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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. Has anyone seen Sarkar Raj? Can't find a copy with proper subtitles anywhere
  2. Consider this ...http://www.vsocan.org/display.aspx?pid=915&cid=919 edit: just noticed its for Canadians and Americans only...something similar should be available in the UK
  3. Interesting game, didn't favour one team over the other, but the Spaniards certainly tried their best in the first half and finally got it. Ibtisam, there is no clean slate, just heard the post game commentary for the game between Turkey and Germany, all those players with yellow cards from the last game wont be there...so they will be without Arda and I think Nihat as well...they will only have 11 or 12 players...pretty shocking if they win against the Germans.
  4. lool Lander too lucky why are you not joining in the celebrations!? benefits of living in the city...the suburbs suck
  5. LOL Nuune I do sound a bit too excited don't I? Honestly I love football only on the international level so between nation-states. EuroCup, Summer Olympics, World Cup..etc Oh and ofcourse any and all games played by TORONTO FC...hopefully will catch a game this summer at the BMO Field. Miracles..happen, I thought they were so gonna loose today, after I saw the last match Croatia played, they were seriously good. My theory on invisible angels still stands!
  6. strangely sweet that they wanted to have babies together, naive and awkwardly innocent ...incredibly sad on the other hand !
  7. Associated Press VIENNA, Austria -- Rustu Recber saved a penalty shot from Mladen Petric on Friday to send Turkey into the European Championship semifinals with a 3-1 shootout win over Croatia after a 1-1 draw through extra time. Arda Turan, Semih Senturk and Hamit Altintop scored for Turkey in the shootout. Luka Modric and Ivan Rakitic also missed their shots for Croatia, while Darijo Srna scored the team's only penalty. ...continued http://euro08.sportsnet.tsn.ca/story/?id=254&lid=headline&lpos=topStory_euro Forget the Celtics...this match was a proper heart attack waiting to happen!! 119 minutes of nothing and then BAMM Turkey wins..in the last 30 SECONDS As I said earlier on the sports page...After 3 games of such performance...(last minute winning) I have concluded that the only rational explanation is that Turkey has an army of invisible soccer playing angels on their side..(power to us muslims) ! Can Turkey beat the Germans?
  8. He was pretty amazing all through out, lost it with that one goal and totally redeemed himself by stopping that final penalty kick from the Croats...with their originally goalie out I honestly thought they had no chance tonight but don't they make things so interesting...everything happens when your about to pull your hair out !
  9. Nuune...what night honestly....a goal in the last 30 seconds...after the most frustrating 119 minutes of nothing!
  10. UnFREAKINGbelievable !!!!!! That's it...turkey is protected and aided by an invisible army of soccer playing angels...what else could explain it???!!! They WILL beat Germany
  11. TURKEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Two GOALS in TWO MINUTES!!!! YA ALLAH! *cutest moment, replacement goalie pleading like in a prayer with his hands up !! Explanation request...what happens now to the original goalie does he get to play against Croatia?
  12. no way ! wow, strange thing is father is still alive. I liked him.
  13. Skipper, Veer Zeera, is pretty good worth a watch, if only a bit to political for me
  14. There is absolutely no point arguing with you is there? I suppose if you declare it meaningless, it must be right! LOL Honestly, I found meaning in it, others did too, everyone comes here often at least once a week, why not add bit more to it? . But I guess all those posts might just be "only words on a screen" for you.
  15. ^ And it begins...juvenile replies that will litter the thread and bleed it of any meaning. Seriously a picture of a strange fat kid...in a sincere weight-loss thread? Ps. Urban that site was SUPER. Sista your right, but like others were saying, diet is important so I thought of it in that sense, on the calorie count. Kool...those gyms bleed you out, I think I spent 5 months at Ballyfitness last year and paid for a 12 month membership...its best to get it done yourself...only problem is when you reach a plateau. Serenity, I have a cousin like you, it is difficult for him, genetics!
  16. Here now, this is a supportive space, none of those crude jokes...seriously, does everything have to turn into a 8 page back and forth that amounts to nothing constructive?
  17. My brothers and sisters! haha. We should set a bit of a competition, I also need to loose weight, right now, I am about 45 pounds over my "ideal-weight" All that stress of examination and eating junk food whenever didn't help What I do now is that I walk about between one hour to 1:45 mins daily, I know its not good for me, but I am not a breakfast person and neither am I a late dinner person...so I tend to eat two full meals a day, and lots of tea, water and fruit juices in the middle. Um how should we go about this? Tally all the exercises we do daily, weekly? How many calories (HATE THIS) ?
  18. LOOL, what a pathetic man, going back to the man-made educational law to justify himself..he would make an exception for his own daughter, but other people's children could die ...the man has no soul...chickenshi*t
  19. This is BS, it's capitalist indoctrination to keep the workers passive! LOL..let's have worker's revolution take over factories like the Argentinians did and kick out the capitalist....bring in the multitude! Ouh who hasn't done the second one on the list, I usually get a silly request like that when I have a mountain of work, but I do say it ever so diplomatically
  20. Oh my that obama picture LOL...I can totally him seeing do that...kicking Bush's **** one's hes KING!
  21. lol no it is dude...they all are actors...its not a prank show, but a comedy
  22. its a tv show folks...called 911 Reno completely scripted
  23. It is important to get advice...but I must say I find it abit alarming that you reveal such intimate faults of members of your family on a public forum. Perhaps discretion is a good idea. That aside...you need to start behaving like a BROTHER to your sister and I say tell your parents, if they are paying for her education it is important for them to know. Good luck
  24. Miriam1

    Office people

    LOL Emperor, you can see that I am oldie on this site, tried out in my younger days...but as I get older the back and forth messaging gets on my nerves and once I start school or work I tend to disappear for a few months, I wouldn't want to leave a trail of broken hearts Stoic haha...lovely analogy
  25. Miriam1

    Office people

    lol I am not sure I would have hit anyone with a heavy monitor, except for my witch manager, but god have I fantasized about such rampages Too funny. Ps. Emperor hehe...yes SOL is a little bit of a flirt central zone, its healthy and harmless I suppose...