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Everything posted by JJ_MAHAD
Simply put "kill two birds with one stone" 1. Help Ethios in their offense by getting advanced weapons. 2. Give N-korians something that may presuade them to accept Nuc-deal.
Quate: "why purchasing weapons from N-Korea ??? ,,, what happened to the other pro-American countries in the world horta ???" Remember, the release of the $25m forezen in Macau bank was one of the conditions of N-Koria. It looks this deal was part of the American concessions to Norh-Koria inorder to stop their Nuclear ambitions.
It is relegious duty to help the ppl in mogadisho who are facing a brutal and indiscriminate shellings. The unfortunate fact is when, everybody trys to deffend his/her narrow clan based interests in each and every topic started. Cant we once stop repeating the clan audio type, and address the topic as it is. AJT, The point I am making here is not only about you, but about all maryooley in SOL politics.
Masters in maneuvering, they know how to play the international games.
Basic demands: What demands? If I am not mistaken, the title says: (Somalilanders in diaspora mobilize help for Mogadishu genocide victims). What makes me sad is, ppl who want ride on the traggic situation in Mogadisho in order to achieve their self-interset and short-sided politacal ambitions.
Xiin, dont put any high hopes on the Arabs, they are part of the American plan. Amar Muse's last statement says it all.
TFG will hang on to power in the comming two years, thanks to: 1. Resistant that sends confused messages combined with lack of clear objectives and political leadership. 2. A ruthless Ethiopian army that will not hesitate to burn the whole city. 3. AU forces (currently buying sometime) with a mission to help tfg govern the already pacified (burnt down) ereas by Ethios. 4.And most importantly American Dollars & Diplomatic cover. The situation is much different than the last 16 years. Desperate situations needs desperate methods.
Macalamiin BB ah oo mutadacwanimo ku sheqeeya baa halkan looga baahanyahay.
GD, You look bullish about wiping out a certain clan from existance. I wonder to know, how long have you had this illfated intention. Alaha ku caafiyo, That is the only thing I can say.
Xalane, Your opinion is clear, be a soldier not Fadhikudirir, let other talk for you.
They have no options, simply they are not incharge. They dont decide when to fight, how to fight or if to call a ceasefire. It is tragic though, they are left with justifiying the atrocities of the Ethios. Read, and Reread the news for God's sake, tfg is not the captain of this ghost ship.
Horta labo arimood kala saara. Afsoomaaliga in asagu uu noqdo afka waxbarashada heerarka kaladuwan, iyo tankale oo ah in af ahaan loo ilaaliya jiritaankiisa. Waxbarashadu lacag la'aan ma ahan, makaad weliba u fiisatadid gayigeena. Dalka dhaqaalihiisa waa la socotaan, dugsi isbixikara malahan in uu urur dibada ka dhisan uu ku tiirsanyahay ma ahee. Kaalmada dugsiyada iyo goobaha kalle ee waxbarashaba waxaa hoos socda dan kale oo aad fulisid toos ama dadbanba. Fadhi kudirirka inta naga deysiin, soomaali wey kumaahmaahadd ceyri ceymo ma diido. Dadka xoogaaga waxbarashada halagu tixgiliyo shiineesna ha ku dhigee.
Inta aan anaga iska filnaan karno waxbarashadeena cidii dugsi ama goobkale oo waxbarasha furta waa in lagu dhiiri geliyaa. Waa fududahay inaad dhadid maxaa sabuuradaas soomaali looggu qori waayey, is weydii marka hore meesha yaa furay ama ilaa hadda kaalmeeya. Dadka waxbarashada dhulkaan burburay keenay in la faaniyo ay mudanyihiin. Shiineesna wax haku qoraan hadee rabaan. Wax ujeedo la aan la is siiyo majirto maalmahaan.
TFG needs Xamar that is a fact. How can they get Xamar under their control? If you blief carbet bombing a whole districts will give them that control then, it is time to check your conciences as a Muslim and Somali person. Khalaf, They tried relocations and never worked out.
Never mix two things together. xox 1. Islam as a religion is God's law on this earth, it doesnt belong to any particular nation but, to all mankind. 2. Muslims or to be specific, the Muslim polital groups who say there actions are generated from or reflect Islam. I hope you are talking about the second as the first is unquestionable if you are a muslim. Political Islam in Somalia falls mainly into two categories. Both of them failed to appeal or confince Somalis as a governing alternative. why? They failed to understand the somali mentality as they tried to implement a copied version of ideologies. One party is impatient and dont give any importance to build a society with a solid foundations. however, they are very active and can mobilise the crowds. The second is more patient and give (atleast theoretically) importance to build on a good foundations, their weakness is though, they are totally dependent on their Arab parent organisation and somewhat far from understanding the somalis. Any Islamic group that unlock the somali mentality and own their process instead of copying from outside will lead this nation. No secular ideology will succeed. That is reality.
Qolyaha maamula dood is dhaafsiga aan ka codsano inay abuuran qol soomaali kaliya looga hadlo. Ma is weydiiseen inta aan afgaalaadka aqoon ee fikradahooda aan soo bandhigin? Qol Afsoomaali hala furo waan u cudeeyey
Xoogsade, Somalis have every right to defend their country. Are they united in that goal? How they can be united? What's the plan if Ethios loose this war and leave somalia? What other plan B's if the outcome is the opposite?
Update on the sweep...heavy losses on the anti-peace clan
JJ_MAHAD replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
GD, Ilaah ka cabso walaal, Dont glorify the the shelling of your people by an Ethopian heavy artilleries. This is wrong and you know it is indeed unjustifiable. -
Khalaf, It is realistic if the tfg is indeed incharge which I dont see at the moment. Every part may accept a deal if there is no humiliation in it. Can the government call a ceasfire without the blessing of Ethios? the answer will determine all other things.
My advice is the following: Call for unconditional immediate ceasefire. Ask Ethiopian troops to leave somalia. Call the ICU leaders back. Let the AU forces take incharge security of the important ereas in the capital. Declare the resignation of the TFG in six months time including the parliament's dismantle . Hold a national reconciliation in mogadisho organised by a joint members of TFG and ICU and other somalis. A new government should be the outcome. All the armed goverment militia, clan militia and the ICU fighters should be relocated to camps outside the capital. Hope they will listen this time
Somalis are not patient enough to build a stable organisation with a strong foundation and clear objectives. Sorry to say that but, thats our character what ever ideology we follow. There has to be someway we can overcome this weakness. ICU came close and gave us a hope, but never been given the chance and time to build on.
Exactly, fight today at sametime plan for tommorow. If Won, let the politicians take incharge and not waste the fruites generated from the blood sacrificed. If not, review the methods. ICU leaders should resign if they cannot take control of the events. Act now before it is too late. It is easy to sit at a hotel and think they will benefit from every action against their enemy no matter who carried out or how UnIslamic. Let confusion end
I dont really give that much attention to the depressed cyber fadhikudirir u mentioned here. What troubles me though is the pro ICU websites glorifiying these methods. I hope someone in ICU will be brave enough to take in charge and distance themselves from what looks to be UnIslamic. Resistance with out clear goals and leadership will produce something we may regret at the end. I dont want my pple in Somalia to be the casualties of unproductive or unobjective war.
Sorry the website was halgan.net, I am not fimiliar with somali websites.
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