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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. Ideal Indian School Doha Qatar! Repping..!, was the only black person in a school of 4000+, Memories, funny thing my best friend back then has enrolled in the same Univeristy as I , it was a bit of a shock, wosh, memories
  2. ^ Funny, Is spelling and grammar errors your petpeeve? Have you considered being an english teacher or an editor. Signed it. Let's show your might, by the pen and not the sword.Lol or in this case by the internet
  3. Legend lol, I have been deeply and madly inlove with myself for awhile, affirmations are not need.. *Promise to be humble in the next post* All I need now is to find someone upto my standards to share this love !
  4. Valentines Day.um.Brings back memories of highschool, where one could send a rose and a bag of red M&M's to thier secret crushes in class. The anticipation, *Will I get a rose this year?* And the greeneyed monster comes alive when the girl next you gets 4!, heck, i am much cuter then her you think... Later I found out that 95% of those pakistani girls who got roses, sent it to themselves... Who said? Valentines Haters are those who aren't in love, that is so true. I cant stand the day for now lol
  5. I hate the scripted obligatory small-talk conversations that made up 80% of interaction at this company..... Kill. Me. Now. Oh man Prof! Its the same exact thing where I work, I can barely stand it. Why can't people talk to one another just about work? People tend me to see me to be rude and standoffish, but not really, I know why I am there. To work. and thats it! What can't I stand these days? People who need affirmations, you know. People who need to always be told they are doing great and so on. Can't stand it. Be tough for god's sake! Ohh and who said this? People who complain baout not getting a job when they havent even sent in a resume or even looked..oh that is so annoying...and they always say " your so lucky, you have such a great job" I want to just yell, well it didnt come to me in a dream. I Worked hard to find this job and I deserve it! And finally my loathing goes to...People who are in love :mad: . To hell with you lot. I need to join your camp, But I havent recieved an invitation yet ha! Okay I am out~~Matrix is ON
  6. Ibtisam.. um no Jawahiir has always been Jawahiir.. And pretty tone, the point is that I know myself I am capable of that kind of love, but is this person capable?? will he love me or will he continue to resent me for his decision...buddy thats a big risK~!
  7. ^ wlc bck To answer. I would rather be with the one who loves me. Why? I know myself, sooner or later this person will grow on me, and the love will be returned by me, I am jus that kind of person. But I cannot go on loving someone so deeply hoping that one day they will love me back as much as I love them, it's such a risk. Funny thing, in my choice, the other has to take the same risk!! I go back to my life long ideal "love is for suckers, where is my arranged marriage folks huh!?"
  8. ^ That is my song. along with "dont misunderstand me" Hearing "Feeling good" on your way to beginging your day is just berfect!!!
  9. I say always make it clear from the start what is Private/Personal and seprate it from work. If you create that kind of stance people will know better then to ask you. I always say, to people whom I believe that arent like minded that it has always been a policy of mine not to discuss religion or politics at work or school, just a personal thing really. Your opinions are yours, you have right to share them no one has the right to put you on the spot and demand an answer that has nothing to do with your job. And if this happened and I refused and my work enviroment changed hence its more brutal due to my refusal, I will stick in, cause my kids (imaginary kids here) will need to eat and I am not about to starve them for my comfort. If i could afford it and leave, I would fight them by going to the Labour Ministry. Out of experience ALWAYS ALWAYS be aware of your rights. I have had an experience where my boss tried to defraud me of payments by claiming that I didnt work, BUT reality was work was NOT assigned or neither was i directed to work on project, he was fine going to 3hr lunches! Nyway took him to the labour ministry and that scared him right! So BE SMART. Principal-if you can afford it Paid-if you cant!
  10. salsa swingin' were getting stepping in to musiclike a maze when you finally now edges to it,smoot after smooth moves than BAM,held her like she stepped out of a scene of that movie dirty dancing, with patrick swazem looooooool oh my oh my that cracked me up! hahhhahah lol, what did you say patrick who...patrick swazem lol I am out. thankyou. Ps.^Dude above said it all..go pray
  11. Choosing your major is an important decision. I thought I would comment since my my major is Economics, never had an interest in the sciences even though Chemistry was fun at times. Back to Economics. I love it. Everyone should do it. Macroeconomics specifically Labour Economics ROCKS. great choice. ONE prob with Economics is that after graduating with it.( I am still in my 3rd year, but speaking from others's experiences) your choices are limited. I knw you listed it as a minor, regardless its important to envision it as a possible career route. -Economics in its pure form has no practicle application, unless you would want to go further in academia and do your MA. and so on and teach some day or attain a focus on econometrics and statistics and so on and which would nontheless need much higher forms of education. Ph.D level atleast -How do you put Economics to use, is by mixing it with Business, take a few accouting courses that may count towards the CA list of accreditated courses, or perhaps go for a professional certificate in managment, financial anlysis..if they are being offered at whatever school you choose. -In short, Economics is all fun and great, but the real world needs something susbtanitail. - Thirdly, All I want to say is that your 4 yrs or so at university are yours. DO THE MOST. Dont stick to your one major and believe you cant take more classes and so on. Never understood ppl who were happy with only 4 or 3 classes a year? what a waste of precious time. When you can be doing so much more and learning so much more that open more doors of oportunity for you. Bio and Econ are a great mix, many might not say that since its a meld of two different worlds. But some possible career leads might be health managment and investment. I listened to a lecture by Tariq Al Suwaidan in my first year of univ, he is a shiekh and is in staretigic Managment. Also just listened to him yesterday and he repeated the same thing. However this made the greatest impact on me in first year, Truly lost and unaware of what I was doing in Univ. This is a paraphased quotation of what he said from my memory. -Focus. Always have specific dreams.That are time constraited.We are not here on this dunya for ever. Dont be everything and do everything at once.Be Specific and Focused in your studies.If you enjoy studying Law for example DO THAT and not one hundred other things at once. If you spread your self too thin your efforts become weak. Lastly truly love what you do, you can be great in psychology and hate it at the same time and pass all your classes, but you will never suceed in it as a career since you will lack the imagination required, that a person who loves the feild would have. Okay have written too much. Hope it helps Enjoy your time in Univ, choose your school wisely and your major wisely. AND if you make the wrong decision its never too late to change it, always be informed of the rules and regulations of the school. Inshallah everything will work out for you.
  12. assure you I am not Anti-fat people Really? Why don't they respect themselves and attempt to keep their dignity as human beings but life with obesity is not even worth living I doubt it you sound HATEFUL. As a Muslim man I suggest you Lower your gaze, and maybe YOU wont see these "FAT" women that you find so unbearable !
  13. That was crzy! lol Maybe it was thier annual time of grievence and he was trying to get the crowd started up on thier ritual self beatings.
  14. ^She meant the supression of a natural biological function is meaningless considering the fact that women have had and survived with it since the beginging of time. On choice? Everyone has choice..we all could choose to sing the barney song, what was it "I love you U love me eveyrone loves everyone lala" Just kidding On the topic. I found this quote interesting "These drugs are specifically marketed for menstrual suppression to healthy women who don't have problem periods, she points out." Considering that majority of women see thier cycle as an inconivence, I would have thought that this drug would be targetted towards the group of women who faced horrible menstural pains and usually resort to taking drugs like Midol(sp?). Interesting overall..but the implications of side-effects are far to great. Where's the Advil!
  15. She cant really inspire others who have wieght problems, since she had the bypass gastric surgery. For ordinary folks. The $20000 operation is not an option and offers no inspiration.
  16. The program is out, It seems like its going to be a very long 3 days! DAY 1 - December 23rd, 2005 12:30 PM – 1:45 PM Salaatul Jumu’ah Sermon: Dr. Munir ElKassem Imam: Shaykh Muhammad Jebril Session 1 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Qur'an Recitation, Shaykh Mohammad Jebril Islamic Civilization Part 1, Dr. Tareq Suwaidan 3:15 PM – 3:45 PM Salaatul Asr Session 2 3:45 PM – 4:45 PM Western Policies and the Muslim World, Eric Margolis 4:45 - 6:15 p.m Salaatul Maghrib & Dinner Session 3 6:15 PM – 7:45 PM Civilizational challenge: Muslims-caught between ignorance and extremism, Shaykh Abdallah bin Bayyah Translator, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Session 4 7:45 PM – 9:30 PM Living History – Marking the Past, Building the Future, Ms. Shabazz What Would Malcolm Say?, Imam Zaid Shakir Session 5 9:30 PM – 10:30 PM Striving for Excellence Atleats for the first day, doesnt seem like there is anything one can miss without regretting it !
  17. Or alternativly we could start education younger like if a girl wants to go to University she could do so when she's 10 and graduate when she is 14 but she had to start primary school at the age of two. Your one smart cookie.
  18. SeeKer-Guys find the wierdiest thing funny. Idil-Oh family is another story eh. They provide you with interesting ways to make your face hot and flushed from embarrsment. Jimca Lee-Hitler you say? interesting, hearing her logic one this admiration would be pure jokes I am sure. Yoonis_Cadue-Now come on man, where do you plan on taking my innocent post about silly friends. Lets keep it sweet. So lets leave Hitler on the side burner and continue on with wierdo friends. Caano Geel- Enjoy the pain lol, I suppose. It kinda balances out at the end. They are there for you and the most serious ppl when you need them, and they repay for such care and thoughtfullness by being thier goofy selfs at the end of the day. Sooo Sooo folks keep them coming. I am sure everyone's got a funny tale to tell.
  19. They suprise/shock you, make you feel as if the entire world is staring at you. They are those freinds that will blurt out the most Inappropriate thing in the most Inappropriate place. At the end of each and every so event you promise yourself, you wont talk to this person again, but somehow they creep back into your life, you have known them for too long and it almost feels impossible to let them go, how much they make you feel like hiding your face in your scarf. I have such a friend, known her for years, she was always loud and unpredictable. However today's event in the theater watching the Indian Movie "Water" takes the cake! Admitingly the movie was sad, knowing my friend is a "cry-baby" at movies. I expected a few tears and OH my GOd's But what happened next I could not have imagined Midst the climax, she ran out of the theater..It was too much for her. She came back in a few minutes later. At the end of the movie, she walked out, and sat on a chair and began sobbing Loudly. I wanted to die. Comforting her didnt work. At last after huffing and puffing into a brown paperbag from the snack counter, she had enough energy to walk. The night was topped with her accusing me of forcing her to watch a depressing movie. I was lost on the simple thought, of Why I the reasonable accountant in the making was friends with this unstable fruitcase Heh. I am still alitte mad and waiting for my demanded apology So, what at the end of this long rambling session the Question is.. What are your personal experiences with embarrassing friends if any?
  20. How about we lower the tones of the negativity here and objections to something so simple as an annual conference. If you see your self as a purist. pls step aside and let us rejoice at an annual conference that allows us to feel the true sense of the ummah. If you believe the simple Nabi Amans of Sami Yusuf or the other groups are "music" and dare to hold them in comparison to that of the mainstream music, i suggest again that you step aside. If you feel that the "sufi" talk of Hamza Yusuf and Tariq Ramadan, whom I have never heard at this specific conference say anything wrong or contrary to general beliefs, would disturb you I suggest again you step aside. And at last, I hope that everyone makes it to the conference safe and well, I will surely be there Salam
  21. Your argument revolves around the ability of men to control women negatively using the Hijab as a weapon, and how women fall into and accept such a trap that turns them into second class citizens. Great argument Few points • Women do not necessarily go around saying, “Boy I don’t want my brother in Islam down the street, committing wrong, let me wear a potato sack over my head and stay home†Women are oppressed in every given society, however “advanced/civilized†they claim to be Its restrictions imposed on them as a result of a patriarchtical society. . •So, why do believing Muslim women wear the Hijab across the world from China to Senegal. Its because regardless of the world around them which they clearly understand, they see the deeper meaning of the Hijab and its importance…an argument so efficiently presented by Yenceri that I don’t need to repeat it. -A revival of the true religion is required in so many ways, to sift through what cultural trash that got caught up in the way and now stands to obscure the light. •Each and every sister who wears the Hijab as come across the obnoxious ignorant fool who refuses to see her has an equal and only as an object to be taken into consideration when needed. This is an attitude of those that who regardless of their religion would find some way of labelling women as second class citizens
  22. Its amazing that he is doing someting and there is help for him. So many people believe in the impossibility of loosing weight after a "certain" point..however, with all that is out there from the surgeries and the drugs and simple plain old exercise and calorie intake restrictions( I hate the word Diet) its all possible. Good for him
  23. Salam Yes its here again for another year, missed it last year. Inshallah this i will be there. excited for the concert, and can't wait to hear tariq suwaidan's lecture
  24. Miriam1


    Hello To begin with, • I wasn’t aware that Arab men=Muslim Men, pardon my ignorance • In regards to their clothing, not to get into far too much details. I would just like to say that it isn’t revealing. If you’re aware it’s a white dress which is worn with white undergarments. On it being feminine? Heh! Everyone has their tastes, who are am I to judge • Cannot agree further with you, it is a taboo among cultures in predominantly Muslim countries, for women to speak of their sexual needs in public. • However the comment I was responding to, directly questioned measures within the Religion on meeting women’s needs. We should always be aware of the distinct difference within Cultural practises and those ordained in Islam. • In regards to the “personal note†I would like to emphasis the fact that it was a “Personal†note! Hence my individual opinion and a comment that is a product of conversations among Muslim sisters. • ________________________________________________________ • Acoording to most anthropological researches, A woman's sexuality is a complex interplay of physical and emotional responses that affects the way she thinks and feels about herself. When a woman has a sexual problem, it can affect many aspects of her life, including her personal relationships and her own self-esteem. women have a gigantic need of intimacy and can sexually serve as much diffrent partners as biologically possible ,to make that ultimate choice of partner(s), the factors that influence that ultimate choice of partner(s) are multifaceted and complicated , but sexual satisfaction is a decisive one. And that huge powerful (S) is there becouse of the probability of her making the WRONG choice is just a HUGE. • __________________________________________________________________ • There is no error in this quotation; however, we are speaking of women who are Muslims, practising women of the faith. I hope so at least we are. And such a woman would no doubt prefer to belong to a monogamous relationship that meets her needs and hopefully goes beyond them! • In conclusion your comments were interesting however; you easily move between what is culture and what the religion is. And I was commenting on the measures provided within the religion and personal knowledge from practising sisters. G’day.
  25. Miriam1


    ^Not a resident scholar.. However some thoughts - Aren't men commanded to dress modestly too? - Would you not consider, the allowance of divorce for women on the basis of not being sexual satisfied in her marriage has a recognition of such biological needs? - Personal Note- I am yet to meet a muslim woman who complained about not being able to sleep around with 4 men and several concubines I am sure there is some research paper out there in anthropology or sorts that investigated women's inherent comfort with one husband and rearing children within a neutral family out~