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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. I say go to pre-med, but then again...going into bio or chem can give a good background in a specfic field if u do decide not to go into med-school..but if your heart is set on med school..go into pre med.. Hope to have helped
  2. I tend to stay clear of your posts,...wats wrong with u man...leave the big sisters alone, this is clear abuse! And being a secure big girl i SHUN u and ur skinny behind! what nonsense...
  3. Will it really matter when she looses all her beauty and cant stand over the stove anymore for you. Get realistic. you a need an agreeable companion in life not a object of beauty or a maid.
  4. :confused: Mizz.. If u had a worthwhile responce to explain ur disdain for the idea, you would have..and not reply with a silly one liner as that. I rest my case.
  5. :confused: Mizz.. If u had a worthwhile responce to explain ur disdain for the idea, you would have..and not reply with a silly one liner as that. I rest my case.
  6. :confused: Mizz.. If u had a worthwhile responce to explain ur disdain for the idea, you would have..and not reply with a silly one liner as that. I rest my case.
  7. :confused: Mizz.. If u had a worthwhile responce to explain ur disdain for the idea, you would have..and not reply with a silly one liner as that. I rest my case.
  8. Its a tough question....lots of cash on hand...yet the guy is representing his own country...it depends on what u believe is more important cash or national pride...personally I would go for the cash...ppl forget...hopefully.
  9. Try to find a somali restraunt, there must be one..buy a pack of them and heat them every morning in the microven with some butter and sugar... and ur cup of shaa I thnk the university i go to has the largest somali student pop in toronto and yet somehow we dont have a student organisation...its wierd. Anyway stick in there, residence sounds hard, yet cool
  10. :eek: Twisted Ayeeyo :eek: Suprise suprise...hey good work admin (I wish u had a name).. see the big deal with privacy on the net now.
  11. ^ Hey mizz fill me in on the joke i think i missed :confused: ? Everything needs a begining and this could be one,only Allah knows if it will be sucessful...I am personally in and I am going to try to get a few other ppl in too. Wonderful idea all and all.
  12. ^ Hey mizz fill me in on the joke i think i missed :confused: ? Everything needs a begining and this could be one,only Allah knows if it will be sucessful...I am personally in and I am going to try to get a few other ppl in too. Wonderful idea all and all.
  13. ^ Hey mizz fill me in on the joke i think i missed :confused: ? Everything needs a begining and this could be one,only Allah knows if it will be sucessful...I am personally in and I am going to try to get a few other ppl in too. Wonderful idea all and all.
  14. ^ Hey mizz fill me in on the joke i think i missed :confused: ? Everything needs a begining and this could be one,only Allah knows if it will be sucessful...I am personally in and I am going to try to get a few other ppl in too. Wonderful idea all and all.
  15. ^^I agree with you its is not practised widely around the Islamic Ummah and thanks for that Note. Modesty sis it is true that some sisters see the beauty of it, it seems that everyone is agreeing with me any nay sayers?
  16. I have gone into several arguments at different times on this one issue. As a child I was brought up believing that the Hijab which did not include the covering of the face as the norm. Which is to be naturally observed by every muslim woman as an obligation. However if a woman felt it necessary on her part to cover her face and only leave her eyes to be seen, that would be alright and of her own accord. Yet several people I speak to try to convince me that it is fard and throw at me several hadiths and logical reasons as to why...and i remain without a valid point! My research on the net and chats to people who I believe to be learned, seemed to be fruitless. Maybe i am searching in the wrong place What are your opinions Sol folk and if you can support them too would be great... I need to win this argument Thanks
  17. ^^^Quite intelligent, posts informative topics and pretty polite.
  18. I have a dairy,I write on it mostly before I sleep...I think if someone read it they would institutionalize me lol..share my thoughts...too personal...I use it mostly to make difficult decisions..write them down to get prespective on the situation...see it lay naked on the piece of paper..instead of bieng a giagantic delima in my head.
  19. ^^ Always loved that quote...kinda repeat to myself when I want to tear someone apart. All I have to say is beauty is in the eye of the beholder.... :cool:
  20. No, actually my work place is flooded with immgrants of all kinds...the minorities are the white ppl lol everyone knows they feel left out...but iam the only muslim person..which leads to always some uncomfortable situtation, with some of the retards i work with
  21. Miriam1

    Ur Avatar

    I dont know i think mine is pure jokes..totally gota give credit to section6er though...a black brotha beating up a dude in a godzilla suit... Ya rabi I have 601 posts..I spend way too much time here...
  22. ^^ lool...didn't think bout that..when i chose..my avator..ummm
  23. ^ True...never thought about it And I am quite suprised..almost every topic in this forum discusses the issues of Somalia and Somaliland..maybe i am blind..but i dont see the impartiallity your speaking about...and at times..well almost all times..they are very heated arugments Peace
  24. ^ its a profile..what did u expect for her to create the profile out of the blue? The ones i love her..Creed, Matchbox20, Coldplay, Nickleback and Davemathews band...i dont know Good Charlotte look like a hybrid between punk and pop..not a very good combination.