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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. I am sorry, i really do not understand how u could begin a topic such as this ... i dont understand why all somalis expect every other somali to be a virtuous decent person !?. This poor man and his actions by no means represent the somali community..if things worked like that in every society than every european and north american society would be shamed to DEATH. You should rename ur topic to.."Homeless somali man arrested for bank robbery" I personally feel sorry for him. And its SOMALI not SOMALIAN
  2. Your body is wonderland( or somting like that)By John Mayer ohh u cannot leave my arabic music out this.. Bawada3ak by Al-Jasmi ( oud version) The words just make me cry Those are the only two songs i listen to nowadays while i am on the computer
  3. EAST WEST AL JAZEERA IS THE BEST I really cant say noting negative baout it, in a way its our CNN and plus i was brought up in that tiny penisula..i have deep loyalty to that channel
  4. Somali English Arabic French(working on it) So i guess i am multi-lingual..lool iam proud
  5. Scorpion Sista he probably meant that but then again ever other person who posts to his topic could come up with thier intrepretation of the TOPIC ! Murefu u should honestly just try to put more though to what u post and not leave us guessing...
  6. Ya rabil 3allamin! lol..those proverbs were almost all against women To bear a gril is to bear a problem. (tigrinya/Ethiopia) Take a woman for what she is : a sister of the devil These two proverbs shocked me the most.Talk about women being suppressed !
  7. WHAT !!! excuse me where are u coming from " dont understand the importance of time !!?... To begin with the younger generation has more pressures form parttime jobs and school to family and peer pressure. I can personally speak for that..since my grad year began i havent had one good night of sleep in the week. Muref ur topis are nonsense think before u speak what u got against us younsters man? feeling too old
  8. No, no one is born this way, neither are the Chinese people born with intelligence nor are the somalis born with their loudness. We are born free of any influences in this world and its our society, religion, family and personal values ( that we gain throught time and experinces)that shape us. But then again 65% of the pakis u meet have an odour :confused: that could be to their cultural prefrence for not taking a BATH or WASH thier clothes :rolleyes: :rolleyes: And i do love my somali peoples loudness personally i can relate to that bus scene
  9. lool funny i can relate #7 and me go hand in hand, sometimes i am so stressed that talking becomes a problem.
  10. Oooooh man does somebody have ISSUES!!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: This is one topic that needs to be deleted admin and moderators
  11. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL One question though how old are you?
  12. loool :confused: ur the funniest chick lol "rudest ppl" LOOL therefore i suppose ur an angel
  13. WOW wats with the dissing ! ppl i really hate to see this happening in this site..if u dont care for Mr Mel vapid topics then dont reply..after all its a free site.
  14. ^^^lool@the scientific reasoning...i bet u cant answer that our dear little paki imposter.
  15. Miriam1


    hiya i see another torontorian thread 416 for now...who knows what in the future
  16. Khayr looool my thoughts exactly.I need not repeat the same..words i simply do not understand where Lefty and Project are coming from. My personal reactions Anger :mad: Shock :eek: Deep sense of helpness and utter sadness:( May Allah make them victorious
  17. Tenacious J lol I can so relate to that ( well in a lady's sense) ignorant bliss no it would just be bliss..u are aware of ur religion and ur family..man that enough :cool: Is life a b!t!ch well..Mr Mil did u just discover that lol,i am an optimistic individual and hate i mean hate negative people so my answer is that there are facts around my life that i would like to change, but as concieted has i can be , me truly is the only thing i wouldn't change One thing is actually coming to pass that i wanted to change for the longest time and that is THE END OF HIGH SCHOOL :mad: :eek: :mad:
  18. Lulla i will have to agree with the others most definatly they do judge u on how u dress, thats why our dresscode as muslims has to an important fact in our lifes.
  19. ^^^^^^ thank you thats exactly wat i was thinking, virginity is a mannerism more than anyting.So sweet muna relax who cares if they believe u or not, its important only that u know where u stand on the issue..and plus what kinda brotha will be asking u such a indecent question :confused: That should be a first pointer that someone u dont want to be speaking to.
  20. I personally dont believe the accident crap :rolleyes: The british and americans probably do not want to admit thier losses. The British are weak sissies
  21. Salam The first one about Nabi Nuh was very inappropraite, edit it please. The rest are quite funny though I love the Michelangelo one
  22. loooool that must heart
  23. Salam these are just more i foundthe military conflict. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is not an exaggeration to say that this war will bring about three different wars in the form of political, ideological and psychological disturbances. Al-Quds - Palestinian Authority -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this difficult situation, Arabs must unite and agree on a unified stance because individual opinions and adventures have led Iraq into this situation. Al-Watan - Saudi Arabia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If the USA continues to target Saddam Hussein in this manner, firing missiles at one position, more massacres should be expected among civilians. Al-Jazirah - Saudi Arabia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What worries us is the USA's support for a group of evil people in the Iraqi opposition. No country can entrust them with leadership. Al-Watan - Kuwait -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The US administration lacked the blessings of international Christianity. Al-Ra'y Al-Am - Kuwait -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jordan will not stop performing its humanitarian duty towards the Iraqi people... We totally reject interference with the unity of Iraqi territory. Al-Ra'y - Jordan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We hope this war will not be prolonged and are calling for efforts to provide humanitarian aid to the Iraqi people, to use logic and reason to end the suffering. Oman Daily - Oman -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If the USA really wanted to get rid of weapons of mass destruction, it would have let the United Nations weapons inspectors do their job, and if Iraq really had nuclear weapons like North Korea, the USA and its allies would not dare to go near Iraq. Al-Watan - Oman -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any issue regarding international law or the UN has now become political heresy, after the US attacked the law by launching a war against Iraq. The USA has definitely committed the greatest crime against humanity. Al-Watan - Qatar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Without doubt the war against Iraq will leave behind a devastating effect on the international community. Al-Ahram - Egypt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Iraqi crisis will not end with the strike launched against it... President George Bush's decision to launch the attack without the UN and the international community's backing will open doors of evil in the region and the world at large. Al-Akhbar - Egypt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The war has begun, and it will not cease to continue as long as there are those who have gone blind for the love of power and forget the problems facing their own people. Al-Ittihad - UAE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The war has began and it marks a collapse of international conventions and humanity at large. Al-Khalij - UAE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The world has been alarmed by what the USA has done, and for us Arabs yesterday was a remorseful day, and at the same time it is to be considered a black day to be recorded in our history books. Al-Bayan - UAE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Arab leaders will be held responsible for any child who is killed in Iraq. Al-Jamahiriyah - Libya -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The USA might benefit in installing an allied regime, but this will certainly force it into losing many regimes in the world. Al-Shams - Libya -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iraq in the hands of the US could be better than under Saddam Hussein's rule, his dictatorship and the Security Council's sanctions which have dislocated the fabric of the Iraqi society. Al-Hayat - London-based
  24. The Arab Press agonies over the war. Well naturally execpt the Kuwaties :rolleyes: The USA is launching a war to intentionally kill and wipe out a people, land and nation by using destructive missiles Tishrin - Syria -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is not enough for them to see some Arab territories bleeding, our airspace and waters turned into passages of death. They want to add our bodies to these, to complete their portrait, which they have been preparing for decades. Al-Thawrah - Syria -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even if the Iraqis hate Saddam they cannot love those who light fires in their airspace and destroy their positions. Al-Riyadh - Saudi Arabia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The media is a common weapon during war. The American media has been turned into a weapon of attack. The Iraqis are using it as a weapon of defence in the war. Al-Watan - Saudi Arabia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The war in the Arab territory of Iraq, where victims are being killed, invalidated all the humanitarian values invoked by the force which has launched the war. The least we can say is it is a clear aggression on an Arab independent state. The Americans, British and all those who took part in the war will pay a heavy price for this adventure. Al-Jazirah - Saudi Arabia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ongoing confusion within the international community is disturbing and worrying. We wish the US administration could see this and not allow the war to be prolonged, which would destroy the unique bilateral relations with the USA. Ukaz - Saudi Arabia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have to acknowledge that these are the days when we should rejoice over the misfortune of the Iraqi Ba'ath Party. We are happy for the Iraqi people, who will be freed from tyranny and occupation after three decades of darkness and crime. Al-Ra'y Al-Am - Kuwait :rolleyes: :mad: :confused: :mad: :rolleyes: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few more days and the media will rush to report on Saddam, his angels and how they have fallen Al-Watan - Kuwait -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We learnt that Saudi Arabia prepared itself for months to raise a 50-million-barrel oil reserve to supply the market in order to compensate for the deficit in the US reserve so that it does not suffer from the interruption in the Iraqi oil supply. We still hope that Saudi and all the Arabs will move to stop the premeditated, unjustified and illegal aggression on our proud struggler Iraqi people. Maybe they will wake up, since defending Iraqi means defending themselves. The hostile US plan imposed by Zionism will not exclude anyone. Al-Arab al-Alamiyah - London-based -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- US justice burns Iraq. Those who fire rockets and huge bombs to kill thousands of Iraqi are war criminals, and should be tried as war criminals. Shame on the Arab nation standing there watching this crime. Shame on the Arab nation standing there like observers following the burning and destruction of steadfast Baghdad. Shame on the Arab leaders who can only blame the Iraqi regime and hold him responsible for what has happened Al-Quds al-Arabi - London-based -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- President Bush did not expect his disdain for the United Nations to cause such angry reactions from the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Kofi Annan, Jacques Chirac, Vladimir Putin and Gerhard Schroeder, particularly as the logic Bush used to justify striking Iraq was derived from the logic used by [israel's] Menahem Begin to justify striking the Iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981. The French president saw a violation of international law in that political judgment, and a return to the mafia gang wars which terrorised American towns in the 1930s and 40s. Al-Hayat - London-based