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Posts posted by Miriam1

  1. ^ watch it a bit more closely - there are no vampires roaming in the daylight - True Blood actually stays true to vampire lore (can't eat or drink anything but blood, no daylight, cold to the touch, burns with silver contact) ----- maybe you were watching Vampire Diaries??

  2. Urban - trust me. True Blood is a great show - it's completely different from Dexter but, equally good. The first season is a bit slow - but stick through it. The second season is AMAZING.


    yea - i do miss sgt doakes, next season better be amazing - although i liked this season, i thought the start was a bit slow - he should have killed of trinity faster !


    Yea he had some sort of treatable cancer - was watching the SAG awards last night - he won !!!

  3. LOL ruled by an Iron Fist? Um no - with some level of oversight - which is anyway done - yes - in my opinion the topic is just ... inappropriate. Runs against the moral fabric of this lovely site (moral fabric as I see it heh or imagine it).

  4. True the forum has changed over last ten years or so, but that's to be expected - with a lot of wonderful and entertaining discussions for not active particpants like myself. But at the same time there seems to be alot of trivial posts by the same people - that take alot of space and regurgitate same oneliner responses. Personally I find any topics promoting some dusty town in Somalia with random pictures of the same old villa to be the most annoying !!!!


    Anyway. this one is a true example of delete worthy topics. no offence to the poster.

  5. wow.......... where are all the sheikh's? I might be a bit conservative - but this topic should be deleted or atleast some of the above posts should be deleted !


    Seriously people - tooo juvenile.

  6. Its so horrible. I know this is totally irrational, but after all these natural diasters - Haiti should just be evacuated and all of them should move to Manitoba - Allah only knows we have too much land !

  7. Mz-alpha, I read your post - no jokes you did touch a nerve lol. Sweeping statements like the ones you presented about women, education and work are my biggest pet peeve


    1 - Although one should learn about their Deen - we should also be engaged in the Dunya - hence getting an education for your own betterment and security


    2 - All women who work don't "throw" their children at daycares nor leave their husbands without "food" I grew up with women who worked a standard 9-5 job, maintained a home and brought children who are successful. After all marriage is a partnership!


    3 - If you want to stay home for YOUR children that's cool - that's your decision.


    4 - Your comment on most childminders being sexual predators - that's jokes most cases of sexual abuse, takes place within the family - Father, Grandfather, Family friends etc

  8. Peacenow - god your depressing - the thing that hurt you most is the fact he brought the attention of the swiss on you ! - the only thing you can do now is ensure any of your future offsprings are not misjudged for Somalis. Let the suffering end with you !

  9. GOD ! why did your title need a "BUT" there are no "BUT's". you must be very young or simply faking it.


    lol just read the comment's above - hehe. well it does sound like an advert


    people do really get married to men/women they meet online - how odd

  10. Ah guys what memories of Pre - Dish and Post Dish cartoons


    Before the days of the Dish it was all about Lady, Captain Majid. Afterwards, it was Johnny Bravo, Batman and Robin, Tin Tin ! and Naxar Nugaaleed what's the name of that cartoon with the Gargoyles !???!