo malaynaya kadib markii codad ay Somaliland waxa kaga sheegaysa ku baaheen baraha bulshada. Waxa baraha bulshada ku baahay cod ay leedahay Sabaax oo ay ku sheegayso in calankeedu yahay ka buluuga ah ee Soomaaliya isla markaana anay aaminsanayn calanka Somaliland. Codkan baraha bulashada ku baahay ayaa waxa kale oo ay Sabaax waxba kama jiraan ku tilmaantay qaranimada ay Somaliland ku andacoonayso. Sidookale Sabaax waxay marar kala duwan kasoo muuqatay baraha bulshada iyadoo ku labisan calanka Soomaaliya isla markaana dowlada Soomaaliya ku taageeraysa dacwada badda ee kala dhaxaysa Kenya. Sabaax waxay kasoo muuqatay shirweynihii saddexaad ee xisbiga mucaaradka ah ee Waddani oo dhawaan magaalada Hargaysa lagu qabtay. Xigasho
  20. Uusbuurka is in prison to his masters in Xalane. He cannot escape and knows he is irrelevant prisoner, too. He realized this because you can see his sudden infatuation with media interviews, especially after Wasiir Dubbe's press conference, which told to Soomaalida the spoiler this Uusbuur is.
  21. Kenyan court ‘temporarily blocks’ closure of refugee camps Case involving government plans to close Dadaab and Kakuma refugee camps to return in the courtroom in a month, reports say. Kenya’s high court has temporarily blocked the closure of two refugee camps hosting more than 400,000 people, according to media reports and activists. On March 24, Kenyan Interior Minister Fred Matiang’i announced the government’s intention to shut the Dadaab and Kakuma camps, giving the United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) two weeks to present a plan to do so. The ministry called this an “ultimatum” and said there was no room for further negotiations. On Thursday, the court stayed the closure for 30 days, according to a copy of the court seen by news organisations. It originated from a petition filed by a local politician challenging a move to shut down the camps. In March, the UNHCR urged the government to ensure that those who need protection continue to get it, and pledged to keep engaging in a dialogue. “The decision would have an impact on the protection of refugees in Kenya, including in the context of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,” the UNHCR said in a statement. ‘Terrifying’ The Dadaab and Kakuma refugee camps in northern Kenya together host more than 410,000 people, mainly from Somalia but also from countries such as South Sudan and Ethiopia. Citing national security concerns, authorities in Nairobi first signalled their plans to shut the Dadaab camp, which is closer to the border with Somalia than Kakuma, back in 2016. That plan was blocked by the high court, which called the move unconstitutional. Kakuma, home to more than 190,000 refugees, is located in Kenya’s northwest. Dadaab is in eastern Kenya, close to the Somali border, but many Somalis have moved between the two camps. Dadaab was established three decades ago and was once the world’s largest refugee camp, which at its peak hosted more than half a million people fleeing violence and drought in Somalia. Speaking to Al Jazeera, residents in both camps have urged the Kenyan government to reverse its decision. “It’s very terrifying because we do not know the next step, like where are we going to go from here,” David Omot, an Ethiopian who has lived in both Kakuma and Dadaab since 2005, said of the closure order. “Where will we go? Back home we still have some insecurity, there are still some problems that people are facing, especially the youths.” Austin Baboya, a South Sudanese 26-year-old based in Kakuma, said he has not known any other home than a refugee camp. “I don’t know if the [Kenyan] government have sat down and considered the lives of people living in the camp or they just wake up and make those decisions,” Baboya said, calling on UNHCR and international donors to help find a solution. “Before the camp was open very many people lost lives. Very many people fled their home countries … They have found a place to call home and I don’t think many of them are willing to go back.” Aljasiira