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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. ^^^^ Its true that there are rumours that Stuart Wells character is named Allah SWT , but the Wachowski Brothers and Warner Brothers deny every aspect of it. If they do name a character that..it would be the dumbest thing ever.They do have to think of their sales in the Arab world..the movie will certainly be banned.
  2. Hey I am with you, i cant wait to watch this one and X men 2.
  3. Darman did my rejections hurt that bad..wow how pityful, its fine hun whatever makes u feel better,we dont want ur self-esteem falling by a dozen points,ohh and no prozac today for u..get it..I know ur depressed..but I dont want u to overdose on the prozac now,ur still worth somting to someone, somewhere. :rolleyes: Darman Darman howmany times should i tell u this.. Dont mix up ur fantasies with the real world..and by the way who told u i was available dear :rolleyes: Instead of matchmaking me..get up dust ur self off and find ur self a mate ! Cause ur case is getting sad... oh and stop dreaming !
  4. ^^^^Gedid that's exactly wat i was thinking lol@the wishful thinking, why assume a violent showdown,thats a really sad and low thing for u to do.
  5. Darman into wat ha...man dont display ur fantasies on the net..ouuh not so manly of ya. lol , nice one, how long did take ya to create it? Ur funny bone is gona get u in alot of trouble SOL's little jester
  6. thats so true, Jazakallah sis. You will always see ppl praying to Allah when they only need him and other wise forget him
  7. The weather is beautiful, the flowers are in bloom, ppl its the season of love and this the perfect time to indulge in the emotions that rock our very being. Lets make LOVE not war :cool:
  8. That was unbelievable great, did you write that, if u did u have wonderful talent in writing. Barvo
  9. Sayfullah-almasuula, i totally agree with you, the Arab ppl need to realize the B.S their governments are feeding. They need to rise and take back control of their lands.
  10. ^^^"inshallah he will die of liver problems"^^^ thnks for the good laugh..loool, its not a bad plan Grinov
  11. We gained independance in 1960..in 1969 the coup occured..what did we have 9 years of democracy..wow what do u think could have been achieved in those fleeting years. As they say Rome wasn't built in a day. We were robbed of the chance to acheive anything. -The dictatorship,exploited the idea of tribalism -The Cold war between the Russians and Americans firged( use ur imagination ) us up. We as a people did not have a voice or a chance.. There are generations of Somali childern growing up in foreign lands..never to know how it feels for one to stand on his/her own land..their ancestral lands..dont u understand how sad of a fact that is. Why do i have this eerie feeling that u do not read anyone's replies before u post...I am a Somalilander, my family is from Burco, spread over in Berbera and Hargeysa..so i doubt u can be more somalilandised than that . Inshallah Somaliland will gain accpetance from the International community. Hopefully unity shall follow. Peace
  12. Ya rab..but kulmiye website is claiming that they offichally won. Ouuh i wont hear anything but " I told u so" from my cousins now :mad:
  13. Sami..the only thing postive i can say about ur posts is the passion u have for Somaliland and that is admirable. But if u want to put through a valid argument pls refrain from personal insults they are pointless. Those are my personal view and i would expect u to respect them as i would to ur views. If u bothered to read my earlier comments u would see that i did not advocate for re-unification, until the south is able to gain a certain amount of stability, otherwise re-unification now would be a death sentence to Somaliland. Peace
  14. Dear lord, i am honestly not going to go around saying I have an extensive knowledge of Somali politics but i am learning. So here goes, this is my 2 cents I dont understand how some one could advocate further divison in our country, isnt there enough chaos as it is. I would like to know how 10-13 small states would be able to support themselevs economically(honeslty this is not a rhetorical quesiton). Yes somaliland is a sucess story and God only knows how proud Iam, but yet as one country, we are unable to gain acceptance from the international community..will the small new states go through the same strife?.. In my opinion the idea of reunification should be in the back of everyone somalis head. How is a divided somalia ever going to help us!? We are going to be nothing more than a few small third world african countries with no influence or power, subjected to economical and political changes in the world arena. But has one strong unified Somalia we might be able to be somting in the world stage. Am I wrong?..Allah only knows..but i would hate to see us become any weaker..I still dont understand why we believe each other to be so different,so wat we have different ancestral roots, but at the end we are Somalis! No one can change the past, but we have choice to either dwell on it or learn from it. I think this idea of a divided Somalia would be dwelling on it. Peace..i hope u guys understand somting from my rambling, Humbly urs Ruba
  15. Congratulations to the Kulmiye party and to us SOMALIS AS A WHOLE! wat a wonderful day. I thnk i will become a Kulmiye member now that my family's party the UDUB lost On the matter of joining the south, i think it will be a death sentence for us to join them now, they are quite unstable.For the time being, i thnk it will be better if we stay divided and stable..inshallah in the future if the government in the south gains the same stability we were able to establish, a re-unification would be ideal.
  16. ^^^^ well said. And Bashi i could not agree with you more, my sentiments exactely.
  17. Good one Darman, its joke ladies..find the humour in it..and i doubt that Darman ever did this, or he wouldnt be here typing this stuff..lol he would be long gone in some hospital recovering from dacas related injuries . My mom read the red ink one and she could not stop laughing haha