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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGBikSDv4nM&feature=related ...found a link on youtube. Ah! pool glad u posted this never knew about it until now. Like an ***** I missed his speech. THEY ARE TOOOOO CUTE! Ouh and you can see after the dap, he pats her butt nice way to end the hug and kiss, such young, supportive and loving gesture
  2. Oh I love that big smile, Obama has such a pleasing face, wouldn't mind staring at for a few hours. Obama is simply a proper politician, if that skin cancer ridden granpa wins...I will never step foot into the US...(except for cross border shopping ofcourse...buffalo might aswell be a part of Canada) People only need someone they can believe in, and they will become excited bout the democratic process... I truly envy you Americans! I hope this starts a trend up north, but I think our only other hope now is with Trudeau's son for the Liberal Party to make a comeback and attract the youth vote! Professors should not become politicians aka DION and Ignatieff
  3. Oh my god that was hysterical will comment further later
  4. Miriam1


    Juwairiah great name ! Oprah's been in the news lately something about her ratings going down because of her political support for Obama
  5. It is the silliest thing I have heard, I often go shopping across the border, and that scarf is all over. mainstreaming of violence?! that could be remotely possible if the scarfs came with a pamphlet of the do's and don't s of how to go about terrorism while being sold at Urban Behavior. Americans are really under siege from psychotic conservatives...
  6. I am curious to ask, was the first person who introduced you to Islam a Somali? I can't think of any other reason why you limit yourself so, when looking for partners. There is absolutely nothing special about Somali women, look beyond and find that person who fit. Listen good luck, but certainly like others said you need time off, a break to reevaluate your life and make some changes that benefit YOU.
  7. Your right, any serious worries over our ability to maintain tight control of our water resources is directly challenged by 'national treatment' clauses for investors from the united states and mexico under NAFTA. But I do think that in the current political atmosphere, not even the most pro-business conservative government will be brave enough to go against public opinion and start selling water in public domain to private companies. For instance take the refusal by British Colombia to sell water by bulk and thereby turning down a contract by the american company Sun Belt Co. which later sued them. This case has been ongoing for the last 10 years, and other than a most recent conservative government ( inshallah will come down) nothing has changed much in our public policy arena....why bother neigoating if no one is taking its most effy parts serious?
  8. Miriam1


    ^ Aliyah! and leave the pretty Toronto? free health care and all? could not never consider moving anywhere permanently...this city has grow on me. on the other hand might be willing to live in Turkey or Egypt temporarily
  9. Hey Justice, I just watched that series in the last few days on Youtube, pretty GOOOD. In terms of storyline its better than Bab al Hara Anyone remember this classic musalsal Al Mal Wal Banoon? Just heard theme song, and what a flood memory of best Ramadan and Eids! almost cried! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7p8USZz4Ls
  10. ouh Usher is back... Distintincly remember summer 2000, everything brand new...including music Santana ft. Rob Thomas - Smooth Fell in love with matchbox 20 there after...santana not so much
  11. Glad to be in the land of plenty atleast for water...Canada and its bottomless lakes It does seem like we are finally peering over the brink...watching the news earlier today and the UN reports that high prices for food will mostly likely continue for the next 10 years People in Brundi are now buying bread by the slice...
  12. Paficist loved your post, so many volunteer positions feel like endless drudgery for me, so I avoid them...but something as simple as that is so doable. I am not sure about the camps, will check out the video. However, when I was in hergaysa a year ago, I visited this local library the Ghandi library, I think the name was, but well my point is that, even though they had so little resources many of these young men and women would be in the library for hours reading. always wanted to donate all my university text books that I never resold, but how and the machinery of it all alludes me.
  13. So lacag ayaa dheereyso dadka miyaa? Ya MMA, did I say the M word (money) there is more to a comfortable life than such concerns; kindness and acceptance for instance...always preferred the rags to riches story line myself.
  14. looool I was watching that documentary with my brother, and every now and then..you would hear him say "alhamdulilallah" under his breath. I am sure he was thanking Allah for being 5'11 and still growing! Ofcourse short men get discriminated against...the example of China is one...its honestly hard to take a 5'4 man seriously. Lakin if the guy is equal to Tom Cruise in looks and ambition...who cares! worth giving up high heels ...for such a pretty face and a comfortable life.
  15. I would have to say Tawqa and Mujahid...their quips and ongoing debates with others was always entertaining.
  16. Miriam1


    ^ so this is how you accomplished this ridiculous amount of posts...walahi...plus its super annoying not to know what the original post was...hint one suicide...hint two clans based issue...
  17. Hyesterical blog Specially love, penicillin being older than Mccain Imagine he wins and from the sheer excitement of the moment gets a heart attack or a stroke, what a waste of "war hero" status
  18. Miriam Makeba is performing...wow Lucky... Hope AfroFest in Toronto will be this good
  19. He obviously has some psychological disorder. I wonder if he has fights with the cars, if the engines give out. Its strange how he gets all his emotional needs from an object...who does he confide in?
  20. your welcome justice. i was wondering do you know this musasal Layali Salihiya? not sure if its worth a watch. what is the storyline
  21. http://www.livearabictv.net/vb/showthread.php?t=82 Found another site with links to some series, mostly recent I think. This is a specific link to a musalsal, with Mena Shalaby and Yehia Fakharani. Nephthys, I don't think you will be able to find online streaming videos or torrents for that series, it might be alittle too old. I got copies of layali helmiya as a gift from local arab video stores in Toronto. Ps. Just saw links to Rafat Al Hagan...so I could be wrong.
  22. Urban that was an amazing musalsal,I specially loved the son's story line.
  23. I heard he later apologized "if" his comments were thought to be offensive...
  24. Ah yes I got to that part, hit the link and went to a specific musalsal...khaligee one. um but all i see is a description of the show and a small clip, are these streaming clips or downloads? Heena Misara had such a very very sad ending, but well acted and a realistic story. Another good movie is Chakat Masr Al Gedid, with Khaled Abul Naga.