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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Will it be abaay Kamaala now? Newsom? Democrats will truly be divided now, pro-Kamalas versus others.
  2. You know guddoomiye baarlamaan was tolkaaga's default position and fought hard to keep it until after 1966 when my old man reluctantly asked by his SYL party members to run for it after being a guddoomiye interim for a few months. The previous guddoomiyaal baarlamaan from 1960-66 were Jaamac C/llaahi Qaalib and Axmed Maxamed Cabsiiye, both who hailed from Waqooyi Galbeed. They were both voted out after controversies of financial mismanagement and corruption. Reer Waqooyi folks who wanted to retain this seat were furious, as furious as they are now, claiming it is 'their' seat. Just as they are doing now. Some things never change.
  3. Galbeedi, anyone familiar with the sound of wiifto xabbad knows that was real, though. Plus if a bullet hits you, it takes a few second for dhiigga to come out. This Orangecon is lucky, just as he has been lucky from the day he was born: Evading bankruptcies, rapes, sexual assaults, crimes and so on
  4. Galbeedi, Reer Shabeellaha Hoose iyagaaba isku duubneen. Markee iyaga isku duuban yihiin haa. Aaden Madoobe sadexda kale kula tartameysay kursiga guddoonka hal iyaga ah maba ahayn. In fact three of the last remaining four - Aaden Madoobe, Saransoor iyo C/llaahi Balaag - hal reer ka soo jeedeen. Hal Reer Shabeellaha Hoose musharax ma ahayn. Barfasoor Fiqi oo tacliin weyn leh muxuu iskugu sharaxi waaye? Xataa arag this very campaign for this seat waxaa hormuud u ah Reer M., Reer D. waa jiifaan, waxee kaliya soo toosaan markee iyaga dhexdooda eber iska dhigaayaan. Baraawe waaka jiifeen until Laftagareen geeyey kumanaan ciidamo deegaanada kale laga keenay. Gumeysigii ka hor halyeeyo dagaalamo oo deegaan weyn leh oo xaqooda dhacsado ahaayeen laakiin suu Talyaani u yimid wuxuu cabsiiyey ma'ogiyee dad jiifo noqdeen.
  5. Every Soomaali xaq u leeyahay kursiguu doono u tartamo. Late marxuum Galeyr tried and almost pulled it as a candidate for the speakership in 2012. Most of his voters were Reer Koonfur Galbeed, who wanted isku sharaxaan jagada kale. However waa lagu goobtay by the collusion of xildhibaannada Reer Waqooyiga ka soo hotjeeday Galeyr; Reer Unuga oo iyaga kursiga leeyihiin ismoodo iyo Reer Waqooyi Bari oo Reer Sool u diidanaa kursigaan maadaama jagadee rabeen wiiqeyso.
  6. The seekers of this position is not for the wilder Reer Koonfur Galbeed: no, it is by Reer Shabeellaha Hoose, gaar ahaan Reer Qoryooleey. The person seeking this deputy premiership is Barfasoor Saalim Caliyoow Ibroow. He used to be a deputy prime minister back in 2006-2007. So he is saying this position doesn't belong to reer gaar ah and used to be open before Xasan Socdaal's first term. Xasan changed and now Xasan is changing again, promising to another reer. He hails from an influential family from Qoryooleey and his nephew is suldaanka beeshiisa, Suldaan Warsame Ibraahin Caliyoow Ibroow.
  7. Reer KG iyo Reer WG isku dhagan maalmahaan regarding kursiga ra'iisul wasaare ku xigeenka. Xasan Socdaal dhiiqadii Cabuudwaaq meel uu kaga dhaqdo dadka u jeediyo rabaa, promising to Reer KG that he will give them kursigaan after wasiirada la isku shaandheeyo bishaan. Suddenly Reer Waqooyiga shirar deg deg yeesheen, ra'iisul wasaaraha codsi u gudbiyeen oo kursiga qadaan ma rabaan.
  8. International Court of Justice declares this regime to be officially an apartheid one.
  9. By the way, at their ongoing cultish fest, they've had Hindu, Yahuud and Sikh speakers address them, some with prayers. Not a Muslim speaker in sight. That tells us how they hate Muslims. Galbeedi and co. should heed to this.
  10. Wuu u socdaa marfishka Muuse Muqayil, just as he did it before many times.
  11. Haye, Hargeysa markuu ka dego meesha marqaan session with Muuse Muqayil u aaday maa dhihi doontaa?
  12. Galeyr waaka soo tagay, wuuna geeriyooday, Xamarna lagu aasay. Samatarkii soo harayna hadda waa quustay and is now back in Minnesota. Sidaa sheegay ayee noqotay.
  13. Wareysigaan ayaa ka xanaaqijey secessionists.
  14. Your hero literally said the war criminal crime minister to 'finish the job,' too. He also lamely tried to make Palestinian as a slur. Palestinian/Palestine caay ka dhigtay. He also insulted and said he would've cracked down fast the student anti-war protestors. I don't know why you defend these far rights from Kanada iyo Mareykanka. Look at that Alberta premier, who is not allowing low income kids and elders to have universal dental care paid by the federal government. Just to stick to ra'iisul wasaaraha Justin Trudeau and make her mini-MAGA wannabes happy since they hate ra'iisul wasaaraha. To them, all politics became virtue signaling now.
  15. The most important centimetre in history. That xabbad - the one that taabatay his dhag - missed its target. Oh, how history would have changed had it moved a centimetre right.