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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. Wow..i cant say my school experience was of the same nature as yours, but thats dramatic.. I hated Highschool, but it wasnt only the people i was new to the country nd' culture shock and so..but nontheless being the only somali...and not having many people to relate to who werent white suburban kids...i swear they are from another planet...so up to my 11th grade it was an awful boring place, few good memories..but univ is great and..totally making up for the lost times ! Ps.Where do u reside?
  2. K i see ur train of thoughts.. i would have thought the same thing...is he treating this white woman better then me why?.. it also wouldnt have mattered in my opinion of the person was somali or not..but it does add a little sting to it, him being somali.. of ur own people in a manner of speaking. But at the end of the day u would never know.... unless u were a parniod individual and did alittle stunt by sending ur non-somali muslim girlfriend to the market and watch if he would pack her bags or not.. if not his vindicated and has a great respect for his sisters.. even though this respect is displaced.. and packing someones grocery bags isnt a crime.. But if he does.. then he .. judging to harshly is a self hating man..who probably loaths his own somaliness... Okay.. lol...um sorry for the long post..just really late and haven't had my intake of coffee for a while. So at the end of the day sister.. who gives a hoot what he meant.. ppl are stranger by the day!
  3. Um its 2.30 am my time, i never log out...just too much hassle logging back in when i can simply leave it logged..lol i need to revise my vocabulary, nyway..why am i awake.. reading a book.. bad habit, when i start a good book i rarely do anything but read it.. so got 120 pages to go.. and then i am done.. and i will know how it ended! Does nyone ever read the end of the book before they start, so incase nything happens.. they know how it ends? .. umm not sure where i heard this.. but it stuck.. K probably making nosense with all this talk.. back to the book.
  4. How can we fight for our own people when we even cant face the truth of matters as they are. If only things could be...
  5. I spent around 10 minutes there.. i dont think i have a strong heart for it.. i cant stand to hear the rubbish they say..is it worth it? not really they all are probably are layed off texan farm workers with no lives but to spent their days on paltalk..
  6. Hmh its a bit late...but the room is open, SOL4real..same password and everything so yep ..join if u care for a chat..cant promise tea and cookies though Fedx might cost a bit
  7. I think every somali men are worth a certain level of respect till they prove me wrong. Yet, the way things are going..
  8. When i was little, I use to tell long lies. However one day I was...
  9. ^ True, nyway who's more important your freinds or your husband? Spend time with him.
  10. Miriam1

    i HATE....

    I hate being left out BUT I hate joining in so I'm never happy! I hate getting attention BUT I hate it when I don't! Lool same here..top two things i hate One more thing.. I hate it when someone sits next to me in a Bus or a subway or in coffee store, or for that matter anywhere!...if its a pregnant woman with two toddlers on her..i..ofcourse..dont mind..but it has to be a special case!
  11. You should be open to the oppurtunity of marriage when it comes to you, I just dont understand how pressure can exist if there are simply no ideal candidates, are there? i am making an assupmtion ..u didnt mention that bit Raxhma. Nyway dont worry about it, maybe if you help your parents understand that you have no control over when you get married, n'd that you simply cant be one of those, women who simply repeat the mantra *I need to get married* and make that the goal of our existence..i am sure they will see light. Peace
  12. Raxmah way cool!!! lol..i would love to go into health adminstration for my graduate school, doing Health Studies..now for my undergrads as my second major my first major is International development studies, I always hated the idea of taking managment classes i just cant stand that...but i guess u have to push to get what you want
  13. Wow many of u are cash oriente... Kaafi i was thinking the same thing, and i would also go into medinice and find a cure for Aids! I cant fail right..so finding a cure after getting the required knowledge shouldnt be impossible Inshallah.
  14. i have the same problem about the porn popup huge shocker when u have little sisters running around the house..i couldnt get the virus out or find it for that matter but i did get http://www.panicware.com/ a freind downloaded it for me..stops the popups
  15. It has nothing to do with money, she is from a royal family too, but more with political ties and as the obove poster said, marrying someone from your own standards.
  16. Hmh..i was among the interested parties...lol its a great chat, rather alot of fun, so yea come and chat!
  17. ahh nice idea sue, i have to download the software once i get home, but my cousin has but i am bit confused what group is under!
  18. by Gibran Khalil Gibran TEARS AND LAUGHTER Upon the bank of the nile at eventide, a hyena met a crocodile and they stopped and greeted one another. The hyena spoke and said, "How goes the day with you, Sir?" And the crocodile answered saying, "It goes badly with me. Sometimes in my pain and sorrow I weep, and then the creatures always say, 'They are but crocodile tears.' And this wounds me beyond all telling." Then the hyena said, "You speak of your pain and your sorrow, but think of me also, for a moment. I gaze at the beauty of the world, its wonders and its miracles, and out of sheer joy I laugh even as the day laughs. And then the people of the jungle say, 'It is but the laughter of a hyena.'
  19. Song of the Soul by Gibran Khalil Gibran In the depth of my soul there is A wordless song - a song that lives In the seed of my heart. It refuses to melt with ink on Parchment; it engulfs my affection In a transparent cloak and flows, But not upon my lips. How can I sigh it? I fear it may Mingle with earthly ether; To whome shall I sing it? It dwells In the house of my soul, in fear of Harsh ears. When I look into my inner eyes I see the shadow of its shadow; When I touch my fingertips I feel its vibrations. The deeds of my hands heed its Presence as a lake must reflect The glittering stars; my tears Reveal it, as bright drops of dew Reveal the secret of a withering rose. It is a song composed by contemplation, And published by silence, And shunned by clamour, And folded by truth, And repeated by dreams, And understood by love, And hidden by awakening, And sung by the soul. It is the song of love; What Cain or Esau could sing it? It is more fragrant than jasmine; What voice could enslave it? It is heartbound, as a virgin's secret; What string could quiver it? Who dares unite the roar of the sea And the singing of the nightingale? Who dares compate the shrieking tempest To the sigh of an infant? Who dares speak aloud the words Intended for the heart to speak? What human dares sing in voice The song of God?
  20. Umm...the only show that i actually wait for and know what day it exactly comes on is ER and it rocks lol...maybe watch scrubs while waiting for ER and crisis zone...i always happen to be channel surfing while its on..and it is a great show it gives u a real look at the lives of people in the most difficult situations. Oh i dont miss my masri movie now adays on ART..and the musalsal ofcourse.
  21. *Clap* *Clap* for mr Farax...now that is a level-headed individual. It has alot to do with the culture this is not only the arab society we are talking of but specifically the suadis, they are very very conservative women rarely meet men who arent maharam to them. I thnk one of the reasons that he didnt create an issue like *killing* them, would have been that he knew his wife's character..i mean it is hard not to sense such an issue. Nice story and smart sisters..who accepted the marriage offer of an intelligent level-headed man
  22. lool rudy ur pure jokes, Somelian, it is wrong, for a man that is not a maharam to you, be he gay or not, to shakes hands with you, so i am sure that a cheek to cheek salam can be put in that same cateogary, but if i were u i wouldnt worry u weren't sure and just research it,i actually went to a lecture that discussed it in depth. These are the small donts and dos..that we take along time to get right, personally, it is a bit harder in this society, u forget sometimes lol..anyway.. Lates..
  23. Man, that was really, great. Hhm, Qac Qaac, its is not the fact that she is a mother at 15, that matters but the simple idea that she is in a illict relationship and having to rear a child alone at that tender age..with pratically no help..that is the problem..if she was mature at that age..and had a husband..a family..simply a support system..i am sure there would be nothing wrong with it..but this ideal situtation rarely exists.
  24. some thing is lost in me, like the way you lose old thoughts.....that somehow seemd unlost at the right time. i've not known it or you many days; we met as friends with an absence of strangeness. it was the month that my lines got longer & my metaphors softer. it was the week that i felt the city's narrow breezes rush about me looking for a place to disappear as......i walked the clearway, sure footed in used sandals screaming to be replaced your empty shoes (expect for used stockings) partially hidden beneath the dresser looked at me, as i sat thoughtlessly......waiting for your touch. that day, as your body rested upon my chest i saw the shadow of the window blinds......beam across the unpainted ceiling going somewhere like the somewhere i was going when the clearness of yr/teeth, & the scars on yr/legs stopped me. your beauty: un-noticed by regular eyes...... is like......a blackbird resting on a telephone wire......that moves quitetly with the wind a southwind By Don L. Lee ___________________________________________ hey. This is one of my favorite poems...the dots are meant as the spaces put between the words in the poem itself..but for some reason, the spaces disappear when u post it up here..hope u enjoy it.