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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. Miriam1

    Have you ever?

    I realized how often I would say it, in my first year of univ. When I told a Irani prof, that I didnt know was muslim ( I am still not sure if he is) Prof: The assignment should be handed in next week Me: Inshallah will do that, prof. Prof (big grin) okay Me:feeling all weird..lol But didnt stop me..say it all the time right and am ready for that weird look and necessity of an explaination
  2. ITs wierd...its almost as if they are the kennedys of all sudden...poor baby...though
  3. Your entire family is moving to Somalia? really? wow... sorry don't know much, but goodluck..i would just say if ur in hergaysa..dont bother with investing in clothing or grocery stores..I kept on hearing while i was there, that gas stations are a good thing..
  4. I see myself loosing focus after having gained so much. refocus on the goal, and others doing well.... What do you see?
  5. Perhaps Popular Culture of current times that go against Islamic tennents vs Islam.... But you get the point.
  6. Hey those are great pics, it was a good day, unfortunately my camera is not digital so sorry no pics.
  7. ^ seriously who reads these long posts? But its nice to know that there were protests on the same day in Canada and the UK, were there any in the US, or any of the other european countries? I wish I had some pics to post about the protest here in Toronto. But it was rather well done.
  8. ^ no way lol.interesting. post the link here to that page. the protest was today, it went rather well mashallah!!
  9. Hello. No one found this interesting.gosh ppl. if u live in the city come out. if you dont. post ur supportive commments here.
  10. Hello all, An emergency rally has been called by the newly formed Coalition of Concerned Somali-Canadians against the illegal occupation of Somalia by Ethiopian troops and the illegal US bombing of Somalia. A Coalition of concerned Somali-Canadians is holding a demonstration at the United States Consulate to condemn the illegal US backed Ethiopian occupation of Somalia. Please read the following and come out to support: Demonstration to End the Occupation of Somalia Saturday, January 20th 11:00am US Consulate (360 University Avenue - North of Queen) The Ethiopian government's decision to declare war on Somalia is a direct violation of both United Nations' Charter governing the respect of the independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of nations, as well as the UN Security Council Resolution 1725 which forbids bordering states from deploying troops to Somalia. The coalition demands: 1. An immediate withdrawal of Ethiopian troops from Somalia. 2. The end to the U.S diplomatic and military support of the Ethiopian occupation of Somalia. 3. The immediate seizure of US bombing of Somalia. 4. Our Canadian government to join the international community in condemning this aggression. This aggression has further polarized an already fragmented society further worsening the humanitarian crisis in Somalia. You are cordially invited to join us in our demonstration on Saturday, January the 20th 2007 at 11am at the US Consulate.
  11. lol, yea thats what where I go. Actually it was a muslim prof from Iran that inspired me to take Economics, always respect him for that one.
  12. ^ lol Maskin, I live by that site, you know what I was abit blinded by glamour this once and the students on that commented might aswell been. He's a bit popular here in Canada, having appeared couple of times on CBC and TVO..should stick to unknown profs..,
  13. Sheikh, I didn't pay for my schooling or this class in particular to give flowers to profs.. Che you're right. He hopes for students not to know thier rights and feel intimadated by him, as I have heard from other freinds, he tends to claim that you are not attending the class and cuts marks from that, and when they confront him about it, he refuses to show them the sign in sheets claiming he is far to busy to go through all that paper work. I fear that is what he will say, and my only option would be to file a complaint with the program director and move on from there. I am little glad that the program director knows me personally and has taught me before.
  14. Its economics but written economics dealing with issues with the IMF and sort and also environmental economics. The funny thing is we had several assignments in which I always got a A+ average. Therefore the only way I could have lost marks was if I was horrid in terms of particpation and attendance...I was there everyday and spoke almost everyday...
  15. Hello Folks, Most times SOL can be an invaluable resource for learning about people's experiences on certain matters and drawing important lessons from them. Guys, I am preparing for battle this coming thursday at 5:OO Toronto Timing. With a prof whom I have come to find out recently is racist and hence my dismal B average in the class while other Latin American peers are getting A+ I wish I knew about him before risking my overall average, but there is literally only 10 black people in my major and in my current year...I am always the only black person or only black girl, which can be bad or good..given the prof... What are your experiences...how have you dealt with a racist person who has the upperhand? Were you succesful or unsucessful Share the knowledge guys! Thanks
  16. Mantra is Female? ....... Um..you probably hvn't met anyone who made you think yet. He'll come around.
  17. Wow..those pics make it look pretty. I guess it looks nice @ night, would love it though if there was more greenery around.
  18. I missed it lastnight when it aired. But it was repeated tonight. It was interesting, and real what they discussed specially with the conflict that always happens every year on when ramadan started, was funny. Barbar was pure JOKES!
  19. Let's be civil. I suggest that you find a good female gynecologist, through your family doctor. You will not find any useful information on this forum or anyother forum for that matter. Good luck
  20. Miriam1


    Your not exactly a genius urself! ..the person who posted this thing CHANGED THE TOPIC!! This is retarded. When I posted, which I should have really not, I rarely post anymore. He was asking advice on how to start a protest. And now he nicely changed the info of his topic without posting a warning...and I get insulting comments about being on ritalin... Why do I bother? Really WHY!?
  21. It was seriously a good year for RIS, well I tend to say that after every year. lol. I would have to say that saturday to me was the best day in regards to the lectures, I was glad that Sh. Quick spoke on Islam in Africa, it was a great discussion, specifically on when he spoke about Darfur. Next I would have to say is Tariq Ramadan, this was the first time I heard the man speak, but he really got to me since he spoke about something I felt greatly conflicted about. Being a practising Muslim who conciously decided to live in Canada. A friend took down some notes, inshallah will get them and post further. As always I enjoyed Tariq Suwaidan, and his lecture on the caliphs on saturday was really good. By the way he was finishing it on Sunday and some lady started yelling at him, I was all the way on the back didnt hear nothing, except him calming her down. What was that about?! I am not sure what I could say about the Rabbi who spoke, I found him to be very ambitious and abit too idealist for my taste. specially with the 5% marshall plan. Sh. Zaid Shakir and Hamza Yusuf were also very good. I thought Hamza Yusuf's translation of Sh. Banyah's speech was spot on. oh and again, Tariq Ramadan on Sunday, mashallah his speech was amazing, people were so emotional so was he!! Single disappointment. was the entertainment session...far too late, too bad for us those who have to bus it! If you guys stayed u have to let me know how Outlandish was! I heard only two of them came though!? Okay thats it. Some nice buys also. The Sirah of the nabi (pbuh) by Martin Lings and the documentary on timbuktu by Sh Quick. Also met and spoke to Sh. Quick and Sh. Siraj Wahhaj..so cool Inshallah until next year.
  22. Miriam1


    well first you gota find a common topic...what are u against..or what for..."against the war in iraq" "for fathers having greater custody rights" .... start shouting...in public streets with a board..and see how many people follow you...
  23. Hey Guys, Just finished with all the exams. Inshallah this year is going to be amazing, just checked out the site, and guess who is coming EHAB TAWFIQ !! for all those who listen to arabic songs..I knw u got a little heartattack here...this guy's voice is just so good.
  24. The reason i posted, is my family went through something similar with my younger sister who's rather intelligent, I am not sure if she is exceptionally gifted, but she was much smarter than her peers when she was in grade 5. Her teacher recommeded an alternative school in the public school board itself here in Toronto, that had smaller classes and thereby smaller teacher:student ratio and allowed the students to really be as creative as possible. She really loved it and enjoyed herself and felt more comfortable with the small class size and being able just to question her teacher, whenever a question popped into her head. I would just say, dude seriously consider putting him in a place that recognizes his level of intelligence.
  25. Congratulations. You should seriously consider applying to private schools. I know they are expensive, but for example here in Toronto some of the school shave scholarships for gifted students from low/middle income families that can't afford it. Or apply straightfoward to an alternative school in the public system that as a specilized program for the gifted and add onto it private tutoring. Goodluck!