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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. Salam I remember once when i was about 10 or 11 my brother annouced he wanted to propose to a girl ( whom we all knew about, as he continously bought gifts for)The first question was "who is she from?"once he said midgann, my father just smiled i mean he didnt even bother getting mad as if my brother said a joke. in nature my father is a mild hearted man i never saw him angry. My brother never spoke of it agian..she was beautiful though. Its strange this qabila thing I am just starting to learn about other qabil's..but thank god my family isnt so strangely strict about it,like other families i know. I think at this age and time..parents should just be happy thier daughters and sons are marrying somali people! PeAcE
  2. Salam Ofcourse iam once he begins marketting it here in north america. My anuts over in london say it tastes just like coke. Peace
  3. Salam Ok weird!!!... iam having the same problem with my friend! and a really good friend too..its like the guys discovered her for the first time she is been having problems with different guys every day since the last two months yea in the start it was interesting but now its like can we discuss somting else other than wat sameer or khalid been saying boaut u ! :confused: I give her advice and stuff but i cant relate as i do not date. I really wonder if she can hear the annoyance in my voice?. Its not that i want to be a horrible friend but enough is enough. ah well there is only 2 more months to highschool and may after graduation she will forget about these certain guys. PeAcE
  4. Salam Rock's chick god dont even mention the weather! this is the worst winter i have seen since i came here...to make it even worse i have a cold during my march break :mad: :mad: But still its kinda nice to go skating. PeAcE
  5. Here i go John Mayer " Your body is wonderland" Sean Paul" Gimme da light" Aliyah "Miss u" Nas"I can" Nas"One mic" Peace
  6. Here i go John Mayer " Your body is wonderland" Sean Paul" Gimme da light" Aliyah "Miss u" Nas"I can" Nas"One mic" Peace
  7. Here i go John Mayer " Your body is wonderland" Sean Paul" Gimme da light" Aliyah "Miss u" Nas"I can" Nas"One mic" Peace
  8. Here i go John Mayer " Your body is wonderland" Sean Paul" Gimme da light" Aliyah "Miss u" Nas"I can" Nas"One mic" Peace
  9. Salam No need to be rude Mundane, atleast they made u smile not so mundane eh! Cute poems
  10. Salam No need to be rude! Cute poems
  11. Salam That was beautiful Naziha, i can relate my mother is a wonder! PeAcE
  12. Salam Political assissination...they say they caught who assissinated him. I wonder if all this talk about osama bin ladin being out there is a lie...I am pretty sure they had him from the start and are doing this just to buildup thier propanganda on the war against Iraq.Its like now that the war is getting closer lets start talking about osama so that American people can fall back on thier paranoia and unstablished fear and not doubt this unjust war and the admistrations motives! Just notice how the news stoped talking bout Bin ladin for the longest time and since last week, they start again!? Its sad and pathetic! PeAcE
  13. Salam Doesn't everyone want to look good? Personally its pretty much if iam going somewhere interesting or special that i will go out of my way to look good.Its the idea of " i want to impress people" vanity pretty much. Otherwise its my jeans and t-shirts man and snikers! I am not dressing up to go school or my uncles or anuts house. PeAcE
  14. Salam Question#1 How long will we stay refugee's? To begin with we are one of the earliest forms of refugees or immgrants in the north america or europe, it takes generations for any one group of people to form any sort of economical standing in these countries.Many of us came to these countries with noting, unable to speak the language,no money and probably unable to use our required skills. There is no choice but to take the assistance provided by the government as refugees to survive.I am not saying that there certain people who abuse the assistance provided..but dont incriminate the majority.No one stays a refugee or on welfare by choice its out of need. Question #2 What about the next generation? Have u seen how many somali boys and girls are going to university or college now! PeAcE
  15. Salaaaaaaam T.DOT !!!! Lool I remember going to that site looking for Eaton's Centre . I honestly cant compare this city to any other place but the arabs( i was brought up there) in many ways Toronto gets 10 thumbs up! Coming here i was blow off with the multiculturism! Its a lovely city PeAcE
  16. Salam Both my parents have roots in Burco, where naturally i have one to million family members, never been there but i couldn't resist posting somting this nationalist pride is sooo cool..inshallah when i go there next year i will be able to truly represent! Peace ! !
  17. Salam This is a hard position for any girl to be in...iam not going to judge the multitude of her emotions, but really love isnt everyting. Her parents are probably thinking of her future -Is she going to purse her education if she marries him -How will he be able to divide himself between her and his household -Will he be able to support his childern and her childern? Rampage is right at 17 its easy to fall in love i see my friends and they love one different guy every few months the word is so easily spoken that its no more than a claim to infatuation. Peace
  18. Salam I feel ya sis... For me personally i gave up...the guys my age, well the ones i have met so far, arent up to par.They seem more interesting in stupid games and have respect. I think its about age and maturity...a person will be for real in a realtionship when they are ready to assume the resposiblity of a house-hold..until then tis all about having fun Purely my opinion Peace
  19. Salam I feel ya sis... For me personally i gave up...the guys my age, well the ones i have met so far, arent up to par.They seem more interesting in stupid games and have respect. I think its about age and maturity...a person will be for real in a realtionship when they are ready to assume the resposiblity of a house-hold..until then tis all about having fun Purely my opinion Peace
  20. Salam I feel ya sis... For me personally i gave up...the guys my age, well the ones i have met so far, arent up to par.They seem more interesting in stupid games and have respect. I think its about age and maturity...a person will be for real in a realtionship when they are ready to assume the resposiblity of a house-hold..until then tis all about having fun Purely my opinion Peace
  21. Salam I feel ya sis... For me personally i gave up...the guys my age, well the ones i have met so far, arent up to par.They seem more interesting in stupid games and have respect. I think its about age and maturity...a person will be for real in a realtionship when they are ready to assume the resposiblity of a house-hold..until then tis all about having fun Purely my opinion Peace
  22. Salam Prez doesnt in a way, indirect as it may be, have alot to do with somali affairs. In my humble opinion, i think if the united states defies the united nations and attacks Iraq, it would clear the road for them to attack any other country with on one to answer to, for now they woiuld be the most powerful nation on this planet. So hypothetically they would be able to attack Somalia, with no pretext of anysort, why u may ask..to me thats preety clear! I dont believe that any nation should have this much power..well unless its an Islamic State out there trying to establish a islamic ummah. hey thats my 2 cents Peace
  23. Salam I am so glad that ppl who attended posted ! its nice to hear from u.I agree with u completly Majdi and Kisima, i would rather have been there in the cold yelling my heart out than sitting at home passivly loathing them on tv. It matter of history period. Yea Kisima i wonder what the Americans have on Blair to put him in this position, his entire government is against him..he must be getting somting form them to along with thier plans! Somaliaonline prez nice response to shyhem...but u didnt answer the important question, were you out there. Hey personally my fav yell is " BUSH WE KNOW U, UR DADY WAS A KILLER TOO!!" Nice ha Peace
  24. Salam THERE IS NO QUESTION TO IT!! YES AND YES who said pleasure time? give me blod*y a break
  25. Salam Shyhem a simple no would suffice dear there is no need of this crude saracasm...If the lives of the innocent isnt important to u , god have mercy on ur soul Beauty lol @ that my mom said the same thing, and if it was not for my anuts and my father i would have not gone or attended the conferences. There isnt such thing like that and if there is so be it..ur fate is ur fate, iam not going to let such an innate fear as that defeat my purpose. Peace