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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. ^ its a profile..what did u expect for her to create the profile out of the blue? The ones i love her..Creed, Matchbox20, Coldplay, Nickleback and Davemathews band...i dont know Good Charlotte look like a hybrid between punk and pop..not a very good combination.
  2. ^ its a profile..what did u expect for her to create the profile out of the blue? The ones i love her..Creed, Matchbox20, Coldplay, Nickleback and Davemathews band...i dont know Good Charlotte look like a hybrid between punk and pop..not a very good combination.
  3. ^ its a profile..what did u expect for her to create the profile out of the blue? The ones i love her..Creed, Matchbox20, Coldplay, Nickleback and Davemathews band...i dont know Good Charlotte look like a hybrid between punk and pop..not a very good combination.
  4. ^^^Doesn't post alot but when he does its a witness to his intelligence..lol and could he be a trekki "aboard a starship" Man-a-part...you dont need votes to move from alien to a nomad...its how much you post I believe so post alittle more and you will move... Lets have alittle positivity u all
  5. Great Poem Captivating Soul...what works for me..just like you said, "me time" sit quitely in my room still..no music no tv no phone...time to think and breakdown whatever happened in that certain day to piss me off..and then i would pray when only i am free of all that stress, or otherwise my concentration would be non existant. Okay..hope ya dont mind..but i dont like starting threads..just a little poem i wrote..first time i think.. Moment For a moment I thought I could feel it Feel what you ask? Feel the essence of my past Hear the words of my ancestors being whispered in the wind Touch the grains of the sand and see the heroes of our history, Shouting for our freedom Feel the emotion that was stolen from me. I, a child of a diasporas, ignorant of my nation’s soul I, a child of a land, Long forgotten. A Land Torn apart by treacherous hands Yes I thought I could feel it, but alas now I know I could not, For once my eyes opened I was again, An Alien A refugee An immigrant But never a citizen
  6. Hey Section6er Thanks :cool:
  7. Nice Topic I actually had my oreintation today but it felt like class running from lecture hall to another getting lost a bout a gazzilion times. But guess what I am standing there... on line for lunch minding my own biz....and hold and behold who comes up to me, my best friend from back home..a person who I havent seen for 5 yrs. She was the last person on this earth i expected to see..it was really wierd lol i thnk everyone in the lunch room thought we were nuts shouting and huggin Allah works in mysterious ways....
  8. Ginuwine.....i think i will pass...how can you make a song about Jeans? :confused: How about a cool animation of a quranic verse..if its there that is
  9. ^^Nice avator. Tomowor is my orientation....i am dying with anxiety..i hope university isnt scary ! Good luck to everyone on thier first days back to school.
  10. Yikes Magnoona i had the same problem as you, trying to figure out the rules of somali ettiquette. But i gave up a few months ago and decided not to care ^ as Sue already mentioned its not quite that important, just do whatever your sense of right and wrong deems correct. Oh and about the guest thing..actually in my household and in ever other i knew, girls never sat with the men in the living room...for me it went something like this..... 1.Father calls for shaah to be brought in. 2.My mom hands me the shaah and halwo, or to whatever sister is present..( it was never the maid I dont know why?) 3.I take the shaah+halwo in 4.Salam whoever is sitting there, get the usual compliments and leave.. But sit and listen into thier conversation..hasn't happened yet.I would think it to be uncomfortable if they were ur Father's age and male...rite? Anyway dont bother yourself...my adivce
  11. Hey didnt do as bad as i thought i would..7/11..i suppose some of that gr.11 bio class stayed with me
  12. ^ You seem to be a very nice person..on the net and I am preety sure u are in real life. I also see very humble religous qualities from your posts..indeed a cool nomad but then again thats natural, you are a torontorian
  13. ^^ Apology accepted ^^ *lol* yes you should stay away from my turf, and dont worry i take enough sugar every day to stay sweet and nice Rudy I see your point.
  14. hehehee i honestly thought of a carrot
  15. To begin with Darman here is a smile for you Zakariye, i am quite amazed at your crude and judgmental response to my two liner reply. I do not feel shy or guilty about what I said and I most certainly do not need to ask a stranger for classes on somali dhaqan. My parents have done quite well in that section dear sir :rolleyes: You should not forget that respect is earned. Rudy your opinion is yours
  16. *looool* good come back Siman Possibly good methane source. Good samples are able to produce large quantities on command
  17. Rudy and Nin yaban did u guys come up with these ingenious topics yourself ! lol Anyway if you hate one thread dont go into it..simple as that :cool:
  18. They Shall Never Defeat Us !!!! Naturally they should worry, their irrational religion is falling apart. One thing i found funny was this, Christians must challenge Islam and love Muslims. Second, there are three things a Muslim has no defense against -- the prayers of the saints, the love of the saints and the wise application of the Word of God to their core issues. First who needs saints when you have Allah (SWT) , why not turn to him when you are in trouble?...why go to saints see how irrational that is! the wise application of the Word of God to their core issues Huh?...if he is truly an expert of Islam he should know better, The Quran is a guide to life, any matter that needs to be addressed in a muslims life is documented clearly. Truely if those are the only three things they could find that muslims have no defence against, then they are PATHETIC... Funny article though, thanks
  19. Its a really nice piece thanks, i can relate in a way felt some of that confusion when i came toronto, but thank god i was surrounded by the right people and was strong inessence. Once you are sure of who u are, just the basics of your being, that is enough to ground you against any wave of change that could hit you. I dont know when i was reading that article i felt as if the author wasnt a big fan of Islam..no suprise :rolleyes: Fartuun looks the strongest of the two.
  20. ^^^ One of the people i work with actually recommeded that movie, man did i try to watch it but it was unwatchable i just think i have different taste for movies! yet i am curious to what happens to him does he begin to appreciate his roots ?
  21. ^^^*LoL* @ "The immgrants have the 'here we go' look on all their faces" That is so true
  22. Why is it that Most of our brothers/sisters tend to be FOLLOWERS other than leaders in this world? I agree with opinioted answer, yet there are many who get stuck in the "following" level, i dont know many its a fear of being the one that is different from everyone else , the one who dares to introduce new ideas that could be accpeted or not and it is that fear of unacceptance that puts many people down.They are unable to see the greatness of being your own person. Even the ones who ever get to that middle position tend to cut off from those who are still struggling? Ambition,vanity, false pride in their new position...isnt it a part of being human to have that need to stick to others like us and ignore or put down others who arent. I am wondering about the other questions just like you...but one thing i have to say is that you should be proud of yourself Shaqsii, you are able to wonder and ponder on these questions and not be blind as the rest of the masses.
  23. Today being a day after..how sucessful was the strike?
  24. Sis they say that because they dont know what else to say, and yet feel guilty for not saying anything to comfort you. To say the truth is to hurt you further so they try their best to make light of a matter that isnt. Its their way of comforting you i suppose...no one is saying you should listen to them and move on abruptly as they ask you to. Accept their advice as a sign of care and take your time to formulate your emotions, turn to Allah and pray for your heart to heal. Peace