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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Shariifkana jidkii kuwii hore mareen la marsiiyey. Eesh caleeg. This is the worst, least independent baarlamaan Soomaaliya soo marto. Waxa meesha lagu soo dhoob dhoobay are kuwa faraha loogu yeero with zero aragti ee leeyihiin.
  2. Ruushka is striking back by blocking American-based social media:
  3. Can't-have-their-cake-and-eat-it-too moment: Mareykanka and the Zionist regime do commit war crimes carte blanche all the time. Plus they don't recognize the legitimacy of Den Haag court. Hence not supporting this incidental tweet nor do they want to delete it.
  4. He will attack Reer Dayaano after the selections in Boosaaso. It seems waxaa lagu qanciyey inay soo fara gishan xulashada and keep their jago.
  5. They might shut off the electricity to Kyiv now. I heard this plant provides half of the electricity to whole of Ukraine. Hayeey.
  6. Current -March 3rd - Ruushka's advancement:
  7. First major magaalo falls: Ukraine: Russian troops take control of key city of Kherson - mayor Russian forces have seized control of a key port city in southern Ukraine, the mayor says. Kherson is the first major city to be taken by Russia, after heavy fighting, since it invaded a week ago. Its mayor, Igor Kolykhaev, said Russian troops had forced their way into the city council building and imposed a curfew on residents. Several cities have come under intense shelling, with Wednesday one of the most destructive days of the fighting. An investigation into possible war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Ukraine has been launched by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. Russia has for the first time admitted taking heavy military casualties during its attack on Ukraine, with 498 troops killed and a further 1,597 injured. Ukraine says Russia's losses run into the thousands. - BBC
  8. Waa runtaa, Galbeedi. I actually felt terrible for Reer Ukraine lagu soo duulay. I no longer am. Western media's endless propaganda caadi ma'aha. Cunsuriyiintii ayee noo amaanayaan. Coverage of Ukraine has exposed long-standing racist biases in Western media “This isn’t a place, with all due respect, like Iraq or Afghanistan, that has seen conflict raging for decades,” Charlie D’Agata, a CBS correspondent in Kyiv, told his colleagues back in the studio. “You know, this is a relatively civilized, relatively European — I have to choose those words carefully, too — city where you wouldn’t expect that or hope that it’s going to happen.” Putin’s criminal invasion of Ukraine has generated an inspiring wave of solidarity around the world, but for many — especially non-White observers — it has been impossible to tune out the racist biases in Western media and politics. D’Agata’s comments generated a swift backlash — and he was quick to apologize — but he was hardly the only one. A commentator on a French news program said, “We’re not talking about Syrians fleeing bombs of the Syrian regime backed by Putin; we’re talking about Europeans leaving in cars that look like ours to save their lives.” On the BBC, a former deputy prosecutor general of Ukraine declared, “It’s very emotional for me because I see European people with blue eyes and blond hair ... being killed every day.” Even an Al Jazeera anchor said, “These are not obviously refugees trying to get away from areas in the Middle East,” while an ITV News reporter said, “Now the unthinkable has happened to them, and this is not a developing, Third World nation; this is Europe.” British pundit Daniel Hannan joined the chorus in the Telegraph. “They seem so like us. That is what makes it so shocking. War is no longer something visited upon impoverished and remote populations. It can happen to anyone,” he wrote. The implication for anyone reading or watching — particularly anyone with ties to a nation that has also seen foreign intervention, conflict, sanctions and mass migration — is clear: It’s much worse when White Europeans suffer than when it’s Arabs or other non-White people. Yemenis, Iraqis, Nigerians, Libyans, Afghans, Palestinians, Syrians, Hondurans — well, they are used to it. The insults went beyond media coverage. A French politician said Ukrainian refugees represent “high-quality immigration.” The Bulgarian prime minister said Ukrainian refugees are “intelligent, they are educated. ... This is not the refugee wave we have been used to, people we were not sure about their identity, people with unclear pasts, who could have been even terrorists.” It’s as if, in our anger and horror at the scenes of Russia’s aggression, we are incapable of recognizing a simple fact: We’ve seen this before. A Vanity Fair special correspondent denied precisely that in a tweet: “This is arguably the first war we’ve seen (actually seen in real-time) take place in the age of social media, and all of these heart-wrenching images make Russia look utterly terrible.” The tweet was erased — like the experiences of many who have documented the horrors of war in recent decades on social media and beyond. Putin’s military also intervened ferociously in Syria, backing a murderous regime. That war unleashed a level of mass death, suffering, destruction and displacement not yet seen in Ukraine — but the West’s response was far less empathetic. The same can be said of the U.S. invasions and military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq; the catastrophic Saudi-led war in Yemen; the Israeli occupation of the Palestinians. This double standard is so evident in how we as Westerners engage in international relations. Far too often, we dehumanize non-White populations, diminishing their importance, and that leads to one thing: the degrading of their right to live in dignity. Beyond the moral and ethical imperatives, there are geopolitical ones — by engaging with suffering in this myopic way, we embolden other Putins. They realize that the checks against them will be mostly weak and ineffectual, as long as the so-called civilized world is left alone. It’s true that states often intervene to protect their own interests. For all the talk of “values,” it’s usually cold pragmatism that informs decisions. But it is also true that our “interests” are informed, tremendously, by our values. When our values stipulate that there is a civilizational ladder, where a population is on one end of it and everyone else is far below, then we lose the moral high ground. Solidarity with the brave people of Ukraine has reminded us all what is possible when empathy is really felt, but it will be bittersweet if our solidarity is really just skin-deep. Our media has a big role to play to avoid this. Many do an excellent job, but too many need to do a lot better. - Washington Post
  9. Waxaa maqli jiray waa socon waayee aan rooro. Gabadhaas maskiinta ah waraaqo aqoonsi dhab haddee rabto Garoowe baasaboor ha u doonato ama Xamar waraaqaha aqoonsiga ka wada heli kartaa. Yey isku wareerin dadkaan marqaansan oo waraaqo la aqoonsanayn ku dhibaayo.
  10. Waa kaa qaaday, widaay. Waayo waayo ayaa i soo xasuusisay. Dadkaa baafineysid qaarkood Facebook fadhiyaan sida Nuunka iyo Garabtuujiye. Kuwa kale magacooda waa iska ilooway. Dhankaaga wax walba bash bash ayaa u rajeynaayaa.
  11. Gabadh sheegtay in qabiil keeda awgeed loogu diiday dhalashada Somaliland Ayaan Cabdiwali oo sheegtay in ay Hargaysa ku dhalatay, ku kortay, wax ku baratay, isla markaana ku dhaqantay, ayaa sheegtay in dhalashada Somaliland loogu diiday qabiilkeeda awgeed. Ayaan waxay sheegtay in ay u baahatay aqoonsiga dhalashada Somaliland, si ay u qaadato waraaq dambi la'aan ah, oo ay u baahnayd, lakin aqoonsigii loo diiday kadib markii loo sheegay in anay Somaliland u dhalan. Ayaan ayaa sheegtay in dhamaan hay'adaha ay booqatay si ay u hesho dhalashadeeda, ay diideen, isla markaana markii danbe loo gudbiyay hay'ada dambi baadhista ee CID-da. Waxay sheegtay in CID-du ay u sheegeen in ay qaadato aqoonsi daganaansho ah taasi oo ay la yaabtay madama oo ay Hargaysa ku dhalatay oo anay ahayn qof meel kale ka yimid. "Qoladii CID-du waxay igu yidhaahdeen kaadh daganaansho ah qaado kadibna, kaas ayaanu faro kuugu samayni, waxan ku idhi sideen kaadh daganaansho ah u qaataa halkeen kasoo guuray?, qof meel kale kasoo guuray ayaa daganaansho qaatee" ayay tidhi Ayaan. Waxay sheegtay in nin sarkaal ah oo CID-da ka tirsan, oo loo gudbiyay markii danbe ay kala kulantay wax ay aad ula yaabtay. "Ninkii sarkaalka ahaa wuxuu iyu yidhi maad kala tagteen ninka **** ahaa ee caruurtaada dhalay, markaasan ku idhi haa, markaasu igu yidhi oo sideenu kuu siina bilee oo aad caruurta nagala baxsanaysaba," ayay tiri Ayaan. Sharciga dhalashada Somaliland ayaa sheegaya in cidii Somaliland daganayd wixii ka horeeyay 1960 oo kali ahi ay heli karaan aqoonsiga dhalashada Somaliland.
  12. Another day, another ishor istaagid: Indhaqarshe oo loo diiday kursiga HOP 020 – “Waa inaan ka tashano Galmudug” aliyihii hore ee ciidamada Xoogga Sarreeye Gaas Daahir Aadan Cilmi (Indhaqarshe) oo shir jaraa’id u qabtay Wariyeyaasha ayaa sheegay in loo diiday u tartamida kursi lamar HOP 020 oo laga dhigay qoondo haween. Indhaqarshe oo ka mid ah musharixiinta u tartameysa ka mid noqoshada baarlamaanka 11-aad ee dalka ayaa sheegay in maamulka Galmudug ee uu hoggaamiyo Qoor Qoor uu ka hor istaagay inuu u tartamo kursi ay ku sharaftay beeshiisa, sida uu hadalka u dhigay. “Waxaan rabaa inaan u sheego Ummadda Soomaaliyeed in maamulka Galmudug uu ii diiday kursigii ay reerkeyga igu maamuuseen ee HOP 020,” ayuu yiri Indhaqarshe. Musharrax Indhaqarshe ayaa sidoo kale xusay in arrintan ay ku noqotay mid lama filaan ah, maadaama uu sanado fara badan u soo shaqeeyey dalka iyo dadka Soomaliyeed. “Waxay igu noqotay arrin fajac ah, maxaa yeelay nin intaas oo sano u shaqeynaayey qarankiiisa billado badan lagu abaal-mariyey wax muuqda u qabtay in la yiraahdo ma istaahishid, sababta waxaa weeye aniga kuma jecli,” ayuu hadalkiisa sii raaciyey. Sidoo kale wuxuu intaasi ku daray, “Waxaa isweydiin leh yaa waayey qofka lagu abaal-marinaa? ma waxaa la rabaa in la dhiso oo la abaal-mariyo oo shaqadii qaranka la siiyo mid aan weligii waxba u qaban?" Daahir Aadan Cilmi (Indhaqarshe) oo hadalkiis sii wata ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in cadaalad darro weyn ay ka jirto Galmudug, isla-markaana ay ka socoto gar-darro iyo bahdilaad. “Way muuqataa inay cadaalad darro ka jirto meeshaas, way muuqata inay gar-darro meesha ka jirto, way muuqataa inuu bahdil meeshaaas ka jiro,” ayuu markale yiri. Sarreeye Gaas Indhaqarshe ayaa usoo jeediyey beeshiisa inay ka tashato aayaheeda iyo sidoo kale kasii mid ahaanshaha dowlad goboleedka Galmudug. “Waxaan reer tolkeyga usoo jeedinayaa war saan nama qabatee maxaa tala ah? Waxaan talo kusoo jeedinayaa inaan ka tashano kasii mid ahaanshaha maamulka Galmudug,” Ugu dambeyn wuxuu farriin culus u diray ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya iyo guddiyada doorashooyinka, isaga oo ka dalbaday in la hakiyo doorashada kursiga uu u tartamayo oo tirsigiisa uu yahay HOP 020, inta xal rasmi ah laga gaarayo muranka hareeyey kursigaasi.
  13. Guddoomiyaha gobolka Gedo oo ka horyimid tallaabadii uu qaaday Rooble Guddoomiyaha maamulka gobolka Gedo, Axmed Buulle Gareed oo shir jaraa’id u qabtay wariyeyaasha ayaa ka hadlay xaaladda Gedo iyo tallaabadii uu qaaday ra’iisul wasaaraha dalka oo guddi u xil-saaray doorashada gobolkaasi. Axmed Buulle ayaa ka horyimid guddiga uu magacaabay ra’iisul wasaare Rooble ee loo saaray inay ka soo tala bixiyaan in doorasho ay ka dhici karto magaalada Garbahaarey. Guddoomiyaha ayaana ku dooday in doorashadu leedahay sadex guddi oo wada shaqeeya. “Doorashada saddex guddi ayey leedahay sida sharciga ah waa Duddiga Doorashada ee Heer Federaal, waa Guddiga Xallinta Khilaafaadka iyo Guddiga Heer State sidexdaas waayey guddiyada doorashooyinka,” ayuu ku yiri shirkiisa jaraa’id guddoomiyaha Gedo. Gareed ayaa sidoo kale su’aal ka keenay doorka guddoomiyaha gudiga oo loo magacaabay Abuukaate Cumar Dhagey, maadaama uusan qayb ka aheyn guddiyada doorashooyinka. “Waxaad noo soo dirtay ra’iisul wasaare saddexdaas qof aan aheyn ninka la yiraahdo Abuukaate Cumar Dhagey illaa iyo hadda meel uu ka socdo iyo howl uu qabanayo iyo door uu ku leeyahay doorashada ma garaneyno mana na naqaano,” ayuu raaciyey. Sidoo kale wuxuu intaasi kusii daray “Reer loo diray Cumar Dhagey meeshaas meel ay wax kasoo baxayaan ma aha. Cumar Dhagey dadka reer Gedo waa nin aad u neceb.” Ugu dambeyn guddoomiyaha gobolka Gedo ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in mas’uuliyad darro kasta oo timaada doorashada Garbahaarey inuu qaadayo ra’iisul wasaaraha dalka. Gedo ayaa waxaa ka taagan murano xoogan oo hareeyey kuraasta taalla Garbahaarey, kadib markii ay Jubbaland ku dhowaadqay in aysan doorasho ka dhici karin halkaasi.
  14. Rooblaawe Baahane goormuu Boosaasana guddi qaaf ah u magacaabi doonaa?
  15. He is being instructed. I believe many Western intelligence operatives are helping him and their military inside Kyiv.
  16. Covering Ukraine: A mean streak of racist exceptionalism The conflict raging in Ukraine between Russian and Ukrainian Slavs, the latter with the support of a tribal coalition of nations across sub-Scandinavian Europe, has exposed much more than the fragility of peace on the disease-ravaged subcontinent. It has also revealed a mean streak of racist exceptionalism with which many Europeans, and people of European heritage, tend to regard themselves. It has been impossible to miss the shock among Caucasian journalists covering the war, sparked by Russia’s invasion under the pretext of supporting ethnic allies in the eastern tribal enclaves of Donetsk and Luhansk, which it has recognised as independent states, at the idea that this could happen in Europe. “They seem so like us. That is what makes it so shocking … War is no longer something visited upon impoverished and remote populations. It can happen to anyone,” wrote Daniel Hannan in the UK’s The Telegraph. “We are in the 21st century, we are in a European city, and we have cruise missile fired as if we were in Iraq or Afghanistan, can you imagine,” a commentator wailed on French TV. Reporting from the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, Charlie D’Agata, a correspondent with CBS News in the US, declared Ukraine “isn’t a place, with all due respect, like Iraq or Afghanistan, that has seen conflict raging for decades … This is a relatively civilised, relatively European – I have to choose those words carefully, too – city, where you wouldn’t expect that or hope that it’s going to happen.” He later apologised. The pearl-clutching is of course nothing new. When covering events in the US during the Donald Trump administration, especially the 2020 elections, reporters would regularly exclaim that such chaos was expected of the “Third World”, not the US. “America is a Third World country now” was a headline of Fortune magazine following the unhinged first presidential debate between Trump and his eventual successor, Joe Biden. It all harkens back to Chinua Achebe who, in his 1977 review of British writer Joseph Conrad’s novel Heart of Darkness, noted that “for reasons which can certainly use close psychological inquiry, the West seems to suffer deep anxieties about the precariousness of its civilization” and needs constant reassurance by comparison with Africa. To Africa, we can add Iraq, Afghanistan and much of the Global South. In essence, the journalists are seeking to affirm white European exceptionalism and virtue by outsourcing its ills to the “developing” world. What Achebe wrote, regarding Africa is true of much of the non-white world which “is to Europe as the picture is to Dorian Gray – a carrier onto whom the master unloads his physical and moral deformities so that he may go forward, erect and immaculate”. Ironically, European moral deformities have been on open display since the Russian invasion, which is itself grossly immoral and unjust. The reported treatment by Ukrainian guards of Africans, Indians and other people of colour trying to flee the country remains an indelible stain on its otherwise heroic stand against aggression. The warm welcome accorded to white Ukrainian refugees by Ukraine’s neighbours in the European Union is in sharp contrast to the hostile reception experienced by people of other races, from other places, on arrival at Europe’s doorstep. And the Europeans have not been shy about the reasons for the discrepancy. Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov declared: “These are not the refugees we are used to. These are people who are Europeans, so we and all other EU countries are ready to welcome them. These are … intelligent people, educated people … So none of the European countries is afraid from the immigrant wave that is about to come.” Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki also said: “We will accept anyone who needs it. The Ukrainian society gets more afraid and stressed. We are ready to accept tens, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian refugees.” This is while his country continues to deny entry to mostly Iraqi, Afghan and Syrian migrants and asylum seekers on its border with Belarus. In the UK, which has contemplated pushing back non-white refugees into the English Channel, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has reportedly said Ukrainians can go in visa-free if they already have family there. It is worth noting that when the journalists shocked by the pristine continent’s descent into the muck which they believe is solely reserved for the rest of humanity, deign to mention the contradictory stances towards asylum seekers, they do so in passing. The word “racism” appears to be studiously avoided. The irony of European powers taking in refugees created by Russia’s aggression while shutting out those generated by their own invasions and occupations is apparently also lost on them. As is the fact that while Russia is condemned as it should be for invading someone else’s country, the same countries shouting the loudest about international law and the UN Charter and resolutions are happy to ignore Apartheid Israel doing exactly the same thing to Palestinians. No calls for sanctions or isolation there. No celebration of the bravery of people in Gaza and the occupied West Bank in standing up for their freedom against a brutal occupier. But then again, Israel did not invade a white European country, and we know they think certain behaviour is acceptable, and to be expected, when directed against people on other continents. In fact, one feels towards the North in much the same way comedian John Oliver responded upon hearing that former US President George W Bush, who ordered the disastrous and murderous invasion of Iraq in 2003, was condemning Putin. “Hold on, George. Not from you,” he retorted on his show, Last Week Tonight. “You are not the guy for this one, because that statement only would have made sense if it ended with ‘Oh s***, now I hear it. Sorry. I’ll shut the f*** up now.” Rather than shut up, perhaps it would be better if they showed a little awareness and a little consistency. Aljasiira
  17. Even Al Jazeera's British presente could not resist: Al Jazeera issues apology after presenter’s “racist comments” An Al Jazeera presenter is the latest journalist to be criticised for his comments about refugees and those fleeing the war in Ukraine. In a recording of a live broadcast that has gone viral, Al Jazeera English’s news presenter Peter Dobbie has been criticised for making offensive comments about Arabs and North Africans. During the interview, while describing scenes of thousands of Ukrainians fleeing the war, the presenter said; “What is compelling is that just looking at them, the way they’re dressed. These are prosperous, middle class people, these are not obviously refugees trying to get away from areas in the Middle East that are still in a big state of war. These are not people trying to get away from areas in North Africa. They look like any European family that you would live next door to.” The insinuation that people in the MENA region are more acceptable as refugees, and that none of those who fled wars in Syria, Yemen, Iraq and elsewhere were ‘middle class or prosperous’ and the presenter’s assertion that European families are exclusively white shocked and offended many people. Consequently, the Qatar-based news network has since been under fire with social media users around the world criticising the remarks made during a live interview, with many describing them as racist. Fellow Al-Jazeera employees were quick to react to the remarks that social media users have described as ‘racist’. Sana Saeed, a Host and Senior Producer at AJ+, took to Twitter to express her dismay with what was aired on the channel. “As an employee of Al Jazeera, I am horrified to see this. The dehumanization is insidious & everywhere,” said Saeed in a tweet. Yaser Bishr, the network’s Executive Vice President for Digital also tweeted “This doesn’t represent Al Jazeera and what we stand for. This is being dealt with as we speak.” On Sunday evening, Al Jazeera’s Public Relations team issued an apology, in a statement they said: “The presenter’s comments were insensitive and irresponsible. We apologize to our audiences worldwide and the breach of professionalism is being dealt with.” A source at the network told Doha News that Peter Dobbie was scheduled to be presenting the news on Monday but was taken off the presenting schedule by management. It still remains unclear whether any disciplinary measures will be taken against him. The double-standards in media coverage Social media users around the world have been accusing mainstream media outlets of hypocrisy in their coverage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine compared with other conflicts. A source at the network told Doha News that Peter Dobbie was scheduled to be presenting the news on Monday but was taken off the presenting schedule by management. It still remains unclear whether any disciplinary measures will be taken against him. The double-standards in media coverage Social media users around the world have been accusing mainstream media outlets of hypocrisy in their coverage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine compared with other conflicts. CBS had to issue an apology for comments made by its correspondent Charlie D’Agata during a CBS News segment. “But this isn’t a place, with all due respect, like Iraq or Afghanistan, that has seen conflict raging for decades.” He describes Ukraine as a “civilized, relatively European” city where one wouldn’t expect this to happen. BBC was also under fire after Ukraine’s Deputy Chief Prosecutor, David Sakvarelidze was featured as a guest speaker. He stated that the situation in Ukraine is very emotional for him because he is seeing “European people with blue eyes and blonde hair being killed.” The Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association (AMEJA) released a statement condemning the recent derogatory statements made about the Middle East and other regions in the news coverage of Ukraine & Russia. In the statement, AMEJA said that they reject the “orientalist and racist implications that any population or country is “uncivilized” or bears economic factors that make it worthy of conflict.” MEJA also called on newsrooms to train correspondents on the “cultural and political nuances of regions they’re reporting on, and not rely on American and Euro-centric biases.” Source