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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. True 45%-50% of the population are muslims whereas 35%-40% are Ethiopian orthodox. also, if nyone wondered 6% of the population are somalis. Info from the CIA WorldFact book, updated this past year http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/et.html
  2. really, umm but honestly does it matter who it is...scary enough that it is going to be destroyed.
  3. ^ How true, its not really about the clan, as i would really careless about someone who claims to be my fifth million cousin to a complete stranger. As to the question about clanism (um not sure if it is a word lol ) coming between two lovers, it simply comes down to this if u these two individuals belong to traditionalist families it will be a decision between choosing the family over their loved one.
  4. The Ka’aba will be destroyed by non-Muslim African group. Kufr will be rampant. Haj will be discontinued. The Qur’an will be lifted from the heart of the people, 30 years after the ruler Muquad’s death. WHY IS IT ALWAYS THE BLACK PEOPLE !!!!! but wow thats specific, ya rabi wouldnt want to live in those times. May Allah grants us all Jannah.
  5. Wait how does someone plan a future action without the right resources in hand in the present. Its like me deciding to go uni, without a highschool diploma..? Unless there is someone in your life that you see is marriage "material" it shouldnt be a consideration for the future but a aspect you agree with. No woman or man should be saying, i plan to get married at so and so time, for its calaf...its not your choice as sister Rahma as arealdy mentioned. Live your life now and work with things that are present in it to shape a future that is bright for you and those around you. Not for a hopeful somebeings All I am saying is that you should live ur life for you and not to fulfil a fantasy or a dream, that can not naturally come thorugh hard work. So forget it, be happy and have iman in Allah for he surely has the best in plan for you.
  6. The conference mashallah was amazing, it was far more than i have expected, it in many ways englightened me and inspiried me. "The People" 1-It was great to see that many muslims. Sweet and interesting the way everyone was so nice to each other, always hearing from the crowd sister this or brother that. 2-The clothes waaaw lol, loved how most of the attendees wore the 3abbay and the thob, in many styles...the looked beautiful, not that anyone who was in casual wear was ugly but to me, they seemed to highlight the reason of the conference. The "Speakers" Dr Tareq Suwaidan, Imam Zaid Shakir and Sh.Abdallah Hakim Quick are the three i found to be most inspiring. Sh. Hakim's voice was so sincere at times i thought he would start crying, as i was well on my way lol. I loved his lecture on the heart, was simply great. Hamza Yusuf on his lecture of the alphabets, words and their deeper meaning in the Quran and Sh. Abdullah Hakim Quick, loved the way he spoke about South Africa. Br.Ziaullah Khan was a pure jokester. Sr.Amina Assimili, I found her lecture interesting, yet i dont know, she seemed to lack energy and was to relaxed. I found myself thinking baout how to balance my cheque book while she spoke but mashalla i loved the way she presented the reason we wore the hijab, a very logical presentation. "Fav qoute" Walahi my memory fails me, not sure who said this qoute ,but it stuck. "Not sure if you want to become a muslimah or the next J-lo Not sure if u want to become a muslim or the next 50-cent, dont be wishy washy muslim be a strong in your decision" I think at the end of the day you can not possibly remember everything that was said, but there is a feeling you get and thats the one that stays Inshallah next year i will be there and hope to help in a way. POWER TO THE MUSLIMS !!!!!!!
  7. Can I say that I, Yes I, LOVE BEING A MUSLIM And LOVE, Yes LOVE my MUSLIM UMMAH. ..................Peace&Unity.....................
  8. Asalamu-aly-kum everyone Okay, the first day passed and here comes the second, what were your thoughts..what was wonderful and not so wonderful. I shall post my thoughts soon, inshallah when i have time.
  9. Miriam1


    What determines the value of an object? There is no doubt to me it is the amount of the object that is present and the satisfactoin we gain from it. Example..If u never had mango juice, the first glass would be very valuable to u, it naturally bieng this unique drink, nothing to its likeness existing. But once u get the second, third, fourth and so on of drink the satisfaction gained decreases so its value decreases. I thnk the reason in your example Khayr that the villagers took the hat was not for its purpose, but for its uniquness...for how can one hat protect a whole village. The same reasoning follows why do diamonds cost more than water, an important element to our existence. As Idil describes it, its our nature. Satisfaction is only about fulfilling your desire just for that one fleeting moment of pleasure...it is about selfishness because satisfaction is about fulfilling your own needs and wants.
  10. lol Ilhamm The program is actually out, check the website http://www.revivingtheislamicspirit.com/conference
  11. Its funny how u ignored all my earlier comments and responded to where you felt there is was an argument in. I hate arguments over the net so i will cut this short.... 1-the people I have met were looking for something else..and thats to me a search for truth..i suppose we live in alternative universes Khyer. 2-"Its the 21st century and the popular WORLD RELIGION today is called MODERNITY & LIBERALISM and there lord is the MIGHTY BUCK" I agree with you on that, its a sad truth in our world, but that does not underscore the fact that their religon is corrupt to its core and following the lesser evil doesnt make it right. 3-I never trusted the fact that the christians of today the ones we sadely live among are the Alh-Kithab. If u look at the NT, there are several revisions and additions to the different gospels..Mark Mathew, Luke and John. Mark bieng the first and Mathew,Luke and John following it..so can we truely brand them as the alh-kithab,when such changes have been made at the will of the writers of the later gospels and now is being followed by millions. Yes Allah sent them a prophet however they chose to abuse the word and actions of that prophet. *Good will between souls*
  12. ^^ Umm in a way i agree with you, if u disagree with a concept u dont go where its is being supported..but thats the way she went about it, to go to their event and try humiliate them, does that make her comments invalid or untrue?
  13. ^^^^^ What in Allah's good names are u talking about!!! Seriously now, you are actually defending the Catholic Church, Her comments to begin with didnt tell anyone to turn away from god, but not to use the priests as mediators between God and his creations..and thats what the priests think of themselves my friend ! She needs to be what....for making isulting comments to a church that has allowed child abuse for Allah knows how long...and why in Allahs name would you like the thousands who believe in the Catholic church to go on with such a corrupt irrational religion! ..if they take her advice, they would probably try to find the true religion, ie Islam. And wait people who believe in the Catholic church are not outright Kafirs !? I fail to see the difference..... Please research the orgins of the Catholic Church before you make such comments.
  14. You know what underdog i wish u all the best and inshallah you will find that woman who will appreciate all that you are willing to offer in a marriage.
  15. loool samiyah people staring from the corner of their eyes trying to figure what SOL could be...but i shall be brave and wear it, steal a empty badge from work and paste SOL on it, wonder how many people will come up to me....
  16. umm have to say when i dislocated my knee, this last summer and inshalla i wont experience anything worse!
  17. healthy household is one where you have everything you need. The mans job is to provide and your job is make it work. Umm Underdog what a simple view of life, so black and white..honestly love it....but ahh do I wish it was that easy for the countless somali women i meet during rush hour on the subway every week. On thier way either to work on a factory line or to clean offices. And do u not think that the idea of the partnership can be modified according to the personalities of the people involved What if I find a husband who enjoys cooking now!!
  18. lol been doing both, so far five people have come to be under my control on this trip and are coming for sure, they bought the tickets so no one is running anywhere ! What do u think about non muslims coming? would it be positive or a bit too much, from ur past experinces.
  19. lol qac qac, I agree it would look somewhat indecent, even thought iam sure ur not going to attempt to "pick" anyone. About not many somalis being there..umm inshallah a large number will show. Bought the ticktes and waiting!
  20. ^ I Second that, its not productive in any means, a discussion based on someone's personal beliefs never is.
  21. lol ^ thought about that, wear a name badge maybe saying "SOL MEMBER" its a good idea.