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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. This line, if just held out of the context it was posted in ..is the funniest thing I have read here for a while.. Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and that's where you get shitty ideas from. Ps..Do you mind if i use it? lol...I know a few people in my life..who need to face the truth...the cause of all thier horrid ideas was never known..but now..the cause is. those farts..who knew!?.. Direct response to the post. A song that describes my life now? Feeling Good, By Nina Simone.. Nice topic..regardless, of all the wayward.responses pss.nyone looking for good new music..check out Amos Lee...*Arms of a woman* different.interesting.and great.
  2. Haniff.I agree..The current stance of the North(western states) on trade, foriegn debt is for thier own gain..that is an obivious fact. I did mention..that the ony way we can get out is to follow the Latin American model, of forming a strong front.. It is our responsibility to get out of this death grip they have on us.. What I wanted is to illustrate the fact that, the G8 summit is not being held by some old friendly grandpapa's that want help poor old disoriented Africa..that 80% ( my own stats!) of the problems we face, has its source from, unfair trade,incredilous debt/interest..and so on.. Afromali...THe NOrth...are the countries..in the western hemisphere, Where as the South is everyone else..in short..all us pigment blessed people.
  3. Interesting how some posters here can throw out the advice...*work hard*, *solve your own problems* blah blah...Lidia WELL said...I dont believe many understand the workings of trade right now...Africa GETS NOTING, i dont think anyone understand how DEBT works...lets take for example...any random country within the continent..upto 45-50% of revenue from trade is use to pay of debt..and this isnt even the principal that is being paid of but the INTEREST!...right so wat are they suppose to do?...Not Pay ? Go Against the WORLD BANK..and THE IMF?...how is that possible when the countries are ruled by weak leaders..why weak leaders..because the people are uninformed..no communication..lack of awarness to thier rights..leads to a general inability to excerise the politcal will....The G8 summit to me looks like the Royalty coming for a dinner meet..and by some chance..dicussing how the peasents should be rewarded for thier hard work..* A few pennies for africa* The Latin American Model should be followed.I believe soon, Africa will follow, by creating a strong front against trade aggressions by the North. Direct response Caano Geel's Post... 1) A)It should be canncelled..due to the simple reason that almost every country in African as already paid its principle loan and 20 times over due to psychotic interest/short term loans of 5 yrs or less.. B)Transparant accountability will occur..do not underestimate African governments..once the money that is being wasted on repayment of loans can be used to fund social initiatives...we have to understand also..that most of the crumbling..health system/social structure..is due to the years of decentrilization that were "pushed" on many African countries by the World Bank and IMF with thier structural Adjustment programme...the North should also stop messing with political atmosphere of many of these nations.. I am sure..everyone is aware of the history the United States/ Britain has with African politics. 2- NGO's do alot..aslong as they are not there to undermind the governace of a democratically elected government...I dont support Aid...in the sense..of never ending cash flow of money with conditionailites that undermine goverments..we should be aware that Foreign agencies and Countries dont give African countries money like Candy....there are conditions and rules attached to every Aid package..* YOU DO THIS..and WE WILL GIVE YOU THIS MUUUCH*..trade/economic adjustments and so on.....the list continues....this at the end of the day weakens a goverment..introduces corruption..and undermines the people's political power! 3) what should be done? The North should take its sticky hands away from Africa's Honey pot..seriously...thats the only solution..if that will happen..Allah (SWT) only knowns..but no amount of TONY BLAIRS whining about African aid..will help...its all a PR stunt..END DEBT, FAIR TRADE, POLITICAL DISASOCIATION.. POWER TO THE SOUTH....and seriously...to the likes who dare to call their own people *lazy*...pick a book (preferably by a fellow african)...read...learn...be open minded!
  4. Oprah is a madly rich woman who is trying to promote her show! and this is the view/trend that is going arab bashing/muslim bashing. Should we pay attention to this woman who lost all touch with reality...due to an overflow of millions? really who cares what OPRAH thinks!
  5. ^ Because all thier friends are...4 of my cousin's close friends got married one year after he did...pressure all around tends to get to some guys..and its more about moving to the next level of thier lives..if they are prepared or not
  6. Interesting...3% isnt much though...anyway... Lazyie Girl i get your drift...making your money is a very important thing to some people..its makes all sense to work full time when your still without kids and married, what would be doing sitting home? But when children come into the picture..working full time is ill advised..this is coming from someone who had her mom working full time all her life. Maids, Family-sitters and microwaved lunch's dont cut it! It creates far far too much stress on the family..yet there are those of us, yes we do exist who cant sit still..sitting at home while our children are away in school and hubby is away at work is almost like a Death sentence...it's simply ones personality..some girls dont mind..spending 4hrs in the kitchen creating an elaborate lunch..or dinner...others just need to work/challenge! Working Part-time...Volunteering(Seriously), open your own bizness(flea market stall, co-own franchise)...so many choices, but 8hrs full time work and coming home tired...to your kids..isnt good.
  7. Miriam1

    Do you Gurls

    Yes.every girl has those days. And thats when I just need to be alone so i dont irrationally get angry at someone..and really really make myself more madder and someone else puzzelled...take a long bus ride to school...head to the last/most empty floor of the library, and sit. simple. sometimes listen to music. read a book. but just sit. quietly.
  8. ^ Thanks i see, the fact that he was guy does make a difference. erg. I have had somali women/hijabi ladies, just roll thier eyes at me while i am sitting there at the reception room biting my nails(propably the reason i lost the job!) I dont know I usually drop a Asalamu-ali-kum, when i see a hijabi there at my workplace or a person who is obiviously Somali.
  9. Kaleidoscopic I was just wondering, did u feel uncomfortable about speaking to the somali guy waiting for an interview, because you thought it wasn't right to speak to him since your an employee and he is looking for work at the same place, for it would not look right with your employer or was it just simple awkwardness? I am just curious to know. I have been in both situtations before, from the view of an anxious interviewee and that of the employee.
  10. lOL loved your note to the prof. I dont thnk he will do antying about it. What I have noticed is that when a prof knows that didnt do a good job of teaching the exam tends to be madly easy, but again at the end ur never sure if they expect you to know or believe that they are the best out there. BUT if he does. there are always way's around it. I had a prof last year for a horrid statistic class....MIDTERM was so easy that i wanted to fall of my chair in shock...loved it...I thnk she saw that everyone was happy and content with her teaching habbits. came the FINAL..I swear...i looked at the 4 questions....and I was blank...after studying for 2 months continously...nothing made sense....left the classroom...demanding revenge....the studnets signed a petition against the teacher right there outside the classroom. took it to the registar's office. explained the problem..was hoping for retest(but do they ever do that?) lol but instead.she just wieghted the final exam differently. beaucractic justice does work !lol.passed Your prof sounds like he as a sense of humour.and might take this in stride. but if u dont get that grade.turn the school upside down....we paid after....all...they work for US...this isnt highschool
  11. Knew it..... *dying to say "I TOLD YOU SO!!! :cool: dumb cousin....
  12. Disclaimer-I absolutly believe, that this is possible due to the grave nature of the act. Point-Seriously :confused: ?...Logic works its way in....why have we not see individuals, (muslims even who kill other's of thier own faith in senseless wars) who murder innocent muslim women and childern...turn into animals...before our eyes? Just wondering.any photoshop experts?
  13. ^ heh. same here.80% of my aquaintences go by the name "Hey"...If you say it the right way without the puzzelled face you can pull it off...until...you have to introduce them to someonelse...and then its "You know this is my girl, from so and so, u know !, hey this is so and so!" And i can wiggle my ears, bizzare or what?
  14. ^ I believe he murdered his family BECAUSE he was either MAD or EVIL, not because he was white, european, or german. By the way where did you attain such great skills deduction? Somali woman+White man=Murder! Ya rab
  15. its just a funny read! one person's opinion and observations on the women out there..relaz folks... highly exaggerated characteristics though, ever thought that grouping women who may behave somehow in this manner, have specific individual issues-life isnt a cake walk for everyone...not all of us had the perfect childhood or are sitting right now in our parents home waiting for mr.right...so issues evolve! how about a bit of understand?
  16. Miriam1

    eh eh eh

    ^forget your lame riddle.What kind of a low disgusting, twisted person has a signiture like that? acudubillahi....regardless of anyting...if you were alive at that time...Hitler wouldn't have thought twice about putting your BLACK a** in the oven...wonder if you would have screamed or not? EDIT So you changed it? the riddle is still lame.
  17. I suppose you posted it as humor.but.there is no need to glorify or justify wieght problems. continue with your post :cool:
  18. What about this study that proved that bigger women earn less money for doing the exact samej job as a normal weight woman? his review of 29 research studies, Western Michigan University professor Mark Roehling found that weight-based discrimination at work was widespread. “The studies show quite consistently that overweight women in particular experience a penalty in the workplace, both in terms of employment opportunities and in fair pay for comparable work,†says Roehling One study found that mildly obese white women are paid 6% less than their “normal weight†counterparts. That jumps to a 26% pay difference when you look at morbidly obese and normal-weight women. Men have it a little easier: Slightly obese men actually make a little more than normal-weight men, though morbidly obese men are penalized. source..http://moneycentral.msn.com/content/Savinganddebt/Savemoney/P87268.asp
  19. If there is a somali expert on fad diets tis MOI lol tired them all hated them all. The Liquid diet as u mentioned is seriously dangerous and seriously EXPENSIVE..all those drinks and cousellling can leave u broke in no time. There is such a thing as food addiction..people feel the exterme need to have icecream or drink a soda, its more then comfort really. Its the strong feeling that without this, I am being deprived! I need some icecream real bad. :mad: Personally after trying a gizilion diets i realized that i couldnt stand the strict rules, I didnt want anyone telling me what to eat or when to eat. The best thing is to formulate your own diet and be smart about this. KNOW what kind of person you are, calorie sensitive or carb sensitive..do you gain weight after eating one slice of bread or have health issues where high fat content is not good for you. Pick a few things you like about one diet and mix it with some other stuff that YOU like.. I personally hate all diet drinks the stuff sucks..for the vitamins and minerals I rather take a tablet. Then comes the MANIA of reading labels. dont go over board..there is no difference between 100 calories and 106 calories..or 12gcarb or 14gcarb. Loosing weight is amazing. BUT YOU NEED TO KNOW HOW TO EAT RIGHT, to keep your great results last long term. Really how many of us lost 20 pounds and suddenly found that after 5 months that you gained the weight back? Working out is a natural important thing....for the girls out there....cardio rules...never trust a workout where you are sitting...it might help you burn a few calories but the best thing is running, walking playing a game like raquct ball, or cycling(stationary bikes).Personally the silly rule of 30 mins a day is nice if u want to loose 0.5 pounds a week. But if you are planning to loose more...its a important to work for around 2 hrs a day with intensive cardio...I love taking classes, at ballyfitness, they are fun and better then the dull machines. Believe in yourself, that a chocolate bar..isnt going to make you feel better. its a process that NO fad diet can help you in. I mean after the liquid diet wat then? has it taught how to eat probably..what kinds of veggies to avoid and what to eat? For a short term weight loss thingy maybe,,but long term...gaining the weight back is inevitable. Plus I have tired the Liquid diet but call me crazy..I couldnt live..I mean I had to work and Go to school and study and do household chores...I was dead by the first day. lol sorry about rambling on..but like i said..i am a expert.hehe
  20. Baashi thanks for the reply. I really considered going back and have him write a very questionable note, he was just really stuck up and I really think that his attitude sucked cause he is treating mostly new comers and immgrants, so he feels like he has the upper hand all the time..dealing with dumb ppl/uncivilized people...i didnt realize till now that I COULD CHANGE DOCTORS lol..heh... feeling empowered so I ran down the street to this clinic..ran by a chiniese doc, tranfered my files, and got my note for mere 12 canadian dollars..and a grantee for future notes with no questions asked..um
  21. Right. this is not life or death thing. But its rather important! I took this incredibly HARD class that deals with theory and uncountable forumla's. I panicked as usual when it comes time for the midterm and mind you this is a summer class lasts only for one month an a half. I didnt attend the midterm hoping that I would give my prof a sicknote, he wouldnt have cared just transfered my mark over the final.....BUT the problem lay in my DOCTOR...the horrible evil little imp decides that i wasn't sick enough for a NOTE....CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS! and I was going to PAY him! ya rab... What would u you do? Tell the prof..u had an non-medical undescribable emergency? or what? ehg. help
  22. a vase...yea i know sounds boring..but one of those nicely made glass/crystal(Fake) vases(plurel?) sounds nice...you know to put flowers in....doesnt have to be crazy expensive...i love the BOMBAY STORE..(nice idea ur freind is indian lol) eh, it has great little things that are not going to cost you fortune..its better for the gift to be neutral and functional. someting that always catches my eye in that store are the beautiful wood chess boards soo nice..but that would depend on if your friend likes to play the game or not..nontheless looks nice sittin on table..guest see it and think..wow she's smart..hehe i am rabbling..yea..but check out the little stores..they hve great things
  23. Miriam1

    How many of you?

    lol dawoco so true.afronaut simply put, Say someone admires those who pray 5 times a day, have a good relationship with thier families, are healthy and doing what they love in their lives...that does not mean that you are or doing any of the above. You could admire such people and wish to be with someone like that...but are u really worthy of them? Are you developing yourself diin wise, are you healthy?? eh..we all cant be great...
  24. ^yep, was watchin cbc, when they interviewed a prominent sheikh in quebec..he sounded baffled, didnt understand why a matter no one asked for would be so heatdly debated? and how a tribunal body that has no govern or control over the laws of other provinces or for that matter the federal goverment could say that Canada should not allow a muslim tribunal...Its so racist..dumb islamphobic french ehg
  25. Interesting topic. I just wanted to comment on one thing Rahima said about, the use of an university degree when someone would choose to be a homemaker. The degree is for you. I really believe that university is a experience. Yes I would like to work utlizing this degree I spend endless hours trying to get. But I would never trade in those hours, I enjoyed and It made me different. I am more then I was a few years ago, its not only that I know more, but through the difficulty of attaining that degree, dealing with ppl in power(horrid professours) and everything that comes with going to a big university everyday. I truly have to say it added alot to me as a person ! and if i can bring that to relationship and teach my children not only the basics of math or science I can actually be an example of what a true choice is. Dreamer. On spacing the time between having your children is sooooooo important for our people. Every child needs his or her own time with his parents. Having 4 kids all between the ages of 6 and under is wack ! On daycare...honeslty i had live in filipino maids all my life..back when....i cannot say the experience was negative. But I would have preffered my mother to be there, no matter who the person is or how good they are, they are simply strangers. and daycares in this european world is simply scary. IF you can AFFORD IT stay home....your kids will truly appreciate it. IF not...its very important that you leave them in the care of family, or muslim people. my two cents