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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Waraa Tallaabo, you are the guy who always mentions 'dulmigii' dowladdii Kacaanka is now advocating dulmiga against Soomaali citizens in Soomaaliya maanta. Yaab.
  2. The few Haramcad paramilitary police who went with their bililiqodoon leaders like Saadaq Joon were trained specifically to secure Banaadir in 2017. And I guess Reer "Unugaaleh" laga soo aruuriyey the majority then. The later Haramcads and other forces were not and that is why they are loyal dowladda dhexe. Waa in gacan bir ah lagu qabtaa.
  3. Openly Soomaaliya ayaa loo tashanaayaa oo isqaris ma jirto and here we have stooges who only see what is happening inside the qabyaalad-imprisoned limited minds of theirs.
  4. Though some certain known folks - Uusbuurka in Garoowe and co - are known for foreign infatuation and mentally handicapped to worship shisheeye, it won't be possible in Soomaaliya la gumeysto xilligaan regardless how as great as Uusbuur and co. try.
  5. Yes, waa isaga. He is anti-dowladda dhexe because it is the first dowlad sharciga horkeento rabto after more than 10 years of constant anti-Soomaaliya agenda by him and his other mercenary writers based in Nayroobi.
  6. Feysal Dhurwaa would have loved nothing more than the complete destruction of Xamar. Most cuqdad-ridden secessionists would have liked that to happen.
  7. Cabdi Ismaaciil Samatar sidii jago loogu diiday - it appears - has been disgruntled against madaxweynaha. It is personal.
  8. "Fariin ku socoto musharax madaxweyne Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur Mudane sida aan horey fariin aan ku soo direy kuugu sheegay aadna ka war hayso 26kii bishan April, waxa ay ciidamadaada iyo ciidamo u yimi in nabadgelyadaada in ay ilaaliyaan kuwaas oo ka amar qaata Jeneraal Indhacadde ay xoog ku qabsadeen guri dabaq ah oo ku yaal aaga C/qaasim dhismahaas oo iska leh caruur aan habaryar u ahay aabahoodana la yiraahdo Isaaq Garoow oo ah nin ganacsade ah. Ciidankiina markii ay halkaasi galeen waxa ay dileen mid ka mid ah waardiyaashii guriga halka labo kalena ay dhaawaceen ka dib markii ay diideen in guriga lala wareego. Sidoo kale ciidankiina waxa ay dhac u gaysteen hanti meesha wixii yaaley iyagoo sidoo kale jirdil u gaystay wiil aan habaryar u ahay, haddaba Cabdiraxmaanoow waxa nasiib daro ah adigoo ah musharax madaxweyne doonaya in dal dhan aad xukuntid aad waxba ka soo qaadey masiibaddii aad noo gaysateen. Hadaba Cabdiraxmaanoow adiga iyo Indha cade waxa aan idinku baaqayaa inaad qaadataan masuuliyada masiibaddii aad gaysateen aadna: 1) Sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan aad ku soo celisaan hantidii ay ciidankiina qaateen. 2) Sharciga la mariyo ragii diley wiilka iyo kuwa dhaawaca loo gaystay. Waxa aan rajeynayaa in fariintayda ku soo gaarto aadna muujiso masuuliyad. Wabilaahi towfiiq."
  9. Does Feysal Dhurwaa think Reer Muqdisho forgot his infamous phrase from 15 years ago of "wiilka Addis Ababa ku dhashay ee Axmaarka ah uu ka xigo wiilka Muqdisho ku dhashay?" Faysal Cali Waraabe oo hambalyo u diray shacabka ku dhaqan magaalada Muqdisho Guddoomiyaha xisbiga UCID Faysal Cali Waraabe, ayaa shacabka iyo ciidanka reer Muqdisho ku hambalyeeyay kacdoonka ay kaga soo horjeedeen muddo korodhsiga dowlada madaxweyne Farmaajo. Guddoomiyaha oo aad ugu riyaaqay in lasoo afjaro muddo kordhintii dowlada Farmaajo ayaa yidhi “waxan hambalyaynaynaa saraakiisha iyo ciidanka Muqdisho ee ka dhiidhiyay wixii laynagu hayn jiray”. “Waxaanu leenahay Muqdisho ma toostay heeryadiina ma tuurtay, Farmajana ma tuurtay baanu leenahay” Guddoomiyaha ayaa sheegay in shacabka reer Muqdisho ay hore ugu hiiliyeen shacabka Somaliland. “Waxanu leenahay hambalyo hambalyo, anaga reer Muqdisho waa kuwii noohiiliyay, kuwayaga kalkaase Farmaajo u hiiliyayna nooso dhiiba halkan ayaanu maxkamad ku saaraynaaye” ayuu yidhi Faysal. Guddoomiye Faysal, ayaa kamid ahaa dadka aadka uga soo horjeeday dowlada madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdillaahi Farmaajo. Xigasho
  10. If only anti-Soomaaliya mercenary writer Rashiid Cabdi's wishes were...
  11. Dhagaxtuur, I thought we talked about this of not giving up dalkeena iyo dadkeena in your last pessimist thread. Soomaaliya is bigger than kooxaha isbaarodoonka and shisheeye kalkaaliyaasha stooges ah. By the way, the latest moves by isbaarodoon militias, I will not call them uprising. They are not even one coherent group and mistrust one another. Dhibkaan yar waa laga baxaa hadduu Rabi idmo. Soomaaliya had seen much worse and overcame it.
  12. The full hadaljeedin in afka Ingiriiska: Muqdisho - (SONNA) - Tonight, I wish to address the Somali people, who have shown grave concern with regards to the current political situation and the future of the country. As we have repeatedly stated, we have always been ready to implement timely and peaceful elections in the country. But unfortunately, our efforts were hampered by individuals, and foreign entities who have no aim other than to destabilize the country and take it back to the era of division and destruction in order to create a constitutional vacuum. As a government, we have always been ready to implement, without any preconditions, national elections that are based on 17 September 2020 agreement, and the16 February 2021 Baidoa Technical Committee recommendations. I would like to commend the efforts of H.E. the Prime Minister, and the Presidents of Galmudug, Hirshabeele, Southwest State and the Governor of Banadir Regional Administration towards peace and welcome the statements they issued on elections. In order to successfully hold elections that are based on the above-mentioned agreement and recommendations, I would like to firstly call on all parties in Somalia to refrain from any and all actions that could lead to widespread instability in the country, including the politicization of the security forces, creating social divisions and the destruction of public property. Distinguished Fellow Somalis, The undeniable truth is that you have always stood by your government and continue to do so. You have demonstrated patience, maturity and patriotism. When I was elected as your President, you marched out of your homes to support this historic victory. You deserve a government that further strengthens that vigorous sense of patriotism. In reality, we will never allow the Somali people to fall into further destruction and displacement. Therefore, I call upon the parties organizing unrest, including politicians who were recently holding prominent political positions and are now aiming to assume public positions through chaos, to refrain from such acts. The last few days have given people clear indication of who harbors good or evil intentions. We have seen the clear distinction between those who cause displacement and those who saved lives. Instead of becoming ones who caused displacement, we chose to save lives. Political interests will end, but this land and this flag are eternal, and they must come before all of our other interests. We are also cognizant to the fact that it is our solemn duty to prevent any threat to stability and peace. We have defeated numerous outside influences that have invested significant financial and human resources in order to undermine our country’s development and serve their own interests. We refuse to allow our youth to be used as tools that destroy the lives and properties of Somali people. Tonight, the Somali people will be able to distinguish between those who are working to prevent elections and destroy national institutions, from those who are championing peace, nationhood and the unity of the Somali people. My fellow citizens, tonight, you will bear witness to those who seek to grab power through bloodshed and those who are willing to transition power through votes. Ladies and Gentlemen, As President, I am entrusted with upholding the constitution and have the duty to reconcile the previously reached political agreements with the latest Law passed by the House of the people. Therefore, I have decided to appear before the members of the House of the People of the Federal Parliament on Saturday to gain their endorsement for the electoral process that as agreed upon between the Federal Government, the Heads of Federal Member States and the Governor of BRA. The Federal Government of Somalia has always believed, and still sees dialogue, compromise, negotiation and the return to the discussion table as the only viable options, while honoring the 17 September 2020 agreement and the recommendations of the Baidoa Technical Committee. I hereby call upon all of the signatories of the 17 September agreement to come together immediately for urgent discussions on the unconditional implementation of the above-mentioned agreement. Finally, I urge all security agencies to maintain the stability of the Capital and the safety of innocent civilians, avoiding any actions that may lead to insecurity. I also urge the Somali people to support the armed forces in this regard. May Allah lead us towards the righteous path.
  13. So why do you support him and co? Xasan Sheekh too is corrupt. I can understand Shariif Sh. Axmed iyo Xasan Kheyre. But inta kale waa tuugo tuugo dhaafay.
  14. Qoraal ka soo baxay Ra’isul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Maxamed Xuseen Rooble oo ku saabsan xaaladda dalka. Bismillaahi. Markii aan tixgaliyay duruufaha Adag ee uu dalku ku jiro iyo baahida loo qabo in xal deg deg ah laga gaaro arrimaha Doorashooyinka ee cakiran. Markii aan latashi ballaaran la sameeyay qaybaha kala duwan ee Bulshada Soomaaliyeed. Waxaan soo saaray War-murtiyeedkaan: 1- Waxaan ku celinayaa markale sida aan uga xumahay xiisadaha colaadeed ee ka jiray Magaalada Muqdisho maalmihii la soo dhaafay iyo natiijada xun ee ka dhalatay, taas oo sababtey barakaca Shacab badan oo danyar ah. 2- Waxaan soo dhawaynayaa Warmurtiyeedka ay soo saareen labada Dowlad-goboleed Hirshabelle iyo Galmudug. Dowlad-Goboleedyada Puntland, Jubaland, Koonfur Galbeed iyo Gobolka Benaadir, waxaan ka codsanayaa in ay qeyb ka qaataan geedi socodka nabada iyo dardar gelinta doorasho xor iyo xalaal ah. 3- Sida ku caddayd barnaamijkii xukuumadayda ee aan Baarlamaanka ka hor-aqriyay waxaan diyaar u ahay in aan dalka ka hirgaliyo doorashadii lagu heshiiyay 17-kii September 2020. 4- Dhammaan daneeyayaasha Doorashooyinka Dalka, waxaan ugu baaqayaa in ay u diyaar garoobaan in uu dalku aado Doorasho isla markaana la joojiyo dhaqdhaqaaq kasta oo wax u dhibaya arrimaha doorashooyinka iyo xasiloonda Dalka. 5- Ciidamada Qalabka sida waxaan farayaa in ay gutaan waajibaadkooda dastuuriga ah isla markaana ay sugaan Amniga, si gaar ah waxaan taliyayaasha ciidamada u farayaa in dib loogu celiyo ciidamada xeryahooda. 6- Siyaasiyiinta Mucaaradka ah waxaan ugu baaqayaa in ay joojiyaan ficilada iyo dhaqdhaqaaqyada abuuraya Colaadda, waana in ay ku ekaadan Guryahooda iyo Goobahooda gaarka ah. 7- Doorka beesha caalamka waa muhiim, waxaan codsanayaa in ay sii wadaan taageerada ay u fidiyaan dadka iyo dowlada Soomaaliyeed. 8- Shacabka Soomaaliyeed guud ahaan waxaan ka codsanayaa in ay nagu garab istaagaan dedaalada nabadaynta iyo xasilinta Dalka iyo sidii aan si nabad ah doorasho uga hirgalin lahayn Dalka.
  15. Waxaa maanta 26/04/2021 ciidamo uu hoggaamiyo Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur Warsame ay qabsadeen hoteel seddex dabaq ah oo uu lahaa Isaaq Garoow oo ku yaalay KM4, magaalada Muqdisho. Ciidanka Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur Warsame waxa ay goobta ku dileen hal qof, sedex kalena wey ku dhaawaceen oo dhammaan ahaa dadkii hoteelka Isaaq Garoow ilaalo ka ahaa. Dhammaan dadka dhibka loo geystay waa ****, kana tirsan beesha ****. Waxaan ugu baaqeynaa in Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur iyo dadkii ka danbeeyay dilkaan iyo boobka hantida shacabka in si deg deg ah ay uga soo jawaabaan dilka ay geesteen. Gurigana ay u faaruqeeyaan ama ka baxaan. Waa talaabo argagaxiso oo loo geystay dadka la dilay iyo hoteelka la qabsaday. Golaga Samatabixinta **** waxa uu marka hore tacsi u dirayaa dadkii lagu dilay, Allah u naxriisto intii dhaawantayna Allah boqseeyo. Tan kale Golaha Samatabixinta **** wacaa uu si aad ah u cambaareynayaa talaabadaas foosha xun oo ay geysteen ciidanka Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur Warsame. Waxaana ugu baaqeynaa in si dhaqso leh jawaab uu uga soo bixiyo Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur Warsame. Maxkamad dalka iyo dibadiisa ayaan ku dacweyneynaa xaduuqa ay ay bilaabeen ciidanka Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur Warsame.
  16. The more things change, the more they stay the same hore loo dhahay.
  17. 18 years later on SOL, we are still debating about this miyaa?
  18. C/raxmaan C/shakuur iyo maafiyadiisa is being warned here. His British baasaboor would be at risk, which he used to claim inuu dhalashada Ingiriiska ka baxaayo anyway. He didn't.
  19. The very foundation and existence of the dowladda dhexe is at stake marka every available tool should be used. I hope dowladda does cut the internet and it will if xaalka isbaarodoonka isbadalin. The misinformation and disinformation beenta badan cannot be allowed to go unchecked.