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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Dowladda Jabuuti oo war deg deg ah kasoo saartay diyaaradii uu saarnaa Fahad Yaasiin Wasiirka wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda dowladda Jabuuti Maxamuud Cali Yuusuf oo ka hadlay xanibaada diyaarad uu saaarnaa taliyahii hore ee hay'adda Nabadsugida Qaranka Fahad Yaasiin iyo rikaab kale oo fara badnaa iney dib ugu celinayaan dalka Turkiga oo markii hore ay kasoo duushay diyaarada. War qoraal ah oo uu wasiir Maxamuud Cali Yuusuf uu soo dhigay bartiisa Twitter-ka ayuu ku sheegay in dhamaan rikaabkii saarnaa diyaarada ay dib ugu laabanayaan dalka Turkiga, islamarkaana waxuu sheegay ineysan waxba ka jirin warar lagu faafiyay baraha bulshada. "Dhammaan rakaabkii saarnaa dayuuraddii Turkish Airways ee maanta ee Muqdisho u socotay ay ku noqon doonto Istambul si ay u raacaan duullimaad kale oo Muqdisho u socda" ayuu yiri Wasiir Maxamuud Cali Yuusuf. Hadalka wasiirka arrimaha dibadda dalka Jabuuti ayaa imaanaya xili saacado ka hor war qoraal ah oo kasoo baxay Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya lagu eedeysay dowlada Jabuuti iney garoonka diyaaradaha dalkaasi ku xanibtay lataliyaha dhinaca amniga madaxweyne Farmaajo. Gabagabadii Wasiirka ayaa sheegay inay garab taagnaan doonaan Soomaaliya ayna fargelin ku sameyneyn arrimaha ka taagan gudaha dalka Soomaaliya. Xigasho
  2. They are openly siding with Rooble on behest of Kiikuuyada and Imaaraadka. They want to force him to transit via Dubeey or Nayroobi, so they can kidnap him. I think he will now transit through Dooxa. Why is Rooble afraid of him? Aawey kuwii ka qeylin jiray when mucaaradka garoonka Xamar laga celin jiray?
  3. Reer Xamardaye ayaa ka hadleysaa yaah. About HDM party, led by Ustaad Cismaan Maxamed Xuseen iyo C/qaadir Soobe, who advocated the federalism for the interior riverine southern regions in 1940s to 1950s, share with us your ideas. Ustaad Cismaan was murdered for his political views in early 1950s.
  4. Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo soo saaray wareegto uu ku hakinayo awoodaha raysal wasaare Rooble Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa soo saaray wareegto uu ku hakinayo awoodaha raysal wasaare Rooble, kadib markii uu ku eedeeyay inuu soo saaro go’aanno ku keli ah oo aan waafaqsanayn shuruucda iyo Dastuurka dalka. Madaxweyne Farmaajo wuxuu ka mamnuucay raysal wasaare Rooble dhammaan warqadaha kasoo baxa xafiiskiisa, gaar ahaan xil kaqaadis ama xil magacaabis, inta laga dhammeystirayo doorashooyinka dalka oo ay u xilsaaran yihiin Guddiyada Madaxabannaan ee magacaaban. “Maadaama Wasiirka Koowaad ee XFS uu jabiyay Dastuurka KMG ah, waxaa la hakiyay awoodaha Wasiirka Koowaad iyo dhammaan warqadaha kasoo baxa, gaar ahaan xil kaqaadis ama xil magacaabis, inta laga dhammeystirayo doorashooyinka dalka,” ayaa lagu yiri wareegtada kasoo baxay madaxweyne Farmaajo. Madaxweyne Farmaajo wuxuu raysal wasaare Rooble ku eedeeyay inuu ka weecday waajibaadkii loo igmaday Xukuumadda ee ahaa ka shaqeynta doorashooyinka iyo amniga doorashooyinka.
  5. Bahal u egyahayba? Nuur Bidaar dilkiisa muu ka qeybqaatay? Reerkiisa waa dacween karaan. Remember Cabdi Qeybdiid's arrest in Sweden in 2005 after a victims' families dacwo ku fureen, alleging he killed their relatives in Kismaayo 1991. I still remember it, orod dalkaas ugu soo dhoofay.
  6. I was watching Telefishinka Qaranka's Youtube videos last night. This was the last videos posted I screenshot on last night: Meeshii telefashin Mudug laga leeyahay ka dhigeen. And two videos with big mucaarad Odowaa's thumbnail is very telling. Xataa dad aanan wax qori jirin la keenay, titles messed up and badly written. Degmooyinkii iyo magaaloyinkii wararka laga soo tabin jiray - from Buuhoodle to Xuddur to Boosaaso to Jalalaqsi to Dooloow - aad u yaraadeen in the last three weeks.
  7. I dont' think it is even one clan members. It is one sub-clan called Dawn members and one lone other Soomaali one. Sheekadaan intee marsiin rabaan. Also wasiir ku xigeenka warfaafinta C/raxmaan Alcadaala (closest in the left) is the one who hijacked Telefishinka Qaranka iyo Raadiyo Muqdisho's programs to be Maxamed Xuseen Rooble's mouthpiece. Ra'iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya oo kulan la qaatay Midowga Musharaxiinta Madaxweynaha Ra'iisul wasaaraha Xukuumadda Fedaraalka Soomaaliya Maxamed Xuseen Rooble ayaa maanta kulan kula qaatay magaalada Muqdisho Xubno ka tirsan Midowga Musharaxiinta Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya. Kulanka dhexmaray Rooble iyo masuuliyiinta ka socotay Midowga Musharaxiinta ayaa waxaa looga hadlay arrimo badan oo ku saabsan xaalada siyaasadeed ee dalka, dardar gelinta arrimaha doorashooyinka iyo waliba Kiiska Ikraan Tahliil sidii cadaalada loo waafajin lahaa. Dhinaca Midowga Musharaxiinta waxaa kulanka fadhiyay Madaxweynayaashii hore Shariif Sheekh Axmed, Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud, Siyaasi C/raxmaan C/shakuur, C/qaadir Cosoble, Ridwaan Xirsi Maxamed iyo wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaradda Warfaafinta Soomaaliya. Waxaa sidoo kale kulanka labada dhinac uga wada hadleen sidii xal loogu heli lahaa khilaafka daba dheeraaday ee ka dhaxeeya madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo raysal wasaare Rooble. “Waxaan maanta kulan mira dhal ah la yeelannay Ra'iisul wasaare Rooble. Waxaan ka wada hadalnay sidii uu kiiska Ikraan Tahliil ku heli lahaa caddaalad, looguna simo hay’adaha garsoorka, in dardar la geliyo arrimaha doorashooyinka iyo la qaboojiyo xasaradda” ayuu yiri Musharax Madaxweyne Cabdiraxmaan C/shakuur Warsame. Kulankaan maanta dhexmaray Raysal wasaare Rooble iyo Midowga Musharaxiinta ayaa waxa uu imaanaya iyada oo weli taagan tahay khilaafka u dhexeeya Farmaajo iyo Rooble, islamarkaana la isku dayay dadaalo lagu xalinayo khilaafkooda, kaaso natiijo la'aan kusoo dhamaaday.
  8. Maryan Cabdi Xuseen oo noqotay xildhibaankii ugu horeeyey ee Soomaali ah oo ku biirta barlamaanka Norway Maryan Cabdi Xuseen oo ah haweenay kasoo jeeda Soomaaliya ayaa taariikh cusub sameysay, kadib markii ay noqotay qofkii ugu horreeyay oo Soomaali ah oo ka mid noqda baarlamaanka dalka Norway. Maryan Cabdi ayaa noqotay haweeneydii ugu horeysay oo muslim ah oo ka soo dhex muuqato baarlamaanka Norway iyadoo xiran xijaab kadib markii ay ka mid noqotay golahaas. Kahor xirfadeeda siyaasadeed, Maryan waxay ahayd guddoomiyaha Ururka Ardayda Soomaaliyeed (SSF), iyadoo ay ka mid ahayd xubnihii aasaasay oo uu ka mid ahaa ra’iisul wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Kheyre. Maryan ayaa sheegtay in ay siyaasadda u gashay duruufo haysta bulshada ay ka dhalatay iyo guud ahaan shacabka dalkaas oo ay rumaysan tahay in ay wax ka qaban karto hadii ay haatan ku guulaysatay in ay ka mid noqoto baarlamaanka. Qoraal uu soo saaray raysal wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya, Xasan Kheyre ayuu ugu hambalyeeyay Maryan Cabdi Xuseen guushii ay gaartay, maadaama ay noqotay xildhibaankii ugu horreeyay oo Soomaali ah oo ka tirsan baarlamaanka Norway. "Xildhibaanka cusub iyo dhammaan Soomaalida Norway, waxaan idinku hambalyeynayaa guushii taariikhiga ahayd ee Maryan," ayuu ku yiri ra'iisul wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Kheyre qoraal uu soo dhigay bartiisa Twitter -ka. Xigasho
  9. Asylum-seeking Djibouti footballer spends week in airport Three members of Djibouti's national football team are seeking asylum in France, where one of them was allowed to leave an international airport in Paris on Friday after a week in the transit zone. Nasrodin Abdi Aptidon left Orly airport seven days after failing to board a connecting flight as Djibouti travelled for a 2022 World Cup qualifier via the French capital. On Wednesday, his two team-mates - Bilal Hassan and Aboubakar Elmi - had received clearance from French authorities to leave the airport following a meeting goalkeeper Aptidon missed because of a short illness. All three have been granted a 72-hour period to file documentation to French authorities which could then allow them a further three months to present their case. A human rights organisation helping the footballers fears that both Hassan and Elmi, who work for the Djibouti state, may end up in prison should they be denied asylum and forced to return home. Elmi works for the police service while Hassan is said to have sought asylum after claiming he was forced to follow orders he did not want to carry out while serving in Djibouti's Republican Guard. "They are harassed by the government every time they say something that is not correct," said Jean-Loup Schaal, president of ARDHD (Association for the Respect of Human Rights in Djibouti). "Hassan was forced to do things he refused to do, like arrest people from his family. So they said it not possible to continue to arrest their people." Both Hassan, whose wife is reportedly in the final stages of pregnancy, and Elmi have wives and families in Djibouti. The team stopped in Paris after it was not possible to fly direct to Morocco, where Djibouti lost against Niger on Monday, from Algeria, where the team had been thumped 8-0 by the African champions four days earlier. Algeria cut diplomatic relations last month with their north African neighbours, who were only hosting the Niger tie after Djibouti's national stadium was deemed unfit to host international games. Schaal said the players told him that the heavy nature of Djibouti's defeat by Algeria prompted fears about what might happen to them upon their return to the East African nation. After the Djibouti delegation missed their original flight from Paris to Morocco because of incorrect documentation relating to both transit visas and Covid tests, the three players hatched an escape plan. When the delegation eventually departed on the evening of Friday 3 September, the trio were nowhere to be seen after going into hiding. "They were afraid to go back to Djibouti having lost by so much," said Schaal, who visited the players while they were stuck in the airport. "They did not plan this but took the decision while in Paris." Until the hearing on Wednesday that allowed Hassan and Elmi to leave, all three footballers had been staying in Orly's transit zone. "They were not allowed to enter France and the only time they went out of the transit zone was to go to a court in Creteil," Schaal explained. The players would spend all day in the airport's transit area before being taken to a hotel, also in the transit zone, to sleep at night. If the trio are ultimately successful when presenting their case to French immigration authorities OFPRA, they will be allowed to remain in France. The BBC has sought comment from the football federation of Djibouti, a country which has never qualified for either a World Cup or Africa Cup of Nations and which is ranked 182nd by Fifa. Xigasho
  10. The film was also screened at Toronto International Film Festival (tiff) on this past weekend.
  11. Yasmin Warsame draws inspiration from her mother for her role in The Gravedigger’s Wife Yasmin Warsame still knows how to find the perfect light in every photo, despite having been out of the haute couture scene for several years. Moments before sitting down for an interview in her publicist’s office, she’s posing for a photo. Her lithe frame is perched atop a bare table, dressed in a chic black and white ensemble by Montreal designers Atelier UNTTLD. Without direction, she angles her face – pose, pose, pose – matching the camera’s shutter speed, smouldering into the lens. “When I see the camera, it’s just automatic,” she says, laughing, her voice a velvety bass. She had to unlearn years spent as a jet-setting high fashion model for her debut role in The Gravedigger’s Wife, Somali-Finnish director Khadar Ayderus Ahmed’s debut feature film, which plays as part of the Toronto International Film Festival. The Gravedigger’s Wife is an endearing love story set in Africa’s Djibouti City. Guled (Omar Abdi) is a gravedigger who adores his wife Nasra (Warsame). She is dying of kidney failure and needs a transplant, which his measly earnings can’t pay for. Guled offers to go back to his village to procure the money, but Nasra refuses. She’d rather spend whatever time she has with her husband and young son, Mahad. However, her worsening health propels Guled and Mahad to take action in their own ways. Warsame had to discover ways to convey her character’s feelings with her whole body, following the emotions of the dialogue. A three-day acting workshop in Helsinki with her co-star Abdi and director Ahmed helped, but there were many moments of uncertainty while filming. Much of the cast consisted of untrained actors like her, so they relied on each other, talking through scenes among themselves and with the director. Acting required a departure of sorts for Warsame. As a model, you cannot make an ugly face in front of the camera, she says. “You’ve got to look pretty, that’s the entire thing,” she adds. “[Acting] is literally the opposite of what you do as a model.” One particular scene, where Nasra is writhing in pain, was particularly intense, Warsame says. “I was shaking. I had to sit down and put a blanket on myself because something took over me,” she says. “I let go so much that I was a little scared. I was like – what just happened? What took over? What the hell was that? “I mean, I’m sure if I talk to some actors … they’ll tell me what’s the name for that emotion. That was scary, and also incredibly powerful.” At the same time, it wasn’t too difficult to get into the role. Warsame is intimately familiar with women like Nasra. “[Nasra] is the lady living next to my mom’s house. She’s my aunt. She’s my mother. She’s the stories I heard about needing money,” Warsame says. “Every Somali would know what that is, sending money back home. … That desperate position to be in. But also the way [Guled] is. His integrity, his love for his wife. That’s something not often seen in movies, or even stories about Somali people. That depth of thoughtfulness, and kindness, and compassion. And collectively looking out for each other. So if a neighbour is sick, the entire block comes together and takes over to look after the kids or cook food.” Warsame never sought to be an actress. In her mid-40s now, she’d grown out of an industry that prizes youth, and had been focused on raising her two children, ages 22 and 5. Although she hadn’t checked her Instagram account in a year, she happened to one day and received a message from Ahmed, the film’s director. “It’s like it was meant to be,” she says. Ahmed asked for an e-mail address to send her a script. “I read it and I cried. I called him and we talked for two, three hours. It was just like something beyond us was in the process.” Warsame knew it was a small, independent film, with next to no budget. However, the fact that it was going to be shot in Somalia in her mother tongue also compelled her. The last time she visited the country was in 2012, when her mother died. Her mother hadn’t been proud of her modelling career because of her Muslim background, explains Warsame. “[Modelling] goes literally against everything a lady should be, starting with the fact that you can’t show any parts of your body. … So I’d made a deal with my mom -- no nudity, and I would try to show the clothes rather than my body in photos,” she says. “So really, my mom was heavily on my mind through this entire process,” Warsame continues, her eyes tearing up, and her voice catching. She takes a moment to compose herself, but can’t stop the tears from welling in her eyes, grabbing a tissue to wipe them away. “[This film] really holds a special place because she would have really enjoyed watching a movie for the first time without having to ask someone to translate it for her. She would be able to understand it, and just sit back and watch it. That’s so important because she’s never watched something like this, you know. But now a lot of women like her can watch it. And so I’m very proud to be a part of this story.” Globe & Mail (Toronto)
  12. Rumours are circulating that he is gravely ill and is being treated in a Paris hospital. African leaders and running to European capitals the moment they think they are slightly sick. Djibouti says rumours about president's health are 'poison' Djibouti on Tuesday dismissed speculation about President Ismail Omar Guelleh's health as "poison" aimed at destabilising the country and said the 73-year-old was simply taking a few days off to recover from overwork. Re-elected for a fifth term in April, Guelleh has ruled Djibouti since 1999 and has used his country's unique position on the Horn of Africa to lure investors and foreign military powers, all while keeping an iron grip on power. Hours after rumours began to circulate Monday that Guelleh had flown to Paris and checked into a hospital, Foreign Minister Mahmoud Ali Youssouf issued a series of tweets saying the reports on social media were incorrect. All the information circulating on the networks is poison spread to disturb our fellow citizens," Youssouf wrote. "Our President is fine. A slight bout of fatigue from overwork and a lack of rest during the summer forced him to take a few days of rest and get a check-up." Prime Minister Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed accused unnamed opponents of "spreading nauseating rumours" and seeking to destabilise the country. Djibouti says rumours about president's health are 'poison' September 14, 2021, 9:48 am Re-elected for a fifth term in April, Guelleh has ruled Djibouti since 1999 (AFP/TONY KARUMBA) Djibouti on Tuesday dismissed speculation about President Ismail Omar Guelleh's health as "poison" aimed at destabilising the country and said the 73-year-old was simply taking a few days off to recover from overwork. Re-elected for a fifth term in April, Guelleh has ruled Djibouti since 1999 and has used his country's unique position on the Horn of Africa to lure investors and foreign military powers, all while keeping an iron grip on power. Hours after rumours began to circulate Monday that Guelleh had flown to Paris and checked into a hospital, Foreign Minister Mahmoud Ali Youssouf issued a series of tweets saying the reports on social media were incorrect. "All the information circulating on the networks is poison spread to disturb our fellow citizens," Youssouf wrote. "Our President is fine. A slight bout of fatigue from overwork and a lack of rest during the summer forced him to take a few days of rest and get a check-up." Prime Minister Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed accused unnamed opponents of "spreading nauseating rumours" and seeking to destabilise the country. "The President of the Republic is on private travel, as was long planned on his agenda, and will be back in the next few days in Djibouti," Mohamed wrote on Facebook. - Handpicked successor - A polyglot who speaks six languages, Guelleh, better known by his initials IOG, was the handpicked successor to his uncle Hassan Gouled Aptidon, the country's first president after independence from France in 1977. As Aptidon's powerful chief of staff, he had control over security forces and the intelligence services in a role he held for 22 years. In 1999, Aptidon stepped down, passing the torch to Guelleh, who was elected without a struggle. Guelleh seized on Djibouti's unique geographic location on the Red Sea to develop the tiny, arid nation of one million people into a reliable international military and maritime hub. The third-smallest country by area on the African mainland, and sandwiched between volatile neighbours, Djibouti embarked on an infrastructure blitz, courting major investment in its quest to become the "Dubai of Africa". It hosts military bases for global powers including France, the United States, Japan and China. Despite a plethora of infrastructure projects however, many Djiboutians still live in grinding poverty. Guelleh's government has also been accused by rights groups of cracking down on dissent, limiting free speech and suppressing opposition parties. With an age cap prohibiting him from running a sixth time, Guelleh is expected to anoint a successor from within his own trusted circle, in much the same fashion as his own appointment. Yahoo News
  13. Dalmar Yariisoow, there is something called qadiyad iyo mowqif shaqsi walba leh. Many Soomaalis, from all walks of life and different, myriad clans, support dowladda dhexe. However dadka qabyaaladda la hartay, nolosha ka dhacay, who cannot see beyond their myopic, corrupt understanding. It is waaay beyond their comprehension to see a Soomaali supporting an institution that is not led by their fellow clan members, hence this bogus invented name by MBB. Also, you and I both know what is happening has nothing to do with Ikraan. Like Qalbidhagax, like ciidamadii Eritareeya lagu "laaye" la lahaa, the same opportunist sickos are using her name. They don't give a flying hoot about her or her family. Also foreign entities - namely Imaaraadka and Kiikuuyada - do want to dismantle hay'adda Sirdoonka Qaranka and its nascent success. They see a way in this.
  14. She has no chance. Axmed has 60% chance of being re-elected. She has 17% chance.
  15. Canada election: York South—Weston | Globalnews.ca GLOBALNEWS.CA A look at York South–Weston, one of Ontario’s 121 ridings in the 2021 federal election. Sandwiched between old Toronto and Etobicoke, this riding is bordered by Humber River to the west, Highway 401 to the north, the CP Rail line to the south, and the GO Transit Railway, Rogers Road, Old Weston Road, Lavender Road and Keele Street to the east. Liberal MP Ahmed Hussen won this riding for a second term by a milestone in 2019, receiving almost 60 per cent of the vote. Runner-up Jasveen Rattan of the Conservatives garnered 8,415 votes, followed by the NDP’s Yafet Tewelde. York South—Weston has been primarily Liberal throughout the years, with the NDP winning one election term in 2011. This riding has a population of 116,686 and is 24.81 square kilometres wide, according to the most recent census. Immigrants make up of close to 52 per cent of this riding’s population, with large groups from the Philippines, Brazil, and Nigeria coming to the region in recent years, according to the 2016 Census. Popular non-official mother tongues include Portuguese and Spanish. Candidates Liberal Party: Ahmed Hussen (incumbent) Conservative Party: Sajanth Mohan Green Party: Nicki Ward NDP: Hawa Mire
  16. Dalmar Yariisoow, haye, you believe qashinka beenta ah miyaa? Ka waran MBB iyaga?
  17. DCI probing disappearance of Horn of Africa Analyst Sheikh Abdiwahab Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) boss George Kinoti has launched investigations into the circumstances under which a horn of Africa Analyst who was abducted in Nairobi. Speaking to the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslim leadership who presented themselves at the DCI Headquaters seeking to draw his attention to the rising cases of enforced disappearances, Kinoti committed to investigations to establish the whereabouts of Abdiwahab Sheikh Abdisamad. More than 48 hours since the abduction of Abdiwahab Sheikh Abdisamad, we go back to Nairobi’s Central Business District, along Turbman road where he was last seen. It is along Turbman road thatAabdiwahab was accosted by unknown people who cuffed him and forced him into a double cabin vehicle that sped off towards Muindi Mbingu Street. The 10a.m. abduction sending chills down the spines of those who witnessed it. A security guard narrated how Abdiwahab struggled with his abductors numbering four, one of whom held hand cuffs and another who was armed with a pistol in his belt. “Alikuwa na nguvu saana walisumbuana saana mwishowe mmoja akampiga hapa na alipoinama walimweka ndani ya hiyo gari wakaenda na yeye, hata hatujui walienda naye wapi,” the security guard who witnessed the abduction says. The vehicle that was used according to eye witnesses was a white double cabin pick up registration number KCW 341Y. A quick search revealed that the number plate has been flagged illegal by NTSA, as it has not been registered to anyone in the authority’s database. Abdiwahab’s abduction adds to many that have happened in such fashion. Footage that went viral online recently recorded on phone showed a man being picked up by unknown people in Mombasa, the script was the same four men and a double cabin pick up. No amount of heckling by the public stopped them. Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims Leadership and Human Rights groups are sought audience with DCI boss George Kinoti who committed to get to the bottom of the issue of wanton abduction and mysterious disappearances in the country. “Even in the case of Abdiwahab he said it will be investigated and he has said in 7 days he will have answers on his whereabouts,” the council said. The family of the Horn of Africa scholar continued making rounds in police stations in search of their kin Friday to no avail. Xigasho
  18. Kulanka albaabada u xiran yahay oo Muqdisho uga socda madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo ra'iisul wasaare Rooble Madaxweynayaasha Galmudug iyo Koonfur Galbeed Axmed Qoor-qoor iyo Cabdicasiis lafta-gareen ayaa ku guulaystay in ay wadahadal iskugu keenaan Madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo Ra'iisulwasaare Rooble oo uu ka dhex taagan yahay khilaaf ka dhashay kiiska Ikraan Tahliil Faarax. Wararka aan helayno waxay sheegayaan in muddo labo saacaddood uu kulan albaabada u xiran u socdo madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo ra'iisul wasaare Rooble oo ay wehliyaan labada madaxweyne ee Galmudug iyo K/Galbeed. Wada hadalada ayaa diiradda lagu saarayaa sidii xal looga gaari lahaa khilaafka ka dhashay go’aanada kasoo kala baxay labada masuul ee dalka ugu sarreeya, go'aanadaas oo sababi kara in dalku galo qalaalase. Rajo wanaagsan ayaa laga qabaa in madaxweynaha iyo raysal wasaaruhu ka heshiiyaan khilaafkooda sida ay tilmaamayaan warar horudhac ah oo laga helayo kulankooda, balse lama saadaali karo waxa ay ku heshiiyaan. Illaa iyo hadda waxaa lagu guulaystay in labada masuul is xakameeyaan oo ay joojiyaan warqadaha xafiisyadooda kasoo kala baxaya ee khilaafka taagan sii hurinaya.
  19. I can't believe this sister is running against our brother Axmed Xuseen for Canadian federal elections. She is running against him in the same xaafad that elected him first in 2015 and again 2019. He is a xildhibaan as well as a major minister in Justin Trudeau government. Now this sister will create division in Soomaali votes. Soomaalis settle this York South-Weston electoral xaafad - which includes the famous Weston/Lawrence intersection - but others like Ghanaians, Jamaicans and Latin America communities also heavily settle. She can run in Etobicoke North, which includes Dixon xaafad that that has tens of thousands of Soomaalis; this xaafad has another Liberal MP, who is good to Soomaalis, but is not a Soomaali. I would have supported Xaawo if she run in Etobicoke North district. Personally, I usually vote for NDP, but not this time. Racists, Islamophobes, anti-mask, anti-vax, pro-Covid are all attacking the prime minister on the campaign, some physically, because he welcomes the newcomers, especially Muslims. These racists can't stand that. That is why I am voting for Liberals in order to avoid the Conservatives getting elected to power.