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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. Seriously this fella is an example! Mashallah
  2. ^ Isn't that being a bit lazy brother? The point of the topic, as I stated so clearly is to discuss the specific lecture. If you aren't going to take the time to listen to it. Do not post without sense. Ps. Mods, I guess I made a mistake, this should be in the Islam Section, kindly move it. Thanks
  3. Hello All, Just stumbled across these great audio lectures, I have re-listened to two lectures that I have attended myself last dec. The links are below. Let me know what you guys think about his lecutre on the Muslim Identity.. I found this interesting myself always.."it is no longer a question of intregration..but one of contribution" And please, we aren't here to discuss the man himself..what he did or said someother time..but these specific lectures or anyother that on the list that discuss the Muslim Identity in the West. Inshallah khair there will be a meaningful discussion http://www.tariqramadan.com/article.php3?id_article=926 Ps. click on the MP3 Image, it will download itself, will take 2 short minutes.
  4. Miriam1


    ^ what requires clarification?
  5. Miriam1


    Everyones assuming that Tjywyn's secret..is a pregnancy?....she could have found out a thousand of things, like getting a raise...failing a class...winning the lottery and the "him" can be a either her father, brother...anyone...really I can't like though its such a cryptic secret..what is it that she found out and why hasnt she told him? ...gossip...anyone?
  6. Miriam1


    ^ Brave.do consider a trial period first, one week? try it out and see how you feel. Its a massive adjustment. my secret..I got highly sought after internship..can't tell my friends since they applied for it too...and I am not sure why, but I feel guilty knowning that I have the job and well they dont..So I continue lying about the stress of finding a job and the horrid interviews...
  7. Miriam1

    Insane Judge

    I am very confused. I always thought there was a strict sepreation between State and Religion in most Western European countries.... I am betting that he is a racist old fool, who thought it would be funny or something of the sort! Would he have done that to a christian couple who are in the same situation? This is mad. We have our own problems and now a german judge is joining in and interpreting the Quran in his own way lol
  8. ^ lol not a bad idea. Aslong as the girl remains unknown. Also if she decides not to be quite, she should head to the student coucil for the whole school and get advice from them. They should have an exective that deals with matters of equity. Or head to the obdmusan office and seek advice, without mention the prof's name so you can judge their reaction first. I had to take a prof of mine this semester to the dean of our faculty for a very academic reason, but everyone I spoke to seemed to know who he was, just because he was teaching for a long time and I found it very difficult to get advice without an advisor/prof/faculty staff telling me how a good prof he was!
  9. I would suggest for your freind to be very careful. If she can wait until her official marks come out and she is in the safe, I would say wait. At the end of the day she has all the proof that is required with the stated dates. Profs can be very vegenful, she might take it out on her in terms of marks. But once she is done she can go as far as she wants.
  10. Who Knows? I remember Berbera was burning in August...didnt seem like a hotbed of volience..to me
  11. Thats funny, maybe you forgot that a particular revelation called the Quran was revealed to Muhammed ibn Abdallah-a prophet (aaliyhe asalaam) and that the message was about worrying about our fate in the day of judgement. Yes, it is selfish to worry about your akhira and yes, we should worry about our own fate in the day of judgement I will let that exteremly low blow about not know of our holy book pass laillahillah... the point I was making was very simple and almost redudant. We aren't good muslims if all we worry is about the day of judgement, we have to worry about the position of our people in the hear and now as well and to advance ourselves. Subhanallah !!!!!!!!!!! Was the niqab fard during the time of the nabi for women of the ummah? No.
  12. You sound like that Magribi panelist, non-hijab wearing, Islam is in my heart (not outside)journalist. Its not an issue of Niqaab really but an issue of Muslim Identity. What is being asked is-IF a part of your Religion "bothers us" then chuck it away and become like us "Progressive thinking". Quite simple really. I dont believe the Niqab is a part of our religion..so as you so eloquently put it. I have no problems "chucking it" away. Why do people want to constantly complicate a rather simple and beautiful faith..with non issues.. Hijab is a beautiful concept, you can be covered in a thousand ways..even including the all black middle-eastern style...and some people choose it and then decide to immulate that specific culture and go a step further and wear the niqab, with ofcourse the different variations.. the one that covers the eyes or the one that doesnt The point is that its a personal choice really..like deciding to wear bright red shoes with a green hijab... But then to turn around and frown upon others who dont like that style and claim that it is a prescribed in Islam for women to wear the Niqab, which by logic would entail that all women should then wear it or they aren't really being proper muslimahs....now thats just pushing it. I said that we should "Progress" our position as muslims in the west, not sure where all this talk of progressive thinking on the fudamentals of our faith came from... What does being a "productive member of society" mean? Muslims aren't capitalist machines but slaves of Allah, first and foremost. So who are we to answer to at the end of the day, when our own qiyamahs can come any second for each and everyone of us. and what is this notion of Progressive? Hello...we are headed towards the Qiyamah. Why else is Islam stamped as the 'last revelation'. Verily, by time, man is in a state of loss... not in a state of Progress. So what do you suggest, that we lay about behaving in a selfish manner and worrying about our own fate in the day of judgement? What strange thinking....as long as we keep ourselves in check and remember our religion, we then should carry on living in this world hear and now as proper muslims contributing to the existence of everyone in a positive manner, and if you decided to live in a western country than thats where you ought to do it, if not go where you feel most comfortable. How would anything come about in this world if all we thought was the qiyamah, how depressing.
  13. The show is great, I love how it puts allows people to discuss and debate... Hey Khayr, interesting point..the niqab is a personal choice..and the ability to exercise your personal choices are basic in a democracy as long as they do not impede or harm other people's ability be free within a given society... but here's the question as muslims in the west, and muslims who were either born there or decided to conciously move there from whereever, being fully aware of the current tide of popular opinion that is very much against muslims...dont we have far greater matters of concern...we are being attacked daily, our position within these socities being more marginalized, and increasing changes in people's preceptions of Muslims as an invading force to be feared..dont we need to aferall focus on these concerns, these lands are our homes, should we not put our energies into looking into ways to change these popular preceptions and encourage that our people integrate..rather than focus on a non-issues, that are brought up like court fights to wear a piece of material that has little to do with Islam and prescribes more to far off eastern culture? By focusing on these matters and making them central to the Muslims Identity in the west we belittle ourselves, Shouldnt our concern be to progress the position of Muslims in the West as productive members of society?
  14. It was actually a very interesting debate. Amazing that those who opposed the niqab won! lol Things are changing, and I guess its just logic finally taking over. After all the niqab isnt prescribed by our diin, its a personal choice. Never was a fan of the niqab, I find it just stands in the way of what real hijab is. The argument Ms. Reema made about how there is a tendancy to instill notions of women as only sexual objects that need to be guarded to that extereme degree in a young children was very interesting actual. I never thought to consider the logical process that a young girl of 12 had, when she deemed absolutly important for her face to be covered from one male teacher in a all female school, how does she exactly see herself afterall? Hiding women's faces does nothing to increase their modesty, if perverted men are going to stare..they are just going to do it regardless of how much you cover your face. The fella on the side of the motion that was for, seemed a little like a preacher, he had a very interesting way of using words, and I am sure if I heard his argument long enough lol I would have been convinced...but anyway, he has no say on this matter, tis strictly a topic for women to discuss. After all as he was saying, he was completely integrated into the American society, and ofcourse he was..everything he was wearing was MAINSTREAM..so how could he really identify with the issue? Interesting debate...but as always the main problem with the Doha Debates are that the auidence tend to ask the same questions over and over.. Still a great watch!
  15. Right now.. Feeling like my prayers are being answered..actually they are..alhamdulilallah!!! Going to talks/halaq's and being around people who just are talking the good talk Walking out on a beautiful, hazing due like day..where it isnt cold or warm..breathing in cool air.. The perfect cup of hot choco. Writing the perfect essay Talking to people who are passionate about the same things I am..tis just so cool, I get a little shiver Getting a beautiful mark on an exam I thought I bombed. I love that feeling Things working out just right. Seeing my family succeed Being around dear freinds who love me, just the way I am!! Getting called for that interview from that company I have always wanted to work for...this is one of the coolest. Got one this friday past..was screaming and jumping up and down..loved looking at the caller list on the phoen and seeing thier number and name ! lol Ohh and finally Finding that perfect pair of pants...for a tall girl..this can be a challenge at times..but the when u find them..what a beautiful moment.. Thats it folks!
  16. With all the recent warm weather in toronto, i lost my daily habit of deciding what I wear by checking the weather channel(CP24)early every morning..walahi that Thursday storm taught me a lesson...trying to step on people's remaining footprints..so I didnt have to go Smashing in inches high snow with my sneakers..painful..but it kinda makes u feel better about that whole Global Warming scare...I prefer the snow lakin to the horrible black ice that is everywhere now
  17. I love my birthdate according to the Islamic Calender..Born on Muharam 1 1405! on a Monday at 10am..acorrding to mom. haha, the first day of the first month..so i am truely one of somali refugee with a generic Jan/01 birthday, muslim style..i thnk i will start celebrating/observing this one instead
  18. Pucca, yea ur right the ones at Yorkdale are very decent, also the ones at the Bay connected to Eaton's Mall...tis actually those sales girls who introduced me to MAC lol Scarborough...is well Scarborough, I think they are taught to treat immigrants like shid during thier trainings..
  19. Well I thnk you got amazing tips. Just on something about MAC...I recently had the worst experience in one of thier stores. (for all of you in toronto, its the one in Scarborough Town Centre) I was in the store, running late for this event I had to attend, and I just realized before going that I ran out of blush..so decided to stop over at the mall.. TWICE I was looked over by the salesgirls, and they came to ask a white lady beside me if she needed any help, AS IF I DIDNT EXIST!!!...I was so pissed off, I asked her the second salesgirl if she didnt see me and she was so apologetic and all...damn...anyway.... thats my experience with MAC...really considering my next buy to be an IMAN!
  20. If everyone lived like you, we would need 3.8 planets... I just realized that I have been watching far too many sci-fi shows when one of my first thoughts were..why worry...we will soon have many other colonies in other planets..so its not far too impossible to have 4 other earths lol
  21. This topic is pure jokes...lol...very honest Azmaya
  22. I know they tend to be really respectful to women in Dubai. Every time there was a queue in a bank or office, somebody would pick me out of the queue and let me go first, with none of the other men objecting! Even when crossing the road at undesignated places, some stranger would run into the street like a maniac and stop the traffic so I could cross the road. _________originially posted by XU_________________ XulaXu, that is the one thing I loved about the arab countries...chivarly(sp!?) is still alive in some form...
  23. Let me rant a little..I dont know what are we suppose to do. I am just curious. if we fit into this culture..and I am not saying your examples of what this supposed "western" farax is doing has anything do with a normal person who lives in the west...seriously buddy this guy sounds like a proper loser, regardless of his geographical location or heritage! I am sure they exist back in our "beloved" Somalia proper/somaliland/puntland/etc etc.. So coming back to my original point..if a person were to say, "I personally choose to live here for the rest of my natural life, (here being this western land) I make such a conscious decision, fully aware that life may throw me a curve...I make this choice, knowing fully well that since I was born in this western land whose customs and laws I am accustomed to, who's streets I can navigate with my eyes closed, whose “feel” I miss whenever I go away and unconsciously "YEARN" to go back "HOME" quietly admitting to myself..that yes dammit.."THIS IS HOME" but not saying it out loud for the fear that some diehard Somali nationalist (which always turn out to be loved family members) will look at me like one MASSIVE sellout..So I pretend instead that I may one day ( in the distant future..like Dr.WHO distant Future) return to a land that , I can not in any logical and natural manner have some "nostalgic, delusional" attachments to, since going back to that thread of logic, I have of course never been to or at best visited once or twice over the span of two summer months…after which I am suppose to have experienced some emotional and personality transformation….having been to the motherland, and I cannot deny that it is impossible….but should this replace all logic….all love for my country of BIRTH..yea….that western country?...doubt it Mr….” So if a person was to say all that..are they wrong..wierd..sellouts..or just normal and true to theirselves..and these silly sterotypes of those of us that were born outside the beloved Somalia…are just plain….weird..