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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. :eek: :eek: Thank you G-Money for the nomination i feel special, Best supporting actress ! As for me choosing, never liked playing favours. Everyone on that list is COOOL :cool:
  2. I hope not to sound rude..but wow do u guys have time on ur hands to be able to write all those long posts!.They are all so well written that i feel like iam reading well thought out essays. On the plus side you all are very passionate about the politics of our country. THUMBS UP
  3. If i could be anywhere in the world i'd be in ARUBA The toughest decision i made today was....
  4. My apologies are sincere I know it's sad No please don't say it I hold my hand over his mouth He whispers it in Words of plea Goodbye You are a true friend The whispers are fewer now Silence takes over dominating our existence cruelly I take my hand off He looks at me A tear threatens his manhood The door shuts behind me A tear revives my womanhood
  5. The ladies won't admit but i think they have really missed the days of cookng with firewood,how can they not,the only fun in the village was kneeling down on u'r knees and starting the fire by blowing as hard as you could.One hour later u're still struggling with the firewood let alone cooking the dinner for a family of seven and six uninvited guest LooOOooL u must be kidding me Shyhem,enjoyed cooking with firewood ya rite! . Go camping for a week or two and tell how much fun its cookin with firewood. On the idea of women loosin their cooking touch, thats an over generiliztion...i dont know i have a very old fashioned family, so cooking was honed onto me as a part of my gender qualifications..my grandmother will always say "wat kinda girl doesn't know how to cook" Shaqsii..wat do u want lobster, crab some roasted lamb its all about enjoying the art..if u dont, u wouldnt care to learn more.
  6. Maybe no one volunteered ! anyone thought of that. I am sure it takes alot of time to be a mod, and not everyone listed enjoys the task.
  7. I dont knw maybe cause most somalis cant afford housing in the "rich" areas, most areas that have govn't housing sooner or later become "ghetto's" I am sure no one lives in those place of thier own free will, but due to necessity.
  8. Wow wats with all the critism...even if there was an elevated thought or not to this story who cares..it isnt like he is trying to publish it to the masses...relaz enjoy it and come to watever conculsion u desire, but dont put the brotha down. Mami wats with all "high" business!
  9. Umm i remeber i saw that movie about a year ago in a friends house..i got bored around the time they went on the dance floor but now the ending seems intriguing with sucide attempts and all.
  10. Honeslty i dont understand how a topic about not turning SOL into a SN is a constructive topic, This how i see it.. General--for funny silly interesting topics Camel Debates--for constructive topics that present debateble issues Politics--well naturally politics Women--Relationships and issues of that nature, even though i find it offensive that the womens section is labeled has that, but then again thats wat we use it has. So to end with if u wish to see interesting constructive topics pls log on to the Camel debate section or the Politics section, the General section is for the use-less chatter that doesnt fit into one certain group PEACE
  11. Thought control, preety much u defined the class system The ultra rich The well off middle class and the Straving peasents...all put in layterms. I have a feeling ur a fan of the french revolution Wasnt thier class system of three estates The first estate--Clergy--consisting of the Higher clergy --mainly nobles-- Lower clergy---peasents, as in parish priests. Second estate--Nobles--consisting of the-- New nobility --and--Old nobility Third estate--Middle class and Peasents. This class system in many ways just transformed, the middle class became the second estate, the poor peasents remain in the third estate where as the "money" rich nobility of our age have become the first estate. Does the ends satisfy the means in what sitution exactly...in the manner we live or on the ideal of class systems. I understand wat u have written and it lol sounds like an excerpt from my history text book but one crucial aspect is missing the arugument.As my english teacher says " Without an arugument ur stating the obivous"
  12. Nasr-ul-diin...lool opps another N
  13. Why do i sometimes just want to yell STOP, all the freaking tests! The one thing I cant live without.....
  14. OG the letter was r not L. R...Rabab
  15. Duuha? wat a unique name never heard it before. A...Ashwaq
  16. Lol Virgin u go girl, make ur mark on SOL, enough limelight for darman r..RUBA
  17. LOoOooOOol that was really funny,good stuff Darman "(the roach reaches for his pocket and pulls out a Marlborllo lights soft pack and politely asks)" ^^^love this line..iam wondering was it his shirt pocket or his six legged pant pocket
  18. ^^^ oh man I am feeling that vote sue
  19. Lovely topic, Sosodeaf..kinda eerie we had a school assembly the other day about the same topic community involvement and offering our time for tutoring services. As for the new criculm having to be one of those first timers(grd.12) i can vouch for its diffuclty. If a student is unwilling to be dilgent there is no way he/she can pass through the cracks. The work load is not funny its crazy.On top of that many of us are trying to scrap up enough money for university as many ppl might not be accepted for osap due twice the number of students applying. I dont live in a place where there is a strong somali community (scaraborough) but i do understand where ur coming from. The school cuts are not has bad as thought, that is atleast in the highschools.The thing that is slowing us down is the damned stricks and work to rule by teachers..tis really irrating. When u ask ur teacher for help and she replies by saying " sorry due to the strike i cant help u, i will be going against my union" GOD ! who is more important the union or a student who is willing asking for help. There is a alot of help out there..but tis the person who it all depends on. Peace
  20. Ppl chill, sue is just kidding, i am sure she loves Darman . If this site lost one of tis key members then SOL wouldn't be SOL :cool:
  21. YA RABI !!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Go speak to ur hoyo, ur figure it out.