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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. I have two beliefs when it comes to money ONE! --Be smart, when it comes to work, always be ready to leave and run , when a better position comes up with more money....(never understood people who work in Zellers for years!? omg!) ^ that is more appropraite for univ students..if u have career..stick to it...unless you have some damn great invention in mind! TWO! ---Its advisable to have a savings account(kinda looks good, makes you sound responsible) BUT always remember that money is meant to be spent! If you have $200 extra to spend...go ahead and buy that pair of shoes you have been eyeing...LIFE IS SHORT!.. Money...comes and goes... unless you win the lottery..
  2. ^looooool 9 pages and that was the funniest comment... Who cares what you do! at the end BOTH the PIOUS and SINNERS will be judged! ___EDIT___ Ohhh man....did i turn it into a ten page issue....*runs out ashamed*
  3. Its so horrible. a senseless death. so young..so full of promise Ina lilaahi wa ina ileyhi raajicuun
  4. Ah the net confusion... No Endevour..i was talking to the above posters...when i said *here, Here* to your post i meant "GREAT" respond
  5. ^ Here Here ! Ps..what is up! with all the strange comments.. talk on how good Jeans are (we all know that they are lovely..and even better with a nice long decent SHIRT :cool: ) ..and if the hijab is good? that one deserves a huge HUH?? :confused: heh goodnight..
  6. Cannot lie, your list is true enough. A few things to mention though... 1- If you took your degree in Theater Arts from Humber College...YES you will not find a job. Get Real! People who work hard get good jobs, we all KNOW THAT. 2-The cost of living is ONLY great if you are living within the city. Dont expect to live by Lakeshore and Pay $300 for rent! 3-No argument when it comes to the Ministry of Immigration and thier policies..it sucks, but is it really better then other countries?. 4- No Culture! Isnt that a BONUS? no need to fit in, everyone is received the same. Once you come here move into your own little community, and khalas your back in Afghanistan or Somalia. I personally prefer it this way 5- The idea of taxes is highly exggarted...after the first 2 months you barely remember paying the tax. The taxes are going to good things. I am sure many of the people working in minium wage are glad for the free healthcare, subsides daycares and low cost postsecondary tution. Canada is a good boring place. Relatively Peaceful...everyone is calm and stable. It must be that winter that gets into our spines and turns us cold.
  7. Amazing read. Exactly the conflict I had with myself and some members of my family with the hijab. I like the Format, it better relates to young people then a a long essay. I will email out to my sisters and cousins. many thanks
  8. ^ Great Question..on the way too..Who is Kate Moss?
  9. ^@ Haddad For God's sake dont say that. They did not deserve to die.Poor Folks who were trying to go to work and feed thier families are the ones who died, the ones who dont own BMW's or Jags and have to take the tube. *empowered thier government* The UK was one of the countries that held numerous large protests against the wars and still Blair's miniorty government knows fully that its on weak footing due to the war. Your thinking is full of anger and hatred. An eye for An eye mentality is screwedup. heh
  10. Is it women who wear the hijab that only represent Islam. Can a man that is walking around in a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt, also not considered as a symbol of Islam, if he were a devout muslim? What I find here to be very scary is that people are judging an Individual by what they wear. Your "muslimness" is not represented by wearing the Thob or Having a long beard. Yes Yes, one might argue that The Hijab is specific symbol and So On. However! The Main Point I am Trying To Make Is That ...No one should be put in such a position, No one should be judged like that. We don't know why she chose to wear the Hijab, maybe it was cultural, maybe it was in an attempt to strenght her faith, maybe she had a special event to go to and was of low selfesteem and felt that if she didnt wear the hijab, she would be singled out! So Many Possibilities Are At Hand! At the end of the Day We Are Humans and We Have Our Failings and No Mere Mortal Should Ever Be Put In A Position To Represent Our Pure and True Faith. Islam is Perfect, However Muslims arent! ...hope i got my point across Peace (sugar and honey)
  11. Firstly to date, I havent seen an obese somali woman in the sense, that she had a walker or was unable to take walk on her own. There are Fat/Big/Overwieght/Large (watever ur term is) there and this is a personal individualistic matter. Second, *fat* people, dont eat food all the time niether do they prespire uncontrablly. Tis very childish to assume that.Actually people who prespire too much have an actual medical problem, skinny or fat. Thirdly, what intitaves can be take. I believe Wol has already mentioned the most pratical forms. Positive reinforcement is important. Many housewives tend to overeat as a form of satisfaction and calming themselves down when stressed. So when excerise is very important and external support is needed. You have to allow your wife, sister, anut or whoever to understand that her thinking should change. By that I mean. That she has to not only learn all over again how to eat properbly but inturn also find other forms of outlet for emotions and frustrations. This can be done only by the person in the situation. I really hope that your not speaking of your own wife...(how depressing)
  12. Miriam1

    Sci-Fi Friday

    Stargate SG1 was amazing when it started but seriously sitting down and being subjegated to that old man's jokes..the lead...is someting i dont wnt to do. THey lack the creativity of StarTrek...I love watching Battlestar Galltica...i have been trying hard to get into it for a while but...i have feeling there is a big back story i missed. Startrek for ever...TNG and Voyager just were amazing, DS9 was cute..but the point of watching Startrek..is that they travel in a spaceship...who cares about a spacestation!? Enterprise..very very well done...but again the point of Startrek is The FUTURE...I dont really want to know about the past...and they killed Startrek tradition, by continuing one plot for many eposides..its all about a new story every new eposide...some of us work and tend to miss eposides and fal out of the loop nyways. they better come back with a new Startrek soon..this fall preferably !
  13. Miriam1

    This is it!

    ^ Man finally someone mentioned maids! they are the absolute best. Had one growing up. Plan on having Two when I become a Bill Paying Adult.
  14. Oh my..the cat is out of the bag... Applauds Sue's bravery in stating the obivious, dont be afraid..the power is within you!!
  15. ^ SNAP! isnt it all about personal hygenie?
  16. ^ Rahima..the male ego is quite fragile..its difficult for some men to imagine living the rest of thier lives..with someone ( a woman to be exact) who is actually as or more intelligent then them.. Yes sir/No sir responces I believe are prefered to any question of any importance... *goes back to her books*
  17. I guess I am tad bit late on this one..but... I am glad everyone is fine..and really really hope that Diamante comes out okay..Inshallah!! Hijabified..sisters.. stay strong..your iman is unbreakable!
  18. ^ Second that idea, continuing this arugment/debate..is futile... ps. what's with craze that recently engulfed this forum...it almost sounds like a irshad manji and ayan hersi fan club..with all the topic headers a six year old can tell you... *they are no good..noooo gooood* so khalas bas ! finito! au revouir...
  19. Rain, lol I wonder if we were in the same wedding last night, the singer sounded as if he was eating the microphone, how annoying and loud his voice was! On the issue of hair..agreed, I was somewhat convinced after wearing my hijab to a men's and women's wedding that things were different in a women's wedding, and I would be the odd person...who considered wearing a hijab to a women's wedding...pressure sucks...nyway there I was having fun, when i noticed that there isnt ONE singer but a DJ too, and after a while the whole damn front entrance was swarming with men...in the guise that they were waiting for family..right! like cellphons dont exist..and there isnt a tim hortons outside! pls move aside perverts, and to add to my woe's two guys actually walked in trying to look like freinds of the singer...ogling for the next 4 hrs. eww and NO one kicked them out?!..everyone was busy jumping up and down. I was so pissed off...never again...next time.. I will be that girl with the niqab on all in black. ...on the timing...never go to a somali wedding before 12'oclock unless they mention on thier card that the hall is scheduled to close at an earlier time...
  20. Miriam1

    LIVE 8

    I just saw K'naan's performance it was AMAZING! the guy has a seoriusly powerful voice and a great great ability to sing, wwwwwwwwwwooooowwwwwwwww.. he did represent, LOVED IT, Glad he was there, even though the Set befor him was SO useless, two women who I have know idea what they were saying or singing about...th french... they should have left him sing both sets, the people loved him. I am PROUD! lol ouh I hope he gets, great coverage from this and goes further Inshallah, he is so talented.
  21. Miriam1


    Yes Cawralo, I put it on, but not for aslong as they said, since i didnt want my hair dead straight. I don't know how curly your hair is, but mine wasn't very curly, but just damn wavy and poofy, so i used the stuff, to get a straigter slick look.
  22. There, was a muslim fitness center for women in toronto, Sifaa Health Center..someting around that, but it went under..I got a Curves Women's Gym..its good, the women who there are conservative although non-muslim, and thats why they chose an all women's gym
  23. Miriam1


    The kid's hair stuff is good, as long as u follow directions...and not keep it for aslong as they say..it will make your hair dead straight and very fake looking..but if u just hold to the directions..its pretty good, I used it twice..it's suppose to leave your hair within 6 months, but for me personally, it took alot longer. Try it, your hair wont fall out.unless you already have problems with thining hair?
  24. York University..um, i just love my school.. On the topic.. We all know that creditials of immigrants are not accepted in Canada, no matter what that ad you saw back in banglore was saying...ur PHD, master's degree..doesnt count for issh. The one group, i dont want to generlise..but that i have noticed in my neighbourhood, that changes the fastest(westernizes) are the Iranis..girls I have gone to highschool whom I came to the country at the same time with, who were wearing the hijab or dressing modestly, now are..highligted blondes..heh..small observation This maybe the difficulties the parents face, when they come to Canada, expecting a better life then had in Lahore, better jobs and stature...they instead endup dishwashers, and stock clerks in Zellers, as is the case with two of my neighbours who both have MBA's from pakistan..but one thing I notices is that they great hope for thier children, which makes them stay and strive. on the note of religion..I don't know..but there is a strong revival of our faith in the younger generation now, specially here in Toronto..with conferences,workshops, classes etc being held everywhere. The older generation, sufferes..but the benefits are reaped by their children.