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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. I was trying to find his angle with these pics but man am I lost...maybe the punch line is in the next pics. Hopefully
  2. Trust me its all just for the fireworks..no one cares for the day or its importance..i doubt many even know its significance. As today being Canada's July 1st hit the habourfront and see wats happening.
  3. Miriam1


    You have nothing to fear but fear itself... But i understand what you mean..personally i am not going to put anything explosivily private on my blog..but it will be a place where i can voice my opinion loudly and clearly with no..ahem..censorship
  4. Miriam1


    Time for clarifications hehe i thought the somalis of SOL were on board but hey i find myself on a ship all alone Illmatic its more of a dairy..but on the interent. Think of it this way you post, you have ur own blog site, and you write what comes to your mind, what pisses you off and if someone out there happens to pass by and reads your writing they leave behind thier mark..(comments) Its cool i have been to some really nice ones and i do remember Ameenah posting a blog site of an iraqi man that was living through the invasion..he wrote about everything that was going on. Opinionated No girl its not a UK thing tis an international.
  5. Miriam1


    I cant believe that i finally found something that interests me enough, that I could muster the energy to tab that "New Topic" button. How many of you blog..why do you blog..and what made you blog. Its very interesting and I am starting to fall in love i just began mine today..yea brand new but i feel like tis a place where i can pour my heart and soul into...speak my mind and yell my opinions. And if you dont know what in Allah's good names I am speaking about...go here www.blogspot.com or just google it, "Blog" is the key word. Peace Blog lover
  6. Inaa Lilaahi wa inaa ilayhi raajicuun Inshallah she will be forgiven for her sin, Storm somalis are not immune to wat happens to other people all the time. And dont worry ya sheikh your not a curse to the somali pop of toronto, if thats wat you were thinking, trust me quite a few things happened between that stabbing and this incident.
  7. Completely waiting for Afrofest my hoyo is specially planning on wearing her bulchi..i dont know wat else maybe i will hit the caribana even though i have been warned that it could be somewhat indecent..?
  8. Thanks Shujui and Latefah (love ur name), i am good and getting better alhamudillah, with such strong medicine like Tylenol 3 i am preety much mello all the time hehehe
  9. Inshallah 4 kids will be great, but then again its all in Allah's hands 2 Boys and 2 girls will be wonderful! Adam, Nur-ud-din or Saif-ud-din and Ruba,Jawahiir or Sawsan or Saifa ( after my grandmother) i cant choose. Yea iam bored choosing my future kids names (inshallah) Reason being ! i recently broke my leg in a stubid accident so iam home stuck for a few weeks and its summer iam so sad..no wonderland..no parks..no canada day celebrations..stubid crutches!!!
  10. Miriam1

    Toronto Nomads

    Honestly i want to go, but i am working on sunday.You know what one day is better than non,lol so iam there saturday, thanks hun.
  11. Flying still, before you buy any of those mac powders have a long good conversation with the women who sell them, find wat under tone you are and that sort of stuff. Some of them just shove the product at you, god it took me some time before i could find the perfect one.
  12. then guess who comes in...... Xafsa walks towards the stall arranging her dirac annoyingly. "I wonder why i still wear this thing, God its so out of place!" "Guess what happened!" shrieked Hodan with happiness "What, what!?" " Some one asked me to marry him" said hodan with a sly simle "Walahii!! tell me every single detail now dont hide anything mafahamthay." Hodan went on to indulge her friend to every detail of the bizare day she had. They spoke as customers came and left, all along Hodon not even aware of her earlier fears.After closing the stall both women walked together to the ceelgab mall to buy a few nessecites for thier one bedroom apt. But as they walked up to the entrance they saw...
  13. Nafisa..i am begining to believe thats its impossible to discuss somali politics without getting offensive. Rather sad isnt it.
  14. You can never say the whole truth and nothing but the truth thats impossible. There is always going to be something your going to hide from your partner..i simply dont believe that compelet honesty can exist between two indiviuals. Anyways back to the topic..to a certain degree i will say what i feel weighs heavily on my heart, but iam not going to reveal to him every single detail of my univ days. A little secrecy in my opinion creates a spice in a marriage , i really dont want to know everything about my husband, and that is if this "everything" does not effect the daily workings of our marriage in anyway. Peace
  15. Let me put it this way, if these certain women are willing to marry a kafir white man then taking his name isnt such a shocking thing ! Ps. The same should apply to men.
  16. International Development Studies & Economics.Double major.Aim for the future Inshallah is to go into research/economical progress of developing nations.! It is true that you need to have a very diverse portfolio..experience is everything
  17. then someone comes in and shouts NUUUNE what the hell are ... "Nuune what the hell are you doing !?" shouted Khayr "ahh..ahem noting, just speaking to the sister here" "Ha!, speaking ya rabi the amount of filth coming from your mouth would have not filled the nile river!" said Hodan with indignation. Khayr gave a Nuune a look that made him fill furiously with shame, the contrast between the two men was visible to anyone. Nuune stood there wearing a baby phat shirt and a pair of baggy jeans no different than any "brother" down the street. Whereas Khayr stood 6+ feet wearing a respectable black 'thob' and a grey 'kofiya', looking the ideal picture of the muslim male. His face was filled with fury, as Nuune left the stand walking sluggisly. He looked away from Hodan face, in fear of disrespecting her and stared at the chocalate syrup bottle as he addresed her "Walaal I am ...
  18. There stood Hodan, her first day working at the ice-cream stand wondering who and what kind of person her first customer would be and at the same time wondering sadely how her life came to be this. How did she loose her self and all that she was, was it her or was it the wicked hand of faith.Has she remembered life back in her little town in Somalia, a tear betrayed its way to her face, at that moment a voice woke her from her memories, there stood... __________________________________________________ Thats my stab at a new story,Og nice ending,but has Shyhem said i would have liked you to marry Nura and have a couple of 100 kids naming them all after the SOL member .
  19. Here it comes a year later, but hey better late then never Dont shave Mandeeq i would recomend waxing, because if you shave the hair is not removed form its core and tends to grow back with a vengence, stronger and faster. Peace Disclaimer: Waxing is known to hurt has hell so dont say i didnt warn ya.
  20. wow, we have a very diverse cusinie...exciting :eek:
  21. lool oh my it took my 7yr old brother to show me the baby, how blind am i :confused: !? Darman your second pic isnt visible
  22. Some of those were defintly written by non-muslims, but some like.. "Can I have your mahram's phone number?" i heard this one from a guy once during an eid picnic. Just lets say i was shocked at his courage and bluntness! Assalamualaikum, so what time does a hurain (beautiful person from Jannah) like you have to be back in paradise?" "What school of thought do you follow because I thought about you all through school I find these to be very cute&funny
  23. I dont mind them, honestly i always thought those were the rules. But there is one i don't clearly understand. "Subjects: use descriptive topic subject. This will help others find what they want to read. Topics with bad Topic subjects WILL be deleted!" My question is what can be classified as a bad topic subject? Peace
  24. with one eye closed and the other half opened he looked up and saw... OG-Girl standing infront of him,"What do you think you are doing Og !?" "Just picking up the hijab, get your foot from it nayaa" " I have told you a thousands not to all me nayaa, and why do you want to get your self into trouble with that girl..that sl*t!" OG couldnt believe that his cousin called Nura the "s" word,"are those the rumours going around about her?" he asked Og-girl simply nodded, Og took the hijab defindtly(sp?) and started to walk towards the clinic.As he got closer to the clinic his heart began to pound strongly in his chest,he opened the door slowly...
  25. Ohh sweetie dont worry, u didnt kill noting..as long as u chose my adpation Okay now we need someone new, waky waky nomads...iam anxious for a fresh hand at this.