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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Wax la yiraahdo kulahaa. Saan maa kaa daacad ah? Anyway, aqoonyahanka Maxamed Xaaji Mukhtaar ma maqashay iyo buugaagtuu qoray? How about Cabdi Kuusoow? How about Virginia Luling and her book, Somali Sultanate: The **** City-State over 150 Years? This the first book written by a non-Soomaali solely about a Somali sub-clan's history.
  2. Dunida Muslimka dhanaa saan ah. Waa astaamaha ka mid ah in aakhiro samaanka soo dhowyahay. My father joined SYL, too, in late 1940s in Jubbada Sare (Alta Jubba). His own first cousins joined ururkii ku dhisnaa qabiilka (HDM) in 1950s after he refused to join. They also challenged him in each election and kept losing. Soomaalidii dooran jirtay xalaal ayee ahaayeen oo maankooda saafi ah and not influenced by qabiil. Heck, they even voted next to my old man's district in Xuddur a Buraashadleey xildhibaan asalkiisa 'geegii mariidi' ahaa, kana soo jeeday Nugaal. His name was Aaden Diiriye, father of Nuuradiin Aaden Diiriye.
  3. It is just weird when every faarax and jimcaale from their non-informed fadhi-ku-dirir chairs like to speak for Reer Koonfur Galbeed. Since Reer Koonfur Galbeed are too busy for fadhi-ku-dirir and don't waste their times, whether the live one or the online, hence the online jimcaales assumption for the position of speaking for Reer Koonfur Galbeed by pretending to be an expert they have no reason to be. One such one is this post, which has madfac-sized flaw holes in it. First of all and the wrong, usual assumption of reer faradheer/maryooleey, is that Reer Koonfur Galbeed as a whole are mono-culture of beeraleey community. They are not; some are nomads, some are beeraleey and others are malaay ayee dabtaan. Bakool has one of the largest geel population in Soomaaliya. Reer Jubbooyinka are lo'leey. Istunka is not played by only Reer Koonfur Galbeed proper. Istunka is more like Banaadiri culture than anything else and is played by communities that settled the original Banaadir region - from Shabeellaha Dhexe, Banaadir to Shabeellaha Hoose. Xoolo dhaqato, beeraleey iyo malaaydabto ayaa wada dheelo ciyaar dhaqameedkaan. One thing that is the correct fact is that beeraleyda and malaaydabtada, who are always settled communities, are far more civilized than the nomadic-based communities. War is their last resort since it leads into inevitable destruction of their environment. It is a universal fact. Nomadism does not know the value of keeping the land in peace since they are constantly on the move. Just ask the old miyiga Carabta and Mongooliya. Now maryooleey wrongly again assume this reticence of war is some-kind of political naivete. It is not. Just ask Moorgan, Cumar Jees and Caydiid Junior who felt the full wrath of Reer Koonfur Galbeed after they run out of patience.
  4. It is one of these probably banned person who only likes to resuscitate old threads of his with virus-ridden and spam posts with multiple registered accounts.
  5. Caasimada is not a credible site, though. Do we even have credible Soomaali news sites? It is only Hiiraan Online, but it is stuck in 1990s JavaScript.
  6. Xamaas finally forced to close Telabiib airport. It seems they acquired during the lull times more advanced rockets. I am sure Xisbu-allaah, too, did.
  7. Dalmar, don't insult brother Dhagaxtuur. Also don't blame him considering what transpired in Xamar in the recent few weeks. Even me, a diehard defender of Muqdisho being the undisputed capital city for us Soomaalis for almost two decades here on SOL - what happened recently in Xamar certainly gave me a pause. We thought we moved away from mooryåånimo mentality since 2006. I still support Xamar as a capital of Soomaaliya, but what happened a few weeks ago should and must not be repeated.
  8. Maakhir, they are nothing called gaashaanbuur. Soomaalida maryooleey waxey isku qaldaayaan dadka Reer Koonfur Galbeed u yaqaanaan 'geegii mariidi' iyo qabaa'ilada Koonfur Galbeed. Qabaa'ilada Koonfur Galbeed wey jireen, xiriir dhalasho iyo deegaan ayaa ka dhaxeeyo sida xiriir dhalasho iyo deegaan ugu dhaxeeyo qabaa'ilada kale ee Soomaaliyeed. Reer Canjeex iyo Reer Xaayoow wax dhalasho ka dhaxeeyo iska yar laakiinse waxee ku bidooween ururka magaciisa Afmaay ah oo Waaberi lagu dhaho Afmaxaatiri. Inaa magaca qabiilka ee ku midoobeen sheego ma rabi. Qabiil walba saas ugu midoobeen, xataa kaa ka dhalatay ee ku midoobeen Reer Nugaal, Sool, Bari iyo Sanaag oo magaciisa asagana erey Afmaay ah oo Nin laga wado. Tusaale kale qabiilka Beledweyne dego iyo kan degmada Goldogob ee Mudug dego laba 'ood' ayee u kala xaroodaan yet waxaa la dhahay waa isku farac meel ka soo jeedo. Qabiilka Shariif Sh Axmed abtirsigiisa iyo kuwa Baran iyo deegaanada kale ee Sanaag dego abtirsigooda waa isku mid, again laba 'ood' ayee u kala xaroodaan. Aan u soo noqdo ereyada aan kor ku sheegay ee 'geegii mariidi.' Ereyadaan waa Afmaay, waxaana laga wadaa dadka aan asalkooda ahayn Koonfur Galbeed laakiin soo degay, qaatayna dhaqanka qabaa'ilada Koonfur Galbeed ee la degnaayeen. Qabiilo meesha deganaa ayaa 'sharci' dhalasho siiyey iyagoo og meeshee ka soo jeedaan. Sababta loo siiyeyna waxee ahayd waa inay ka magan galaan oo la dhibaateen, diyadana laga bixiyo, iyagana bixiyaan. Geegii mariidi waxaa laga wadaa waayadii hore oo loola jeedo meeshee waayadii hore ka soo jeedaan. Awoowgey hooyadey dhalay ayaaba ka mid ahaa dadkaan camal. Dagaaladii iyo colaadii Sayidka iyo Daraawiishta ayee ka soo carareen asaga iyo reerkiisa bilowgii qarnigii 20aad. Qabridahare, Soomaali Galbeed, ayee ka imaadeen, waxeena soo degeen Waajid, Bakool, uu ku wada dhalay ilmihiisa. Qabiilkiisa wuu heystay laakiin diyo iyo waxyaabahaas haddee imaatana qabiilka Waajid degan la qeybsan jiray.
  9. Says a dude whose half of his own folks confusedly claim to be descendants from Xabashi habar and the other half in their inferiority complexity claiming to be the rejected sons of Qureysh. The rest soo hartayna habro la baxay. Have you no shame? At least Reer Koonfur Galbeed know meeshee ka soo jeedaan iyo dadkee u dhasheen and will never claim none other than Soomaalinimo. By the way, Afmaxaatirigaan aad ku hadashid adigoo shisheeyo aan ku rabin sheeganaayo Afmaay ayaa dhalay Afmaxaagaan.
  10. This is debunked news wali wadaan miyaa? Wiilasheena waa nagala dilay ku heyn jireen. And now this. Maxee rabaan marka la soo celiyo in isbaaroleyda Xamar joogto ku biiraan? Iyagaa ka raali ahaa markii la qaadaaye, marka ha sugaan inta u soo dhamaaneyso tababarka.
  11. Neither Shariif Sh. Axmed nor Xasan Sheekh will be back. If any newcomer has a chance, it is Jibriil Ibraahin Cabdulle. Does he have enough funds to pay the known corrupt xildhibaanno is the question.
  12. As a secessoinist qabyaalad an ka xoroobin, mentally enslaved by qabyaalad and its small-midnessness, you will never see the point of shaqsinimo and aragti gaar without referring to qabiil qurunkiisa. What do YOU to yourself to achieve than inaad ku gambatid someone's achievement under the guise of qabiil? That is what doonfaarada marfishka daaqo do. I don't even claim the achievement of my own late father, who attained the highest office in the land in Soomaaliya. Why? Because I like my own achievement and I am my own man. But ignorant fools marfishyada jaadka ku daaqo like to claim what others achieved in their miserable lives, iyagoo kaadi ku dhex jiro.
  13. True. Doonfaar walba qashin ku daaqo marfishyada looma jawaabo. Waala doonfaareysaa haddaa qashinqubka la gishid.
  14. Maamulka deegaanka Wajeer mooshin ayuu u codeeyey oo xilka looga qaadaayo guddoomiyaha deegaanka Wajeer. Mooshinka Reer NFD xataa waa gaaray.
  15. Yea, secessionist isku diraale waa lagu yaqaanaa. Haddee Xamar gubato maanta, you would be the happiest in here on SOL. Beenta meesha kala tag.
  16. So far he had met almost every jaamac and faarax siyaasi in Soomaaliya except Shariif Sh. Axmed. Why? He also did not meet with labadii Imaaraadka u niikinaaye, for obvious reasons - Imaaraadka did not give the go-ahead for the meeting.
  17. The secessionist neefkaan uu noo amaanaayaa uu leeyahay waa halyeey. The secessionist ma rabo Soomaaliya degin so his little goof in Waqooyiga can gain aqoonsi. Filinkaaga laba jir xataa waa ogyahay.
  18. Nothing to do with Barbaarta. Coldoon is simply exiled because his popular message lagama helin, same way Muuse Muqayil ugu helin, Deni Uusbuur is doing likewise. These little wannabe kaligiitaliye in their little fiefdoms, qofkee rabaan iskaga xadgudbaayo.
  19. The isbaarodoon's master had spoken now: We will see if ay iswaali karaan.
  20. Ra'iisal Wasaare Rooble oo shir isugu yeeray madaxda Dowlad Gobolleedyada Ra'iisal Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Soomaaliya Maxamed Xusseen Rooble kulan waddatashi ah iskugu yeeray madaxda maamul goboleedyada iyo gobolka Banaadir 20-ka bishan May. Afhayeenka dawladda Maxamed Ibraahim Macallimu ayaa qoraal uu soo saaray ku sheegay in Ra'iisal Wasaare Rooble ahmiyad gaar ah siinayo dhaqan gelinta Heshiiskii 17-kii September ee hagayay hannaanka doorashooyinka dalka. Madaxweynaha Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa maalintii shalay Golaha Shacacbka ka hor sheegay in mas'uuliyadii doorashada uu ku wareejiyay Ra'iisal Wasaare Rooble, arintaa oo muddo dheerba si is daba joog ah u dalbanayeen siyaasiyiinta mucaaradka. Ra'iisal Wasaare Rooble ayaa si loo soo afjaro ismariwaagii siyaasadeed ee ka dhashay muddo korarsiga ku raacay ayaa ku raacay madaxda dowlad gobolleedyada in dib loogu laabto hannaankii doorashada 17ka Siteembar. Xigasho