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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Streamable Video STREAMABLE.COM Watch this video on Streamable.
  2. Waa ku salaamay, Shirwac. Magaca abtirsiga afaraad hooyo ayaa Shirwac Waceys ku jiray. Markaa magacaaga arkaba magacaas soo xasuustaa.
  3. Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo Ubax dhigay Taallada Halgamayaashii Soomaaliyeed ee SYL Madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo oo maamusaya Xuska Maalinta Xorriyadda iyo Midnimada ee 1-da Luulyo ayaa ubax lagu maamuusayey gobanimada, midnimada iyo geesiyaashii naftooda u huray halgankii gobonnimo doonka dalkeenna dhigay Taallada SYL. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa tilmaamay in Taallada SYL ay ka mid tahay xusuusaha halgankii dadka Soomaaliyeed ay iskaga dulqaadeen heeryadii gumeysiga ayaa halkaas xus iyo duco ugu sameeyey dhallinyaradii 13-ka ahaa ee horseeday xornimada iyo midnimada dalka, iyaga oo naf iyo maal ba u soo huray Gobanimadeenna. Kaddib markuu Ubaxa dhiggay Taallada SYL, Madaxweynaha Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo waxa uu usii gudbay Tiyaatarka Qaranka oo ay ka socoto Munaasabad ballaaran oo lagu xusayo Maalinta Xorriyadda iyo Midnimada ee 1-da Luulyo, isaga halkaas khudbad ugu jeedinaya shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Magaalada Muqdisho iyo guud ahaan gobolada dalka Soomaaliya ayaa Xalay iyo Maanta waxaa si weyn looga dareemaya u dabaaldega maalinta qiimaha badan ee 1-da Luulyo oo maanta ku beegan.
  4. Cuqdadaan iyo naceybkaan ila arka: Haweenay la xiray kadib markii ay isku dayday in ay hor istaagto dhalinyaro gubayay calanka Soomaaliya Ciidamada booliska Somaliland, ayaa xabsiga dhigay Degen Miiraash oo isku dayday in ay hor istaagto dhalinyaro magaalada Borama ku gubayay calanka Soomaaliya. Dhalinyarada ay Degen isku dheceen ayaa calanka Soomaaliya ku gubayay gudaha Borama. Waxa jira dhalinyaro ilaa shalay baraha bulshada ku faafinayay calanka Somaliland oo ay la hayen calankayagu waakan. Isla saakana koox dhalinyaro ah ayaa calanka buluuga ah ee Soomaaliya ku gubay gudaha Boorama. Degen ayaa marsii horaysay xabsiga loo taxaabay kadib markii ay calanka Soomaaliya ku sharaxatay gurigeeda, iyado mudo kadib lasoo daayay.
  5. Sanad kale, Kowda Luulyo kale. Sanad guuro wacan dhammaan.
  6. Amiin Caamir and his pen: Does he know something we don't know?
  7. Here is your jawaab: Two suspects behind Hafsa Lukman’s kidnap arrested Hafsa Abdi and Jackson Njogu were arrested at a hotel in Kinangop. [Courtesy] Criminal investigators have arrested the two main suspects behind the kidnap and torture of Hafsa Mohamed Lukman. The 23-year-old Eastleigh businesswoman went missing on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, and rescued by police in Kayole five days later. Jackson Njogu, 24 and Hafsa Abdi, 21, were arrested at Crystal View Lodge in the chilly Kinangop area where they spent the night. “This morning was not their lucky day though. They were smoked out of room number 8 at Crystal view lodge,” detectives said. Criminal investigators have arrested the two main suspects behind the kidnap and torture of Hafsa Mohamed Lukman. The 23-year-old Eastleigh businesswoman went missing on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, and rescued by police in Kayole five days later. Jackson Njogu, 24 and Hafsa Abdi, 21, were arrested at Crystal View Lodge in the chilly Kinangop area where they spent the night. “This morning was not their lucky day though. They were smoked out of room number 8 at Crystal view lodge,” detectives said. Police say the two lovers, who masterminded the kidnap of Hafsa Mohamed from her shop, allegedly managed to siphon a total of Sh650,000 ($6500) from the victim’s bank accounts while she was in captivity. “After committing the crime, they (Jackson Njogu and Hafsa Abdi) escaped to Kinangop and purchased a bar, where they were operating from,” a tweet by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations read. The sleuths also revealed that the duo was caught today, at the crack of dawn, by undercover teams from the Crime Research and Intelligence Bureau, backed up by their Special Service Unit counterparts. Hafsa Mohamed, who lives at California Estate in Nairobi, was found by detectives in a dingy room in Matopeni, Kayole, where she had been forced to stay inside an empty water tank. Before her disappearance, surveillance camera recordings at her shop showed she entered the store at 4:44pm on Tuesday, June 15 in the company of another woman identified as Hafsa Abdulwahab. She was later rescued by police officers in a good state although she had been tortured. One of her fingers had also been cut. The two kidnappers had demanded a ransom of Sh5million to set Hafsa Mohamed free. However, when the ransom was not paid and the alleged suspects opted to flee. The two suspects will be arraigned on Monday. Two suspects behind Hafsa Lukman’s kidnap arrested - The Standard WWW.STANDARDMEDIA.CO.KE Jackson Njogu, 24 and Hafsa Abdi, 21, were arrested at Crystal view lodge in the chilly Kinangop area where they spent...