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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. Lol, we posted at the same time poet..next nomad chose watever one u fancy ( mine)
  2. lool are u making this into a highschool sceniro Mr. i dont know where the old white lady fits in now.As my train of thoughts worked Og was a grown man and the girl was hijabed.This is cool anyway Okay.." He said" "Listen, i am talking to my cousin here, brother i have no problems with you so lets leave this at peace!". Clown stared him, trying to frighten OG, but suprisingly OG stood his ground. With a huff, Clown said, " Your not worth my time fool" Og sat back, attempting to hold back a sigh of relief. He looked into the eyes of his newly made cousin, trying to find signs of her reaction to thier late relation. "Cousin ha?" she said with a mischevios smile. "Well arent we all cousins" Og answered with confidence and wit. "My name is Nura, and as u can guess this is my first day to Kremlin High" "My name is... Mr. lol i feel like we are going to write this story ourselves!
  3. what on earth makes me thin i have a chance with her?".... But just then, she turned away from the window and their eyes met. In the sweetest way possible she smiled at him, her face radiant with its beauty.OG, exicted with his new prospects,took out a new peice of gum and walked slowly over to the seat. Looking at her he said, "Asalamu-ali-kum walaal" Smiling politely she answered him, "W/salam." As he seated himself, he frantically searched his relevently empty head for a way to start a conversation with her, what in this world could interest this girl, and thats when she said...
  4. he realized he forgot to brush his teeth and comb his hair... Panic ran through OG, like a current of electircity, compelelty unaware of those around him he spit into both his hands and crudely tried to calm his shaggy hair.An old white lady looked at him with utter shock and with disgust muttered to her self. The bus came a few seconds later, chewing some gum and brushing his hair with his hand Og entered the bus, confidently sitting next to the old lady, when he saw...
  5. Miriam1


    Aplus its arabic..with a bit of innovation the numbers are letters in the arabic language that dont exist in english Hope i helped
  6. Yes they can be bought,but is it genuine? I certainly wouldn't someone saying they love me, just because i have money. What happens when i loose it all,will they go out the door too..with the money? Its ur opinion Entre, and you are certainly entitled to it Peace
  7. Enter, I am suprised..money is nothing..when you want to find that person who can comfort your wounds, make you smile or satisfy your needs in any way in a wife, money should be the farthest thing from your train of thoughts. With or without a couple hundred thousand in the bank account the essence of the person wont change. I dont know personally, as long as i have my health and so is my husband..money will come and go.
  8. I do agree with everyone, but i always wondered if my family would accept him. THat is if i decided to marry a reverty( thats wat we call them). I wouldnt want to be treated differently by the people i grewup with and loved..and put everyone i know in an awkard situtation. Yes i would want them to be open minded and understand that its his conduct as a muslim that matters more than anyting, but naturally the reality is that few of us have such open-minded family members. I wouldnt want him to be exculded from all the family events, I would want him to be a member of my family and for him to be taken as a son by my father and my mother. This is my honest opinion, --At the end it depends on the strenght of your feelings for him, and if they will be able to withstand the natural critism you are going to get Peace
  9. Ya rabi,if that article is true then our world is seriously messed up. But i have a feeling it could be pure propaganda.
  10. Congratulation Mujahid! Its always nice to see your responses to some delima. Lakkad here is one..here for more than a year man..i should get a life
  11. lol i am chicken hearted, i always like chicken anyway..but wait..where does that leave you..NIN YABAN..the pic ur so worried about to the degree u created a whole post on, isnt even yours..but of someone else. Chill at the rate your going, banishment doesnt seem far off. There is no need to create enemies, i call a truce... Peace
  12. "accept your role in society" "men the dominant ones" Men and women have different roles, each dominant in thier own domain. The husband is depandent on the wife,and the wife to her husband I am sure you dont want a parental relationship with your wife, you would naturally want a partner that can help you in the long run in this dunya. Dont be threatened, work on your self confidence man..and self-esteem Peace
  13. Kisha its quite strange that anyone would say that to you. I suggest you send personal pm to those certain individuals and clear it up with them. Nin,calm down.
  14. Nin Yaban, that was quite rude!...Infatu5an(hope i spelled that rite) congrats,lol@better than my 4 sharcis
  15. What can i say about my good friends, i have just lately began to understand their importance in my life.They are those people that will be there for you when your family doesnt quite make it.In essence they are your chosen family.They are those people i can confinde in my secrets without worrying, the ones i can cry to without being ashamed, the ones that put a smile on my face when i am down, and simply understand all my silly moods!. I love this topic...good one sophist, lol iam going to call my girl
  16. Welcome ! We love you too
  17. Jokes, i do the same exact thing Sista.. I concentrate on the solution once the problem is out of my system..first naturally i obesses on the problem itself, how and why in Gods name it came to being..u know the usual, but once i can start thinking rationally i concentrate on ways to get out of it. P.s I cant believe they spend 10 million :eek:
  18. Abdinuur it depends on who the person is, if they are close good friends, i would simply tell them to clean after themselves...and i know that they would not take it in a negative manner. But honestly i dont know if there is a way you can tell your guests to remain polite and clean if they already dont know that...as the host you preety much end up with the mess..part of the rules to hospitality.
  19. lool section6er..yea i know iam horrible at spelling and freaking grammer..english is my third language man ! i should be congratulated at wat i achieved !!
  20. Congrats Najmah!!!..and i thnk on the way i will congrat myself lol!! Only four more days and counting..and then its..well freedom Here i come YORK
  21. Why in God's name create this type of topic..if u are entirely aware that it will bring the same arguments form the same ppl!? And ps..there is no VS..in my opinion there is no competition. Its just the way matters are now..and Allah knows best wat will happen in the future.
  22. Is it me or does life seem blisfull, if u want to be that is...everyting is in your power even the preception of reality [ June 10, 2003, 09:12 PM: Message edited by: Jawahiir ]
  23. Free i was thinking the same thing!