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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. lool Psycho, ur puting time into this kingdom. Just wondering who is Psycho's no 1 enemy..i am lost wat was ur former name? Hibo, i will leave for Psycho to vent her issues with you, but trust me...it aint that big of deal.
  2. I am sorry, i really dont understand why there is any complaining here?..as far as i see non of us pay to come here and post or do anything else, this their site and their domain. If they wish to add the extra features that existed before,they will if they dont want to they wont. I mean they do have their own lives, and trust me i have cousin who is somewhat of a computer freak, this stuff takes a loooooooooonnnnnnnnng time! This site is great as it is, would be nice if there were extra features, but i dont believe we any rite to complain preety much.
  3. Lander i did go to the same party it was nice,yea i agree with you, lol I and my friend couldn't get in to the hall itself until my friend's mother had to come and help us. I loved it though very lively and it had a mix of everyone.
  4. Watching the Matrix...but gota study for my test ahh i hate school. Oh somealien congrats on becoming a nomad
  5. Amazing someone feels like they have to watch from poor little ruba,ya sheikh wats going on.... Queen chill honey, i dont even know ya.
  6. WOW, couldn't have said it BETTER Gaashmo, By the way HAPPY 18 you all
  7. Are we getting close? Personally i have become attached to this site, i love it . Oh man did i wonder who it was when i saw the Tacsi thread, wondering if it was someone i spoke daily on pm or not..why because tis the persons thoughts that are being put down on these forums lakkad, how more intimate can u get. We post a topic debating the issues that face our society and we read the person's thoughts, knowing how they feel and think, its almost like knowing the person in the physical sense. I felt horrible the day i read the thread, and wondered for hours who it could be ???...but then i came to the conculsion that i didnt want to know who it was, its enough that he came here and posted like all of us. May Allah have mercy on is soul. Peace
  8. HEY..wats this queen business last thing i remember was me voting you to become MODERATOR..This is no more than a threat of future a dictatorship, i take my VOTE BACK :eek: :eek: :eek: !!! VIVA LA DEMOCRATIYA!! :mad: Ps. Maybe if u kick freaky out and appoint me VP, i could COULD reconsider.
  9. Go back the way u came in.
  10. My name is Ruba And Iam from Aruba Na seriously i had a friend named Ruba when i was growing just love the name, and i wanted somting that ryhmed so Aruba went wit it.
  11. Umm i just have to say one think, its for a fact that for a woman to be alone with a non-muharam man is haram, thereby being in public setting isnt considered, haram..correct if iam wrong we are all learning. Thats how i understand,so lets forget the intivations to his apt or my apt..just coffee at tim hortons
  12. lool i agree with you there is no wind on the moon so wats up with the blowing flag!? huh? Its a consipracy by the american government! Any one watching out for the lunar eclipse tonite...it isnt viewable from toronto, stupid rain. :mad: :mad: :rolleyes: :mad: :mad:
  13. Innocent i am with on that one..buttersotch does it for me, but for the basic flavas i would go for vanilla.
  14. Innocent i am with on that one..buttersotch does it for me, but for the basic flavas i would go for vanilla.
  15. Innocent i am with on that one..buttersotch does it for me, but for the basic flavas i would go for vanilla.
  16. Innocent i am with on that one..buttersotch does it for me, but for the basic flavas i would go for vanilla.
  17. I knw that its wrong to unveiled in front of non-muslim women. Am not sure about compelet nudity, i dont know it just seems unnatural to me, i cant even wear a swiming suit infront of an all girl gym class, i wore one of those long t-shirts.
  18. Inaa Lilaahi wainaa Ileyhi Raajicuun "Because I could not stop for Death. It kindly stopped for me." May Allah have mercy upon his soul.
  19. loool pysho wow i am impressed sounds in threads and stuff girl ur a computer wiz. Let me be first to NOMINATE Pyscho Sue for moderator, she wants it so bad, that she might do a good job as one.
  20. OHHHH MY GOD wats that voice acudubillahi it scared the hell out of me..i started to think that my apt was haunted by jinns!! Ameenah lool who did that and most importantly how!?
  21. Miriam1


    Abdinuur people usually dont share bad dreams so that they dont have to remember them. lool u had a bad dream from the Ring the same thing hapened to my sister we had to take the T.V from her room, she just couldn't sleep with it there Okay back to topic at hand..yes i use to dream about things which werent human chasing almost every night for a while. It was very scary..and a few months ago..i dreamt that i was sleeping on my bed and i could see these shadowing figures around me every where talking to me..some yelling some talking to me quietly,i couldn't understand wat they were saying but it was somthing that i didnt want to hear. I swear i just took my pillow ran to my moms room and slept there on the floor of my parents room..that by far was the freakist dream i had So the next day being sunday i went to the halah store in my neighbourhood, bought a tape of surath al' insa, dont ask me why this sura, its the one that came to my mind..i slept for a month and so listening to that tape and falling to sleep with the sound of sheikh reading the sura in my room honestly i didnt dream anythng since then. Why do we dream them..who knows.
  22. Salam to all the great poets of SOL I humbly ask a favour from u all,I am no great poet but i try..all in vain but now its not fun its serious and i need a critical knowledgable eye to analyze my poem..which is to be worth around 5% of my final mark in my Creative writing class ( dont ask me why i took that class :confused: ) I am to use the words, groan, gulp,grumble in my poem effectively..this is my try so far..no critism should be spared..pls PLEASE butcher it The Truth I can almost hear my conscious grumble The truth stings my ears My heart trembles when the consequences are thought of My very soul groans from the guilt Right and wrong were certainly not Priorities When my spirit took control But I gulp down my pride Look down the road And take the bull by the horns.
  23. Are men scared of educated women...as to every argument there are cleary two sides. A man who is confident of his worth and knows what he wants in this world will not fear an educated woman. And A woman who has high self-esteem will naturally not use her education and that peice of paper to elevate her self worth. The men out there who fear women with an education, do so due to their high ego's, no man who is like that would want his wife to be smarter than him, he inessence would want to dominate her..therefore looking for a wifey with a degree would be an act of lunacy for them. They would probably go for a woman that was brought up in somalia, with no particular education.Her dependance on him would make feel worthy and powerful. That's my two cents Oh Beauty nicely said Peace