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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. Worried no...isnt marriage ismat wa nasib as the arabs say. Yea tis true not all women want to have children,but personally i find that to be the most unfortunate choice a person could make. You have the chance to bring into this world a child that can growup to be a benefical factor to our Islamic Ummah, growing up in this western society with its priviliges but endowned with our islamic values..so the child may have the best of the two worlds. Its diffuclt to find a good Muslim country these days where u simply have the rites you have in North American for example.Man thats one helluva a task so yea many women dont care to take it on. Lol sorry about my rabbling its just one of my days
  2. Nope they simply dont work..in a relationship u need to see each other in any moment..be able to have more than MSN and PHONES.
  3. I compeletly understand ur stand Khayr its not only from the western society, that we are seeing this trend but in the Gulf itself.Its very common for young men to jet back home marry a "nice" somali girl for cheap..you know..no big fancy wedding.Bring them back to the arabs and live happily ever after..but the real question is are u going to live happily ever after...personally i believe that there will be a large drift in the area of education and culture. On the requirements..I am sorry if a woman has more than 5 requirements she is living in lala land. OSAP..umm why would ur wife's bills be ur problem..iam lost..if she had an education therefore she would have an job..therefore she is able to pay from her own paycheck.I know alot of sisters who payed off most of thier OSAP while in school... or even worked to pay off thier tution while living with thier parents. Not every somali girl living in the west is..hollywoodnized. Peace
  4. Guys forget that he didnt send the guy to the hospital..but how disrespectfull are u to the same cousin u claim to have kept in contact with her after she was alienated by the rest of ur family. I do understand the argument OG-Moti is putting foward. As her cousin naturally you would want her to marry her own people..no less is expected of you. But then u cant really generilize in this manner, not every non somali marriage is doomed.I have know and heard of many women who married non-somalis, some were very sucessful others were not. Being somali at the end does not determine what kind of man you will be. Yes we have the same culture and same traditions..but that can take u only so far...at the end there are people that feel this factor not to be so important as they are aware that in the long term its the contributions of each partner to the marriage that matters more than her/his nationality. I met a lady not so long ago married to a Sundani man for the last 30 yrs. They had the ideal family life..far more ideal than some Somali families that i know. So be happy for her.Look beyond his skin colour and to what type of muslim he is...if u have doubts in that area, i can understand ur hesitation to advocate the marriage.
  5. Strangely enough i choose A...cause our little model citizen Adolf Hilter seemed too stiff to take any risks a quality needed by a good leader. S-S i am wondering sis really who does go back and actually chec the previous posts...tis time consuming first and very trivial.I doubt that many ppl here mind those rare times topis are double posted.
  6. :confused: maybe i am little daft but i didnt get that...where is the joke ?
  7. Hey good idea section6er, here is mine RubaAruba@hotmail.com Add on folks
  8. Miriam1

    May 18th!!!!

    Does anyone have info on the celebrations in Toronto?
  9. Umm for me..let me see..oh..Wat else i am an Aruban chick
  10. Yes I would if i did get to know them over the phone and personal mail over a certain time period..but i have some apprehension over meeting guys over the net in particular.
  11. Miriam1

    Husban Wife

    LOOL nice..but wait are there such things as "waterproof chalkboards"? :confused: :confused:
  12. that was nice SUHAIR,who knew brace face was a poet ..lonely how bout u try to think out of the box ! man the poem isnt really about a cloud, but a person who is having problems in life :rolleyes: .
  13. Ruba--Abur eeww not cute it sounds like somting that went bad :confused: Let me try my former name..Jawahiir--Riihawaj..nicer :cool: S-S i doubt that she is asking us for our real names, if she did the rational for having anon nick names will be gone.
  14. Are u talking to me? Taxi. Boycott u stole the words rite out ma mouth Love that Forest Gump quote "Stupid is as Stupid does"
  15. Miriam1


    Things are grim in our lovely continent, in many ways i believe that our race is going through its own dark ages. Inshallah we will achieve the sucess we hope for and guys who knows Somalia might achieve peace in our lifetime. Lateafha being born in somalia or voting for the next president doesnt make u less of a somali than a person who lives in Hergeysa. Its wats in your heart that is important. If everytime u study u hope that one day this will help to lead a sucessful life in ur ancestral land...then to me that is what a true somali is I mean if we all give the ppl in the west...our country truely does not a have a hope and our culture will sooner or later be diluted in these foriegn societies Personally i would like to love bring up my children in thier own country.
  16. Yes i would. It depends on the individual if they feel that they are perpared for marital life, i suggest they go ahead.Being in university isnt a roadblock to marriage unless u wish it to be.
  17. Hala bii nas al arab Personally born and bred in the Khaliig, Qatar..home of the famous Al-Jazeera. Oh Samiha and S-S the numbers are used to prounce sounds that are lacking in the english language as in.. The 6 stands for the letter T in the Arabic way of saying the name FaTma. The 2 stands for hamza in the middle of a word. Holy Qur'an will be Qur2an. The 3 is the first letter of the name Abdullah. ^^ the way we write Cabdi. The 5 is the kh in the name khalid. The 7 is the first letter of the name Hamad
  18. Congratulations Lovely me Inshallah you will be rewarded with the best in life, either with a somali man or an non-somali man.
  19. LOOL Superman with u around we all are super safe Ppl there is no need to panic i was listening to the radio, and some doctor was saying that u had more of a chance to get into a car crash than get Sars the media is blowing it out of propotion..man i sorta feel sorry for the chinese..for once thier convience stores are running out of business lol
  20. I have noticed that u keep on going back to YOU.If u believe having 8-10 kids is somting bad..do the degree that u are comparable to being an animal..well thats ur personal opinion. How strange and wierd it might sound to you Nazra there are women who love the idea of having 8-10 kids, thier goal and aim in this life would be to create a stable household for thier childern, raising them to be good muslims..not everywomen cares about being classy,having a career,or gaining fashion sense...
  21. opinionated obedient in the sense dont be a horrible wretch to ur husband every sec..we should really let men be men..as long as they respect us and dont cross the line That was informative Mizz, thanks
  22. ^^^lool ur one of us haha i was about to say that. If u want to present a valid arugment..ya rabi dont start with "somalis are animals" wat in gods name do u expect, ppl to agree with u ! Its the woman's way of thinking that matters..some women will see at has a suffering while others see it as a nicma, personally i dont respect a woman who regrets having her childern, to me that is a sign of weakness,ungratefulness and stupidty. By the way this forum is not a vent room.. Peace :rolleyes: