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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. walahi?! loool. well I was in 8th grade when I watched it..but it still makes me laugh... well you simply cannot deny the *awesomeness* of this show, late 90's Abla Kamel and Nour Al Sherif..."Lan Aisha Fi Jilbab Abi"...perfect rags to riches story...beats any present day crap like Yousra's "Kadiyat Ray am" all the hype and for such a predictable outcome listen this site, how do you watch the musalsalat, where are the links?
  2. oh thanks for the site...will go blind trying to read all that arabic...
  3. Justice, I didn't watch the show on television, I couldn't honestly be bothered to wait every week for a new episode. I don't think I watch anything other than breaking news on television anymore..thank god for piracy online! I watched both seasons online in the two week soul wrenching period after my exams and before my results came out, had to keep myself busy, thats how I remember the names...just finished the last episode last week. Its not that bad...tis cliche...but they honestly have some wonderful moments...and you relate to the characters...don't fall into that macho silliness...there is a lot of people that like it..men and women, it reminds you of a time where your neighbor was not a stranger...but a friend. Really Thash ma Thash? I saw one episode of the 15th one, and it was just too odd comedy wise... I will always be in love with Hana wa Jamil! oh and this one...loved it too http://youtube.com/watch?v=64QOnh1Atv0
  4. Justice, you know at the end of the second season they had that bit on mbc with abu issam and abu shab in normal clothes, talking about the third season...they hinted that abu shab the aqeed! will finally be hitched...now that is totally worth a watch... I was a bit annoyed with the second season just focusing on the divorce of abu issam...but it was well worth it at the end... I hope the next season that they go back to the format of season one... abit of intrigue (istayf) many family profiles and less political crap. If they go down that route, it will be absolutely delicious to find out how motez will turn out as a grown up husband. Oh and i also hope they bring back the deaf and mute zahra in the mix....like a shocking total recovery or something of that sort, maybe through the miracle of child birth? I am not sure if season 3 will be better, but there are far too many loose ends to tie, it might be good...both ways I will be watching. The houses are pretty, they did take care to make everything realistic... simply I love the fountains in the middle...
  5. true true, guess not many people watch it, yea it does have the same story lines. but somehow it does it a bit better. third season should be good.
  6. Wondering if anyone in this forum is simply in love with this breath-taking Syrian Tv series as I am. I am a little late in the game having only recently discovered the first and second season on 4bladi.com. I am going to certainly hookup the satellite for season 3 this Ramadan. Do you think the characters are a bit too idealistic? No one is married more than one wife, they all pray religiously, and have such unbreakable brotherly love for their neighbors not including being seriously nationaalistic Were things really that good back then... Who's your favorite character...I am simply in love with Moetz and the Aqeed. This is a funny clip of Moetz ( main character) http://youtube.com/watch?v=l5BSkGjPpwU
  7. wizard, get studying! Geel, walahi I hope this last minute turn around pays off for me as it did for you. I have not yet applied to graduate school, but will inshallah next year. about working under pressure...I am not so convinced with that one, honestly thats what I use to tell myself in my two years of academic abyss, but going back to those papers...they were seriously awuful..since I never had time to drop them at the writing centre for editing or review. I am off to argue (beg) for a grade now...
  8. ^ u must be doing something right if you got into graduate school...
  9. this is hysterical to me as a recent graduate, it defines me perfectly in my first two years. However I like totally disagree, you can change, and I am proof of that, I haven't handed one single paper or deferred one single exam in the last two years. Everything on time and everything a B+ and above (alhamdulilallah) So true it might be to an extent, yet change is not impossible....all you have to do is imagine yourself as a graduate with a C+ average and the options available to you, compared to a graduate with a A- average and the wondrous future that holds...(I am not sure what it is so far..but thats what people tell me...they better be right) Funny thing is. I am procrastinating right now...from applying to jobs and internships...who knew working on your resume could be this hard...rather be writing a 20 page essay on the anything
  10. In Toronto the trains have little handles you push, if your being abused...these trains must have had them...why didnt anyone do stop the train!?
  11. ^ Oh my thats harsh. I think Whitney can't help being fake. I like Fatima to an extent but something is simply off with her, but I really hope Anya wins.
  12. Um..I don't know since divorce is halal, why not go ahead if life is so miserable? there must be certain benefits to this marriage that outweigh these fights or other disagreements.
  13. ^ don't know about that, I am sure I will get a nice feeling in my heart, when the options before me in my old age are,between staying in my home with my husband or living with one of my children...instead of which nursing home can I afford. I liked this article, and I didn't get the feeling that she was advocating for women of a certain age to settle for the "awful" but simply that, when you wait to long, thats what is out there. What is wrong with settling down with a guy who is your best freind or sorts, like she said someone who is willing to stick with you, take care of the kids and be around when they are gone. Does big romance exist? sure it does for some but not everyone is lucky, and some have to grow to love the person they chose, I think for this to happen you have to be openminded and the person has to be a sincerely good person who wants to be a husband and a father. I loved her example of Aiden in Sex and the City, I truly hated that show after she dumped him...it went beyond logic and commonsense, to leave him for Mr. Big. But anyway, all I can say if Aiden came along for me, I wouldn't leave him for all the Mr. Bigs that could ever exist.
  14. this pen is too cool, love the translation feature. seriously considering buying it
  15. ^it was very good. Sista, i loved that movie for kajol's sake she's the best thanks for the link
  16. Yea I saw that movie a while ago, I forgot the name when you mentioned it. But it has a very nice classic feel to it, I will watch it again since I don't really remember the story line. If you saw Hajj Mutawali, not sure if also watched Sultan Al Gharam I really like the main actor and its the same rags to riches multiple wives story with a twist.
  17. Thats sad. I wonder if they will change their tune if she wins and becomes uber rich!
  18. this topic shan't die! Um..on a side note I am sure you guys once done with exams or on long lazy weekends, found an amazing site with three masri series (not including movies) Sista did you watch the musalsal "Hajj Mutwali"? www.4bladi.com
  19. ^ 20 bucks to see a movie !? wow... Aaliyah I heard its pretty bad too, go see harold and kumar this friday... for this movie I suggest you wait until it comes out in the Rainbow theaters at least you wont be paying the 10.95...but only $4
  20. ^ how about you learn to spell first, before picking fights...."ediotic" !
  21. Miriam1


    I am sorry but, green tea or any other flower tea SUCKS!...how can you leave proper black tea, with spices that can wake the dead for green bland..unflavoured tea yuck. Vimto is my life line, love the little pakistani/arab halal stores that carry it on its healing powers, growing up it was right there in importance to 7evenup's ability to cure stomach aches lol moussy sounds interesting...
  22. a hoax? that teaches me to think twice before posting, no sane person would do that to themselves. Performance art...! MMA, as a Muslim I am naturally against abortion. But the society in which I choose to live in, is far from ideal, where a persons understanding of their sexuality or gender is not bound by religious edict, but societal norms that can be transgressed. So,I don't blame them for fighting for the right to have abortions. And within this societal framework, I understand it. Understanding does not equate to acceptance.
  23. this is so exteremly unethical. when you argue for abortion as a woman's right to have control of her own life and body at a crucial moment of their lives is something else. but murder for art? thats simply effedup!
  24. ....um morale and satisfaction as others have said is a two way processes I was always under the impression that a successful marriage, consists of the man having the illusion of control. Both people are happier that way, man retains his fragile ego, and women run the show!