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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. I think your going to get an over whelmhing agreement on the topic. Its never RIGHT! Personally, if he hits me, then he is liable for a punch or watever i can muster.
  2. Bashi on the idea of the majority in this forum being attracted to trival topis, the reality is that i am faced with challenging issues daily in my life..so sometimes i would like to come here and read one of OG-Moti's funny posts or Darman's...i dont find them trivial but of a different kind..on the political section i took my hands out of that section for a looooong time, tis impossible for us to concieve it possible that people radomly posting from the world to come to an agrument on an issue that is has been going on for ever. Foremost something else i discovered a while ago is that there is a great element to the art of communication that is missing here in these online forums.Body Language! those little faces on the side dont come to a reasonable subsititue..so most of the time in my opinion arrgonace, vidictivness and other negative emotions are misinterpetted. Peace
  3. Its for a fact that anyone who believes in or reads daily or even reads it once their astrological signs or any other form of faith associated stuff like reading your hand, tea cups ect, their prayers are not accepted for 40 days. Its haram to read your astrology, i use to say oh its for fun, but if u look analytically once you read your sign for the day, week or month you quiclky look back at whatever happen to you to see if there was any match to it..wouldnt that be believing that your faith is designed by another other then Allah. I wasnt aware of this until a freind send,on email a khutba about it. I will try to find. Peace
  4. lool Pixie..i am so tired of this sars business..as they say all we should fear is fear itself. Lakkad, w/salam My day was stressful but alhamudillah i got throught it My family is lovely as ever,cousin getting married everyone excited Strong as bull ( or cow i think ) alhamudillah I finally can be one of those ppl who say THEY HAVE A JOB As for SARS..i worry about sore throat more
  5. Am I bored..YES..but i am not suppose to be..if some people that i call friends knew wat it meant to be on TIME...i would be bored sitting here..but out shopping :mad:
  6. Alright, pixie you could be right, but rape isnt the only way a woman can be harrased, there are one thousand and one other ways....sleeping in different quaters, isn't a ticket to safety. I cant believe that there are muslims in any kafir army...WHY???!?!??! aren't these the same countries that incriminate us as a muslim people everyday in a million and one ways...what do we need to notice a genocide? Its Haram simple woman trust me...i dont even feel like you need to research its quite logical. Peace
  7. hahha "What does stupidity mean?" Intelletual---An individual that is learned in many facets of our past and current world. Open-minded, and able to debate intelligently without getting emotional and personal. Stupid...the opposite of everything above.
  8. LOOOL poet, ur random thoughts are funny..seriously think about posting them on the joke section. Why does halal pizza taste a hunderd..no A MILLION times better than pizza-pizza pizza's (jokes say that 3 times) Now that i am thinking about add's thank you poet..wats up with that little eight year old girl in the Bell Canada ads, it really doesnt make any more interesting in hooking up with bell by watching an annoying 8 yr old tell me..how useful it is..i love her long hair though Ouuw on car ad's i love that ZOOM ZOOM ad..very ZOOMY. Why do ppl pick their noses when in traffic...dont they know that ppl in the next cars can see through their windows? :confused: I am done lol I feel my brain go blank....
  9. salaam,oohhh im late sowwie..but,wlc to SOL hope u like ur stay
  10. salaam,oohhh im late sowwie..but,wlc to SOL hope u like ur stay
  11. salaam,oohhh im late sowwie..but,wlc to SOL hope u like ur stay
  12. salaam,oohhh im late sowwie..but,wlc to SOL hope u like ur stay
  13. I am just wondering why join the army of a kafir country? Are aware of all the risks that are present for a woman in the army, with men. Good Luck and may Allah protect you walaal
  14. Ooow Ilham special rate for you best friend ... 3.50 per movie good.
  15. loool OG-Moti, its good to know that you arent keeping any secrets from us. jokes on the pms of love, why do you know anyting you would like to share..secret couples perhaps
  16. Sis i suppose your being fair to a certain degree, most of the somali boys that i have seen here in Toronto are in that horrible state. I honeslty feel that once they leave highschool and go to college or universtiy they leave behind the low pants and that digusting attitude..with everything it carries with it. I personally know its harder for boys to find somwhere they belong...for us girls we can hangon to each other. This is not only occuring in the somali community, but rather in every recent immgrant community.
  17. I am back kewl thread Pixie :cool: Why do ppl call when they have nothing to say!?..i just spent 50 mins on a conversation about noting. First of all,What's with the people who put carpeting on the lid of their toilet seat? What are they thinking -- "Gosh, if we have a party there may not be enough standing room; I'd better carpet the toilet too." hahah i didnt think of that, by the way all your comments/thougts were hysterical. How come every book i read is better than every movie i see Why cant i find a skirt without a slit the lenght of a building Did you ever notice how every person you greet with an asalamu-ali-kum, greets you back with a wide smile. I am kinda giddy with all the stress of my exams..so forgive me if i dont make any bloney sense
  18. Lool i am suprised that this thread survived for this long wow..do u guys realize that a feature called pm exists?
  19. I just got my first job Benefits include FREE MOVIES lool .. so for a modest fee i can hookup some T.Dot nomads...
  20. Life, friends are boring...but we must not say so. It is a title of a poem by some DWM, i kinda understand wat he meant
  21. Men's forum..i wonder what will be discussed that we dont already take care of here in the general luuq Marriage forum, yusufaddie, i thought you were married?...u happen to mention your wife in your other post. I think stuff are cool as it is..but i do fancy the entertainment forum idea.
  22. LOOOL Gedid u made laugh, i did always wonder how almost everyone on this site is so liberal and so anti-qabila. Okay the truth puting aside the idealism..and wat i believe compared to wat i would say...if someone old came upto me and asked me what qabila i was from, out of respect i would reply and go down the whole tree line if we happen to be from the same qabila, i would also do the same with a person of my age group. But would i treat a person who is from my clan differently then a person who isnt........the answer is simply nope, i would hold the same polite smile and conversate with them in the same manner.At the end of the day we are both would be somalis and that is far more important than which qabila we are from, even though we choose to mention our clans.
  23. Where does my loyalty lie? With my faith, Islam With my family And My people. I think my upbringing has helped to forget the importance of the clan (being brought up in foriegn lands),but i do understand a person's view when they put thier clan above the somali people as a whole. Just cause they view the clan as an extended family, a group of people they have more of a connection with.
  24. Me and Canbaro Luul, Ha i never noticed the comparism but then again i dont notice anyting,she is a top notch nomad, so iam honoured to be similar to her.
  25. Lander,lol hey thanks for the vote of confidence. Haruun u mean the guy with the dreads?