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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. good stuff sista, i watched the first part on the site u gave. the guy who plays the brother did an amazing comedy a few years ago where he was the lead..can't remember the name. on ashkey kumar...love him to bits...but can't bear watching his movies anymore toooo cheesy.
  2. So ^ Race is good? I can't stand these new girls...they simply look too fake...whats wrong with Kajol or Rani? But deny it..saif ali khan looked amazing in the posters.
  3. simply cool. an Indian company owns jaguar....economic globalization at work.
  4. god everything has to come to an end, 150 is simply mad! me thinks walters doesn't want to let go...
  5. lol@Maryan...he was just something else in his younger days...never understood how people liked his yucky cousin..salaman khan Jodha Akbar was amazing... best movies Paheli Kabi Kush Kabi Gham Veer Zeera...can't
  6. that was too funny, can't lie my experience was not has bad, but after a few aerobics classes I swore off gyms...whats a gym when you can jog by yourself with good music in the cool evening breeze!?
  7. been following the discussion very interesting !
  8. ^ its an exercise in nation building, if we are to think of ourselves as "somalilanders" belonging to a area distinct from "Somalia" than how could we even acknowledge your existence...to receive legitimacy, we have to exclude you and control who calls himself a somalilander...so don't wait around for the president of somaliland to say any such thing...if he ever does he's a proper idoit
  9. Aliyah I understand his point, but find nothing unique or interesting about his claims. He worked hard and made it when like others he could have sat in the coffee shop all day while his daughter got the yellow ticket...so? is he unique not really, thousands of Somalis and Non-somali, refugees and immigrants do it daily, work hard and pay their taxes. All this "American the Land of the Opportunities" is getting on my nerves as well, who is he preaching to absentee fathers who for reasons beyond the availability of welfare are inapt, and that simply happens to be the crutch they stand on? Or is he advocating for single or widowed mothers to leave their children in questionable daycares while they work for minimal wage?
  10. I seriously had to stop reading at this point...could not stop laughing. What nine year old says this? LOOOL @ its great to have you hahaha She immediately got up, wiped off her tears and shouted “dad please forgive me! I love you and I really love you …dad, I am sorry I made your day terrible…. Dad it is great I have you!...! Dad you are sweet and I love you.....dad….!” After finishing the article ( far stretch calling it that) I have come to the conclusion that he is full of himself...
  11. ^^ Revolution!! What is marriage more than the need for companionship during your old decrepit age? Now imagine, having to endure someone you married for the sake of "marriage" for until Allah knows when....its a nightmare Take it easy, and smell the roses or tulips.
  12. Let's not this discussion die, since my efforts to do research on my own are coming to a halt
  13. I was a loyal Canadian...until I recently discovered a shocking truth. Sir Wilfrid Laurier was a racist bigot that spoke for and promoted a "white" Canada! So my "flag-waving" days have come to an end again... Ps. Sure the term exists. Kinda suck if you were westernphobic and you lived in one of those countries..how do you exist DAILY?
  14. I don't understand people who claim to "Love" someone because they are biologically related to you...AND no more... Ofcourse she has every right to hate her father, and what does it have to do with her being somali, is there a genetic marker that makes us blindly cherish rubbish parents?! Is it a sin, to experience an emotion that one cannot be faulted for...I am not sure why we expect her to behave like the ideal daughter when her father has been so awful!? Respect should be afforded to any individual. Faynuus, the only thing you should advice her on is moving on with her life, its quite non of your business if she should care for her father's well being or not, or if she behaves more like daughter.
  15. This is sad. Where are the parents? Ya Rab, if things are this bad with my children I will forget my community and move as far as Sarnia!
  16. Aaraf! At times this forum has the feel of nasty exclusivity... wasn't aware I was walking into the middle of a private conversation... Long Gone!
  17. Khalaf, great question and I agree with you too that to question and reason isn't a sign of a lack of faith, but a sign of an inquisitive mind. But as Nur already stated, we must be willing to acknowledge a logical argument. Nur, I was wondering, with your argument than can we safely assume that *if* we lived in an Islamic society with sharia implemented, acts that lead to "death by stoning" should be almost non-existent, that the whole idea is an extreme that the state should rarely or never resort to, but equally not deny its legitimacy. I mean how do we come to define an adulterer? Are there degrees of severity...can a simple minded person who is seduced be compared to someone who viciously targets others weakness? Stoning to death, who administers the act of stoning, is it public? Is there a time limit to it, what happens if the person doesn't die does it continue until death is proclaimed? I know its many questions, I will do my own research but if you have the answers available that would be super, since I am sure its one of those hot topics people focus on. Ps. Khalaf, there has been a lot of research lately that indicated death by the lethal injection is inhumane as well. The cocktail of drugs that given to inmates, works by first paralyzing the person, so they cannot react. It subsequently, starts to slowly shut down every system of the body...the level of pain is thought to be mind numbingly excruciating .
  18. NGONGE, these books can be considered good "subway reads" we all need a break from intellectual drivel sometimes.
  19. LOOL MMA, walahi I read them as a 12 yr old, what else could I have done when everyone decided I was already too old to play outside and a long summer ahead of me at home..you cracked me, I turned the pages too, when things were well getting a bit too steamy! when I told my cousins that I read them they just wouldnt believe me. memories man
  20. Oh man MMA, I haven't read Sidney Sheldon in like over 10 years! I was just on wikipedia checking out his latest book and saw that he DIED! Early in 2007 These are the books of his I read, (hehe, as a kid I always thought he was a woman until I got a book with a picture on it!) The Other Side of Midnight (1973 Windmills of the Gods (VERY GOOD)(1987) The Sands of Time (1988) Memories of Midnight (1990) The Doomsday Conspiracy (SUPER! Aliens) (1991) Also recenlty read Cormac McCarthy's "The Road" an amazing book.
  21. ^LOL...I guess they forgot about vaseline!
  22. Was just listening today to songs from high school years.. Angie Stone "I wish I didn't miss you" and Jill Scott "Love Rain" But since this is specifically an oldies thread...how about another Nina Simone Love me or Leave Me lated
  23. The only place I have seen somalis begging is in Somalia, so why are we so shocked to find them elsewhere?
  24. caught the episode when she was changing her hair, to bad she's being coined as the annoying one in the show.
  25. Ryerson is MAD if they are really going through this, what do they think students do with when stuck on assignments. His only mistake is making it public. With that same understanding they might as well ban student clubs that have past exams and assignments and TA's all together.