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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. This is a joke right..say it is...with all the trouble we face as muslims...your wadadd is on SOL...the man needs to be....agh....forget it!
  2. lol what a range of reactions..i am impressed NGONE..u really know how to get things going in this forum...
  3. Being smart about your money in univ years is like taking on another job, its something you have to constantly worry about, for a student who is trying to balance, large course load,a job, family responsibilities, and have some kind of a normally functioning social life, AND, begining to network, which means volunteering, attending conferences, and so on...worrying about ur debt is something that escapes most, you can get the money now, and thats what matters...what happens 4 yrs down the road is what happens then! My bit of advice, start looking at ur college and its services, ask, what can this school u pay so much to, offer YOU. there are so many things that are hidden... I can't stand seeing, univ students so deadly worried about thier loans that they take a year or two off to work and pay it off, taking time off is like, its so difficult taking time off and geting back into school and its problems, let alone the time wasted, how long do the 20's last ! Naturally i fit the profile, what i found to be the greatest is being labelled as a "low" income student in my school..even though according to me..i am quite rich! lol...but cause of htat labelling i have access to all these student programs..like working 5 hrs a week and getting a decduction of 2500 on my tution fee's, and all the scholarships! So in reality my loans dont amount to that, something that i wouldnt find to hard paying off when i start getting paid 80K a year...(we can dream)
  4. I can't believe it snowed in Toronto today..the white stuff doesn't want to leave..its almost april and its snowing..ugh..i guess i bought my spring jacket a litttle to early
  5. Shyhem....granted no woman would agree to that exact propsal, but its all about choice..and power...by asking her..you provide her with respect and then she can do her thing, by yelling for divorce.. its all good...
  6. ^ How cruel...let her hear it from the neighbours and relatives... I really wonder sometimes if people who get married really care for each other...doing what you said would be like the emotional equlivant of taking your wife and repeatdly steppin on her chest with big ol smile on ur face...simply cruel...where's the companionship and love these days....it simply baffles me...affairs..second marriages without a wifes consent,divorces for other women or men....wierdos really. Why get married if your incapable of fully commiting yourself...take it or leave it ! Went of the topic...bit of a rant... To the topic..yea, there is no denying it many of us have lost our culture..but hey, look at the bright side..everyday i see smart young somali girls and boys in my university, pursing degrees inefforts to help thier ppl, running conferences and programs for the people of the city. We arent perfect, and u should expect people to change, some just dont have that strenght of character. g'nite
  7. ^ it really doesnt matter...she saying what they want to hear..a geniune muslim is hating on her own..so naturally there must be someting wrong!...I was watching bits of it..till they got so low, they insulted the Nabi..and thats when the TV went off..really whats the point..? It isnt the first time this happened...its just happening now..and we are here to witness..so we are shocked...but she's just someone..who refused to believe, and chose to go on the offensive... To the many who are already leaning on the "let me hate muslims" side..she is the perfect person to push them all the way.. But a person with an iota of intelligence will be able to see right through her...to her credit...she saw a chance to lead that life she was probably dreaming of during her break in whatever factory she worked in and now she is..with bodyguards and expensive cars...but as we know..its on the expense of all those women..she claims to be fighting for.. Yet another reason...to go back to where i can hear the adan! and one more thing Why do they lie with this tolerance stuff? why dont they just come out and say..we want you for cheap labour!..i wouldnt mind...atleast then everyone would know..and forget the falso american dream...
  8. Truly, in some families its just the extreme segration of the sexes...but then again..why find the blame in others, when someone willingly makes a choice to do something that is so obviously wrong! I remember a freind who attended the arab public schools, use to tell me of girls who always acted real rough and tried to imitate boys all the time..she didnt understand why, until someone explained to her..their...well..nature...anyway... horrible things exist in every country..muslims aren immune...
  9. I actually remember this topic..maddness..has everyone run out of interesting things to post..that its now come to reviving 3 yr old topics! ......
  10. Psyche nice, this is why i love toronto..all the good conferences. On wenesday March 16, the Muslim Coliation and York University Student Federation is holding a mini conference, "Islam is not a bomb and 8 wivies" Should be fun, good speakers, bazar and all that!
  11. Lady, it is not dumb at all....its....all about not being put into that cateogary...albanians, indians..and they continue on, its easy for ignorant ppl to use the "ian" ending indiscrimnatly, we are SOMALIS...and its cool to be different... like the Turks,...couldnt think of more.. Qataris? end
  12. Sometimes appearances matter.Your 'man'..(what is that?...how bout just ur Husband!) cant be shorter than you,it doesnt look right...simply. And by short i mean, she is 5'10 and He's 5'2...that is scary. She's 5'10 and He's 5'8 no matter! ... dont wear heels around him
  13. The Flipping of the shoe, is surely somali, everyone i knew did it..it was like a shock to see a fliped over shoe, whatever u were doing at that time, u stoped it and went to turn that shoe over lol. but a very cynical cousin came to visit one summer, saw our little shoe flipping thing and couldnt stop laughing..his argument was that, of all the horrible things that happen on this earth, do you think that the dirt behind ur shoe is so important?...convincing! lol
  14. Interesting stuff 1- You shouldn't sing in the washroom, the shayatin might haunt you..this one was specially scary, since it was our Quran teacher who told us. 2- Flip over any upside down shoe, cause your showing the dirt on your sole, to Allah (SWT) 3-NEVER step on rice, they complain on you on the day of judgement 4- If you happen to try kill a lizard, and cut of its tail, by mistake, bad luck will follow you. End!
  15. Will find out in a couple of years, it sounds scary though..being on your own, with no structure to follow...e
  16. Some of us are at the edge of changes personally or professionally or both. Others are at the gates of youth and optimism. And others are at the pinnacle of reaching peace within themselves and achieving wisdom Is it possible to be all three? I believe it is, to sense the urget need for change, move onto it with youthful optimism and with such a confident move, gain a much sought after 'calmed soul' and a certain degree of wisdom. They change our career choices, our faith, our beliefs, our personalities, our ambitions, and our self-worthiness even Oh how true is that, sometimes when you stand back and see how things have come about in your life, you are shocked, by how certain individuals shaped your prespective and your ability to confront matters, believed to you previously, to be impossible. These people, are sometimes the most unlikely of all characters. Someting i would like to add, is that its important for a person to have dreams with an noble objective. To live your life to better that of those around you, and to bring a calm over thier hearts with help of Allah (SWT)should be an individuals focus. However at the same time, its important also not to forget your own happiness, its so easy to be jaded and bitter in this world.A balance..is so essential. Enjoyed reading your 'story'
  17. ^its worth your dollars. Hum..Dry rice?..possibly but the Cook is a person after all..we all have bad days...?..what i love about it, is its enviroment..very freindly..very cozy. Hamarweyne.for the mango milkshakes, sweets and good burgers.
  18. Qusad 3ainy, in Amr Diab's new album..is supirsely good for a singer who is more popier then a lolipop. Oldie recomendation. Ahwak by Fayrouz.and ofcourse.her famous Jar'al Amar. Great and I mean GREAT songs.my heart just stands still for a moment in Ahwak....
  19. Miriam1

    The Party!

    Ouh that was an amazing read, i honestly enjoy reading you articles, quite beneficial in a very boring work enviroment..gaining some important knowledge, while pushing that file around. I hope you could answer my question,If you dont mind. I would like to read books that give me insight into the life of the Nabi (P.B.U.H) and just how one could go about strenghthing thier Iman, written by notable individuals. I know this may a vague discription of what I seek...but i just seem to be lost in a Islamic book store..there are just soooooo many books Thanks Awaiting the next edition!
  20. Yasimine its the allure of the image it gives off..its very ethnic, very old, very classy. Dont know about women smoking it, but for men its that image of old egyptian cafe's; sitting down drinking a cup of tea, playing towla and smoking away on ur shiisha,with an old friend and the whole area giving off that distint sweet smell, that comes to mind, men or women smoking the shiisha..in a way..doesnt, hold any of the negative connatations of cigarette smoking, I believe its simply due to the historical connection from the Arabs...heh...its something we know...cigarettes are on the other hand..associated...mostly with the west... *wonders if her theory holds any water!*
  21. Enjoyed reading all of your thoughts, its true that we has a people cannot fully fathom the greatness of Allah (SWT) however the simple knowledge of a greater existence, is very comforting, the knowledge that this world isnt it, isnt everything. Its reasuring that there is a plan to it all, and we arent roaming around blindly. It calms the heart. Did i ramble on? heh. On another note. I pity people who have read the Quran from cover to cover, and yet feel nothing, like my supervisor. wonder what they need for thier hearts to be moved,its shocking, for if they arent transported by the word of Allah, then simple and great meanings of the miracles around us is lost on them.
  22. Do arguments such as these really exist between married couples? a question*..I always..thought that matters of whom, when, where ( stays home and works) and and alike are usually resloved.before the actual marriage... What matters, is that the Husband, realizes his responsibility not only as the bread winner, but also as a child rearer...how many times a week he gets up in the middle of the night to change the diapers or feed the child, doesnt matter really, but the simple acknowledgement of his dual role is great. To me. Being a mother, is perhaps one of..the greatest roles a woman can assume...yet simply knowing that someone is there with you, next to you, ur partner..in shaping the lives of these kids...is very comforting and important.!. Viking.great response.
  23. Take my interest in chemistry seriously...too late now!