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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. By the way, the mercenary anti-Soomaali Kiikuuyo bootlicker writer Rashiid Cabdi, on Twitter, is not commenting and avoiding this issue.
  2. I talked to the family and friends. Waala yaabanyahay. Few demanded ransom, especially one girl whose family in Islii paid it, yet her body was found dead later. Also tuugadii kale ayaa aad u soo batay and they carry tasers, if not handguns. They will taser you if you don't easily hand out your values
  3. Kenyan Somalis worried over kidnappings, murder The rate at which Kenyan-Somali girls and children are being kidnapped, abused or murdered if ransom is not paid, is alarming residents in the Kenyan capital on Thursday. Kenyan-Somali’s are living in fear in the capital after cases recorded by police revealed that criminals were out to kidnap girls and children and then ask their families for money. Videos have surfaced online showing victims being tortured, abused and barely alive. They are forced to send a video message to loved ones asking for huge sums of money and failure to do so results in the victims being not released. The latest is of Hamsa Abdulwahab, 23, who was kidnapped in Nairobi. A video was soon released showing her with serious injuries and her asking her family to give kidnappers what they want. Family member Omar Iso said his cousin was “kidnapped while she had left her business premises. The kidnappers have called us constantly asking for ransom and sharing videos of our tortured relative. We need help.” The news has been trending on social media across the east African country. In the Eastleigh and South C areas of Nairobi where ethnic Kenyan Somalis live as a majority, there is panic and fear. “I will never walk alone without protection from friends,” Halima Yassir told Anadolu Agency. “People are now scared of walking out there, especially for us Kenyan-Somalis. The kidnappers think we have money but we have nothing,” The Kenya Council of Imams and Preachers of Kenya (CIPK) said in a statement that the number of kidnappings and deaths have raised serious security concerns among Kenyans and the group asked Kenyans, in collaboration with the security apparatus, to stop the sad trend of missing, murdered children, girls and individuals. Sheikh Abubakar Bini expressed concerns about the kidnappings, especially of young children and juveniles younger than 18 years old, females of wealthy families and businessmen, among others. “We strongly condemn the constant attacks on children and abductions of girls and individuals across the country. This is a gross violation of children’s rights and a horrific experience for young girls and individuals to go through,” he said in a statement. TRT World
  4. Where are our girls? Eastleigh mothers cry out for missing daughters The women condemned the kidnapping of the young girls and urged the DCI to investigate the matter. [Edward Kiplimo, Standard] Mothers in Eastleigh are up in arms. They feel unsafe and so do their daughters. On Friday, a group of women held a meeting in Nairobi’s South C estate over the increasing cases of abduction and the apparent delay by security officers to follow up on the cases. The women revealed that in the past one week, four of their daughters have gone missing. “It is a tough time being a mother in Eastleigh. The last seven days have been terrible. We have lost two daughters. It has become routine for our young girls to mysteriously disappear,” said Shidiye Shaknoor. “I cannot sleep or eat. My daughter, Hasfa Abdi Ahmed, 21, called me last Saturday, informing me she was headed to my shop in Eastleigh to bring me some clothes, but she never returned. That was the last communication we had.” Her daughter had just arrived from Bura in Tana River, where her family has a farm. Her mother was looking forward to spending time with her. Something was wrong Shaknoor said that days later, she received disturbing news. Her daughter’s jacket, which had bloodstains, as well as her headgear and shoes, had been recovered. She knew something was wrong. And then, she received calls from unknown people, who claimed they had her daughter and were demanding Sh5 million as ransom. She was shattered. The women demanded action for their safe return at Razana Hotel in South C on June 18, 2021.[Edward Kiplimo, Standard] “We do not know what to do. Some people have been tormenting us with calls that they have killed my daughter. We have been to Kayole Police Station, hoping she has been found, but so far, nothing. “We have gone to almost all mortuaries in the city, but no luck. This torment is too much. I just want my daughter back,” said Shaknoor. A photo of a girl, blindfolded, with a bloody face and pleading for help emerged online, revealing how grim the situation is. The women are asking the relevant authorities to intervene. “Today, I have received reports that two girls have disappeared. “We do not have much details, but we are following up. This is becoming a nightmare,” said Fatuma Mohamed, an equal rights activist based in South C estate. According to Fatuma, another girl, a Class 7 pupil in a private school in California, Eastleigh went missing under mysterious circumstances. The mothers revealed four of their daughters have gone missing in the past week. [Edward Kiplimo, Standard] Reports indicated that the girl identified as Hiba Mohamed, disappeared after leaving her home in Eastleigh and was last seen in her school uniform and a maroon veil. “In the last 24 hours, two girls have gone missing. Why are we being targeted? Where are the leaders, who are supposed to our voice? Do you want to tell me DCI cannot track down these criminals?,” posed Fatuma. “None of our leaders has spoken about this issue. It is worrying. We are not safe. Our leaders must address this issue before it gets worse,” Fatuma added. Two girls disappeared on June 17, and the matter was reported at California Police Station. In Kayole, one of the mothers, who had gone to check after being informed that the girls were being held there, was heartbroken, when she was informed the girls had not been rescued. Kayole OCPD, Paul Wambugu, said he had not received any information about the abductions. “I do not have any information on the cases you are telling me about. Nobody has made such report to me,” said Wambugu. In support of the Eastleigh mothers, a group of Somali community leaders drawn from Mombasa yesterday held protests to condemn the kidnapping and killings of young girls. They claimed that the cases were also becoming common in Mombasa. Somali community chair in Mombasa, Abdulrahaman Karim, said the girls do not want to go to school for fear of being kidnapped. The Standard
  5. It was their Aaden Cadde. It was unfortunate Aaden Cadde - like many of his peers - passed away in a foreign country and not in our country he built its foundation. By the way, I used to think his name of Cadde was based on his skin colour. It seems naaneystaas wuxuu ku helay dharka wada uu gishan jiray.
  6. Qoraalka is a horudhac. Read the other qoraalo at the end of the article of the then candidates in 2004.
  7. I also made this screenshot from a video made by AP. The late madaxweyne Aaden Cabdulle can be seen on the far left as well as the late Cigaal on right along with dignitaries from Afrika and Khaliijka. My old man still dressed like that until his passing. Rabi ha u raxmado madaxdii Soomaaliyeed.
  8. His death reminded me the following picture of him with my late father and the late Ibraahin Maxsmed Cigaal at madaxweyne C/rashiid's funeral. The picture was taken by AP news agency in Oktoobar 20, 1969. The picture was accomoanies by the following caption: From left : Somalia's Prime Minister Mohamed Ibrahim Egal; Zambia's President Kenneth Kaunda and Acting President of Somalia Sheikh Muktar Mohamed Hussien stand at the cemetery of Mogadishu, Somalia, on Oct. 20, 1969, during the burial of assassinated President Abdirashid Ali Shermarke, who was killed in Northern Somalia on Oct. 15, on the eighth day of a ten day tour of the drought stricken North region. A 22 year old policeman has been identified as the alleged assassin by the government. (AP Photo) Associated Press (AP). Creation Date: October 20, 1969
  9. African nations declare days of mourning to honour Kenneth Kaunda Countries pay respects to Zambia’s late founding president, revered for helping many movements across the continent fight against colonialism. Leaders across Africa have paid tribute to Zambia’s founding president, Kenneth Kaunda, who died on Thursday at the age of 97, declaring several days of mourning in their respective countries. While in power, Kaunda hosted many of the movements fighting for independence or Black equality in other countries around the continent, standing up to white minority rule in countries such as Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe. President Hage Geingob of Namibia said in a statement Africa lost “a giant of a man”. “Kenneth Kaunda was a generous, affable, and a resolute leader who freed our region from colonialism.” In appreciation of his contribution to their various struggles, some African countries on Friday announced varying periods of mourning and lowered their national flags to half-mast. South Africa will mourn for 10 days, while Botswana, Namibia and Tanzania will pay their respects for seven days, their presidents announced. Zimbabwe will mourn over three days. ‘Father of African independence’ South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa described Kaunda as a “rightfully revered father of African independence and unity”. “Under his leadership, Zambia provided refuge, care and support to liberation fighters who had been forced to flee the countries of their birth,” Ramaphosa said. “He stood alongside the people of South Africa at the time of our greatest need and was unwavering in his desire for the achievement of our freedom. We will never be able to repay the debt of gratitude,” Ramaphosa added. Kaunda had provided logistical help to a number of African liberation movements, including the Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU) and the breakaway Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU) of Southern Rhodesia and the African National Congress (ANC) of South Africa. The ANC’s Radio Freedom was allowed to broadcast from Zambia’s capital, Lusaka, and it was under Kaunda’s protection that the ANC waged an armed struggle, then a diplomatic one against apartheid. Rwandan President Paul Kagame said in a tweet Kaunda’s “commitment to Africa’s liberation will never be forgotten”. “His leadership on the continent and legacy of Pan-Africanism will live on for generations to come,” he said. Countries pay respects to Zambia’s late founding president, revered for helping many movements across the continent fight against colonialism. Leaders across Africa have paid tribute to Zambia’s founding president, Kenneth Kaunda, who died on Thursday at the age of 97, declaring several days of mourning in their respective countries. While in power, Kaunda hosted many of the movements fighting for independence or Black equality in other countries around the continent, standing up to white minority rule in countries such as Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe. President Hage Geingob of Namibia said in a statement Africa lost “a giant of a man”. “Kenneth Kaunda was a generous, affable, and a resolute leader who freed our region from colonialism.” In appreciation of his contribution to their various struggles, some African countries on Friday announced varying periods of mourning and lowered their national flags to half-mast. South Africa will mourn for 10 days, while Botswana, Namibia and Tanzania will pay their respects for seven days, their presidents announced. Zimbabwe will mourn over three days. ‘Father of African independence’ South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa described Kaunda as a “rightfully revered father of African independence and unity”. “Under his leadership, Zambia provided refuge, care and support to liberation fighters who had been forced to flee the countries of their birth,” Ramaphosa said. “He stood alongside the people of South Africa at the time of our greatest need and was unwavering in his desire for the achievement of our freedom. We will never be able to repay the debt of gratitude,” Ramaphosa added. Kaunda had provided logistical help to a number of African liberation movements, including the Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU) and the breakaway Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU) of Southern Rhodesia and the African National Congress (ANC) of South Africa. The ANC’s Radio Freedom was allowed to broadcast from Zambia’s capital, Lusaka, and it was under Kaunda’s protection that the ANC waged an armed struggle, then a diplomatic one against apartheid. Rwandan President Paul Kagame said in a tweet Kaunda’s “commitment to Africa’s liberation will never be forgotten”. “His leadership on the continent and legacy of Pan-Africanism will live on for generations to come,” he said. Ugandan opposition leader Bobi Wine said Kaunda was one of Africa’s “few surviving independence heroes”. Kaunda ruled Zambia for 27 years, taking the helm after the country gained independence from Britain in October 1964. “For our founding father, it was not enough for his country Zambia to be liberated when the region and the African continent remained bonded in the shackles of colonialism and apartheid,” President Edgar Lungu told mourners at Kaunda’s house in Lusaka on Friday. “He soldiered on to seek freedom for humanity,” Lungu said. - Aljasiira
  10. I've heard about this. My sister and her family don't live in Islii, however dad badan kale dagan aqaanaa. Waa soo wareysanaa.
  11. Can't watch the video now. What are they saying? Ma tuugo isla Soomaalida ah ayaa dhacoyso hantidooda?
  12. Who is Fahad Yaasiin Xaaji? I used to read his qoraallo on Soomaalitalk in early to mid 2000s. I later saw him on Aljasiira Carabi. He seemed like a decent man. However, according to the so-called mucaarad, Fahad is the one who is pulling all the political moves from Filla Soomaaliya today. He is their classical bogeyman. Someone wrote about him in 2006: "Fahad Yaasiin Xaaji Daahir: Dadaalaa Waa Gaadhaa" Qofkasta oo aduunka ku nool isla markaana uu ku jiro han ,waxa uu jecel yahay in uu aqoonta iyo cilmiga meel ka gaadho , mid ku guulaysta iyo mid ku guul daraysta ayey u qayb samaan, qofkastaaba wuxuu ku dadaalaa waddadii uu u mari lahaa waxa uu higsanaayo in uu naf iyo maalba u huro. Dhallinyaradii kacday burburkii ka dibna waxaa ku adkaatay intoodii dalka ku hadhay in ay helaan waxbarasho nidaamiya, haddana may quusan, waxay aad ugu dadaaleen in ay waxbarshadooda kor u qaadaan iyaga oo dalalka hareeraha ka xiga Soomaaliya iyo Gasiiradda Carabta abbaaraya. Fahad Yaasin Xaaji Daahir wuxuu ka mid ahaa dhallinyaradii kacday xilligii burburkii dawladii dhexe ee Soomaaliya , wuxuuna ka mid ahaa dhallinyaradii ku dadaashay in ay aqoontooda kor u qaadaan oo dagaalka xumi ka dhex socday iyaga iyo wakhtiga iyo dhibaatada waxbarasho ee ka jirtay dalka. Fahad Yaasiin Xaaji Daahir markii isugu kaaya horaysay waxaanu isku baranay Magaalada Nairobi sanadkii 2000, xilligaas oo uu Fahad waxbarasho gaaban oo uu ugu maqnaa dalka Yaman ka soo laabtay, waxaanuna ku kulan Hotel ku yaala xaafadda Isllii 8street oo lagu magacaabo Ilsan, halkaas oo aanu isugu iman jiray annaga oo ka kooban dhallinyaro Soomaaliyeed oo uu isaguna ka mid ahaa saaxiibkay C/shakuur Cali Mire (Gaaleri). Xilligaas waxaa magaalada Carta e dalka Jabuuti ka socday shirkii dib u heshiisiinta Soomaalida oo inta badan lagala socon jiray T.V-yada RTD iyo Ajlazeera oo xagga sare ee Hotel Ilsan maqaaxi ku taalay lagu daawan jiray, marka laga soo jeestana doodo iyo aragtiyo laysku weydaarsan jiray. Waxaa dhici karta haddaba in dad badani isweydiiyaan kuma ayuu ahaa wiilkan Soomalaiyeed ee marqudha shabakada aduunka xilligan ugu afka dheer ee Aljazeera uga soo warama magaalada Muqdisho?. Halkee wax ku soo bartay, oo luqadan Carabiga ah ee uu ku luuqaynayo kaga soo qalin jabiye?. Waa su’aalo dad badani isweydiin karaan , laakiin aqoonta aan u lee yahay Fahad Yaasiin Xaaji Daahir taas oo ka dhalatay muddo 2 sanno ah oo aanu meel kuwada noolayn xillina ayba jirta in aanu isku meel ka soo toosi jirnay, mar marka qaarkoodna aani laptop wadaagi jirnay, in ay tahay mucjiso iyo in haddii uu qofku dadaalo uu gaadhi karo qasadkiisa, yoolkiisa , iyo hadafkuu lahaa. Guulweyn weeye oo u soo hooyatay Soomaaliya in maanta la helo wiil dhallinyaro ah oo Soomaaliya oo saxaafadda carabiga oo ah dhinac aynu hadaynu nahay Soomaalida aad uga liidano in uu ku soo baxo, guulana ka gaadho. Fahad yaasiin Xaaji Daahir intii aanu ku biirin TV-ga Aljazeera waxa uu guula ka soo hooyey saxaafadda Soomaaliya oo uu in badan qoraalo aad loo xiiseeyo ku soo qoray wargeysyada ka soo baxa Muqdisho, gaar ahaan Ayaamaha iyo shabakadda ugu caansan Soomaaliya uguna nadiifsan www.somalitalk.com, maqaaladiisuna ahaayeen kuwo aad dhagaha iyo indhahaba loogu raariciyo. Fahad maaha saxafi ka soo qalin jabiyey kuliyada saxaafadda ee waxa weeye nin dhallinyaro ah oo dadaalay carabigana bartay kuna dhaqaaqay sidii uu guul uga soo hoyn lahaa, waana arrin mudan ku dayasho, oo qofkasta oo dhallinyaro ah oo maanta jooga gudaha iyo dibaddaba uu isku hawlo sidii uu carabiga u baran lahaa uguna difaaci lahaa karaamada Ummadda Soomaaliyeed, waxaana jirta in ay banaana yihiin gobo badan oo maanta looga baahan yahay dhallinyarada Soomaaliyeed ee Luqadda Carabiga qorta kuna hadasha, waxaana lana odhan karaa Kinalka Aljazeera waxa uu soo celiyey sharaftii iyo haybaddii luqadda Carabigu lahayd, oo maanta noqotay Luqad ay reer galbeedku aad u danaynayaan si ay u ogaadaan waxa ka socda Bariga Dhexe iyo Dunida Islaamka. Waxaan maqaalkan ku soo gabgabeynayaa (Dadaalaa Waa Gaadhaa) Xigasho
  13. The elusive Fahad Yaasiin Xaaji - and mucaaradka bogeyman - asked your question 17 years ago in Juun, 2004: YAA MADAXWEYNE KU HABOON Su’aasha muhimka ah waxay tahay. Maanta baahida ay Soomaali qabto marka laga hadlayo sidee dowlad-nimo loo helaa? Ma’in dhaqaale loo raadiyaa? Si dalka iyo dadkaba loo nooleeyo? Taas waa maya, oo Soomaalidu dhibta haysata, dhaqaale xumi ma’ahan, marka xagga Gacanasiga laga fiiriyo, Soomaalida weyba ku firfircoon yihiin, inta hadda ka khaldanna haddii dowlad loo helo wey u sii hagaagi lahayd. Ma nabad galyo la’aan oo kaliyaa? Taasna waa may, maxaa yeelay dadka nabad la’aanta noo horseeda waa hogaanka aan anagu usacbinno, marka dhibta inagaa isu keenay ee Qab-qable nooma keenin. Markii aan baarintaan cilmiyeysan ku samaynay qodobkan waxaa noo soo baxday jawaabtan biyo kama dhibcaanka ah. Soomaali maanta waxay u baahantahay hogaamiye leh tilmaamihii hogaaneed oo noqon kara ninkii maanta Soomaali badbaadin lahaa. Firkadan waxaa saldhig u ah. Soomaali dhibta ku dhacday iyadaa gacmaheeda ku kasbatay. Beel kasta oo Soomaaliyeed waxaa hogaamiya ninkii ugu itaal-yaraa. Haddey tahay aqoonta. Haddey tahay shakhsiyadda. Haddey tahay Siyaasadda. Hadey tahay nabad raadinta. Haddey tahay hormarinta bulshada. Iyo haddey tahay u qalmid hogaamineed. Ceebtu waxay sii laba jibaar-matay markii la’arkay Profesar Soomaaliyeed oo gacanyare u ah Qabqable dagaal, waliba afmugii ku leh isagoo miyir qaba. Ninkan waan ogahay inuu jaahil yahay, laakiin maadaama ay R/Hebel iska soo saareen kii ugu Jaahilsanaa, waa inaan uhelnaa ninkii la xisaab-tami lahaa oo isaga ay isku luqad noqon lahaayeen. Isweydiintu waxay tahay, hadduuba isagu qabiil kale uga dayanayo xumaanta! Muu isagu nin fiican soo doorto si beelaha kale ay ugu daydaan. Waxaan filayaa inaad baraha Internet-ka inaad ku aragtay nin magaciisa laga hormarinayo Profesar, kadibna jagada uu ku magacaaban-yahay ay tahay Afhayeenka Hogaamiye hebel. Waxaad arkeysaa Wadaad magac ku dhex leh bulshada, oo u taagan inuu jago u raadiyo Dagaal-ooge ay isku beel yihiin. Markaad si hoose ula sheekaysatana, wuxuu ku leeyahay. Waan ogahay inuusan ninkan diinta ku fiicneyn, laakiin waa nin adag oo kuwa kale oo isagoo kala ah cadkiisa ka goosan karo, ama wuxuuba ku dhihi isagoo hadalkiisa inuu diimeeyo raba. Ma’ogtahay sheekhoow dhiigga in ilaaliyo ayaa muhim ah, ninkii rabo dowlada haqabsadee wax un aan helno. Wuxuusan ku baraarug-sanayn in taladiisan aysan ahayn mid saxsan, hadana uu qayb kayahay wax sii burburinta, isagoo waliba si ku talagal ah ugalaya. Wadaadka kale ee kaas caksiga ku ahna wuxuu qabaa fikradan. Sheekhoow Siyaasad lama dhex galo, waa golo sheeydaan, waxan waxba haku darsan, dantaada iyo diintaada ilaasho. Laakiin nasiib darro waxaad arkeysaa isagoo hadana Siyaasaddii ku dhex jira oo leh: Kaasi waa Gaal. Kaasi waa Mujrim. Waxay ahayd inuu marka hore ka qayb qaato sidii uu dalka ugu dhiibi lahaa hogaan muslim ah oo diinta iyo dalkaba aan cadow ku ahayn, taariikhdusana aysan madoobeyn. Ganacsadihii Soomaaliyeed markii dowladda la burburinayeyna qayb weyn buu ka qatay, iyagoo islahaa haddii M/S/Barre dalka ka tago ganacsi furan baad heli doontaan, laakiin sirixkii baa dib iyaga ugu soo laabtay. Hadana waxaa marqaati madoonto ah in Dagaal-ooguhu uusan dhaqaale ka fakarin, illeen wuxuu ogyahay in ganacsatada beeshiisa ah ay hiil iyo hooba la garab taagan yihiin. Inta badan tujaarta Soomaalida dhaqaalaha ay bixiyaan kan ugu niyad wanaasan ayaa lacagta usiiye Qab-qablaha isagoo u niyoonaya Sadaqo ama qaaraan toleed. Qofkasta waajib diini ah iyo mid wadani ah ayaa ka saaran inuu raadiyo ninkuu isleeyahay maanta Madaxweyne ayuu ku haboon-yahay. Mahadaad diyaar u tahay inaad mar walba tijaabo gasho? Ama aad u sacbiso nimaad ku ogtahay khayr darro? Adigoo isleh wax un hadhismaan. Taasi talo nin garaad lihi ma’ahan, ee bal aan isla goob-goobno ninkaan ka dhigan-lahayn Madaxweynaha. Maqaallada soo socda waxaan ku falanqayn doonno ragga maanta urashaxan jagada Madaxti-nimada Soomaaliya, ee shirka Nairobi ka socda doonaya inuu dhamaado isagoo Madaxweyne laga dhigay. Wuxuuna noqon doonaa qoraal furan oo soconaya inta ay uu ka dhamaanayo shirka Kenya. Maqaalkan kan xiga qof qof ayaan usoo qaadan doonnaa ragga ugu cad-cad jagada madaxti-nimada dalkaaga. Ilaahay ka bari inay Soomaali hesho ninkii Taariikhda gali lahaa, oo loo soo xusuusan lahaa sidii Asaasa-yaashii S.Y.L. iyo raggii maalin Soomaali wax u taray. Xigasho
  14. I guess Saadaq wants to be a xildhibaan by all means, force included. However, meesha ma'aha sidii hore, so he might go the way Ahlusunna mareen if meesha la tago qalalaaso. Su'aasha waxee tahay cidaamadaan intee mareen? Diyaarad inay ku tageen ma moodi. Dhulkana ma u maleynaayi, so ma badda ayee doomo ka raaceen. The last scenario is the probable one.
  15. What the... Dhagta loogu sheegay kaamirada ku heyso la yiri markaas shib yiri. Tuug la qabtay talo maleh iga dheh.
  16. The grifting of beesha caalamka continues by maamul goboleed. The meetings in Xamar in the past couple days by madaxda maamul goboleed with daljiriyaasha caalamka has to do the promised funding of xulashada (selection) they are hosting. Madax dad sheeganaayo gacantoodo wax loogu rido u taagan had iyo jeer.
  17. Dowladda dhexe should not heed or believe Kiikuuyadaan dantooda wato.
  18. War beenaad quraafaad ah, been la kor dhaba'y and la hoos dhaba'y. Escaped from Eritareeya kulahaa.
  19. It did: The foreign-backed so-called opposition - namely C/raxmaan C/shakuur and Xasan Sheekh - think this issue can be exploited by paying what they say are 'parents.' Xasan and co. are also who openly tried to qabiilize ciidamadii qaranka a mere few weeks ago. That itself is treasonous act. Again, I have no issue with this haddee run tahay xataa. They are paid Soomaali soldiers and if they fight in Tigrey land to avenge the war crimes they have done in 2006/07 in Muqdisho. No Xabashi was proresting then, parent or not. No Kiikuuyo is protesting against what their sons are doing in Jubbooyinka. So are Ugaandheeska, Burundiga. This is a manufactured crisis in third attempt, waana wada aragnaa.
  20. This dude is the one who sold our sisters to Sacuudiga. Of all people, he should be the least to comment on this. About this topic, it is overly exaggerated. The latest is coming from Qaramada Midoobay report, quoting unnamed sources like Rashid Cabdi, Matthew Bryden and other mercenary writers. They in turn are now using the UN report to quote themselves. It is a long game they have used in the last several decades. Now cheap politicians like Xasan Sheekh are using this for political reasons. Personally, I have nothing against this news. Tigrey mercenary soldiers came to Soomaaliya in 2006/2007 and massacred our people. I did not see any Xabashi politician complaining about that then. ______________________ Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud "Dhalinyaradii loo qaaday Eretariya madaxda talada haysa ayaa iibsatay" Madaxweynahii hore ee Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa si adag uga hadlay dhalinyaradii dowladda Fedaraalka Soomaaliya tababarka ciidan ugu qaaday qadan Eretariya, ee la sheegay in laga qeyb galiyay dagaalo cusla oo ka dhacay gobolka Tigreeyga ee dalkaasi Itoobiya. Madaxweyne hore Xasan Sheekh ayaa sheegay in dhalinyaradaasi markii horeba loo qoray in lagu fushado dano siyaasadeed oo gaar ah, islamarkaana madaxda dowladda Soomaaliya aay ilaa hada ka meermeereyso iney xaalada dhalintaasi jawab waafi ah ka bixiyaan. "Lama aqbali karo in dhalinyaro Soomaaliyeed oo aay dowladdu u dirtay tababar ciidan aanan warkooda la heynin, masuuliyiintii howshaas ka dambeeyay waa iney waalidiinta iyo ummadda Soomaaliyeed u cadeeyaan masiirka caruurta Soomaaliyeed" ayuu yiri Xasan sheekh. Xasan Sheekh ayaa intaasi ku daray dhalinyartaasi tababarka loo geeyay Eretariya la iibsaday waalidiinta dhashayna ilaa hadda walaac xoogaan aay ka qabaan. Hadalka madaxweynahii hore ee Soomaaliya ayaa imaanaya iyadoo dhawaan Qaramada Midoobay aay xaqiijisay jiritaanka wararka sheegay in ciidan Soomaaliyeed ee tababarka u joogay Eretariya laga qeyb galiyay dagaaladii ka dhacay gobolka tigreega. Waxaa sidoo kale ka hadlay warbixinta Qaramada Midoobay ku cadeysay in dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed ee tababarka ciidan loogu qaaday Eretariya laga qeyb galiyay dagaaladii Itobiya hoggaamiyaha Xisbiga Wadajir Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur oo Raysal wasaare Rooble ugu baaqay inuu si deg deg ah usoo fara geliyo walaaca iyo badqabka laga muujinayo ciidankii loo qaaday Eratariya oo marar badan waalidiintooda aay dhigeen banaanbaxyo dareenkooda cabasho aay kaga muujinayaan war la,aanta ka haysatay caruurtooda waxa aay ku sugan yihiin. Xigasho