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Everything posted by peasant

  1. ma garankaro in qoftaas ay mar la baxday Aaliyah oo labo Aliyaah jireen.. Hada mida soo hartay waa tee? Taan ku raad jogay mise midii kale? eebow na caawi
  2. ma laga yaaba in aad adiga tahay..
  3. Getting familiarized with someone or something is a human nature. Recall and recognition are even an integral part of our innate immunity.
  4. Hard to track people when they are keep changing their nickname.
  5. ^ It must be taking lot of disk space for nonsense.
  6. ^ It must be taking lots of disk space for nonsense.
  7. being nice to your neighbor!
  8. Faysal Cali Dhurwaayow anigu waxba kama oran A&T aan ka ahyn in aan soo hadal qaado sheekoyinkii uu qori jiray oo yara la mid ah tan JB soo tabiyey.
  9. seriously i am surprised. Are there a people who are considering having a sharci from somaliland despite them not belonging there? Forget about someone married to a local girl or someone whose mother is from there and etc.
  10. It is created to save guard the territorial integrity of the somali state and to show the world that we can have regional administration and still be part of somalia with out breaking away unlike you whiners.
  11. When the TFG gets a good grip of the country entirely and they call puntland on the table to dissolve it self and be part of somaliweyn that is when Cade will loose the president title but before that he will be the president of the somali state of puntland. capiche?
  12. dude i always thought most of the SOL member are in their late 20s and early 30s but now i am getting an image of a hunched granddaddy poking the keyboard with a single digit.
  13. Ms DD war naf jeclidaa ....death death....ok take it easy dont run away..
  14. waclaika aslaam... and wlc aboard
  15. JB Hadii aad wax ku qori karto xubinta taranka wuu ku caawin laakinse hadii kale u malynmayo aan ka ahyn in aad miiska iska dalooliso
  16. I would not mind sharing bath but not in that week were the volcano is very active and the lava is flowing...
  17. ^^ Some of you guys know each other very well but aside of that it is impossible to figure out if someone went beneath the sand or not. In youtube they still have channels in operation where the founders are long dead..
  18. ^ Men like prof farjac and Adan Cise i can put up with them and I think they too would do great job if they are elected but i also see things from another perspective and this is very important points to consider. You see, puntland is not just established yesterday but it is been there for sometime and the questions we need to ask the contenders specially the folks coming from overseas are. What have they done for the region while they were away and also were they active in their host nations? These sort of questions will help us to eliminate folks like Cade who after collecting welfare from overseas, just show up with nice dresses and give people the illusion they can lead. Experience and grey hair alone does not cut but we want to see someone with vision and a presentable track record abroad and home.
  19. ^ You two make a good couple si fiican baad u wada ilaaqtantaan