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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Aljasiira (and Qadar) will milk this to death. We Soomaalis should enjoy this, too.
  2. A true secessionist has Soomaaliya's interest at heart? Waa koow.
  3. In my 22 years of foruming (yes started in 1997 in high school), in every few years, I come across a thread like this posted by a holier-than-thou dude, born and bred in some forsaken land outside Soomaaliya. The self-hate, thinly disguised as constructive self-criticism of community-wide, isn't that hard not to see. Folks like this eventually come to their senses and stop generalizing all Soomaalis.
  4. Kibir, kas iyo yasid ayaa ka dhadhansan karaa warka hoose: Afghan anger over US’s sudden, silent Bagram departure US forces plunged their main operating base in Afghanistan into darkness and abandoned it to looters when they slipped away in the middle of the night after two decades at the site without notifying their Afghan allies. The furtive departure from Bagram airbase, which is vital to the security of Kabul and holds about 5,000 mostly Taliban prisoners, infuriated the Afghans. Many saw it as emblematic of a withdrawal they say is being carried out entirely to fit an American political schedule, with no heed for the collapsing security situation on the ground. “People are saying: ‘The Americans didn’t ask Afghans about coming here, and they didn’t consult Afghans about leaving’,” said one senior official. Much of northern Afghanistan, once an anti-Taliban stronghold, has fallen to the group in the last two weeks, and the militants have made substantial advances across the rest of the country. Afghanistan has just over 400 districts, and the Taliban now hold nearly half, and are fighting for many more. The new commander of Bagram airbase, Gen Mir Asadullah Kohistani, only discovered the Americans’ had gone several hours after their 3am departure. “We did not know of their timeline for departure. They did not tell us when they left,” the commander said during a tour of the evacuated and now-looted base. “We [heard] some rumour that the Americans had left Bagram … and finally by 7am we understood that it was confirmed,” Kohistani told the Associated Press. They had turned off the electricity on the way out, and the sudden darkness served as a signal to the looters, said Abdul Raouf, a soldier of 10 years who has also served in Taliban strongholds of Helmand and Kandahar provinces. The looters entered from the north, smashing through the first barrier, ransacking buildings, loading anything that was not nailed down into trucks, he told the AP. Another soldier said the US forces’ stealthy departure had thrown away 20 years of goodwill. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said on Tuesday that the exact moment of the departure “was not divulged for operational security purposes. In general we felt it was better to keep that information as closely held as possible.” He added: “It’s not a statement about whether we trust or don’t trust our Afghan partners.” Kohistani said the US left behind 3.5m objects, all itemised by the departing military. They include tens of thousands of water bottles, energy drinks and military ready-made meals. They also include thousands of civilian vehicles, many of them without keys to start them, and hundreds of armoured vehicles. Kohistani said the US also left behind small weapons and the ammunition for them, but the departing troops took away heavy weapons and destroyed ammunition for those weapons. The Guardian
  5. Niman daad qaaday xumbo cuskay. Grasping the straws. Did any one of them ever talk about the repeated xasuuq Kiikuuyada Jubbooyinka iyo Gedo ka geysato?
  6. Askarigii ardayga ku toogtay Boorama oo la xidhay iyo maamulka gobolka Awdal oo ka hadlay Waxa xabsiga loo taxabay askarigii toogtay Ibrahim Cabdishakur Ibraahim, oo aha arday engineering ka baranayay Jaamacadda Camuud ee Boorama. Duqa degmada Boorama Maxammed Axmed Warsame, ayaa warbaahinta u xaqiijiyay xariga askariga dilka gaystay. "Marwalba shilalku way dhacaan, tacsi ayaanu u diraynaa qoyska iyo qarabadi, askarigi gacanta gaystayna wuu xidhanyahay" ayuu yidhi. Badhasaabka gobolka Awdal, Maxamed Axmed Caalin Tiimbaro, ayaa sheegay in booliisku baadhis ku hayo dhacdadan. "Shilkaasi siduu u dhacay booliiska ayaa gacanta ku haya," ayuu yidhi Tiimbaro. Gudoomiyaha Jaamacadda Camuud, Saleebaan Axmed Guuleed, ayaa isna tacsi u diray qoyskii iyo qaraabadii isago sheegay in is afdhaaf dhex maray askariga iyo ardayga uu sababay dilka. Ardayga dhintay maydkiisa ayaa lagu hayaa isbitaalka Boorama, askariga dilka gaystayna waala xidhay oo baadhis ayaa ku socota. Xigasho (la tifaftiray)
  7. Again in Boorama: Wiil ardey ah shaati baluugan ku labisan ayee toogteen. Yaab.
  8. Established Western media in their typical of idolizing one they think is fighting against the one they are against.